Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lost in Space - The Messenger Mission

[caption id="attachment_3972" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Color Image of Mercury with Image of Messenger Overlaid Color Image of Mercury with Image of Messenger Overlaid[/caption]


(Color Image of Surface of Mercury with Picture of Messenger Overlaid)


Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today I am excited to bring you a Special Edition of ‘Lost in Space’. The ‘Messenger’ mission! NASA’s Messenger ((MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) mission was launched August 3rd, 2004. The Messenger spacecraft traveled 4.9 billion miles, including; 16 trips around the sun, two around Venus, and one fly-by of Earth, settled into orbit around Mercury in 2011.


My Messenger is reentered the news, of late, is that it is about to end the space flight part of its mission. Soon Messenger will be flown, deliberately, directly into the surface of Mercury. The graphic, below, is the whole Messenger mission by the numbers. It shows that, over the past eleven years, Messenger has; traveled Eight billion miles (the 4.9 mentioned above is just the distance from Earth to Mercury, the added 3.1 billion miles trajectory flights and orbits included), returned 255,858 images back to Earth, 35 million mages by the Mercury Laser Altimeter, 29 trips around the sun, 6 flybys of inner planets, 10 terabytes of information sent back to Earth, while traveling 8 billion miles at an average speed of 97,730 mph.


[caption id="attachment_3975" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Messenger Mission by the Numbers Messenger Mission by the Numbers[/caption]


(Messenger Mission by the Numbers)


In this article today, My Dear Shoevians, I will share some of the most incredible images, from the (and related to) the Messenger mission, I was able to find. With over 250,000 images sent back to earth I took me some time to filter through and find the very best to share. However, today I am in incredible pain in my neck… … no, writing for you, My Dear Shoevians, is not a ‘pain in the neck’. It is just that I have not received any treatment since my two falls… and my neck is pretty wracked up. I mention this to ask for your indulgence, when it comes to my writing and narrative. It is just that it might not be up to snuff. Please bear with me, thank you.


While sorting through all the images, one of the things that really struck me was the timely names for features. Below, is a very close image (only 50 meters above the surface) of Lennon Crater. Yes, it was named after famed Beatles musician, John Lennon. There is a Tolkien Crater, too. The black and white image, below, was taken during a low orbit flyby January 2008.


[caption id="attachment_3974" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Lennon Crater Mercury taken by Messenger Spacecraft Lennon Crater Mercury taken by Messenger Spacecraft[/caption]


(Lennon Crater Mercury taken by Messenger Spacecraft)


For our next image, My Dear Shoevians, I picked a wonderful sunlit image of Mercury’s southern hemisphere. The Wide Angle Camera (WAC) of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) of the Mercury spacecraft took the image October 2, 2013. It reminds me of a very famous image, taken during the Apollo moon missions of my boyhood. It is these types of images that help to invoke awe and wonder at our solar system, in our youths and the public. This awe and wonder helped initially catapult mankind from the surface of the earth. Motivated mankind to leave our cradle and head outward into our solar system… and beyond.


[caption id="attachment_3978" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Sunlit Side of the Planet Mercury Sunlit Side of the Planet Mercury[/caption]


(Sunlit Side of the Planet Mercury)


Well, My Dear Shoevians, you are in for quite a treat today. During my search of images from Messenger at Mercury I stumbled upon a video! This video, made by NASA, is of a low altitude flyby by Messenger of the southern hemisphere of Mercury. Directly below this paragraph is an image that shows the path of Messenger during the video. I sat and watched this video, time and time again, then decide I simply must share. It is moments, like thee, when I remember/understand why I started these blogs… and why, in spite of terrible pain… and great emotional upset, I continue.


[caption id="attachment_3977" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Mosaic Showing Messenger Path During Video Mosaic Showing Messenger Path During Video[/caption]


(Mosaic Showing Messenger Path During Video)


And, what edition of ‘Lost in Space’ would be complete without a video? You know, My Dear Shoevians, I search a lot of bogs… and media… and web sites as I comb for content, images and do my research. I have to tell you that I do not find many publications that have videos. I am one of the very few blogs that include videos of the topic they are presenting. Therefore, My Dear Shoevians, you can consider yourselves very fortunate that you come here for your reading pleasure!


(Video of Low Altitude Flyby Mercury's Surface)


Just so you, My Dear Shoevians, are emotionally prepared, we are reaching the end of this edition of ‘Lost in Space’. I would like to take a moment and post an apology. I would like to apologize for the absence of ‘The Mars Report’ from this week’s line-up. I know a great many of you, My Dear Shoevians, greatly enjoy that weekly article series. I was not remiss n this, nor am I bereft of images or discoveries to share. Quite honestly, ‘The Mars Report’ was just this week’s casualty of my growing pain. I deeply apologize for this shortcoming, and promise to do my best to deliver next week. However, if I am feeling better… later in the week, I will do my best to correct this shortcoming. Thank you.


Our very next image was created by overlaying the spectral analysis results from the Mercury Atmosphere and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS)[6] on to a monochromatic mosaic. The spectral analysis was done with the Visual and Infrared Spectrometer (VIRS) portion of MASCS. Whereas the monochromatic mosaic was taken with wide- and narrow-angle cameras that make up the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)[7]. The result was the incredible image I have shared, below.


[caption id="attachment_3973" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Unmasking the Secrets of Mercury Unmasking the Secrets of Mercury[/caption]


(Unmasking the Secrets of Mercury)


As always, My Dear Shoevians, I have done my best to save the best for last. As I researched, eliminated images, laid out the page design, and finalized the look of this edition of ‘Lost in Space’ I kicked around two images that I felt were the best. Images with the great visual impact, images that speak to a viewer, and images that convey the sense of “awe and wonder” that I mentioned at the beginning of this article. These are the images I like best to save for last. You see, My Dear Shoevians, I want the last image you see in this article to be one that sticks with you. Images that stick with you for, the rest of today, into tomorrow and for days… weeks... months and years to come. That is what I am working to achieve. I am deeply saddened that America has given up on manned space flight.


[caption id="attachment_3976" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Artist’s Concept of Messenger Reaching Mercury Artist’s Concept of Messenger Reaching Mercury[/caption]

(Artist’s Concept of Messenger Reaching Mercury)


Terribly frustrated that Americans have not placed our flag on another terrestrial surface, in my lifetime. It is a failure, in my opinion. However, rather that cry into my Wheaties I have taken it upon myself to try to motivate change. Perhaps if the images I share are enjoyed by young people, all around America. Maybe… just maybe one of these young people takes these images, and that sense of “awe and wonder” at our solar system, with them on their life’s journey to… public service, elected office, NASA, and maybe ever… just even… the White House. Then, just maybe, mankind.. Americans will reenter space… themselves.


