Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Final PLEA!

[caption id="attachment_2868" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014 Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014[/caption]


                      Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. In just under Thirty-Six hours my ‘Cancer Treatment Fund’ campaign will come to a close. Over the past 43 ½ days I have; worked my finger to the bone writing a ‘record number’ of articles (some setting their own records in length and the number of ‘Likes’), spent 12 to 14 hours each and every day behind a keyboard, promoted and ‘pimped’ the campaign in every way imaginable (spending close to $100 of my money to advertise), and caused myself no end of pain and suffering sitting and writing and promoting. I have done this not out of greed, it was done out of fear. Fear that I would not manage to garner enough support.


Enough to support me desire to return to treatment, and not chance loosing the roof over my head in the process. That is not hyperbole, it is a simple mathematical fact. Allen is the primary ‘bread winner’ in this family. Each and every day he takes off to tend to me. Help me get to; appointments, treatments, therapies and the like is another day he looses pay from his two jobs. That adds up rather quickly, and shortens our ability to pay bills, food and rent. That was the whole reason for the campaign.


I think I lost your, My Dear Readers, support when I (wrongly) included my desires to; leave California, and get a means of personal transportation. For that I deeply and sincerely apologize. It was never my intent to pollute the purpose of the campaign with desires of the flesh. Yes, I just hate being stared at on public transportation. Somehow, a person in a power chair… is a target of people’s stares and (sometimes) angry insults. On top of the advent to this cancer… my patience is/was wearing thin. Honestly, I think I have had my fill of; falling typewriters, spinal injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, degenerative disc disease, nerve root damage, spinal stenosis, loss of mobility, loss of use of my left hand, and now the finale of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.


I (honestly) feel like a modern day Job. I broke down… all I wanted was to be away from Southern California. To enjoy four seasons again… and to be able to drive myself to chemotherapy. Aye, there’s the rub! For (I think) in expressing those desires I might have lost the help of many people. Now, I will not have enough money… to return to treatment, much less to leave California or get my own transportation. I have no one to blame but myself, blame for polluting the genuine needs of seeking treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer with selfish desires. Selfish desires of wanting to be rid of the hurtful stares on public transportation (one time… a person actually spit on me in my power chair… for taking up “more seats that you are worth…”), and my selfish desire to be rid of Southern California… to watch seasons change, leaves turn, and maybe see a ‘White Christmas’ again.


I/we will never know, for sure, if that was the reason I could only garner ‘token’ financial support. However, I am willing to shoulder the blame, and keep moving forward. I apologize to all of you, My Dear Readers, that did pledge your support. Apologize that, whatever I did or didn’t do, that is responsible for the shortness of support.


Now, I would just like to make one final plea for assistance/donations. In a little less than thirty-six hours my campaign will come to a close. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you, My Dear Readers, for your donations and support.


“Please, won’t you take a few moments and contribute to help me pay the growing costs of my battle with cancer?”


Any amount will help. I know that this blog reaches many nations, many peoples around the world. I am deeply thankful of My Dear Readers all over this world for coming here and reading my work. I would not ask if this were… any other situation… but cancer. I just need help with the growing costs of; transportation, medications, and time for my roommate to act as my caregiver. I just want to live.


Thank you! Thank you for your time… for your careful consideration… for your SUPPORT!




Thank YOU!


Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


The Other Shoe eBay Store
PLEASE Shop at The Other Shoe eBay Store!

PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!



Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014
Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Mars Report - Mount Sharp ARRIVAL!

[caption id="attachment_3689" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Cylindrical Polar Mosaic 'Selfie' Curoisty Cylindrical Polar Mosaic 'Selfie' Curoisty[/caption]

(Cylindrical Polar Mosaic 'Selfie' Curoisty )



                     Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. AMAZING NEWS My Dear Readers! The rover, Curiosity, has arrived at the target location of its mission to Mars. MOUNT SHARP! After two years and nearly nine kilometers (approx~ 5.6 miles) Curiosity has arrive at Mount Sharp. Well, at the base of Mount Sharp. I have been so involved in my; cancer, my campaign to raise much needed money to pay the BILLS from my cancer treatment and the remaining Seventy-two hours I have to garner much needed support that I totally missed reporting this event. Amazing, I was right here reporting (In real time) when Curiosity landed (safely) at Bradbury Point. I am a little miffed that, well, that the cancer and the campaign have so distracted me.


Nevertheless, Curiosity has finally made it to the base of Mount Sharp and I have several images, already, to share. Hang on, I was just reviewing last week’s edition of ‘The Mars Report’ and it seems that… yes… still checking… YES! I have a whole folder (not of “women”… I am not Mitt Romney… folders full of woman? Who will ever forget that line?) Anywho, I DO have a folder just chocked full of some pretty spectacular images from Mars. However, I have a few from Curiosity’s arrival at Mount Sharp and I want to try and incorporate those with the images I have in the folder.


Now, if this just gets too big, and I find myself in a great deal of pain. Then I will just share the images of curiosity’s arrival at Mount Sharp and save these other images form another day. They are spectacular. Here, take a look at what I found digging around NASA/JPL the other day…


(Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL Web Site[1])

[caption id="attachment_3686" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Mars Volcanic Cone with Hydrothermal Deposits Mars Volcanic Cone with Hydrothermal Deposits[/caption]

(Mars Volcanic Cone with Hydrothermal Deposits[2])


Now, that is a 3D rendered/Composite image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Now, this is one of the most amazing images (I think) I have ever shared here on ‘The Mars Report’. This image is a false color derived from infrared waveband observations of the volcano by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). The false color infrared imaginary is then overlaid on to a stereoscopic image taken by stereo pair of Context Camera images. Topographic information (the 3D rendering part) is done with the images input into NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline software. And BINGO you have the amazing and incredible image you see above.


You see, My Dear Readers, I was just stumbling around the NASA and JPL web sites and I found this whole area with the most spectacular images. They are not just RAW images, nor are they the semi-processed images for the press, what I usually share with you here on ‘The Mars Report’. These images… well, you see one ^ above, they are just of a whole other level of refinement. If one were to make a coffee table illustrated book of ‘Images From Mars’ THIS is the level of images one would use.


So, while I was writing all that, and looking at all these images I have to share. I made a decision, My Dear Readers. Rather than just dump all these incredible images into one edition of ‘The Mars Report’? Here is what I am going to do. Over the next several weeks, each and every week, I am going to just drop one of these images into the content for that issue. This way, I make the best use of these images, I don’t blow the whole load at once, and you, My Dear Readers, get one incredible image from the Martian surface each and every week. Now, that I have found the outlet for these incredible images, I am going to stock up on these puppies. There are just hundreds of these fine quality images and 3D rendered images.


I am going to download a whole bunch, and then let them out one-at-a-time. Yes, that sounds like the best idea… maybe one of the best ideas I’ve had in some time. Now, back to the images I have of Curiosity’s arrival at Mount Sharp. I wasn’t really aware… my mind really has been distracted by.. this cancer stuff… treatment… stopping treatment… rescheduling appointments… consulting with radiologists and all. That, last week, I already shared some of the images Curiosity took when it arrived at Mount Sharp. Below is the best image taken by Curiosity’s arrival at the base of Mount Sharp.


[caption id="attachment_3629" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Complete Composite Image From Curiosity at Base of Mount Sharp Complete Composite Image From Curiosity at Base of Mount Sharp[/caption]

(Composite Landscape Mount Sharp Upon Arrival)


Many of us, myself included, sometimes forget that Curiosity’s first priority is science. Like today, here I am really wanting some landscape images, some long shots of the foothills, images that inspire and strike awe. Reality is that just as soon as Curiosity arrived at the base of Mount Sharp it began working. Working at drilling onto a part of the rock face of the base off the foothills of Mount Sharp. So, My Dear Readers, whereas I would really like to bring you all; landscapes, mosaics, long shots and picturesque images. What I have to share (aside from the cylindrical polar mosaic at the top of the article… a cylindrical mosaic at the bottom) are images of the drilling site and a close-up.


[caption id="attachment_3690" align="aligncenter" width="630"]First Sampling Hole in Mount Sharp First Sampling Hole in Mount Sharp[/caption]

(First Sampling Hole in Mount Sharp)


Like I said, just as soon as Curiosity pulled up to the foothills they found a nice sandstone rock face and drill baby drill! (LOL) This is a close-up (near close-up) of the very first hole Curiosity has drilled upon arrival at Mount Sharp. The next image, is the same hole… only from the distance of the mastcam. You can see a lot ore of the rock face, but you still cannot see the surrounding terrain.


