I hope that you all had a wonderful Saturday. That you enjoyed spending 'down-time' with those you care most for and that as you read this message there is a smile on your face. IMHO This is the epitome of what life can hold for us all.
For the past several days there has been a problem at my primary location of The Other Shoe. The images were corrupted, the icons and my avatar. I wrote three times, to the technical support, requesting assistance with this problem. I am quite pleased to announce, right here and right now, that this issue is being addressed while you read this!
I found this out by checking on said blog (I do this several times every day)… Now, I have (since 1995); designed web sites, built web sites, maintained web sites, and still have several (besides my blog) floating around the ether… to this day. However, I just saw a message, that for whatever reason, I have never seen before!
It is a 503 Error! When I went there this is part of what I saw:
“One of our maintenance bots decided to move the blog to a different database server. The operation is fully automatic and should take no more than five minutes. Please try again in a short while.”
“Fully automatic…”? I seem to remember complaining for several days about exactly the problem they are addressing. “move the blog to a different database server…”
The image database was obviously corrupted. So, long story short (too late, eh?) something tonight The Other Shoeat blog.com will be back! Once I see that it is back, and stable, I will be adding some images to articles I published today and yesterday. I did not post them originally because of the image problem. As well, I will be making changes to the right sidebar by adding some features and rearranging existing widgets. The last thing I will be doing… is perhaps the most crucial.
For the past six months, right after the first of the year, I adopted the current theme for my blog at blog.com. I am told that it makes The Other Shoe look like a certain Apple program. With the end of summer rapidly approaching I am making a nice transmission to a pre-holiday theme. I will be flipping through several, so if you drop by and it looks different each time? Don’t be surprised.
Last, I would like the feedback of you, My Dear Readers! Leave me a comment or use the Feedback feature of either blog. I genuinely value your input, My Dear Readers; some of you spend nearly as much time at my blog as do I. J
Tomorrow is Sunday and that means? ‘Sunday Funnies’! I haven’t picked out the video I will use… yet. I have a good idea, but I have yet to write the feature… so anything is possible. As always, I am honored by your visit. Hope your Sunday is as joyous as today.
Thank YOU!
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