So, I though I would look through the neighborhood, look for ‘Step Mother’ houses and Owner managed properties. These are the type of properties that I can qualify for, still, and they are generally lower in price than properties owned and managed by large corporate real estate companies. We spent three hours out, visited a couple of churches in the area, too. They had ‘Community Boards’ but nothing for rent right now. I am going to keep checking Craigslist and tomorrow I am going back out and head in a different direction.
Three applications/answers to ads for Craigslist, today. One was a really nice ‘Granny House’ for $700 and (unfortunately) an upstairs 1Bdr/1Bth for $633. The later is in a Senior Only apartment, which is a ‘Good Thing’.
So, that is all for today’s update. Got a lot of sun. Answered several ads. Covered a good size of area in the local neighborhood. Sleep. Repeat tomorrow.
Oh, yeah. Hope everyone enjoyed the ‘The Story of Daniel – Flashback’ I posted before I left for my apartment search. It was a lot of fun writing, and it was another one of those articles that I sat down, and it just happened. Actually, it started out as an article about… well, something entirely different. Right before my eyes the whole article, like, morphed.
I am enjoying the direction it is going, though. I decided to make it FOUR parts. Today, Thrusday, Friday and Saturday morning. [Because the campaign ends Saturday afternoon. Remember that, Saturday afternoon.]
As always, it is an honor for me, that you come here to my blog and read my work.
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[…] August 21st, 2013 Danny/Campaign Update : “iWelcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today was another busy day, and I finally […]