[caption id="attachment_3979" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Data Suggests a Reoccurring Meteor Shower Strikes Mercury Data Suggests a Reoccurring Meteor Shower Strikes Mercury[/caption]

(Data Suggests a Reoccurring Meteor Shower Strikes Mercury)


With that, My Dear Shoevians, I leave you to the rest of your Wednesday. As always, it has been my pleasure to bring these wonderful and awe inspiring images to you via ‘Lost in Space’ and my blog(s) The Other Shoe. All I ask, in return, is that if you have enjoyed your visit? Please share my blog(s), this work, and my dreams with; friends, family, social acquaintances, and loved ones. What greater gift can one give that the gift of “awe and wonder’?



Going out with a 'bang,' our MESSENGER mission came to a planned, but nonetheless dramatic, end today when it slammed into Mercury’s surface at 3:26 p.m. EDT. The spacecraft's impact at about 8,750 mph created a new crater on the planet’s surface. Among its many accomplishments, the mission determined Mercury’s surface composition, revealed its geological history, discovered its internal magnetic field ish offset from the planet’s center and verified its polar deposits are dominantly water ice. Details:

See you all, soon.


Thank you!



[caption id="attachment_3856" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015 Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015[/caption]

© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Death of 'American Exceptionalism'

[caption id="attachment_3963" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Statue of Liberty Statue of Liberty[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. It is with a heavy heart, and with much trepidation, I write this article and bring it to you, My Dear Shoevians. The title, alone, took me weeks to… discover. While I wanted to draw in readers, I felt a responsibility to convey the seriousness of the problem, without scaring readers away. I am a proud American, proud Texan, and proud journalist. I cannot tell you just how many times, in any given day, these three convictions clash. It is more times, in a given day, than I find comfort.


While other boys, in my Texan neighborhood, were out playing ball… swimming in the local pool… or getting into trouble, I was reading. Since the age of six my mother kept her sons inside during the summer months. It was not until I was in my 20’s that I read an article, and discovered why. My mother kept four boys inside during the summer, until I was nearly a teen, each and every year and I had no idea why until she had passed.


The fear had started long before I was born; however, it came to a head just a year before I was born. In Cork Ireland, during the summer of 1956, the number of cases of polio reached 499. It was the highest incidence of polio infection since 1904. The news rocked the world, and reverberated throughout America. In the South mothers started keeping their children inside all summer. My mother was horrified Danny might end up back in leg braces. (IT is a little known fact I was born with misshapen leg bones. I wore metal braces on both my legs until I was five years old).


[caption id="attachment_3964" align="aligncenter" width="630"]1958 Children’s Polio Clinic in Cork, Ireland 1958 Children’s Polio Clinic in Cork, Ireland[/caption]


(1958 Children’s Polio Clinic in Cork, Ireland)


My mother was scared to death one of her sons would end up with polio, so the Hanning boys spent much of the summer locked up in the house reading. At the beginning of the summer, and I am talking just days after we came home for summer break, Mom would take us to the library and told us to check out as many books as we were allowed. On that day I would come into my bedroom, with a stack of books that covered my face, and put my books in a corner. Each day I would move books from one corner, and once read, to another corner of the room. Twelve. Twelve was the number of books I checked out on the first day of each and every summer till I was 13.


Three weeks later, my mother would take me back to the library. Back to return the 12 books I had finished, and to check out 12 more. From six to thirteen my mother and I made five trips to the library, each and every summer. All because my mother was scared to death her little Danny would end up with braces on his legs… again.


I still read every single day, what time I am not now writing. Unlike the 60’s, today I find myself greatly distressed by what I read. Six months ago, I was reading some articles at some financial web site. I think it was the CNN Financial pages. In one article I learned; in 1870 England was designated ‘World’s Largest Economy’. I kept reading and discovered that, in 1872 America was designated ‘World's Largest Economy’. America had quite a run, with this title. America holding this title, year after year, decade after decade. This run on this distinguished title was one of the reasons we were all raised with the idea of ‘American Exceptionalism’[2].In October of 2014 America was robbed of this distinguished title by China[3]! China 'overtakes U.S. as the the world's largest economy': IMF says economy is now worth £11 trillion as America falls into second place for the first time since 1872[4]


‘American Exceptionalism’ is alive and well all through our Southern states. In beer halls and VFW halls, in hair salons and PTA meetings, and in churches and schools, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters proudly speak of ‘American Exceptionalism’. I was raised believing in ‘American Exceptionalism’. It is my unfortunate duty to inform you, My Dear Shoevians, that… while our cumulative backs were turned? “American Exceptionalism’ became a euphemism without merit. That while some Americans may still, wrong-headedly, believe that America is (somehow) exceptional juxtaposed to other nations. It is no longer true.


From 1872 until 2014 America held the title of “World’s Largest Economy”. I just thought that bears repeating. Now, My Dear Shoevians, I am very aware that some of you might be pretty disturbed by the demise of ‘America Exceptionalism’. Continuing, if this article has, already, rubbed you the wrong way? Well, if that is the case you might well want to skip the rest of this article. However, as a writer… a journalist… as your friend I suggest that you keep reading this article. Things are not going to get any better, for America, in the rest of this article. Yet, I am convinced that it is better to keep reading and conclude this article more informed. Even more important, how can we as Americans stand a chance of regaining our title if we have yet to come to grips with loosing the title? The answer is, none.


Oh, and while we are on the topic of financial prowess, I regret to inform you, My Dear Shoevians, that China (stole from America) still holds the title of ‘Fastest Growing Economy on Earth’[5] . With China holding duel financial titles, that America held for generations, we will be hard pressed to regain those titles and regain the mantle of ‘American Exceptionalism’.


The days of double digit growth are over. China will be lucky to grow over 7%. Despite that, China will continue to be the world’s fastest growing major economy this year and next, and arguably into 2016 as well, says Bill Adams, senior international economist for PNC Financial in Pittsburgh.”[6]


As I warned you, My Dear Shoevians, above the news will only get worse and worse as this article progresses. As far as financial news I have, unfortunately for you, saved the worst for last. Please do not shoot the messenger. K? Let me lead you all into this a little slowly, so as to avoid culture shock. For as long as I can remember we Americans have made fun... made light of… based comedy sketches on our funny speaking neighbors to the north. Canadians.


Yes, for generations we America have had many a good laugh at the expense of our neighbor to the north. We made fun of the way they speak. We have made fun of their Royal Mounties (the ‘Rocky & Bulwinkle Show’ regularly got laughs thanks to Canadians). From ‘The Rocky & Bulwinkle Shoe’ to ‘Saturday Night Live’ and everywhere in between (including ‘South Park’) Americans and American comedians have made bank making fun of the Canadian people. That changes today!