[caption id="attachment_3688" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Distant shot of First Hole in Mount Sharp Distant shot of First Hole in Mount Sharp[/caption]

(Distant shot of First Hole in Mount Sharp)


Our next to the last image, for today, is… well, a little confusing. I am going to let you, My Dear Readers, experience this image much the same way that I did. I am not going to give you any explanation, I am just going to share it with you… and let your imagination take you for a little run around the block. Remember this image was taken on the Martian surface by the rover Curiosity. See you on the other side.


[caption id="attachment_3687" align="aligncenter" width="630"]??? ???[/caption]



OK, how many of you, My Dear Readers, are medical students… X-Ray technicians… of other medical/health care professionals? What do you see in this image? If you said “Broken femur bones” you, My Dear Readers, would be correct… almost! This is not the broken bones of some extraterrestrial life form… Nope, these are just some unexplained rocks on the Martian surface. However, this image did have a lot of people… well, excited at NASA/JPL. At first. Gotcha!


That brings us, My Dear Readers, to the conclusion of this week’s edition of ‘The Mars Report’. I hope that you have enjoyed reading and viewing this article as much as I have enjoyed preparing and sharing. I have just one more image for your viewing pleasure, today. This is a cylindrical mosaic of tire tracks of Curiosity somewhere in Gale Carter, prior to crossing over to Kimberly point. Check it out!


[caption id="attachment_3691" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Cylindrical Mosaic of Curiosity’s Tire Tracks Cylindrical Mosaic of Curiosity’s Tire Tracks[/caption]

(Cylindrical Mosaic of Curiosity’s Tire Tracks)


That, My Dear Readers, is the final image for this week. I really do hope that you have enjoyed your stay, here today. If you have? I would like to ask you indulgence, for a moment. If you are not already aware, I was recently diagnoses with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer – Stage 4. I am willing, and able, to start… continue treatment (chemotherapy). However, in order for me to; get to an from treatment I need the help of my caregiver. He works two jobs, as well as helping take care of me. In order for him to help me get to chemo, radiation treatments, immune system booster shots, and all the rest.


He must take off large amounts of time from work. That translates into us not having money for; rent, transportation, medications, and anything and everything that Medicare does not or will not cover (which is growing all the time). Therefore, I have started Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo[3]. The campaign has been ongoing for Forty-Two days. I have raised, only, $380.


That is no where near enough money for me to return to treatment… to battle and beat this cancer. Therefore, I implore YOU, My Dear Readers, to reach out and lend me a helping hand. I do this with a great deal of hesitation and trepidation. It is not in my nature to ask for help or assistance. However, I simply must or I will leave myself open to the ravages of cancer.


Please go to the web site, take a look, read, and then… Please, decide to donate. $5, $10, $20 or even $100 or $500. I can use whatever you have to give. Please?




Thank YOU!


Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


The Other Shoe eBay Store
PLEASE Shop at The Other Shoe eBay Store!

PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!



Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014
Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Week in Review - September 27th 2014

Danny PET OCM 9-3-14 5


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. If its Saturday? Then it is time for ‘A Week in Review’! That’s right My Dear and Devout Readers, the weekend has come the workweek in done. For many of you, My Dear Readers, the work week is just too busy to take time to read for pleasure. That is why I have created and now published for three years this article series. Each and every Saturday I post a review of all the articles published during the previous week.


I link to the article, a short excerpt from the article itself and, finally, I write a little something about the article I have linked. Bingo! How all of you, My Dear Readers, can catch-up on a whole week’s writing and publication in one place. Now, for this week, I (working, as always, completely ALONE) have managed to write and publish a record TEN ARTICLES! My Dear Readers, I simply am without the ability, to put into words, the overwhelming pride I feel. Pride that, in spite of pain and roaring depression, I have pushed myself as hard as I can to write and publish. Publish a record amount of good works to help further my cancer treatment funding campaign. I just feel, in my heart and soul, that if I can write and publish more and more “Good works’ that maybe… just MAYBE you, My Dearest Readers, will see my efforts… appreciate my work and reward my efforts by pledging your support to my battle against cancer!


As well, each and every article is an opportunity to drawn in more ‘new readers’, new followers and new faces that just might see donating to my Indiegogo campaign as an investment. An earned investment in a talented man who, obviously, works diligently to bring; entertainment, information, laughs and suspense to these pages and your lives. I work hard band I work long hours as a way to pay honor to the support and donations already received, and as an offering to anyone that will give in the near future. ‘Near Future’ is right there are only FIVE DAYS LEFT! I am running out of time fast! Time to convince the people I love to reach out and challenge the nay Sayers by donating to a fund to help me BATTLE CANER!


So, with each word written, each paragraph finished and every article published I am contributing and investing in our relationship… our friendship! I just hope that I convince enough of you, My Dearest Readers, to garner sufficient funds to win this battle with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma!


Well, it is 11:00PM on Friday night, so if I am going to get any sleep tonight, I simply must get moving on this weekly review! So, without further adieu I give you ‘A Week in Review’ here at ‘The Other Shoe’!


  • My Two Cents – September 22nd, 2014 : “In closing, again, I never wanted to run a campaign this year. My Dear Readers I wanted 2014 to be a year where I wrote, published, and entertained without asking anything, one red cent, from you or anyone else. But as they say ‘the best laid plans of mice and men…’. I come to you, in these closing hours of my campaign, to ask, to implore, to convince, to beseech you My Dearest Readers, to reach out and help lift me so that I might stand in battle and win this war on my cancer.” It as Monday, just five short days ago, and I was already feeling the heat of failure. At this point I had raised just $150, and the shortness of support smarted! I knew not where support would come, I knew not if I would ever garner the support necessary for me to wage a successful battle with my Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer! I had been… told/whispered/hinted at that ‘somebody’ was working to undermine my best efforts. That ‘someone’ was under the (MISTAKEN) impression that if I was deprived of support that (somehow) I would ‘sprout a new spine, new nerve roots, a new leg and be FREE of CANCER’ and “be forced to return to work”. I can only imagine that this person’ was totally bereft of medical knowledge, had not been around these past ten years, failed to understand the medical reality that damaged nerve fiber NEVER HEALS! That is why paraplegics NEVER get up out of their wheelchairs and power chairs and DANCE! (Except, of course, in ‘Tent Revivals’) The only way one might imagine that depriving a human being of much needed support to BATTLE CANER, is if their minds were so clouded by anger and hatred that reason had long ago left them. I was so deeply HURT, by the telling, that I had to explain to the person who told me this, that I was not “upset at them… I am upset by the actions which you tell me about”. My Dear Readers, please do tell me just WHAT KIND of person would run around sewing seeds of distrust based in falsehoods and deceit? What kind of a human being, a Christian, would seek to undermine the efforts of a disabled person to gather funds need to (now) BATTLE CANCER!?! My Oncologist, upon meeting me and hearing the story of my head injury… my further disability… my loss of mobility and NOW my CANER! He marveled at my enthusiasm, my ‘Good Attitude’ and my perseverance in the face of YET ANOTHER personal medical BATTLE! He openly admitted that he did not think he could manage to go through what I have, “and keep the same positive and enthusiastic attitude”! However, I have read that some ‘kinds’ of people ONLY have or keep sick/disabled people as ‘friends’ just so they can ‘Watch them loose their battles with disability or disease”! There are some really sick people out there… really!

  • A ‘Shout-Out’ to ‘The Solitary-One’ : “Sherri Mikeska aka‘The-Solitary-One’ I would like to “Thank YOU!” for; your donation, your time, your kindness, your generosity… AND for picking the “Multi-SOCIAL-Media ‘Shout-Out’!” as it was the ‘Perk’ that I created all by myself! I have been waiting for someone to pick this ‘Perk’ so I could do this… procedure. I really hope that you Sherri Mikeska ‘The-Solitary-One’ sees ALL of these ‘Shout-Outs’! Now, I did see the ‘RL’ name of the person that made the donation. Well, the first name. However, since I DID NOT receive; an email, an Indiegogo PM, or any correspondence giving me permission to use the contributors Real Life name? I DID NOT reveal even the first name that I have record.” The very FIRST of its kind, but hopefully not the last! This is part of the (personal brainchild of ME) ‘Multi-Social-Media SHOUT-OUT!” as a ‘PERK’ for ANY donation of $40 or more! There are STILL 13 (Thirteen) of these ‘Social Media Wonders’ left! You get mention in/on; BOTH Blogs, THREE Facebook Accounts (Mine, The Other Shoe and Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund), TWO Twitter Accounts AND One YouTube VIDEO just FOR YOU! This is a GREAT Perk and one that I was SURE would be a HIT! With FIVE DAYS LEFT I am SURE that there are STILL a few people out here that would REALLY enjoy a ‘Multi-Social-Media’ SHOUT-OUT! Drop $40 of MORE at the campaign, PICK the PERK and WAIT for the WAVE of MEDIA Recognition! (The Net will NEVER be the SAME!) AGAIN ““Thank YOU!” to Sherri Mikeska!!!

