Friday, August 2, 2013

A Week In Review - August 3rd, 2013

            Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. If it is Saturday the it is time for ‘A Week In Review’. It has been a tremendous week, by any measure, though a stressful one, too. Unfortunately, this week, I totally lost one day. Real life encroached on my schedule and wiped out my Friday.


I am fighting a battle to keep a roof over my head. The building I have live in, for the past decade, was sold and I am being forced to move. You can read all about it, and my plans… and my needs. At my funding campaign over at Indiegogo. 9Just click on that blue link and it will take you there… WITHOUT moving from this page on m blog).


However, My Dear Readers, you need never fear. For as long as there is breath in these lungs, and I have my computer… I will be thrilled to write for YOU!


Now, with all that out of the way, and without further Adieu. I bring you one of my favorite regulars here at The Other Shoe‘A Week In Review’


  • Sunday Funnies July 28th 2013:  “Welcome Back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and July 28th’s edition of the ‘Sunday Funnies’. Today our star is my boy Alexander. After all, he is this houses’ star.” Alexander never fails to bring in the ‘Like’s. He is scheduled to be my star this weekend, too. He is the smartest and happiest rat… well, one of three. I have been so blessed with these little guys, over the past dozen years. First was Alice, then Nakita, followed by Nadia (The Princess of my stories) and finally Alexander. For everyone that might wonder, these rats are uncommon. They are not the ‘rattus rattus’ (the black ones that live on ships) nor are they ‘rattus norvegicus’ the common ‘street rat’. The rats that I own, and love dearly, are called Fancy Rats and have no scientific designation. They are common ‘pet rats’ of a breed first stated in Victorian England. These hearty little guys, and gals, were breed to fight! Not to fight each other… nope, but to fight dogs! Yes, DOGS! Terriers, to be exact. However, if and when my stories are printed… and they do well? I am marketing them (and patenting the name )’Rattus Superiorous’ For, in truth, they are superior.

  • The Dreaded Monday July 29th UPDATE!: “Welcome back My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today is an update in my continuing adventure “Where Will Dan Live?’ version 1.0. Today I went to the office, and met the representative of this new owner. She was quite tight, with the information, but I did gather enough to cause me some panic. We are to be notified, in writing, on Thursday. August 1st what fate will befall us.” This was a difficult article to write… and publish. I dislike… stronger… really dislike ( J ) having to ask for assistance or appear weak. Allen is always reminding me “Danny you are not weak.. you are diabled… and given the chance… ‘Bad’ people will take advantage… of you. I am ‘fighting the good fight’ and I will go toe-to-toe. However, I have legal people backing me… that is what I spent Friday ensuring. I still need to raise money. I still will have to move. (I do not want to stay and fight… thought the lawyer @ Legal Aid seemed to favor the idea of me doing just that) I want to find a new home; that is safe, one the first floor, and is ‘disabled friendly’

  • Secretary of State John Kerry Breaths Life Into Palestinian-Israeli Peace Talks! : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today, My Dear Readers, I have the joy of writing about a subject very dear to my heart. This particular subject is a subject that I have; read about, thought about, and talked about a great deal since I was a boy of six in 1963. The subject (that is so very dear to my heart?) is My Dear Readers, Israeli and Palestinian peace!” This is the direction I want to take my blog(s). No longer do I want to add to the din of hyper-partisnaship that has swept through our great nation like a plague of locust. It is my honest and heartfelt desire to talk about POLICY and not Politics. This change has come about by me listening to YOU! My Dear Readers, so many of you have told me (in comments and emails) you are all so very tired of the political partisanship that seems the lifeblood of the media. Granted, our Forefathers wanted partisanship in our Democracy. It was supposed to keep politicians true. However, I fear that it has been bastardized (by both parties) to the point that ‘partisanship’ no longer fills the need. Only ‘Hyper-Partisanship’ will do. I reject that premise and I have made a conscience change. Form this time forward I will work diligently to only talk about our nation’s policies and not point fingers anymore. Honestly, I have many people that I love and respect that are Republicans. I respect them, not in spite of our differences but because of them.