Today because it was today when I was made aware of the following, disturbing, factoid. Well, actually, it is more like several factoids. While (sorry) faux snooze was pumping up America’s cumulative self-esteem, reality outpaced their propaganda. Now, you will never hear what I am about to tell you on faux snooze… you will hear it from ME! I have never wanted a relationship with my readers (you, My Dear Shoevians) based on falsehoods. I have no appetite for lies… falsehoods… or being disingenuous. My relationship with you, My Dear Shoevians, may trouble you at times, but you can rest assured that I will never lie to you!


Here is the disturbing news about our neighbors to the north, Canada. (Ummm, we may well want to stop making fun of them, too) Here it IS! Canada’s Middle Class now are wealthier than America’s Middle Class! Here is what I am reading, from several sources.


“The American middle class, long the most affluent in the world, has lost that distinction.”[7]


“After-tax middle-class incomes in Canada — substantially behind in 2000 — now appear to be higher than in the United States. The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans.”[8]


“The numbers, based on surveys conducted over the past 35 years, offer some of the most detailed publicly available comparisons for different income groups in different countries over time. They suggest that most American families are paying a steep price for high and rising income inequality.”[9]

OK, let’s take a few moments to gain your composure. I am right here… holding your hand, My Dear Shoevians. Now, I know that this is all coming a quite a shock… to some of you. I understand that this information can be quite troubling, I understand. I, on the other hand, I have read the writing on the walls for the better part of a decade. I first became aware of this growing troubles as far back as 1996. The depth and breadth of the growing reality started coming in to sharper focus as early as 2003. In 1996 I moved from the health care industry, I was a State Board Register Pharmacy Technician in; acute care, clinical care, retail and home health care. Today, I realize that if I had stayed in medicine I could well have missed the signs.


OK, now I have given you all a moment to regain your composure… let me continue. If you haven’t been seated, so far, it might be best if you sat down now. Are you ready? Here is what is coming next in a nutshell.


Canadians pay lower college tuition, cheaper medical care and less income inequality. What is the US doing wrong?”[10]


Hang on… sit down… put your head between your knees… breath in deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take a moment. … … … You OK? Alright, now I will start unpacking the statement I quoted above. While America was busy shuffling the majority of the gains of the recovery to the 1% and the 0.02% Canada was taking care of Average Canadians! What a novel concept, eh?


However, before I go further into what Canada is doing right, let me outline what America is doing wrong! In two graphs thanks to the New York Times. (Yeah, funny place for ME to be researching info, huh?)


Other countries’ middle class incomes have grown since 2000. The United States’ has not. Here is a chart of SIX other major nations showing their INCREASE in median income since 2000. America ranks LAST (a trend you will see more and more in this article).


Britain 19.7%

Canada 19.7%

Ireland 16.2%

Netherlands 13.9 %

Spain 4.1%

Germany 1.4%

United States 0.3% [11]

Conversely, in America all of the financial gains since the recovery have been concentrated at the TOP in America. Of all the nations included in these studies, Canada has seen… not only have incomes increased. At the same time Canada’s costs have decreased!


[caption id="attachment_3958" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Increases in Income in America ONLY at Top Increases in Income in America ONLY at Top[/caption]

(Increases in Income in America ONLY at Top)



Now, for those that are not as good with graphs and graphics, and I was not always ‘good’ with these thigns… honestly I had to get better with graphs and graphics for financial data when I started working as a senior manager for a Beverly Hills Real Estate Management Group (‘Domino Realty’ of Beverly Hills). First, income disparity Canada as compared to America. Here is a salient sentence that I think will help put this into perspective.


Median after-tax income for a family of four in both Canada and the United States hit $75,000 in 2010 and as later income surveys show that Canadians have earned larger wage gains than their counterparts south of the border in the years since then, Canadian income now is ahead of that in the US. The gap is even wider further down the wealth ladder.”[13]


Now, My Dear Shoevians, ‘wealth’ is about more than just income. To put in the simplest terms, it is like the difference between Gross income and Net income. While Americans have not experienced the same gains in income, our Canadian brothers are also facing smaller costs!


Let’s be honest, My Dear Shoevians, if Americans were not just getting the same level of wage increases, as Canada, and it ended there… well, I just wouldn’t have a story with the same importance. Nope, while Canadians are outstripping of wages by 16%+ in the past decade, they are also experiencing lower; taxes, health care costs, and tuition costs. That is what adds UP!


Canada seems to realize this: that’s why the government subsidizes the vast majority of the tuition tab. Today, if a Canadian teenager gets into Queen’s, McGill or Dalhousie, or one of any number top universities, their tuition will still set them back only $6,500 a year or so. Princeton, analogous in status to Queen’s or McGill? Next year’s tuition bill will be $40,170.”[14]


Therefore, once Canada’s college graduates hit the market place, they are getting paid more than their American counterparts. But, also (and more importantly from what my niece tells me) these graduates turned professionals are paying a FRACTION in repaid tuition. Graduates/Professionals are making more money upon entering their field and they are paying out (loosing) less of that income paying back banks and skyrocketing tuitions and interest rates.


Ok, so keeping score. Canadians (over the past decade) on average are taking home more of the benefits of the recovery and paying less for their (or their children’s) educational expenses. I really wish that I could end it here… that this was all the ‘Bad News’. Alas, I am not yet done and there is yet one more bit of ‘Bad News’ for Americans. Now, for the final part of the puzzle. My Dear Shoevians, when I finish this first part about the Canadian Middle Class becoming richer than America’s Middle Class? I still have one more section to this article. The last section will be the last area where we have lost our “American Exceptionalism’. Hang in there!


SO, to recap, Canadian incomes have increased by about 19.7% over the past decade, while American incomes have increased only 0.3%! While American students are paying crippling tuition and interest rates, our northern brothers Canadians have the majority of the tab picked up by their Federal Government and are paying 0% interest rates on the monies barrowed. BOY, I hope my niece Jessica is reading this article. Hey, Jess? Can you imagine paying only $40K for your whole educational tab... and 0% interest???


For our next field of humiliation, let us compare Health Care Costs between Canada and America. Canada, like all the other industrialized nations on the planet (except America), have a ‘Nationalized Health Care System’. That means that to go to your Primary Care Physician is only a co-pay and no monthly premium taken out of your check. Say you need a major surgery? That is covered by your nation’s single payer nationalized health care system. As if I need to go on more about the lower health care costs, I simply cannot leave out the fractional cost of prescription medicines, as compared to America. NO premiums, low co-pays, cheap medications all add up BIG! Rather than go on with more and more statistics (I still have the LATER part of this article to go), let me put the health care costs into perspective with ONE chart.


[caption id="attachment_3957" align="aligncenter" width="630"]World Health Organization National Ratings 2013 World Health Organization National Ratings 2013[/caption]

(World Health Organization National Ratings 2013)


America has the highest per capita expenditures for health care and rank from fifth to ELEVENTH in the world. Re-cap; Canadians (on the whole, especially the Middle Class) are: getting paid more, paying less for health care and related health care expenses. So, Canadians are taking home larger paychecks, paying less for health care for themselves and their children and when those children decide to get a college education? Regardless of if it is the parents that pay, or the children, when hey graduate their burden is a fraction of what we pay in America.