  • The Mars Report – September 22nd, 2014: “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I bring you, yet another, edition of ‘The Mars report’. There are a great many events transpiring, here on Earth in regards to Mars, and in the Martian orbit. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) is about to have some company in the Martian orbit. The MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) spacecraft achieved Martian orbit roughly twenty hours ago, late Sunday night. The most tremendous thing about MAVEN is that this spacecraft will help mankind discover just what happened to the, once thick, atmosphere of Mars.” Determined to keep up the ‘regular’ publishing schedule, regardless of the; pain, confusion, depression and everything else. I put my nose to the grindstone, my mind into ‘Creative’ mode, took an extra pain medication and plunged, head first, into he awe and wonder that IS Curiosity’s adventure on the Martian Surface! This week was no different. I managed to find more than a half-dozen images to share, some really great narrative, and even shared some science! I am always happy to share the science and images that come from the rovers on the Martian Surface. My Dear Readers, I have been focused like a laser beam, devoted to my work, and hopeful that my HARD WORK and DILLIGENCE would be rewarded with YOUR DONATIONS! I hope, and pray, that I am right!

  • Multi-Social-Media Shout-Out! For Jason Kleppinger! : “So, Jason Kleppinger HERE IS YOUR ‘Multi-Social-Media Shout-Out!’ As well, I wold like to express my heartfelt THANKS for your kind contribution(S) to my cancer treatment funding campaign. Shortly, I will be broadcasting your name via; YouTube, Facebook, BOTH Blogs and my Twitter account(s)! By the time I am done… hundreds of people around the WORLD will KNOW of your kindness and GENEROSITY Jason Kleppinger!” And BAM right on the heals of the FIRST one comes the SECOND ‘Multi-Social-Media’ SHOUT-OUT! I am SO happy that these ‘Perks’ became so popular! I am only HOPING and PRAYING that many more will want to partake in this GREAT Social PERK. You get KNOWN on the internet FAST! Again, “THANK YOU JASON for your DONATIONS, your KINDNESS and you SUPPRT!” Thanks!

  • Lost in Space – Tour of Our Solar System ‘Review’: “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Welcome to a review edition of ‘Lost In Space’. Last week we completed the series ‘Tour of Our Solar System’ with the publication of Jupiter. Today I am going to share a look back over all of the editions of ‘Lost in Space’ that made up the series ‘Tour of Our Solar System’. From looking at the ‘Likes’ and the traffic reports it is easy to see that this sub-series within ‘Lost in Space’ was a huge success.” As PRMISED (in Last week’s edition) and ON SCHEDULE I wrote and published this ‘Review’ of ALL the edidtions of ‘Lost in Space’ that made up the ‘Tour of Our Solar System’! I am so very happy that, at this point in the week, I am STILL staying on schedule, publishing FINE WORK, and not ‘skimping’ of taking shortcuts! Regardless of my pain (both physical and EMOTIONAL) so SOUJURN forward. I just Keep Moving Forward. Placing FATIH in you, My Dearest Readers, my family, and my very good old friends from Houston and Pearland! I just know that if I can manage to KEEP writing and publishing that my hard work and efforts WILL be REWARDED!

  • Notes From Behind the Keyboard – September 25th, 2014: “THAT, My Dear Readers, brings us to the end of this article, for today. I hope that I have opened some eyes, and shared some insight. It is always my intent to share, and inform. Never to judge or inflame. My words are just that, MY words. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less. I look forward to seeing you here, later today, and again tomorrow. On FRIDAY there WILL be an episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’!” And into every life a little rain must fall. Yes, it is Wednesday and (when I wrote this article) my doubt had found its way into my heart and mind following my pain. Funny how pain is almost always accompanied by doubt. That being in pain, makes a person more susceptible to doubt. Even myself, I have found that there is doubt, along with some fear… and some genuine… confusion. I FEAR that I will be too short of funds, have to forgo chemotherapy… and fear that my cancer will overcome me… and take me from you, My Dear Readers. I am also confounded by the deafening silence coming from people I have known since I was a pre-teen and a teenager. One would think, since you are STILL in contact with them, they DO know of your malady… well, a friendship that spans FOUR DECADES? Should be a friendship that bears fruit in a time of need. Support, when one stands to face cancer and death, alone.

  • News From Around the World – September 25th 2014 : “Well now, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end of this revival of ‘News From around the World’ here at The Other Shoe. As most of you are aware, I am running a running campaign at Indiegogo to help me with the mounting costs of battling my cancer. Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund at Indiegogo is now in its FINAL WEEK! That’s right only seven more days for me to raise as much money as I can! I hate to be so brutally honest, but I am a ‘man on a mission’. A mission to raise money to help me with; transportation costs, pharmacy costs, treatment costs, and home care costs.” This article series has been absent for nearly TWO months. However, I brought this one out of mothballs JUST FOR YOU My Dearest Readers! I am working so hard, spending hour upon hour everyday behind the keyboard and on the net. Doing everything I CAN to curry favor and EARN/WIN YOUR SUPPORT! I JUST KNOW that IF I can manage to FINISH OUT THIS WEEK… PUBLISHING ALL THE REGUALR ARTICLES PLUS MORE!!! That I WILL see MANY ‘Good’ DONATIONS!! CORRECT!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part – 14 – B – 3 : “Betty Sue and Truman are leaning up against the door, when they hear Barry form inside the inner office. They hear him screaming! They had smelled cigarette smoke, again, a few moments earlier. Then it got really quite. Now… Barry was screaming AGAIN! This time is was so loud that it forced Truman and Betty Sue away from the door to the inner office. They heard Barry’s screaming twice, then they could have sworn they heard… Barry begging for his life! Truman got right up against the door, again, and put his ear hard up against the door. He could barely make out Barry saying “PLEASE just STOP right NOW!”” AS PROMISED!!! This week, we return to Barry Gartuske, Truman Dunahoo, and Betty Sue. We have Deputy Darryl on his way to “apprehend the MURDERER”… (Is Timmy DEAD?) AND we have the REAPPREAENCE of ‘The Tall Man’ in all his gory… or is that ‘glory’… Anyway, it is a GREAT episode and REAL ‘MUST READ’ for any of My Dear Readers that enjoy suspense novels or horror! And who DOESN’T at THIS time of year, right? I am HOPING BEYOND HOPE that I WILL have this story FINISHED just in time for HALLOWEEN!!! Now, My Dear Readers, I just CANNOT think of a BETTER motivator… to get me TO finish this horror novel IN TIME for HALLOWEEN than to have a GREAT Ending to my CAMPAIGN! The more money I garner? The BETTER the CHANCES are for me to FINISH! Simple!

  • INTERNATIONAL Traffic August – September 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Now, My Dear Readers, I have always wrote and published for the largest possible audience. Seems to me that the greatest accomplishment for a writer, of any kind, is to have their work read by the largest possible audience. Sure, Domestic audiences are great, it is gratifying to have the people you grew up with read and like your work. Although, the greatest test of a writer’s chops (it would seem to me… as logical) would be so demonstrate that one’s work has international appeal. If you, My Dear readers, have been a long-time reader of this blog, what I am about to publish will be rather familiar.” Well, My Dearest readers, I was looking over the traffic reports for the past month. Nothing out of the ordinary… except there is a LOT MORE traffic at the secondary location that EVERY before (that is over at Word Press). Then, I noticed something ELSE. I was looking at the SOURCE of this great influx of traffic. Low and behold, I find the source… and it knocks my socks off! The ‘source’ of the great increase in traffic? INTERNATIONAL READERS! That’s right, over the past several months, the better part of this year, my Internationla readership has been on a gradual increase! For the purposes of this article I have limited the graphics to the increase in just the last thirty days. But, just at the ‘secondary’ location? There are more than THIRTY nations where I have readers! Still the majority of my traffic is in the ‘GoodOl’USA!’ but now I have ‘regular’ readers in; England, Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, and India just to name a handful! In the article (linked above) you can see all the nations listed with the number of readers by the name of the country. I am just FALBERGASTED! The NUMBERS are just MINDNUMBING! Over all, between the TWO locations? In just ONE DAY I now have OVER ONE HUNDRED SEPARATE VISITORS! Even BETTER it shows that TWICE A WEEK I have 100+ days! This is better than ever before! Between the increasing international traffic and the several 100+ visitor days my blog(s) have gained a popularity… my WORK my WRITING has gained a level of popularity that I had not even noticed, and am just HUMBLED by!


So, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end of this weeks’ edition of ‘A Week in Review’ here at ‘The Other Shoe’. If you have read this entire article, then I think that you, My Dear Readers, now understand why I have managed to keep in a ‘Good Mood’ regardless of the dismal sate of my campaign. I can take heart in the fact that my writing and my work is gaining an international audience! That, overall, my traffic is on the up-swing, and that more and more people, every day, are learning just what a joy it can be to read something written by Danny Hanning!


YES! I really do need for donations to increase… either in frequency or size… or BOTH! I simply will not be able to afford to restart my treatments and care with the $280 I have raised. However, I will Make A PROMISE right here, right now’! That if (somehow) I manage to break $1,000.00 before the end of the campaign that I “will restart and STAY WITH my chemotherapy/radiation therapy. PERIOD! I do NOT want to shorten my life by refusing these treatments, However, I will NOT allow myself to be without enough money to pay the rent just so I can afford; transportation, food, a caregiver, and medications. PERIOD!


So, there it is My Dear Readers, a FULL and complete week of writing and publishing. JUST AS I PROMSIED! Now, I have done MY PART. It is TIME for you, My Dear Readers, to do your PART! I have sojourned on through pain, doubt and fear these past four weeks. I have done so without ‘seeing’ the financial… or friendship support that I need to battle and beat cancer. Regardless, I have managed to write and publish TEN ‘Good’ articles for your reading pleasure. Now, won’t you PLEASE click on the link below… and make my life BETTER and SAFER by pledging YOUR support?




Thank YOU!

Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


The Other Shoe eBay Store
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Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014
Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014


Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014
Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Friday, September 26, 2014

INTERNATIONAL Traffic August - September 2014

[caption id="attachment_2868" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014 Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Now, My Dear Readers, I have always wrote and published for the largest possible audience. Seems to me that the greatest accomplishment for a writer, of any kind, is to have their work read by the largest possible audience. Sure, Domestic audiences are great, it is gratifying to have the people you grew up with read and like your work. Although, the greatest test of a writer’s chops (it would seem to me… as logical) would be so demonstrate that one’s work has international appeal. If you, My Dear readers, have been a long-time reader of this blog, what I am about to publish will be rather familiar.


Every so often I go to Google Analytics(for traffic numbers on The Other Shoe at blog dot com) and the Traffic Analysis for Word Press and check to see… well, what IS my ‘International Appeal’? Quite good, as a matter of fact! As I look over this past month’s international numbers I quickly see that my reach abroad is the highest level ever! Not only is my blog read in more countries, than ever before, but more people are reading my blog in these countries. There are two sets of numbers, one for each blog location. As I present the images of the report(s) I will give a brief explanation of the image you are about to view.


Now, one salient fact that might come in handy. If you are having problems seeing the; numbers, country names, or any other old fact or number? Go over the the secondary blof location, over at Word Press (www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com). Once there, click on the image you hare having difficulty reading or seeing. Once clicked the blog will being up a larger image that is (generally) easier to read and see. This is true for all articles, and all images regardless of the article. That is a good factoid to keep in mind, My Dear readers, for future reference.


Our first image for today is from the traffic report from The Other Shoe at Word Press (www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com) for the month between August 29th and September 24th, 2014. In this image each day’s traffic is represented by a vertical line, with a dark bar inside a lighter bar. The light blue bar represents the numbers of views and the darker blue bar represents the number of individual visitors. When the bar, for a certain day, has a larger light blue area, that means that each visitor viewed and read several pages or posts. Conversely, when the darker blue bar takes up the majority of the lighter blue bar, that means that each visitor read only one or two pages or posts. By ‘Best’ day, shown in this graphic, was this past Thursday September 25th, 2014. On that day I had thirty-eight visitors and they viewed a total of Seventy-Seven pages or posts. Meaning that each and every visitor viewed/read at least two pages or posts. That was a ‘Good Day’ for my secondary blog location at Word Press.


[caption id="attachment_3679" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Traffic Report for The Other Shoe at Word Press Traffic Report for The Other Shoe at Word Press[/caption]

(Traffic Report for The Other Shoe at Word Press)


Now, I only copied two report pages, for The Other Shoe at Word Press this month. Our next image, for my Word Press location, show the International Traffic! This is the most important information, for the purposes of this article. As I explained, above, I genuinely believe that the true measure of a writer is his broader appeal. A writer whose work is read in a great many nations, countries, has demonstrated greater ability via broader appeal. It is very easy to write for just one geographic area, one mindset, and one group of people. Far more difficult is to refine and enhance one’s writing abilities to reach/entertain larger and larger groups of people. I am hoping that publishers understand and appreciate this ability, too! J Below, a color graphic of the world with areas colored in where my blogs was read. The lower part of the graphic gives us a number break-down, by country, of just how many visitors per nation or country.


[caption id="attachment_3678" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Global Traffic by Color – Secondary Location Global Traffic by Color – Secondary Location[/caption]

(Global Traffic by Color – Secondary Location)


Here is the number break-down of the International Traffic for ONE month – August 29th to September 26th – The Other Shoe @ Word Press (www.theothersshoe.wrdpress.com)


Nation: Visitors:

United States925
United Kingdom54
South Africa12
Republic of Korea9
Saudi Arabia5
New Zealand5
United Arab Emirates4
Hong Kong3
New Caledonia2
Russian Federation2
Costa Rica2
Czech Republic1
Sri Lanka1
Papua New Guinea1
Marshall Islands1

TOTAL: 1,207


That brings us to the end of the information and graphics I have to share for the secondary blog location for The Other Shoe (www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com). If you have any questions, or comments, place them in the ‘Comments’ section of this article. As I monitor all threads and articles I will get back to you ASAP and do my best to answer any questions and/or respond to any/all comments/suggestions.


Now, on with the primary location for my blog The Other Shoe (www.theothershoe.blog.com). Here, My Dear Readers, I am forced to admit. Admit that my secondary blog location is actually the busier location of the two. My primary blog location, at this time, just does not have as much/more visit or visitors as the secondary location. This is troubling, to me, for more reasons that one. The primary location has been active for more than four years. I have invested far more money in advertising and publicity for the primary location. More articles, longer web presence, and more $$$ spent on ads and promotions should equal the busier blog. It just is not the way. ‘The best laid plans of mouse and men’. Right?


The very first image, for this blog location, is the overall traffic for the blog for the month ending September 25th, 2014. I would like to make on fact well known. During the past month (past TWO months, past three months, past year) my primary location has been DOWN more days/weeks than I care to count. This blog location has real difficulties staying up! Within any given month I would have to say, honestly, there are at least ten to twelve days that the nlog is inaccessible! This is very discouraging and upsetting. As well, each and every time I go to run a funding campaign? It seems like the blog location goes down more often and for longer! My Dear Readers, this is the reason I have (often) spoken of getting my OWN URL, Web Hosting, and Blog software and leaving blog dot com behind! However, right now I am having terrible difficulties just trying to raise funds to Battle My CANCER!


That battle… and the fund raiser for getting my own blog location, hosting and software will have to just come another day… maybe a long long time away… L Right now, the next graphic shows the overall traffic at blog dot com for the month ending September 25th, 2014.


[caption id="attachment_3677" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Overall Traffic Numbers TOS Blog Dot Com Overall Traffic Numbers TOS Blog Dot Com[/caption]

(Overall Traffic Numbers TOS Blog Dot Com)


Now, for the International traffic numbers! As with my secondary blog location, one can clearly and easily see that my work is read in nearly a dozen nations! It is with a great deal of pride that I share this information! Below, International Traffic as represented in a color graphic of the world.


[caption id="attachment_3675" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Global Traffic TOS Blog Dot Com Global Traffic TOS Blog Dot Com[/caption]

(Global Traffic TOS Blog Dot Com)


Our next graphic shows us the number of visitors, and corresponds to the color graphic above. My work, at this location, is read in; England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, India, Brazil, Argentina, and Denmark just to name a few. If you, My Dear Readers, look carefully below you can see just how many people came and read my work from these countries.


[caption id="attachment_3676" align="aligncenter" width="630"]International Traffic By The Numbers Primary Location International Traffic By The Numbers Primary Location[/caption]

(International Traffic By The Numbers Primary Location)


My Dear Readers, those are the graphics and numbers I came here tonight to share. However, I want to make sure that everyone understands WHY I am sharing this information. It is NOT to ‘brag’! I know that some will think that regardless of what I say or write. Let me tell you the truth of the WHY I share these graphics and numbers.


I want you, My Dear Readers, to understand that you are part of an international community! That each and every time you come and read my work, you make yourself a part of an international audience. You become a part of a larger whole, and take a step away from being a pawn of just American news and information. In essence you take s step towards being a citizen of the world!


