The Other Shoe - Home to; 'Lost in Space', 'The Mars Report', 'News From Around the World', 'A Week In Review', and 'Sunday Funnies'.
Friday, August 23, 2013
The Mars Report - One Year!
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. I have made it my goal, here at The Other Shoe, to share in the science and wonder of Mars. Specifically, the awe and wonder that the rover Curiosity brings to us humans here on Earth. I am rather ashamed that I have, until today, missed the One Year Anniversary of the landing of Curiosity on Mars. August 5th, 2013 was that anniversary… and I was just too busy… too focused on my goal… my head down, my eyes like lasers… that not until right now, today did I realize how late I am in celebrating.
Right now, it is 1:42AM PST and I am in too much pain (the reason I am awake @ nearly 2AM) to due this anniversary justice. Therefore, I will at this time share with you, My Dear Readers, the video NASA/JPL put together to celebrate this rover’s first year on Mars. However, when this campaign is over. When moving is behind me. Once I am settled, and have the time and mind. I promise you. I, too, shall make a tribute edition of ‘The Mars Report’ to celebrate this auspicious anniversary.
SO, without further Adieu, I give you
‘Curiosity’s First year On Mars’
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[…] The Mars Report – One Year!: “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. I have made it my goal, here at The Other […]