[caption id="attachment_3962" align="aligncenter" width="630"]US Health Care Ranks Last Among Wealthy Countries US Health Care Ranks Last Among Wealthy Countries[/caption]


These are the factors that have pushed America’s Middle Class BEHIND Canada’s Middle Class. Hard working; teachers, dentists, veterinarians, firemen, policemen and construction workers are ALL better off living within the borders of our Northern Neighbor… than here at home in America. America the old home of “American Exceptionalism’.


Now, My Dear Shoevians, I have laid out the crippling disparity in income equality between America and our European and Canadian brethren. Showed how China has stolen our long-held titles of “World’s Largest Economy” and ‘Fastest Growing Economy”. Outlined how Canadians earn more, and take more home. Outlined our nation’s financial failures, and saddening income inequality. These are huge factors that degrade our nation’s international standing, and tarnish our “American Exceptionalism’. Now, My Dear Shoevians, I have one final area of failure I simply must share with you. Again, this whole task sickens me. However, if we are ever able to regain our ‘American Exceptionalism’ we simply must face all our failures. Here is the last straw.




Education is how to make sure we’ve got a workforce that’s productive and competitive”

—President George W. Bush


Education is an economic issue when nearly eight in 10 new jobs will require workforce training or higher education by the end of this decade. Education is an economic issue when we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that countries that out-educate us today will outcompete us tomorrow”.

—President Barack Obama


As a boy, and later as a young man, my father stressed the importance of “good education”. IF often told me that he would rather his children received a good education, than have fun during their school years. “In life you have only two choices. You can work hard of you can work smart.” He grew up working hard, and had a deep desire that his children would grow up and work smart. He would spend whole evenings, after getting home from his job in Houston, sitting with me doing homework and drilling spelling tests.


My father took a personal interest in my education. Not limiting my education to just school, he would take me into the garage (where he ran his own ‘T.V./Radio/Appliance Repair’ business – K & M Electronics). There, in the garage, my father taught me; Morse code, how to read electronic schematics, resistance, capacitance, ‘Ohms Law’, the “West Virginia Formula’ [W=V/A], and the ‘Rules of the Road’ for Ham Radio broadcasting. Starting in Houston and continuing into Pearland, my father (on weekends and holidays) would have me help him run “Phone Patches’. With his ham radio set-up he would connect to Radio Operators at forward bases in Vietnam. With the information he gave me I would call the parents of a serviceman in Vietnam. Once on the line we would connect the parents on the telephone to their son on the ham radio.


I cannot count the times we connected worried parent with their sons serving at and near frontlines all over Vietnam. It was a very rewarding feeling to help families connect from halfway around the world. My father did not get his high school diploma until after he served in our military during World War 2. He did not have the education he wanted, until later in life. I do not know if he worked with Ken or Darrell, the way he worked with me on homework and studies. All I know is that I was extremely grateful I grew up with a father that valued my education, and educational opportunities.


As a boy… a young man… and an adult I have taken advantage of every single educational opportunity I encountered. In 1989, after my head injury (a typewriter fell thirty feet and struck me in my head and cervical spine), I entered in a technical training program for Pharmacy Technician. I graduated Valedictorian of my class with the very first 4.0 GPA, in five years of the school’s history. Upon graduation, and acceptance at Long Beach Memorial Hospital, I was offered an open-ended opportunity to come back and teach. Since that time I have taken courses in, Unix from A.T.& T., Hexadecimal and Electronic Switching Systems (used by all the phone companies at the time) from Star-Tel here in Irvine, CA and in business automation from my (then) mentor Ginger Lindberg (who worked for Mohawk Data).


I have been very lucky to have educational opportunities span my lifetime. My father taught me basic electronics, but I taught myself all about constructing and repairing home computers, even building three of my first computers from parts. Education is not only important for the individual, it is important for a workforce and a nation. I, and my contemporaries, were very fortunate to grow up in a nation (and a state, Texas) that placed a high value on education and it showed. It showed with America leading all other industrialized nations in; mathematics, science, and reading comprehension. These educational opportunities and standards, of the late 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, were instrumental in America’s international standing and in our perception of ‘American Exceptionalism”. That is not the case, today.


My Dear Shoevians there is no “American Exceptionalism” without education. The workforce for the twenty-first century must be proficient in; mathematics, scientific principals, and reading comprehension. So that everyone can follow along, let me start with the basics, overall proficiency (quality) of a nation’s educational system. The chart, below, is from 2012 and compares the quality of the educational system in 29 countries. America rates TWENTY-SIXTH (26) out of twenty-nine (29) countries. America is BEHIND; Barbados, Costa Rica, Lebanon, Malta and Austria.


[caption id="attachment_3955" align="aligncenter" width="460"]2012 Educational System Ratings by Country 2012 Educational System Ratings by Country[/caption]


(2012 Educational System Ratings by Country)


Now, My Dear Shoevians, this fall did not happen over night. It took America generations to build up our educational system to the high point I was fortunate enough to take part. The fall… roughly corresponds to the dominance of the Republican Party, starting in 2000. With a trend starting with President George W. Bush, and continuing through our Republican controlled Congress, less and less funding goes to education. States, with Republican controlled State Houses, continue this trend of under funding public education. Punishing teachers unions, and blaming teachers for failing students. Cut monies, and then blame teachers for the failures of students and their parents. Remember, my education did not stop at the schoolroom door. It continued into my home, into the garage and even in Boy Scouts on camping expeditions.


So, the current Quality of the American Educational System puts us at 26th in a survey of 29 countries. I say that it hasn’t always been this bad, but do I have any evidence to back up my claims? Glad you asked. Here is a chart that shows America’s educational standing in; science and math from 2000 to 2012.


National Rankings by the National Center for Educational Statistics


  • 2000: the U.S. scores ranked 14th among the 28 OECD countries and 14th of 32 total nations.

  • 2003: 19th among 30 OECD countries and 22nd among 41 overall.

  • 2006: 21st among 30 OECD countries and 27th among 57 overall.

  • 2009: 17th among 34 OECD countries and 23rd among 65 overall.

  • 2012: 20th among 34 OECD countries and 28th among 65 overall.


  • 2000: the U.S was 18th among 28 OECD countries and 19th of 32 total nations.

  • 2003: 24th among 30 OECD countries and 27th among 41 overall.

  • 2006: 25th among 30 OECD countries and 35th among 57 overall.

  • 2009: 25th among 34 OECD countries and 31st among 65 overall.