You are exposing yourself to material that has an international audience. In doing you graduate from being a domestic consumer and begin the journey towards being an international citizen/consumer. It has taken me many years to develop a style of writing, a stable of regular articles, and a library of works that have the international appeal. This is a ‘Good Thing’. Being a part of a larger world, and an international community is an enviable trait and one that will serve you well for years and decades to come.


That is my reason for gathering and sharing this information to all of you, My Dear Readers. Conversely to sharing this information, I could just gather the information, save the graphics to my hard drive, and view time and time again, alone. That is not who I am. I am a “gregarious person” just as a very good old friend was quoted saying about me. I have, always, sought to be a player in a larger audience. I would much rather be ‘A little fish in a big pond’ than ‘A big fish in a little pond’. Not a lot o people… well, a majority of people seek out the opportunity to be the big fish in a little pond’.


Further, people that are born in; smaller towns, smaller communities, in less populated states often cherish their status in the ‘smaller pond’ rather than moving to another state and/or a metropolitan setting. Challenging themselves, and their abilities, against large numbers of equally talented and educated people in these larger states, communities and metropolitan settings. I think this is why I left for Southern California just as soon as I was able, and why I kept returning. I am very proud that I was; the #1 Leasing Agent for a large Beverly Hills property Management company, the #1 Pharmacy Technician for a very large hospital (996 beds) in a metropolitan city.


Until; my severe accident, my nerve root damage, my spinal stenosis, my loss of use of left hand/arm and left leg, and now my battle with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I, continually, set my self in contest with larger and larger communities. While I was working as a Property Manager (of Three Properties) in Beverly Hills? During my off time I competed in National Ladder Tournaments in PC-FPS gaming. During the summer of 2002 I placed (for two weeks) as #1 in a National Ladder Tournament For F.E.A.R. on Gamespy. I missed a whole ten , of competition, due to leaving Westwood for Northern California to train Leasing Agents at another property. Even with missing ten days of competition? By the end of the Tournament I placed #7 (down from THREE WEEKS at #1) competing against hundreds of other (younger) FPS players! Accomplished while managing three properties ALONE and training ‘new’ Leasing Agents all over California from Walnut Creek to San Diego.


So, My Dear Readers, I think that you can (now) understand why I place incredible demands on myself… now in writing. However, no matter how well I write… IF I am unable to afford to fight, battle and BEAT my Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma? My international appeal as a blog writer… is of little consequence. That is WHY I continue to; ask, request, beseech, implore and (yes, even) BEG for YOUR Donations and SUPPORT! My funding campaign, Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo IS my way of securing the financial support that is required to battle and BEAT THIS CANCER!


Without your, My Dearest Readers, SUPPORT my writing will halt. My days will be numbered, and none of us will know what great works I might have brought into this world! That is WHY this WEEKEND I WILL be WORKING this Campaign just as HARD and INTENSLY as POSSIBLE! If you have already donated? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! If you have NOT? WHY? PLEASE take a moment and LOOK at the images, READ the ‘Mission Statement’, Doctor’s reports, PATHOLOGY Reports and CONSIDER CAREFULLY! PLEASE?


My life is in YOUR, My Dearest Readers, merciful HANDS! I beseech YOU! To PLEASE take a moment and PLEASE DONATE to my campaign to raise the funds I desperately NEED to fight… to BATTLE this Cancer… and WIN! With YOUR HELP I CAN BEAT THIS CANCER!




Thank YOU!


Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


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PLEASE Shop at The Other Shoe eBay Store!

PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!



Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014
Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe



The Horror in Smithville - Part - 14 - B - 3


[caption id="attachment_2489" align="aligncenter" width="500"]The Horror in Smithville The Horror in Smithville[/caption]


                     Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe and to another episode of my scary little tale ‘The Horror in Smithville’! With Halloween rapidly approaching I am making every effort to put the final touches on this suspenseful tale of juvenile horror. Today I have yet another addition of the ‘Part 14’ that works to establish several different pints of view. We have; Timmy and Archer headed to the hospital, Betty Sue and Truman dealing with the aggressor Barry, Middle School Principal Roger Marsch headed to “the job site”, Sheriff Walter Daniels head to “the job site”, and Archer’s Father Ralph Simner already AT “the job site”. There is a ‘Winter Weather Advisory’ that is about to turn into a ‘Winter Storm’ and I am not going to say another word about any of this. I will just leave you with the teaser that all the people headed for “the Job Site”… well; they are not going to be playing arcade games when they get there.


We pick up where we left off, last week. Truman and Betty Sue have Barry Gartuska locked in the inner office of the Principal’s office of the Middle School. Deputy Darryl is headed to the Middle School, to pick up Barry and take him to the Smithville Sheriff’s Office. What happens, in today’s adventure, is going to be some of the most fun I have had in weeks of writing. I just hope that it is the same for you, My Dear Readers, too! Before I leave you to the tale and the characters (too), I want to remind you all of one thing. Regardless of my; pain, appointments, nausea, depression, scans, lack of sleep, lost weight, and growing concern over my condition? I am always right here sharing this story with you, My Dear Readers.


I am rapidly approaching SIX HUNDERED ARTICLES here at The Other Shoe. 600 articles and ONE really great tale of horror and suspense… and all for FREE! There are never any ads or advertisements on my blog! I do not want the distractions, so I pay to have them removed. FIVE YEARS and 600 articles… and I am just asking for your support helping me BATTLE my CANCER. When you are reading, today, please think about that and… maybe at the end you will take a moment and donate. PLEASE?


Now, without further adieu I give to you ‘The Horror in Smithville’!



Part Fourteen – B – 3


As soon as Truman had closed the door the Principal’s private office behind him. Barry Gartuska began wriggling and squirming, all in a vain effort to gain release from the handcuffs and the steel framed chair. He, first, pulled his left hand as far as he could through the chair back. Nearly standing on his head, he slipped and fell face forward back into the chair. That had hurt his shoulder something fierce. Hang on… his shoulder… Barry was actually trying to have a thought. It was something from a movie he saw… about handcuffs… a shoulder… Nope, he drew a blank.


Next, Barry tried threading his right hand through the chair back. He almost had both his hands free when, slip. BAM! Now Barry had landed squarely on his butt. Again, he hurt his other shoulder, and again it made him think. Something about a hurt shoulder and getting out of handcuffs… Nope, again a blank. Barry weaved his right hand back through the chair back and sat down. Barry sat quietly, for a moment, listening to the voices in the outer office. Sounded like Betty Sue was being her normal harebrained and frantic self! HA! Barry may have been handcuffed to a chair bolted to the floor, but at least he didn’t have to deal with Betty Sue. He counted himself lucky.


He was sitting there, quietly, when it occurred to him. He had been able to weave both his hands through the chair back, so that they were free from being fixed behind him. He may not be able to get out of the chair, or the office, but he could move just enough to get out a cigarette, and maybe even smoke one, too! Again Barry weaved first his left, then his right hands through the chair back. Trying, desperately, to figure out just how he was going to be able to get his cigarettes, and lighter, out of his pants… and a cigarette lit! The more he worked at this goal, the more he really wanted a cigarette!


BAM! Barry was sitting on the floor with both his hands above his head. That time he had nearly dislocated his shoulder… … … Dang it! He’d almost had it that time. A movie where a guy dislocates his shoulder… to get out of handcuffs? Barry did not like all this… thinking! It was way too much like math class! Barry did not like math class. He had always picked his schedule so that any math class came right after lunch. That way, he could get high during lunch and sleep through all that plus, minus, divide, and multiply bullshit. Nobody ever really needed that junk, right? Barry was sitting on the floor, wishing that his mind would just stop trying to remember the movie… that and stop trying to figure out how to get a cigarette.


Barry was sitting on the floor, facing the left backside of Principal Marsch’s desk… when everything in the room… went foggy. The whole room appeared to be filling with smoke or fog. He wriggled his back into his chair, so that he was sitting down and facing the front to the desk directly. Just as he had managed to squirm his butt back into the seat of the metal chair, the fog in the room began to… well, began to gather in the corner to his right. Right behind/beside Principal’s Marsch’s desk, to the left of the Principal’s chair, all the fog in the room was gathering.


Barry started getting a really bad headache. His vision started blurring, and his head throbbed. He did his best to just focus on the gathering fog. He was focusing harder than he had for anything before in his life. That was probably the reason for the headache, right? He was focusing and the fog was gathering, when he thought he heard a voice. Yet, the voice did not originate, like he thought it might, in the corner with the growing cloud of fog and smoke. No, this voice rumbled in Barry’s head. Fog was swirling all around the corner of the office, getting darker and deeper black as it gathered in the center. While in Barry’s head a low and inaudible voice rumbled causing his headache to grow in leaps and bounds. Barry, in a futile effort to block the growing voice, tried to cover his ears with handcuffed hands.


