Saturday, August 24, 2013

August 24th, 2013 Update on Danny

Dear Family, Friends and Followers at Facebook and at @ The Other Shoe,

Welcome, My Dear Readers, I’ve promised you to keep you informed. Told you I will ‘keep you in the loop’. Well, there’s a ‘Good’ to that and a ‘Bad’. I’ll let you decide on this one. Most of you know I am a gamer. Back in the early 90’s I kicked ass on Quake. There was time, during the first F.E.A.R. PC Game… well, I was #1 or a few weeks… ended #10 in the USA in a Worldwide Gamespy Tournament. For F.E.A.R..


During my prime I had one hellishly good trigger finer. I could clean out a whole server of players in a matter of minutes. As you might to be able to deduce, I am not the same gamer I used to be. We get old. Hell, everything gets old. So, I moved on to MMORPGs.


They still need coordination, and a good eye… and a very good mouse. My choice, for the better part of ten years, is a Razer Naga MMORPG mouse. I haven’t used my Razer Naga for some time. I has been sitting up on my computer table, gathering dust… and something else.

.Evidently, Alexander had taken to urinating on my mouse. Well, for whatever reason, he has been… I saw it a couple of times, wiped of the mouse.. thought nothing of it. Until, that is, today.


I decide to play a game… so I took out my Naga. Mind you I have logged thousands of hours playing on this mouse. Killed thousands of gamers… is a dozen different games. That Naga and I blazed a trail of death and destruction across the internet… for nearly a decade.


Well, I went to use the Naga. The left fire button is dead. Everything else, seems to work… I took it apart… I am trying to breathe life back into it…


The whole incident. The loss of my favorite gaming mouse… that I haven’t played in months. Today, it just hit home. What all my condition is taking away from me.


Damn neurological disease… bit by bit… piece by piece… it is taking away all there was of me. Now, I am powerful upset, right now. Without my favorite gaming mouse… I must now live. Loosing my home… no where to go…. Hello depression… I didn’t miss you.


 Daniel's Relocation and General Assistance Fiunding Canpaign

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