  • 2012: 27th among 34 OECD countries and 36th among 65 overall.[16]


[OCED stands for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development]


This chart shows that, just over the past twelve years, America’s standing in mathematics has slipped from 14th to 34th. In science America has slipped (during the same period of time) from 1`8th to 34th. Now, My Dear Shoevians, one could counter that this is just one ranking done by one organization and (therefore) proves little to nothing. There is a kernel of truth in that line of thinking. Therefore let me share with you, My Dear Shoeivans, more charts with more statistics and let’s see if there really is a downward trend.


[caption id="attachment_3956" align="aligncenter" width="630"]2012-2013 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012-2013 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)[/caption]

(2012-2013 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)


Now, I was unable to locate a chart (by PISA) that shows a decade in review. However, if we look closely to this chart from 2012/2013 we can clearly see America ranks; 31st in Mathematics, 24th in science and 21st in reading comprehension. Not shown on the chart is that America slipped from; 25th to 31st in math since 2009; from 20th to 24th in science; and from 11th to 21st in reading, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[17]


I do not mean to alarm anyone, but I would like to draw everyone’s attention to the top line of the graph above in all three categories. The Number One slot in; Mathematics, Science and Reading Comprehension is Shanghai-China! Ok, let me do a little article-related mathematics. In this article I have showed evidence that China has displaced America as “World’s Largest Economy”, “Fastest Growing Economy” and now #1 in mathematics, Science and Reading Comprehension. I do not believe that these factors are mutually exclusive. Meaning, it do not think it is any coincidence that the nation that leads in math, science and reading also leads in economic growth and size. These factors are not mutually exclusive and they show a direct correlation between leading in education and leading in economic might.


Educational Performance 15 year Olds in Top 40 Nations

(Educational Performance 15 year Olds in Top 40 Nations)


In our final chart for this article I have scrounged up a chart that shows the ranking of the top forty nations in math and science comparing 2006 and 2012. In both categories America ranks below the OECD average, and drops in both categories, too. My Dear Shoevians, it simply must be crystal clear (by now) of the linkage between our failing educational system and our failure in “American Exceptionalism”. We have to put and end to education taking the back seat, or last seat, when it comes to funding our states’ educational systems and our educational national priorities.


If we do not work to make these changes now, it will be too late all too soon. I have worked very hard to provide you with the most up-to-date statistics, charts and information. This is a very high priority for me, and it needs to be for our next; President, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader, Majority of the House and Majority of the Senate. Any other decisions will place the future of our nation, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in peril. This is not hyperbole, this is factual eveidence present with passion and conviction.


Thank You!




[caption id="attachment_3856" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015 Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015[/caption]

© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Monday, April 27, 2015

A Week in Review - April 26th, 2015

.Unstable Star Eta Carinae


                              Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. First, let me apologize for the tardy nature of this article. Most weeks I, regularly, publish this weekly review on Sunday. However, this Sunday I was knee-deep in the publication and promotion of my first and best political editorial article in many months. Titled ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome – Diagnosis and Cure’ the article outlines the dubious nature of three of the most popular ‘scandals’ to infect our national political dialogue. I say “infect” because… well, as I explain in the article I am genuinely convinced that Americans (well, a small ‘sect’ of Americans) are falling prey to a type of “linguistic virus”.


When infected, the virus attacks the neural pathways associated with reason and common sense. This, thereby, renders the listener incapable of discriminating propaganda from 'news'. Subjects find themselves in a highly suggestible state, so the loudest and angriest voice can overpower their critical thinking skills. This is a theory that I have been working on for a good many years and discovered during observations on Facebook and other social media. So far, I am pretty much the lone wolf with this theory, however, I am quite bereft to (otherwise) explain the actions of many intelligent and good-hearted Americans I have known for years.


You, My Dear Shoevians, can read this article by clinking on the link above… or here: ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome Diagnosis and Cure’. I had really hoped to present ‘A Week in Review’ on time but found myself in the middle of a vortex of real time developments in the most recent ‘Clinton-Hate’ motivated ‘scandal’. You might know it as the ‘Clinton Cash’ scandal, so named after the unpublished book of the same name. Authro, of said work, was on ‘This Week’ on Sunday where he repeatedly admitted that he has no evidence whatsoever of any wrong doing on the part of the Clintons, but feels (regardless of the FACTS) that there “must be an investigation”.


Perhaps he feels this way because he knows that in an election of this magnitude the appearance of impropriety in just as damning as proof. A self-described ‘Conservative’ write, I am sure that he is fully aware that many prominent Republicans have stated their party has little chance against a Hillary Clinton run for the Presidency. This has been spoken by everyone from Newt Gingrich to Jeb Bush, in one form or another. How better to level the playing field than to smear an upstanding life-long public servant that with a dubious and unsupported (by facts) ‘cash for influence’ scandal.


Now, that is enough of that topic for the moment, on with ‘A Week in Review’. I am very proud to announce that, in the previous week, I manage to write, edit and publish another Five articles here at The Other Shoe. That makes two weeks running I have managed to hit my mark uninterrupted. Not so sure about the upcoming weeks, as I have several unavoidable doctor appointments and scans that I must attend. With that in mind I would like to begin our look backward over the past week of publications.


Without further adieu, I give you ‘A Week in Review’!



[caption id="attachment_3579" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Alex Eating Yogurt Chips Alex Eating Yogurt Chips[/caption]


  • Sunday Funnies – Homage to Alexander R Hanning“Welcome back My Dearest Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today, as promised, I am here to present… to honor the lifetime’s contributions of Master Alexander R. Hanning. Most of you, My Dear Shoevians, and the world first met Alex right here in an edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’. I had the privilege and honor of knowing, and loving, this great rat his entire life. Starting to research this article, and put together images of Alex at many ages, I almost lost it. I would start to cry… then weep at his passing and my loss.” My Dear Shoevians it still just slays me, each and every time I think of him… see videos of him… pictures of him… or think of him. Alexander has left a HUGE HOLE in my soul… and it pains me to no end. Gryphon is working hard to fill the void… he is very dear to me, already, and plays with me every morning without fail. This one is the hardest… since Nakita. It pains me so…



[caption id="attachment_3906" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Curiosity Self-Portrait at 'Mojave' Site on Mount Sharp Curiosity Self-Portrait at 'Mojave' Site on Mount Sharp[/caption]


  • The Mars Report – April 20th, 2015 – “On April 16th 2015, the 957th Martian day, just days ago Curiosity past the ten kilometer (6.214 mile) mark on its trek on the Martian surface. Arriving at Pahrump Hills the rover Curiosity took an incredible panoramic image. Below we can see this panoramic image, taken by the Navcam (Navigational Camera), this shows us the sandy floored valley Curiosity must pass through next. This path will take Curiosity higher on Mount Sharp for further excavation, experimentation and some more incredible images of the Martian surface.” The publication of this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ comes hot on the heals of a major accomplishment for the Curiosity rover as it has just reached the Ten Kilometer point in its sojourn on the Martian surface. Further, I discuss the recent discovery of Nitrogen on the Martian surface and a field of veins of minerals on the surface. I you have not already read and viewed this edition, I suggest you take the link (at the beginning of this article) and check out this edition, NOW!