It was he was engaged in that futile effort that Barry smelled… it. Like someone trying to bar-b-que a three-week-old road kill possum on their backyard grill, it filled his nose with a pungent odor. His head swimming, his ears filled with a growing low rumbling angry voice, his nose filling with the pungent odor of burnt road kill, Barry began to wretch. Unable to turn, enough, left or right due to the weave of the handcuffs into the chair back, Barry began to wretch all over his own pants and shoes. Slowly, at first, his nausea was only increased by the smell of his own sick.


Not wanting to see his own vomit, Barry jerked his head up. That was when he saw… it! Formed from smoke and shadows, standing as tall as the seven-foot roof of the office, it formed from the center out. Dark black smoke, followed by a sharp and putrid smell, filled the air. Barry was scared to death, he tried leaning back in the chair, that didn’t work. He tried to lift up out of the chair; all he did was wrench his arms so bad he thought they would pull of out their sockets. No matter what Barry tired, he wasn’t avoiding what ever was forming in the corner of the room. He sat down, and waited for his fate to form.


The thick putrid black smoke whirled and turned, slowly out of the confused gases a form took shape. Standing every inch of seven feet, as thin as a rail, and clothed in smoke and shadows, a human form appeared. ‘The Tall Man’ appeared before Barry, and Barry was certain that this encounter just might be his last. Barry hardened his appearance, just as ‘The Tall Man’ began to speak.


“Hello, Barry. I am ‘The Tall Man’, or so I have been labeled by your contemporaries Timmy and Archer. I am very happy to make your acquaintance, and hope that you and I can be ‘friends’. You see, Barry, you and I have a great deal.. in common. I, too, dislike the meddling Duo; Timmy Marref and his diminutive side-kick Archer. They, already, have interfered in my plans, and have befriended one of my arch rivals… ‘Mr. Champion’.”


Barry listened, carefully, to what ‘The Tall Man’ was saying. Regardless of their common dislike for Timmy and Archer, something deep inside Barry, made him naturally repel from the man dressed in shadows. Barry liked being ‘The Bully’, and never shied away from picking on someone smaller than himself. He stole, he lied, he beat on smaller kids, and he would rather spend an afternoon burning stuff than going to school. Yet Barry had never seen himself as, well, ‘evil’. This ‘Tall Man’ was gonna have to work for his friendship, and when better than right now. Barry hadn’t smoked a cigarette in almost an hour, and he was Jonesing for one bad!


“Not so easy, Tall Man, I want… stuff, starting with a cigarette! How bout a smoke, then we’ll talk.”


Barry sat up in the chair, as much as his handcuffs would allow, and waited for The Tall Man to meet his demand. ‘The Tall Man’… moved… for the lack of a better word. It wasn’t so much moving like you or me, his tall form seemed more to glide out of the far corner of the room. His feet lifted and he walked like anyone else, it was just that his movement was just the fluid way he moved. Oh, and his feet? First, no shoes. Second, there were hooves at the end of his long spindly legs, not feet with shoes on them. Barry noticed, that when ‘The Tall Man’ moved toward him. He noticed the hooves, and he noticed that when he walked, his hooves left burn marks in the carpet. Burn marks the shape of horseshoes, but made in dark black of burnt carpet threads. Small plumes of smoke arose from the carpet, when his hooves touched the fabric beneath his hooves.


“So, Barry wants a cigarette, yes?’ Barry remains silent and just nods his head.


“Well, how about the one right here, the one it looks as though you might have dropped? Will that one be alright?” Again, remaining silent, Barry nods in agreement.


“No, don’t move, let me get that for you my good friend Barry.”


Barry looks at the cigarette; he had dropped earlier, on the floor. Not knowing what to expect next, would he reach down and pick it up? Would his hands burn the cigarette the way his hooves burnt the carpet? Barry didn’t know what to expect, except to expect the unexpected. As Barry stared at the cigarette, it began to life up off the carpet! The Tall Man was still a good five feet from Barry or the cigarette, and he had made no move to get closer. His hands were not movi9ng, either. You know, like in all the movies and TV shows? When someone, or something, goes to move something without their hands, they stretch out a hand and, like, guide the object through the air? None of that stuff with The Tall Man.


Barry quickly glanced up at The Tall Man only to see that he was looking directly at Barry. He smiled. Well it was like a smile, his lips upturned at the edge of his mouth that was all. Then Barry returned his gaze to the, now, floating cigarette as it approached his face. Suddenly, the floating cigarette halted its mid-air acrobatics. It stopped, just inches from Barry’s face, and floated motionless.


“Well, Barry, if you intend to smoke that cigarette. I will need to light it for you, won’t I? I mean I really don’t see how you could light this cigarette in your current state of confinement. Here, let me light this for you.”


OK, majorly creepy, nut Barry didn’t look away from the cigarette of The Tall Man for a moment. Barry wanted to see just how The Tall Man was going to light the cigarette for Barry. Again, The Tall Man did not reach out, he didn’t hold out a hand and snap his fingers, an unlike ‘I Dream of Genie’ he did not wiggle his nose. Nope, it just happened. One moment the cigarette was not lit, and the next there was a red-hot cherry at the tip of the cigarette. Now it began to move, again, right towards Barry’s mouth. Barry opened his lips, slightly, to allow the cigarette egress. As soon as it touched his lips, Barry shut his lips and began to draw. The tip flared and he drew smoke into his lungs. It was lit. Barry smoked the cigarette, drawing drag after drag from the cigarette. Everything, except the how he got the smoke, seemed normal. Everything except the taste. Barry couldn’t put his finger on it, the taste, but it was as if he had lit the cigarette with a piece of charcoal, like from a Bar-B-Que. Kind of an acrid and dry taste. Other than that, the cigarette smoked just fine, and it was helping Barry to relax and gather his thoughts.


The Tall Man had withdrawn back to the corner, almost as if he belonged in the shadows. Barry was gathering his thoughts and he had a few; first this guy was not ‘The Devil’ Barry was not sure how he knew this, but he did… second, this Tall Man didn’t mean to kill Barry or he would be dead already… third, this Tall Man needed Barry for something, he didn’t know what but until The Tall Man got what he wanted Barry figured he was as safe as safe could be. Now it was time to find out what this Tall Man was here for.


“K.. Thanks for the smoke. It is about spent, what should I do with it?”


“Just let it drop from your mouth, Barry. It isn’t going to burn the office down. There are two people, just outside that door, that will keep anything from burning down. Now, you have had your smoke… you are thinking clearer… are you ready?”


Barry’s back tensed and his arms and legs became cold as if all the blood, in them, just ran for his body. “Are you ready?” Barry wasn’t sure he was ready for whatever The Tall Man had in store, for him. Matter o’fact, Barry was pretty sure that when The Tall Man was done with Barry… well, they were going to find his dead body in an empty lot somewhere. The only way to stay alive was to trick this Tall Man or manage to get him to leave and leave Barry… here. Barry’s mind was racing, for one of the first times in his life. Having spent the first twelve years of his life avoiding thinking, learning, and remembering Barry’s poor brain was ill-equipped and unprepared for the moment.


“Stop thinking so hard Barry. Your brain isn’t use to it, and it doesn’t suit you. Just come right out and tell me. Are you ready?”


Barry screwed up all the courage he had. He squared his shoulders, sit up straight in the chair, and spoke directly and clearly to The Tall Man.


“I don’t know what you mean by ‘Are you ready’… but I am not leaving here with you. If I do that… well, I will end up dead. Maybe not right away, but as soon as you are done with me, I will end up dead and dumped somewheres.”


The Tall Man did that thing with his face, again. Where the edges of his mouth turn up, but it doesn’t really look like a smile. Barry is trying his hardest to sit firm. To not show how scared he is, or seem weak in any way. It was just then, when Barry saw the handset of the Principal’s phone floating toward him. Toward his face. Barry flinched, some, thinking that it might be floating towards him to hit him, or something. Then he heard voices on the phone. Familiar voices, he heard Mr. Dunahoo’s voice on the phone. So he leaned into the phone and rested his left ear on the receiver.


" This is Truman Dunahoo… Teacher over to the Middle School? We are holding Barry Gartuska… … … garbled speech mixed with static… .. We do not have the facilities to hold students… indefinitely. Do you hear me, Deputy Darryl? Do you understand me Deputy Darryl?” Then there is silence, for a moment. Then a less familiar voice starts to speak on the receiver. ““Yes, Truman… I remember you! You are the English and Drama teacher at the Middle School… … You say you are holding the boy that beat up Timmy Marref?... ... OK... I understand. No, you are right you shouldn’t be holding be holding a murderer there at the Middle School!”


MURDERER! Timmy is dead? Barry knew he had given that gaywad the beating he had always wanted… the beating he deserved. But, he didn’t think he had beat him that bad. Bad enough to kill someone. The other voice on the phone, who was it? He had heard it before, that voice, somewhere and at sometime he had heard that voice. He just couldn’t place the voice, right now. Where had he heard the voice? Barry was thinking and thinking hard. His brain was not accustom to all this work, and Barry began to get a terrible headache. He strained and strained… “No, you are right you shouldn’t be holding be holding a murderer there at the Middle School!”… …. … WHO would Truman be talking to about “holding a murderer”?


Just as Barry spoke his name out loud, The Tall Man spoke the answer to the question hanging in Barry’s mind…


“Deputy Darryl!” They said in unison.


That was Deputy Darryl on the phone with Truman saying “No, you are right you shouldn’t be holding be holding a murderer there at the Middle School!” That meant that Deputy Darryl would be on his way to the Middle School to pick up Barry… ME! Barry had put all the pieces together, and with only limited help from The Tall Man. Deputy Darryl, and Truman and Betty Sue, ALL thought Barry was a murderer! Barry was not going to be going home, tonight. Or any other night, for that matter. Barry needed to think but his head was, already, screaming at him for all the work already. Barry had to get out of that office right now and he had to do it without leaving with The Tall Man. Barry had never believed in ‘God’ before, he was starting to reconsider that decision. As the wheels were turning, in side Barry’s head, outside a voice spoke to him.


“Barry… Barry they think you are a murderer, Barry. You heard the phone… Deputy Darryl is on his way, right now, to come and take you away! Barry you know what they do to boys your age in jail. Don’t you Barry?” Barry, you do not want to be here when Deputy Darryl gets here, believe me! They won’t give locking you away and throwing away the key… a second thought! Barry you killed a well liked BOY! You are going to die, Barry! They are going to kill you!”


Geeze! Didn’t The Tall Man know that Barry knew what they were going to do? Barry knew what they would do to him, in jail. He also knew that they were not about to let him live after beating that little gayward to death! DANGIT! It was an ACCIDENT! I didn’t MEAN to beat him to death! I just got a little carried away! Yeah, but they wouldn’t understand that. His Dad would understand! His Dad would know what it was to get carried away beating up a gaywad! If only he could get to his Dad! His Dad would know what to do! Now, how was he going to get past Truman and that Betty Sue?


Just as Barry was trying to figure out just how to get past two grown adults blocking his way out, Barry felt heat on his face and smelled… smelled something worse than a dead cat! It was The Tall Man and he was right up in Barry’s grill… and he was talking.


“Barry. Barry, you really need to listen to me, Barry. You are not going to get out of here, alone. Without my help, you are going to end up in the backseat of Deputy Darryl’s cruiser… then in a lock-up at the Smithville Police station while they wait for a County Marshall to come and take you to the county lock-up. After that, my dear Barry? After that you will be everyone’s ‘Play Toy’ until you are ‘Found Guilty By a Jury of Your Peers’. They, it will be off to the ELECTRIC CHAIR, Barry! They don’t use the ‘Lethal Injection’ here, anymore… no drugs for Barry! Nope, they will strap you into Ol’Sparky and light you up like a Christmas Tree! But I CAN HELP YOU, Barry! Just let me help you!?!?”


Barry just couldn’t think with this freaky guy up in his grill… and that smell! What had this creep been eating? Road Kill for breakfast? It was about to make Barry PUKE! Barry needed to think, and one thing was for sure! Barry was not leaving with Captain Creepy! That was not happening, and Barry had to set him straight!


“Listen, dude… I am not leaving with you. I mean, like, Thanks for the cigarette… and Thanks for the ‘Heads-Up that they are on the way to come and take me away… but there is, like, no way in Hell that I am leaving here with YOU! No hard feelings, but it just ain’t happenen!”


Barry was not looking up at The Tall Man when he broke the news to him. He figured it would be easier, if he wasn’t looking right at him. Barry was sure that this Tall Man wasn’t gonna take the news too well, but what was he gonna do? Float a burning cigarette up his nose? Nope, Barry was much less concerned about The Tall Man than getting his ass past Truman and Betty Sue! He figured that Betty Sue would scamper away and hide under her desk, once he came out screaming and throwing stuff. Truman, one the other hand, would be more difficult. He wouldn’t shy away from a fight. Barry figured, in his current state he could, probably, take Truman. At least enough to get past him and out into the hallway. Once there, he was sure that he could out run Truman, and make a b-Line for the street, then home! Home and help from his Dad! His Dad would know just what to do! Maybe he could send me over to his brother’s? Yeah, his Uncle Dave! Uncle Dave had several run-ins with the law! There was no way he would let the law take his nephew away!


While Barry was plotting and planning, figuring it all out in his head. The one thing he was no planning on was right in front of him. The Tall Man had given Barry some time to consider his options. The Tall Man was not in any hurry, he gave Barry several moments to come to the right decision. Then he spoke, to Barry, one last time.


“Barry? Barry? I have given you a few moments to consider your options. Have you come to the correct decision? You know that your father is not going to break probation to ‘save’ you, right? I mean you do know that, right? You walk into your home and tell your father that you killed a fellow student? We will tie you up and hold you until the police get there then ask them if there is a reward! You do know that to be true, right Barry?”


That made Barry think for a moment. Yes, his father was out on parole as was his uncle, too. As difficult as it was for Barry to admit, The Tall Man was probably right about his father and his uncle. This upset Barry even more than he was scared. Then, he had a thought, it was a rarity, but this one just might work. He was going to try and trick The Tall Man. It everything came out, the way he planed, he would get out of the handcuffs, out of the office and past Betty Sue and Truman, too. Here goes nuthin!


“Ok, Mr. Tall Man, let’s say I believe you about my Dad and his brother. Whos to say that you can ever get me out of here? You can appear in this room… you can lift a cigarette and light it… no biggie I bet that there are lots of Magicians that can pull those tricks. Before I consider leaving here with you, I need some proof. How’s this? If you can get me out of these handcuffs… I will consider talking about leaving with you. How’s that for deals, huh? Can you even get me out of these handcuffs?”


The Tall Man, again, made an attempt at smiling. The edges of his lips raised, slightly, and then lowered again. Without any hand gestures or blinking eyes or any of that Hollywood stuff, The Tall Man just stood there, then spoke.


“Barry, if you move your hands you will find that they are quite free of the handcuffs. Now, Barry, I am not accustom to performing or having to work to win people’s support. More often that not, people come to ME! Now, if you are satisfied, we need to get moving. I would rather that we were gone when they open that door… which will be very soon, now.”


Barry pulled both his hands forward… and they were indeed free! He rubbed his wrists and looked on the ground underneath the chair he had been imprisoned for the past several hours. There lay the handcuffs. Not melted, not burnt and not deformed in any way. They were whole and they looked functional, it was just that they were not wrapped around his wrists anymore. That was impressive, but Barry wasn’t about to tell The Tall Man that. He was free from his handcuffs, now he needed to be free of this inner office and then he would take his chances with Betty Sue and Truman. Barry reached into his back pocket, took out his pack of cigarettes, pulled out a smoke, brought out his lighter and lit his cigarette. Then he spoke to The Tall Man.


Well… that was impressive, but… just HOW are you going to get us past Betty Sue and ol’Truman in the outer office? You explain that to me, and I’ll consider bein’ your sidekick and leaving here with you…”


There was no slight lifting of the edges of his lips, this time. This time The Tall Man opened his mouth wide and let out a deep, and scary, laugh. It was like no laugh Barry had ever heard. I was loud, but that was not all! It… well, it was a laugh… but behind the laugh… Barry could swear he heard something more. Something like the rattling of bones in a ceramic dish. It sounded hallow and it sounded brittle. The sound made the hair on the back of Barry’s neck stand on end, and it made Barry’s blood run cold in his veins. Barry had not said anything,… funny… so he was at a loss as to why The Tall man was laughing. Then, The Tall Man, spoke and it all became very clear… and Barry was never the same, again.


“Barry… I have tried to do things ‘your way’… I have humored your curiosity… I allowed for your petty desires… and I have even indulged your feelings of independence… and self-reliance. The truth of the matter is this, Barry. You can leave here with me, NOW! Make it past the growing crowds already gathering and lusting for your blood for killing Timmy Marref… NEVER spend a single day or night in jail or PRISON for the MURDER you are most assuredly GUILTY. You can do all that, RIGHT NOW, without me explaining ANYTHING! Or, I can just disappear. Just disappear and leave you here for the townspeople to string up, in the school courtyard, LONG before Deputy Darryl arrives. By the time he gets here? They will have broken every bone in your body THEN strung you up to hang! I am tried of playing games, Barry. Which is it to be. Come with me, or die a painful and gruesome death… all too similar to the death Timmy Marref had at your hands!”


