First I would like to express my deep and heartfelt “Thanks!” to all of you that have given, to my campaign to help me move. This weekend We moved forward to the tune of $50! I am extremely grateful to everyone that helped!
With just SIX DAYS left, to the campaign to help me move. My heart is filled with thanks, but fear is in there, too. Right now I think I should have made the campaign a little longer. I have until September 27th before I am at the end of the sixty-day notice; I received just last month.
I really had hoped to garner the support I so desperately need. By the end of this month truly. Again, I am not being ungrateful to everyone who has shown support. NOT just in donations. Support comes in many ways. Sharing Facebook posts, ‘Like’ing/Sharing The Other Shoe articles and commenting with your support means the world to me and gives me strength to forge onward. Without your comments, I would feel like I am just talking to myself.
This building it has changed. In the most awful ways. Besides the daily; banging, yelling, slamming, dirt flying and dumpsters filling. The laundry rooms, here, are abandoned, even the homeless have broken into the machines. Everywhere you look here, now are signs of neglect.
Nothing they are doing, to maintain the building for the people still here. They want us all to leave, as quickly as we can. This is evident by the garbage, the ignored laundry room. I fear that in staying. Expose myself to danger I will. If Stay I must, till the end of September. Keep my head down, I will.
However, for the six days remaining. I will persevere. I will write, and post, and ask your support. Each and every day. I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience this causes. I do not mean to be a bother. A goal I have to meet. This is not fun for me to do, anymore than it is for you.
So far I have found one property with potential. It is clean and well maintained. They have a ground floor vacancy, that I am sure that I can qualify. However, it is much more expensive. They want $940 a month for rent (currently I pay $770) with a $350 dollar deposit. That would mean I need $1,290.00 just to move-in. Good part? They cover; electricity, cable and a shared internet access. It is outside my budget, but I am encouraged that I found a property with a ground floor room available and that I would be accepted.
I just wanted to post an update. A little something to let you know I am on the ball, and that I value your support so very much. Again, I am truly flattered by all the support and kindness. I really hope that I am showing how much I genuinely appreciate everything you all are doing. I am deeply scared… in pain… dizzy and loosing weight. However, I know that you are there!
I must do more searching, as well as writing and posting… getting to the med center tomorrow for my blood tests.
Please, if you can afford to donate. I beseech you to do. The sooner I meet my goal. The sooner I can rest… before I MOVE.
Thank YOU!
Please Share & Help?!?
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[…] ‘August 19th Update From Danny’ : “Dear Family, Friends and Followers here at Facebook and at @ The Other Shoe, First I would […]