[caption id="attachment_3921" align="aligncenter" width="630"]ust and Gas Around Neutron Star ust and Gas Around Neutron Star[/caption]


  • Lost in Space – Hubble’s 25th Anniversary – “Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today is Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 and when I started the research for this article I quickly became aware that today is the 25th Anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope! What a glorious day to pay tribute to this wonder of the modern age, by sharing some of the most recent images captured by Hubble.” In a week filled with space-based accomplishments, this edition of ‘Lost in Space’ marked the 25th Anniversary for the Hubble Space telescope! I am very glad that I had decided to restart my blog at this perfect time. How better to restart and energize my publication than with two milestones in two separate articles series? This is a ‘Must SEE’ edition of ‘Lost in Space’ where I breakdown the work of Hubble into the three categories NASA uses to evaluate scientific achievement and progress.

  • Alive and, well… ? – Danny Update – “Below is a short video that I recorded today. I made this video to show all of you, My Dear Shoevians, that I am alive and still all in one piece. Right now, at 2:15PM PDST I am uploading the video for publication just as soon as possible. I am hoping to have this article, and the accompanying video, ready for viewing by 3:00PM PDST (that would be 5PM Central –Texas Time). Right now, it looks as though I will be able to keep this schedule.’ As explained, above, this is an article including a short personal update video I made. I was beginning to become aware of my physical limitations… still am fighting that demon!



[caption id="attachment_3938" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaks March 9th, 2015 Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaks March 9th, 2015[/caption]


  • ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ – Diagnosis and Cure – “Today, in the paragraphs below, I will explain to everyone just how to diagnose yourself, and others, of this terrible socially transmitted disease, and (ultimately) how to treat and CURE this malady. However, before I discuss the personal symptoms of this terrible disease (the diagnosis), and the cure for ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ I am going to discuss the source of this socially-transmitted’ disease. For the majority of Americans discovering the source of this terrible socially transmitted disease is easy to see.” A very unique piece, even by my standards. Whereas I post the starting article for three of the most recent ‘Clinton Scandals’, I go even further to debunk them as the partisan (hyper partisan) fact-void rhetoric that they are all proved (in the end) to be. Right before my eyes, as I researched this article, I watched as the newest ‘Clinton Scandal’ became unraveled right before my eyes. The ‘Clinton Cash’ scdanal is already being debunked by; NBC, ABC< and CBS as a partisan (poor) attempt to tie efforts by (then) Sec. Clinton to work done by the ‘Clinton Foundation’. The author of the unpublished work, ‘Clinton Cash’ openly admits to having “no real evidence of wrongdoing..” but still seeks an investigation!?!? Obviously a clear-cut case of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. Be sure to check out this article, as it contains FACTUAL EVIDENCE… and a very humorous ending. ENJOY!


With that My Dear Shoevians I bring this week’s edition of ‘A Week in Review’ to a close. I hope that everyone has enjoyed this week’s review, and the wonderful articles that made up its content. It is my hope to entertain, inform, and delight my readers. If, by some chance, you are educated during your visit… all the better. J


Now, for a little timely editorial. As I sit here putting the finishing touches on this article? I am bearing witness to the real time looting of a CVS in Baltimore, Maryland. The view is from a helicopter, a media ‘news’ chopper, and I wonder if these… ‘individuals’ are aware that their actions are being capture on video for all time? I watch as one young woman records the actions of her friends… on her cellular phone. Is she aware that, too, is a crime?


The repeated murder of African American men, and young men, by (predominately) white law enforcement officers is… grotesque and unthinkable. However, just how does the African American community think the sight of their young people looting A CVS… help their cause. Engender the national community to their side? Curious and curiouser.


Thank you!




[caption id="attachment_3856" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015 Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015[/caption]

© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Saturday, April 25, 2015

‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ – Diagnosis and Cure

[caption id="attachment_3939" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Hillary April 23rd, 2015 Hillary April 23rd, 2015[/caption]


(Hillary Clinton April 23rd, 2015)


                            Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. First I would like to extend my apologies for my absence from publishing this past Friday here at The Other Shoe. It was not because I was bereft of material to write about and publish that is for sure. Nope, the reason for my absence is simple; I seem to keep falling in the shower. Yes, I know that I need to have slip-proof ­stickers or a pad on the bottom of the shower and I should always wait for Allen to get home before bathing. However, Allen is working both of his jobs more and more often and he is just not available, as much, to help me around the house.


Wednesday I managed to write, edit, upload, and publish a wonderful edition of ‘Lost in Space – Hubble’s 25th Anniversary’. If you haven’t, you should give it a read. It really is one of my better articles, and a major accomplishment for me in my current physical condition. My Dear Shoevians, I promise that I will do my level best to write and publish on a regular (five days a week) basis. I totally nailed that goal my very first week back behind the keyboard. However, I must admit that I had no idea that I would, repeatedly, fall in the shower injuring my neck and back.


While I am dealing with these falls, and the resulting increased pain and limited mobility, I am able to keep up with the political theater that has transpired over the past two weeks. That, My Dear Shoevians, is/will be the crux of this article here today. From “Email-Gate’ to Benghazi-mania (again) to ‘Clinton Foundation Donation-Gate’ the far-right’s media chub-generator is going full time. This constant lambaste of hateful hyper partisan and hyperbolic rhetoric has resulted in an all new medical syndrome that I am labeling the ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’!


Today, in the paragraphs below, I will explain to everyone just how to diagnose yourself, and others, of this terrible socially transmitted disease, and (ultimately) how to treat and CURE this malady. However, before I discuss the personal symptoms of this terrible disease (the diagnosis), and the cure for ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ I am going to discuss the source of this socially-transmitted’ disease. For the majority of Americans discovering the source of this terrible socially transmitted disease is easy to see.


Unfortuantely? For those in the ‘High-Risk’ category and those already infected. It will be a very difficult, and even painful, process to diagnose and ‘cure’ oneself or a loved one of this terrible disease. Let me not get too far ahead of myself, because isolating the source… … … the socially-transmitted cause of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ is the most important part of this article. It has taken me many weeks to isolate these ‘social-sources’, mainly because they keep changing and they have a tendency to mask themselves.


[FYI 'Humorous' Content Found & Marked Below]


The most recent, and therefore the highest ‘viral-load’ of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ come from some unlikely (but not unsuspected) sources. The most recent, and for a short time the hottest viral load, came from a completely biased article running at (no big surprise here) the New York Times.


