Friday, August 30, 2013

Indiegogo LIES!

            Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe.I am a fairly patient man, generally. However, I do not take well to being lied to, at all. Hang on, let me back up a bit. First; a deep and heartfelt “Thank you!” to all my funders. I would be in a terrible pickle if it were not for your kindness and support. Second; I have been reading a little about ‘crowd-funding’. I have discovered that I just might have made a heck of a lot more if I had used anyone but Indiegogo. Today, I found out WHY.


Today is August 30, 2013. According to the Indiegogo web site, my campaign’s page. The money was “distributed August 26th, 2013” said so on the web page, said so in an email I have kept a copy of. However, it is the 30th of August and neither myself or my bank have seen the money. I am pretty freaked out, I have to tell you.


First, I was totally planning on trying to move this weekend. Good thing I couldn’t find a place by now. See, this is the problem I have researched and found out about Indiegogo. They hang on to the money far too long, and make excuses. After lodging a complaint I get another email today saying that the FIRST email was a LIE.


They had the stones to send me an email telling me “your payment was triggered on the 29th…” So, that makes every other statement, IN WIRITING a complete and total LIE, correct? Am I missing anything?


I live ‘hand-to-mouth’ in a poor’ish part of town. Me, and my life, have already ‘slipped though the cracks’ ENOUGH for several lifetimes.  Therefore, come Monday morning I am lodging a complaint against Indiegogo with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. I really do not take to being lied to at ALL.


Sorry to put a damper on everyone’s holiday…. If I have, at that. Just rubs me the wrong way when they are taking HUNDREDS of dollars and not keeping honest in the process.


Hope you all have a wonderful holiday (it is Labor Day here in the States). Bloody hell if I know what that is all about anymore when people are getting paid $7.25 an hour or less. Labor, in America, right now = slavery plain and simple.  I have no problem talking  about that, what are they going to take from me? The rest of my health? ROFLMAO


As always, it is a great honor that you come here and read my words. I hope you have a very pleasant weekend..


Thank YOU!

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