‘All I have to do, is to get hijm to open the door… once that is done, I am home free… I have to stick to my plan. Not let him get into my head… Just challenge him to open the door… the BLOT for the street!’ Thought Barry quietly to himself, or so he thought. As I have explained, Barry is not the brightest bulb in the pack. He really did think that he could outwit The Tall Man, and right now he was going to pay the price for being so wrong.


“OK… OK Tall Man. Just one mo0re thing. How are you going to get that door open? Get the door open, and I will go with you Mr. Tall Man. Just get the door open… and I will go right along with you… K?


A great darkness swept over the face of The Tall Man. The edges of his mouth made an obvious turn downward. His jaw tensed, noticeably. His forehead furrowed as he frowned and his eyes squinted in anger. Even a complete, like Barry, could tell that he had pushed The Tall Man too far. At the very same time, the room became very dark and the air quite thin. Barry was having hard time breathing, when The Tall Man began to speak.


“I have indulged your stupidity. I have humored your curiosity. I have proved my ability and I have allowed you to question me. NOW THAT ENDS!”


This time The Tall Man’s right hand lifter from his side, with finger curled in a gnarly half-fist. As he did this, The Tall Man spoke words of a language Barry could not understand, and had never heard. Barry was walking backwards, into the door, when it happened. He first felt it in his fingertips, and toes. Then he felt it in his chest, and his arms and legs. Something was pulling at him. He looked down at his hands and arms… that was when he started screaming! When Barry looked down at his arms and legs… he saw something. Barry saw an opaque white’ish form rising out of his body! As it was being pulled from inside his body out. Barry experienced terrible and terrific pain!


It was a pain like nothing Barry had ever felt in his entire life, while it appeared that The Tall Man was literally pulling his soul out of his body! For Barry it felt like somebody was pulling all his bones OUT of his body… all at once! Like someone was, somehow, pulling out; all his teeth in his mouth, all the many bones out of his fingers in his hand, ever single bone out of his spine and every other bone from all of his body ALL AT ONCE! Barry wanted to blackout! But, he didn’t! He was screaming and screaming in pain and the more he screamed the worse the pain became! He didn’t even need to look down, now, to see the ghostly white form as it was being pulled out form inside in body!


Barry was not a spiritual person. He had only been to church a few times in his life, at Christmas, and only because he had been promised that “Santa will come while we are at church!” Even though Barry was not religious and he had never been to Sunday School… Barry KNEW that it was his soul that was being pulled form out of his body! The Tall Man was now clearly smiling… and SMILING BIG! Doing this to Barry was making The Tall Man very happy! There was only one way this was going to end, and Barry exactly what he had to do. Unknown, to Barry right now, this was to be the last decision… exercise of freewill of Barry’s short life. Barry was giving himself to The Tall Man.


OK… OK!!! I WILL go WITH you! PLEASE!! Just STOP! PLEASE just STOP right NOW!”


The Tall Man gave his right hand one last HARD jerk (pulling Barry’s body right up OFF the carpeted floor), then he let his right hand drop to his side, and Barry to the floor in a crumpled heap. Barry was breathing hard and there was a terrible ringing in his ears. He was covered in sweat… well, he hoped that it was all sweat. Barry put his hands on the seat of the chair, so that he could lift himself up into the chair. He really wanted to sit down and light up a cigarette. Then, through the rining in his ears, he heard The Tall Man speak.


“No, Barry, we are not going to have time for that! As well, you will not be needing those cigarettes anymore at all! Why don’t we just leave them right here for Betty Sue and Truman to find, then we are going to leave, Barry. You are never going to return here, Barry, You are never again going to; see this school, see these students, see these teachers, see your father or your Uncle. Barry? This is the last time you are ever going to be anything more than my tool. Your life, as you know it, is now going to end! Say ‘Goodbye’ to everything and everyone you have ever known. Go ahead, Barry, say it NOW!”


Barry sees his broken pack of cigarettes appear on the floor in front of him. Then, he starts to say “goodbye”.. and only gets out…




Betty Sue and Truman are leaning up against the door, when they hear Barry form inside the inner office. They hear him screaming! They had smelled cigarette smoke, again, a few moments earlier. Then it got really quite. Now… Barry was screaming AGAIN! This time is was so loud that it forced Truman and Betty Sue away from the door to the inner office. They heard Barry’s screaming twice, then they could have sworn they heard… Barry begging for his life! Truman got right up against the door, again, and put his ear hard up against the door. He could barely make out Barry saying “PLEASE just STOP right NOW!”


Then Truman heard, what he thought was, Barry falling to the ground inside the office. Truman was panicked. He knew that there was no way for anyone to get inside the inner office. There were no windows and no other doors. Barry was locked and handcuffed in room by himself! But, Truman’s reason could not overcome his feeling that someone was really hurting Barry in that room.


“Hand me that key, Betty Sue. Stand over there, behind your desk, and duck down. I am not sure what is happening in there… but it sounds like Barry is being hurt… badly. I am going to open the door… and I do not know what is going to come out. Stay over there… and stay safe!”


Betty Sue handed Truman the key, then she stood beside Truman, just to the other side of the door, and spoke.


“We don’t KNOW what is in that room… you are right. But, we are going to find out what is.. TOGETHER! Now, take a deep breath… and unlock that door and open it!”


Truman starts counting, and Betty Sue chimes in…


“1… 2… THREE!”


END Part 14 –B -3



(The Horror in Smithville - Logo)


With THAT My Dear Readers, we bring to an end, this episode of Part 14. Finally Barry has met The Tall Man, much to his chagrin. The Tall Man has yet another of the town’s people under his thumb. It doesn’t really matter that nobody thought Barry had murdered Timmy. It doesn’t really matter that Timmy is not dead. The only thing that matters? That Barry gave his permission to The Tall Man to take him away! Now, The Tall Man owns Barry and Barry is going to rue the day be beat on Timmy the “gaywad”.


Now, My Dear Readers, I am not sure just which day I am going to publish this work. I have moved the regularly scheduled day of the week for “The Horror’ to Friday. I did this so that I could have my article with the largest draw appear right before the weekend. Hoping that, doing so, would assure me of more traffic over the weekend. Everything I do I do to improve traffic and increase readership. Especially NOW that I am running a Cancer Treatment Campaign, in an effort to raise money to help me pay all my medical bills. The more traffic the more eyes to see the ads and the more hearts and minds to possibly convince to lend a hand!


Admittedly, since this time last week I have experienced a big bump in donations. I am not @ $280 in donations. That is a fraction of my goal, as set. However, I am not complaining… I am just explaining. I have about SEVEN days left to try and raise as MUCH money as I possibly can. I simply must succeed! This goal was not set by whim or fancy. It was come to with get discussion and deliberation and as a deliberate act. I sincerely wanted to have the resources to move out of California and battle my cancer in a place with; four seasons, snow and FEWER PEOPLE. I set this goal so that I might get away from `public transportation’ and be freed to come and go as I please! I included these goals in my figuring of the total amount to TRY and ACHIEVE.


For the next seven days I WILL NOT SLEEP… much at all. I will NOT REST… much at all. I fear I will damage my health… but I do so.. so that I MIGHT MEET MY GOAL! My Dear Readers I am going to push and PUSH and PUSH myself to meet or exceed my goal. To fail would be to fail; my health, my life, my future, my love, my friends, Allen and Alexander… ALL! There si so much riding on this campaign, My Dear Readers. More than you know and more than most understand. That is hwy I am redoubling my efforts, and planning on spending five out of the remaining seven days ON LINE! On line; publishing, promoting, talking, advertising, pimping, pleading, and even begging… if need be.


So, if you haven’t already? PLEASE My Dear Readers, head over to the campaign web site at Indiegogo. Read the; doctor’s reports’ scan images, test results and reports. Watch the videos, and animations I have uploaded. Look at all of the pictures from my youth and those of me with my brothers and family. Understand the great loss they will all feel if I am unable to obtain the treatment I so desperately need. I am not asking any one person to donate… HUGE! However, there have been OVER 300+ people ‘Share’ my campaign on Facebook. If everyone of those were to donate even TEN DOLLARS EACH? I would have earned over $3,000.00! With that I could make a good effort at my treatment!


PLEASE? Drop by… and take a look.. and PLEASE donate.




Thank YOU!


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Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014



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