  • And, On A Happier Note From Danny : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and an afternoon posting. I just had to come back and write something less…. Beggy. Thing of it is? This adversity is bringing out the strong writer in me! Get this, since the first week in June I have written and published FIFTY articles. (50) I’m, sorry for that break there… I was just taking a moment to ‘Smell the flowers’. And, just that I did! I am so very happy that so many people come to read my work. I am; flattered, honored and (at times) beside myself with joy. I simply LOVE to write. I can do it all day… well, as long as my pain allows. I love seeing the ‘Like’s at the bottom fo each article as they go up and up. For the first time I am seeing ‘Like’ numbers in the Thirties and Forties and FIFTIES! Don’t think for a moment I don’t notice. Because? I DO! Thank YOU!”

  • 60 Day Notice And MORE Bad News: “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, I was having a nice day doing some laundry and eating a frozen burrito. Allen went down, to get the mail at the front desk, and they handed this Sixty Day Notice. No problem, we knew that was coming. We have been here more than a year, they have to give 60 day notice to vacate and a 30 day notice to raise rents. (remember I said that…)” This was a very difficult day for me. Writing this article… I honestly cried. My Dear Readers? I have lived in this place a decade! It may have brown water. It may not look like much on the outside. But… It was my home. Inside I have all my furniture (I had them move theirs out years ago )I have raised four of my children, under this roof. I hope and pray I find a better place to live, now. I had a very good and old friend that once told me this about myself… ‘Danny… you have a way about you. You can take a storm cloud and turn it inside out and make a sunny day.” If that is true about me. First, I thank God. Second, my father and mother. For without their love and guidance I could have never been the man I am today. Last, I take a little credit. Because it does not come naturally. Every time it is an effort… turning that storm cloud inside out. Some days I manage… some days I fail. I just hope when my last breath is breathed… and the score is tallied. More times than not, I have managed to turn that storm could inside out and brought a little sunshine into others people’s lives as well. 

  • Danny Hanning’s July 31st, 2013 Update : “Dear Family, Friends, Facebook & The Other Shoe Followers, I had hoped to take a day to rest. Just a morning and afternoon. My pain has become so intense, and now shoots through my face and jaw. IT has become the quite literally ‘Intractable’. In that it never fully resolves… quits. If I am awake, I am in pain, period. But I digress.” This was a very short article. Mostly just an update to tell all of YOU, My Dear Readers, I was alive and kicking and to please do not worry. See… My Dear Readers? YOU are very important to me. Your ‘Like’s… Your ‘Share’s… They are like a lifeblood to me. I live in a vacuum, in a small room… mostly alone. I have my Alexander and my caregiver and roommate, Glen Allen Gay. He works a lot… and hard to help support. However, most times of most days… I sit alone in a room 13x20. You mean the world to me, My Dear Readers. Never forget that.. . Please?

  • The Whittling of America – Part Two – Enclaves : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Welcome to Part Two of ‘The Whittling of America – Enclaves’. For those among you, My Dear Readers, that read my work often, or frequently. You’ll remember that I took an adventure last Tuesday, July 23rd . This adventure took me from my home here (for the moment) in Cypress, South to Disneyland and then finally to Rolling Hills Estates.” This is my best work, I feel. This article moved me so much… it took two articles to finish and over a dozen pages to complete. Yes, there may still be misspellings… an editor I do not have. I do my level best to proof read each and every article I write. However, there is this… ‘Writer’s Bane’. In that, once we write something… we cannot see our own flaws. If ever you have been a writer or and editor, of this I am sure you are familiar. I have; begged, pleased and prayed for an editor. I do my best without. NOW This article came from deep within me. Based on a trip I took to the doctor’s office. Innocuous, right? A truip to the doc? Not for me! If you haven’t read this work… well, what can I say. You should. In my humble opinion? It is some of the best work I have ever done. Nuff said?  