Disease Source

  • Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium DealIn this article the writer (and publisher New York Times) wrongly drew lines between contributions to the “Clinton Foundation’ and dealings Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had as America’s top diplomatic lesion. This, poorly documented and falsely published, article unleashed a flurry of the contagion that leads to ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. Suddenly all the common (and known) sources of this socially transmitted disease were flooded with the new viral-variant. Ultimately this source was identified and contained by calmer heads and smarter authors. Just yesterday this was the new headline:


So, Media Matters and NBC (National Broadcast Company) have published the news that the (alleged) wrongdoing by Secretary Clinton were just undocumented (and NO footnotes) excerpts from a discarded (fiction) novel by Peter Schweizer named ‘Clinton Cash’. There was little to substantiate these claims beyond the article referring to the book and the book pulling them out of thin air. This makes for great fodder for the already infected and those that seek infection.


Sunday Update - April 26th, 2015 -


My Dear Shoevians the following was added Sunday April 26th, 2015 just after the author of ‘Clinton Cash’ (Peter Scweizer) appeared on ‘This Week’ hosted by George Stephanopolous. In the interview (video embedded below) the author repeatedly admits to not have a shred of evidence. He went to press, promoted the book, and out Sec. Hillary Clinton through the ringer over NOTHING! NADA!!!


Here are some salient quotes; as well the video is available for viewing below.


STEPHANOPOULOS: “Do you have any evidence that she actually intervened in this issue?”


SCHWEIZER: “No, we don’t have direct evidence. But it warrants further investigation because, again, George, this is part of the broader pattern. You either have to come to the conclusion that these are all coincidences or something else is afoot.”[1]


Based on nothing but his obvious hatred for Sec. Clinton.



Seeing as that source is a known source of the pathogen, I will quickly move on to the earlier, yet still active, source of viral infection of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ the dreaded and notorious ‘Clinton Email Scandal’!


Disease Source


  • David Brock Calls On The New York Times To Issue "Prominent Correction" To Sloppy Clinton Email ReportingMedia Matters Founder and Chairman of the Board David Brock called on The New York Times to issue a "prominent correction as soon as possible" after publishing what he called a "wholly inadequate" article about Hillary Clinton's use of a non-government email account during her tenure as secretary of state.[5]

  • Exclusive: Documents Undermine NY Times Report On Clinton EmailsBut in suggesting that Clinton had failed to respond promptly and with sufficient depth, the Times gave no indication it had attempted to compare State's response to those of the other agencies who also received the letter, to determine if State's response was actually unusual. The Times article, published two days after Clinton announced a presidential run, instead was based solely on a copy of Issa's letter and the State response that were obtained from "a congressional official."[6]


This brings us down to the final source of the socially transmitted ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ disease, and the single longest, and most ridiculous (and costly to the American Tax Payer)… Benghazi. Since the 2012 attack on the American Diplomatic Compound in Benghazi, Libya. Everyone from Mitt Romney to obese-balding-semiliterate-alcoholic Facebook trolls have weighed in on, and lambasted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for… … (?) … well, that is the ‘kicker’! As I have read dozens of articles and have yet to read a clear and definitive explanation of just what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did or didn’t do!

However, the long trail of investigations and subpoenas began just nine days after the attacks with a single letter. A letter sent by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, then Chairman of the House Oversight Committee's Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations. The letter, in part, asked for any and “"all information … related to the attack on the consulate."[7] That was the very beginning… the birth if you will of the single longest and most expensive investigation into a single event in modern American history. (Only outdone by the Impeachment Investigation of President Bill Clinton… see a pattern yet?)


[caption id="attachment_3938" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaks March 9th, 2015 Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaks March 9th, 2015[/caption]


(Hillary at One of Her Many Speeches)


Starting on September 13th, 2012 the Federal Bureau of Investigation started an on-site investigation of the attack on the consulate in Benghazi. Since that humble beginning, by our F.B.I., there have been (to the nest of my ability to discern) at least; “…seven investigations, 13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released.”[9] The investigation by the House Select Committee has spent well over $3 Million on an investigation that “cleared the White House and Sec. Hillary Clinton of all wrongdoing…”[10]


However, even after more than two years of investigations costing millions upon millions of dollars and involving agencies from the F.B.I. to the House Select Committee to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence[11] and every single entity in-between, NOBODY has EVER found ANY untoward or incriminating evidence implicating Secretary Hillary Clinton in ANY way… shape... or form. Yet, having now announced her run for the nomination by the Democratic Party for President of the United States?


Disease Source

Private hearings!?!? OyVey!!! Now, why and for what reason  is he (Rep. Trey Gowdy) requesting/demanding private hearings on subject matter that has be openly investigated for the past two years-six months? IMHO The only ‘reason’ a political party member could/would have for "private" hearings in any investigation would be so they could mischaracterize the testimony and narrative given by the witness. (The witness being the frontrunner of her party for the 2016 Presidential Elections) Well, I was not the only person that this request did not sit well with, no not at all.




Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer: “No reason” For Private Benghazi Interview – “Hillary Clinton's lawyer reiterated Wednesday that Clinton is willing to testify in public before a House select committee about her use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Attorney David Kendall argued in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, that there would be "no reason" to hold the separate private hearing Republicans have requested.

"Your March 31 letter asserts that 'many questions and details' about the secretary's e-mail use remain unanswered in several areas," he wrote. "I respectfully submit that these questions have already been publicly answered by Secretary Clinton."[13]

House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories – “A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.”[14]

  • Fox Benghazi Myths Dispelled By New Bipartisan ReviewOn January 15, 2014, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a bipartisan review of its findings in an investigation of the September 11, 2012, attacks on an American diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. Much of the report dispels myths perpetuated by Fox News over the last sixteen months.[15]


Now, My Dear Shoevians, I have taken nearly two weeks research and dozens of articles to outline, what I believe to be, the carriers of this terrible and deadly disease state the ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. In each of these cases of paranoid delusion and hyperpartisan (and often hyperbolic) rhetoric can and does act as a Linguistic Viral Carrier of this disease. Aye, there’s the rub! You see, My Dear Shoevians, I dearly believe that this horrific (and often family-breaking) disease is carried with/by language.


[caption id="attachment_3940" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Chill-Lax Hillary Chill-Lax Hillary[/caption]


(Chill-Lax Hillary)


That elements within the fringe of one of our political parties is seeking to spread this linguistic virus via television broadcasts. In order to do my very best to shield myself from future litigation I will not divulge (here in print) the outlet(s) of this linguistic disease. However, I seriously believe that most of you, My Dear Shoevians, already know which cable & broadcast ‘news’ sources are responsible.


['Humorous' Content Starts Directly Below]


However, since I am unwilling to expose myself to serious and costly litigation (and perhaps even censure of my work) I have decided to share with everyone a simple method of identifying and diagnosing individuals with ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. Thereafter I will share with all of you, My Dear Shoevians, my CURE for this dreaded linguistic virus and socially transmitted disease. Oh, YES, I do believe that aside from primary infection via the linguistic virus that unwitting people can acquire a secondary infection with continued and close contact with infect persons.


