Here are two videos. Watch them slowly. Watch them twice. As you watch realize you are watching life leave me. I know this now. For the past two days I have been scared to death. After having looked at what you are just seeing now. My spine is my enemy. Well, that any my lack of wealth. If I had the money, I could buy more life. Right now? What am I fighting for? Nothing less than the remainder of my LIFE!
God, the pain… it racks my body, my mind, my soul every single day. I refuse to stop fighting. Fighting not just for me… don’t you see? Am fighting for all of US. Deep inside… you know what I say is true. The battle I am fighting. I have fought… and lost, before. Not this time, My Dear Readers.
This time I/We WIN!
I am not asking for money for fun! I am not begging for anything less than my very life. Look at the videos. Tell me. What do you see? I see nothing less than death. Creeping up on me.
“The fog it comes. On little cat feet”
I refuse to let it take me, My Dear Readers. I have some much left to share. Living within me… a whole world. Will you stand idly by and let that world, before it’s birth, die?
What will you do?
I have done everything I can. I know my fate. Do you? My fate is to write. To create a world… mercy… what a beautiful world I have inside. However, I cannot create it all in the 45 days I have left till I am evicted. I need more time.
That is what you are buying, with your contributions. Time. Nothing less. This disease will take my life, in time. It can happen in just a few weeks… as I work to move by myself.
Or? It can happen years from now when I have created and shared the world I speak of years from now.
Who gets to choose?
As always, it is a great honor for me that you come here to read my words. J
Please Share… and… help?
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