  • August 1st, 2013 Danny Update and VIDEO! : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today I am presenting a New Video! This is an updated video, and of better sound quality, too. Things just keep changing… mostly getting worse. More than anything in the world, My Dear Readers, I look forward to the time when I get back to just writing for fun! I am deeply sore, inside, from working to ingratiate myself in hopes of invoking your generosity for my campaign. Please do not misunderstand, I LOVE writing for you and entertaining and sharing. What pains me is the constant focus on raising money.” This article was built around a video I made. If you haven’t watched it? I think you should. We all are human. However, not many of us are willing to show it. I did. That is all I will say. 

  • The Whittling of America – Part Two – Enclaves Cont.: “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today I am going to continue my story from ‘The Whittling of America Part Two Enclaves’. I would like to thank everyone for all the ‘Like’s and sharing my last article. I am working to present the best content and entertain. I am currently working to garner support for moving. The building I have lived in, for the past decade, has been sold to foreign owners. They are acting in an intimidating fashion to several of the long term residents here, and two other disabled Americans in this building.” The second half of the article. This work means a lot to me. It came from the heart. It came from vision I saw, while on the road. As a young man, I criss-crossed this great nation of ours, twice. I have seen parts of this great nation of ours… I was privileged to see. From the ‘Grand Canyon’ to the Pacific Ocean’. From the ‘Heart-of-Texas’ to Pike’s Peak. I’ve had the honor and privilege to get to know this great nation of ours, intimately. As a writer… I see things others don’t… or try not to see. If I were to put this whole article into the fewest words possible? That would be it. This trip was nothing unusal. What I saw… in the sights.. in the people… was nothing short of moving and touching. If you haven’t already… it simply is a ‘Must Read’.

  • Daniel’s Angels August 1st, 2013: “Welcome to The Other Shoe and today’s edition of Daniel’s Angels. I have been… concerned… gravely concerned about.. my work.. my campaign… and it has hurt my health. Today?” Somewhere in the Bible it says “And the Last shall be first, and the first shall be last.” That is how I feel about this article. It may well be the last listed here, in this list, today. However, in my heart this article (and the person it honors) are first in my heart. Kathye Rogers Warfield has a very special place in my heart. I hardly knew here in High School (though I DID vote for her for Class President…at least once) she has been a TREMENDOUS contributor and asset. Her kindness and understanding seem to know no limits. She is what a ‘Good Christian’ should be. As well, as everything I have said so far. Kathye has been instrumental in a large change here @ The Other Shoe. Without meaning.. I offended Kathye. Again, I apologize Kathye, I never meant to ‘chase you away’. However, because she had the courage to explain to me my worng? I have made a conscience change to my blogs. No longer (I will try my best I promise) will I focus on Parties (political). It is my desire to focus on Policy and Change. Thanks to Kathye I have learned a hard and important lesson. If in writing what one believes, you offend the people you respect? You have cut off your nose, to spite your face. “Thank you Kathye for taking the time to show me the error of my ways.


And, with that, My Dear Readers, we come to the end of this article and to the end of the week. Looking up I see one thing. This week I was prolific! Eleven articles in seven days. This is a new record for The Other Shoe! Never before have I bent over this keyboard and produced this much work. My neck and back, my arms and hands feel it. Yes, My Dear Readers, I am racked with pain. However, doing it for YOU is a pleasure and the money, this week alone, is well worth the pain.

As always, My Dear Readers, it is an honor for you to visit and read my work. A deep honor I will never forget. When ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ hits bookshelves? You all can say “I’ve been reading Danny’s work for years at The Other Shoe. Again, “Thank you!” and may peace be with you, every day.   


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Daniel's Relocation and General Assistance Fiunding Canpaign

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