Identification & Diagnosis:


  • When/If you hear “Hillary Clinton”, “President Clinton”, “Hill-Dog”, “Clinton-Presidency”, “The Clinton Years”, or any combination thereof you or a suspect friend or loved one –

    • Begins uncontrollable grinding and gnashing their teeth.

    • Begins frothing at the mouth.

    • Starts into a long-winded diatribe of ‘Clinton Scandals’, ‘Monica Lewinsky’, ‘Whitewater’, “Vince Foster’, or ‘Clinton Impeachment’

    • Breaks out into uncontrolled and/or hysterical laughter.

    • Engages in longwinded diatribe about the advantages of a Rand Paul Presidency.

    • Engages in unacceptable behavior with a cigar in public.

  • When/If any person at a gathering mentions emails they –

    • Begins uncontrollable grinding and gnashing of their teeth.

    • Begins frothing at the mouth.

    • Starts searching your house for “Hillary’s Private Email Server”.

    • Claims that “Hillary’s Private Email Server Contained:

      • Secret Agreements with Iran to Overthrow “Our Democracy”.

      • The Plans and Timeline for” The Attack of the Libyan Consulate in Benghazi”.

      • Secret emails containing Exchange of Uranium for Donation to The Clinton Global Imitative.

      • Plans to overthrow “Our Democracy and Begin a Clinton Monarchy”.

      • Plans to UN-Rig voting results from Florida.

      • Ibid Texan voting Results.

  • Whenever you visit your friend/family member their HDTV is always tuned to Fox and they refuse to change the channel at any time for any reason.

  • Have pictures on their walls of Hannity and/or O’Rielly.

  • Dreams of appearing on ‘The O’Rielly Factor’.

  • At the mention of the name Obama or President Obama –

    • Begins uncontrollable grinding and gnashing their teeth.

    • Begins frothing at the mouth.

    • Breaks out into uncontrolled and/or hysterical laughter.

    • Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has ruined the country”.

    • Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has trampled the Constitution.”

    • Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has laid the groundwork for a national conversation to Sharia Law.”

    • Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has weakened our nation’s military so ___ can overtake America.”

    • Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has destroyed the sacred union of Marriage”.

    • Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has _______” (Insert any crazy unfounded idea)

  • Regularly insults others on Facebook for voicing ideas that are not their own.

  • Regularly insults others of Facebook for defending the last eight years of economic expansion.

  • Regularly insults other on Facebook for having anything nice to say about the ‘Obama Presidency’.

  • Regularly uses quotes on Facebook without providing links to the origin of quotes (footnotes).

  • Copy/Pastes large diatribes from (obvious) source of hyper partisan rhetoric.

  • Posts personal insults towards other Facebook posters who do; use links to quotes, post valid arguments based in sound reasoning or facts, engages in Facebook threads with science.

  • When/If they hear the words ‘Climate Change’ they –

    • Begins uncontrollable grinding and gnashing their teeth.

    • Begins frothing at the mouth.

    • Breaks out into uncontrolled and/or hysterical laughter.

    • Posts “Climate is ALWAYS changing!’

    • Claims that “Solar Power is unreliable because the sun isn’t always shining!’

    • Claims that “Wind Power is unreliable because the wind is not always blowing!”

    • Claims that “Mankind cannot effect change on his environment” Completely discarding the lessons learned from America’s ‘Dust Bowl’ years.

  • Wear T-Shirts with “Drill Baby Drill”

  • Openly admit to having read:

    • ‘Going Rogue – An American Life’

    • ‘I Hope Like Heck’

    • ‘America by Heart’

    • ‘Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas’

  • Cannot engage in a civil conversation about anything positive about President Obama.

  • Honestly believe that Fox ‘News’ is “Fair and Balanced” and that all the other (16+) news outlets are “Liberal Controlled Propaganda Outlets”.

  • Support ‘Hydraulic Fracking’

  • Convinced that ‘Fracking is not connected with earthquakes’.


These are some basic guidelines to identifying individuals that are infected with the ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome”. These are just a few outward indications that I have documented personally over the past decade. I am sure and certain that there are many more methods of detection. My Dear Shoevians if you have any suggestions for ways to identify a “Person Infected with Clinton-Hate Syndrome” please leave them as comments to this thread or forward them to me via Facebook. How for the…


Treatment & CURE


The most obvious, yet one of the most difficult and (perhaps) painful is immediate removal of all televisions showing Fox ‘News’. Moving patient to a place where they cannot connect with other infected persons, and slow and steady exposure to: science, PBS, and a regular diet of real NEWS from one of the three major networks. However, the method outlined below is the single best method I have discovered.


  1. Emotionally prepare yourself or an extreme shock.

  2. Mentally prepare yourself for life outside the “Echo Chamber’.

  3. Follow these steps exactly:

    1. Place your Left Hand FIRMLY on the Left Side of your Face.

    2. Place your Right Hand FIRMLY on the Right Side of your Face.

    3. GRIP Your Face with ALL Ten Fingers.

    4. Spread Your Legs.

    5. Take a Deep Breath.

    6. Pull Your Head Directly OUT of Your Ass!

    7. Congratulate Yourself for Joining the MAJORITY of Americans!

    8. Turn on PBS and Watch an Edition of ‘PBS News Hour’.

    9. Stay AWAY from other ‘Infected’ People, RE-infection is common and must be avoided at all costs.

    10. Enjoy posting on Facebook and AGREEING with the majority of people.


That, My Dear Shoevians, concludes this guide to the ‘Diagnosis and Treatment of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. I hope that everyone has enjoyed this work. Yes, it has been a lot of work. I started research for this article more than a week ago, and started writing this for publication more the five hours ago. Most of what I have shared here, today, is very serious. However, I have done my level best to bring some levity to this subject matter.


However, IF I have offended ANYONE? PLEASE!!! PLEASE share this work with OTHERS that might/will be OFFENDED!!


Thank you!




P.S. My Dear Shoevians I am happy to announce that since my return to publication, here at The Other Shoe, YOU have ALL visited here MORE often than at ANY other time in the past FIVE YEARS! My Traffic Reports are INCREDIBLE… and my Traffic Monitor (on the page) is HIGHER than I have EVER seen it! This week, ALONE, The Other Shoe has been visited by ONE HUNDRED TWENTY unique people! This is INCREDIBLE and makes me VERY PROUD of my work. THANK YOU!!! The Image (below) SHOWS the Traffic Counter with 120!


[caption id="attachment_3941" align="aligncenter" width="630"]The Other Shoe @ Blog Dot Com Reaches 120 Visits Per WEEK! The Other Shoe @ Blog Dot Com Reaches 120 Visits Per WEEK![/caption]

(120+ Hits Per WEEK!)


[caption id="attachment_3856" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015 Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015[/caption]


© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe