Dear Indiegogo Followers and My Dear Readers,
I have just posted my “Thank you!” to ‘Anonymous’ for their contribution of $100. This contribution takes the campaign one BIG step forward towards our goal. For that, I am, eternally grateful. This contribution couldn’t have come at a better time. As many of you might have noticed, those that read my works @ The Other Shoe, I was getting pretty blue.
I try my best to keep my head straight, to keep my ‘eye on the ball’ and not let the clouds bother me. Sometimes… recently I fail. For that I apologize. Apologize for getting blue and allowing the depression to set in and take me to dark places. Now… I feel reinvigorated, recharged and ready for the weekend. To ‘Anonymous’, again I say “Thank you!”.
Your contribution just couldn’t have been better timed. I did not know how I was going to keep writing and posting this weekend. Now, when I am so close to the 1/5th mark… Well, I have to push even harder, work even longer try even more. Thanks to this contribution… maybe… others will follow suit. I just know there are more people who want to help… want to lend a hand. Like my good friend ‘Glen Gay’ said “have faith in your friends and family.. they will help.”
My life, your hands… Thank you for everything you do. Now I am off to do my best to write some more… to weave tales, and take you all to other lives… other worlds.
From the very bottom of my heart
“Thank YOU!”
Daniel Hanning
Please Share & Help?!?
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[…] A Word of “Thanks!” To My Indiegogo Campaign Contributors : “I have just posted my “Thank you!” to ‘Anonymous’ for their contribution of $100. This contribution takes the campaign one BIG step forward towards our goal. For that, I am, eternally grateful. This contribution couldn’t have come at a better time. As many of you might have noticed, those that read my works @ The Other Shoe, I was getting pretty blue.” I still have no idea who it was that gave that fateful $100 contribution that put me within striking distance of $1,000.00. I cannot pick up things… I cannot move alone. I have never paid movers… now I must. This is not a happy time. I am deeply embarrassed… ashamed. I just want to have the funds to move… to another crapy motel.. if that be my fate. I genuinely appreciate everything… every contribution is a gift from God. I hope that I make it… Make enough to pay for movers… a truck and enough to get a new room. I honestly??? Pray endlessly… that I get enough to get the punk OUT of California. I doubt it will happen. I am not that fortunate. I can wish… right? […]