Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Mars Report - September 1st 2014

[caption id="attachment_3489" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Supermoon Supermoon[/caption]



Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. My Dear Readers, I am so sorry to day… but it IS true, that I am very disappointed. I am very disappointed that Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo is OVER two weeks old, yet there is only $50 raised! There are more than two hundred ‘Shares’ on Facebook yet only $50 in contributions! Last week I; wrote, edited, published TEN articles equal to more than One Hundred PAGES of entertaining content. I paid $30 for advertisement on Facebook and still I am bereft of donations and contributors.


I would ‘blame myself’, but I strongly feel that; writing and publishing nearly a dozen articles, spending 12, 14, and 16 hours A DAY (promoting, linking, sharing, and writing) on my blog(s) and Facebook, spending money (that I really shouldn’t) to promote even MORE, and generally… lowering myself to daily asking for HELP! I, generally, feel that I have ‘done my part’. There is little more that I can do. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will be: visiting my Oncologist, having a P.E.T. scan done, and have BONE MARROW removed from my pelvic girdle. I will try to write. However, I do not know how much I can get done… considering I will be out every day for the tests for ‘Staging My Cancer’!


Therefore, this week I will be running ‘The Story of Daniel’ again, ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’ and other previously published (but highly popular) articles in my absence. I am writing this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ on Sunday. I wanted to make the ABOVE announcement, and this announcement, too. My Dear Readers, traffic (between the two blog locations) IS AT AN ALL TIME HIGH! Between Seventy and ONE HUNDRED visitors A DAY! That is a LOT of visits, and a lot of visitors. I find it hard to swallow that out of all of you, My Dear Readers, NONE of you…; think I have cancer(?), are able to donate(?), consider me and my writings as worthy of your support(?), cannot share the cost of a week’s worth of Starbucks to HELP ME?


Today’s edition of ‘The Mars Report’ is not (for the first time) about Mars! There were no ‘new’ images from Curiosity in time for publication, so I went to NASA/JPL and picked up some of what they are featuring. Seems that July/August 2014 is the ‘anniversary’ for a lot of projects for NASA/JPL. This is the 50th ‘Ranger’ lunar missions. These were the prequel for the Apollo missions of the late 60’s. The ‘Ranger’ space craft were sent to the moon to take “high quality’ images of the lunar surface, before crashing into it. The image, below, is one of the very first ‘High Quality’ images sent back by ‘Ranger 1’.


[caption id="attachment_3493" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Lunar Surface ‘High Quality’ Image from Ranger 1 Lunar Surface ‘High Quality’ Image from Ranger 1[/caption]

(Lunar Surface ‘High Quality’ Image from Ranger 1)


Sticking, for the moment, with super or first lunar images and all things lunar. I give you a spectacular image of a ‘Supermoon’! Now, that word combination, was a first for me until about fifteen minuets ago. A ‘Supermoon’ is the term used for a Full Moon that happens at the same time as the moon achieves perigee. ‘Perigee is the moment when the moon comes its closest to the Earth during its orbit. On Sunday August 10th, 2014 we experienced that combination of events. We achieved a ‘Supermoon’! The image, below, was taken in Washington, D.C. on August 10th, 2014. This is a spectacular image of a ‘Supermoon’!


[caption id="attachment_3489" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Supermoon Supermoon[/caption]

(NASA Captures ‘Supermoon’ in Washington, D.C.)


That, My Dear Readers, should about do it for lunar images this week. However, there will be many more; lunar images, Ranger Lunar pics, and Apollo nostalgia all during this ‘50th Anniversary of the Moon Missions’! I have to tell you, My Dear Readers, that I am pretty stoked about this ‘50th Anniversary’ as the whole build-up to and the Moon Missions were some of the best times from my childhood. From the Mercury Redstone missions all the way up to the Apollo 11 Moon Landing are at the core of some of my fondest memories from childhood. My father, and I, bonded a lot during these missions. We talked about them, he helped me get the paper cut-out Lunar Lander and Saturn Vi-B rocket paper cut-out(s) for a local gas station. We sat and recorded many of the missions of reel-to-reel tape. And, for the First Moon Landing my father set up his SLR 35mmm camera right in front of our color TV… and he and I took pictures of the Moon Landing!


Those images, unfortunately, have been lost to me… over the years. When my Mother passed away… I was out here in California… and unable to make it back home to try and claim those (and many other) wonderful images and memories. Honestly, My Dear readers, I do believe that one of the biggest reasons for me picking ‘The Mars Report’ and ‘Lost In Space’ to be cornerstones to my blog(s) was that relationship with my father and those times together. Sniff… sniff.


Staying with the month, August, but moving 93 million miles. We come to our SUN! If you are one of My Dear Readers, then you will be fully aware that this summer has been one of the most active for sunspots in the past several decades. NASA/JPL has their very new ‘Solar Dynamics Observatory’ and it has been kept quite busy tracking and monitoring this warm of solar flares. There have, even, been some ‘X-Class’ solar flares, this summer. However, the summer came to an end with just an ‘M-Class’ flare on August 24th, 2014. Later classified as an ‘M-5 Class’ solar flare, it was a nice bang to end the summer. It is on the left hand side of the sun in the images below.


[caption id="attachment_3491" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Solar Dynamics Observatory Captures Images of a Late Summer Flare Solar Dynamics Observatory Captures Images of a Late Summer Flare[/caption]

(Solar Dynamics Observatory Captures Images of a Late Summer Flare)


Keeping with Anniversaries, but moving (approx) 2.77 billion miles for our sun, we come to our next image for the day. Twenty-Five years ago (this August) Voyager 2 made its closet past to Neptune! (also the main topic of ‘Lost in Space – Tour of our Solar System’ two weeks ago). Taken from 4.4 million miles away, this image of Neptune was taken by Voyage 2 on August 25th 1989. From August 20th to August 25th 1989 Voyage 2 took the most spectacular images of Neptune ever seen by man! On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of these images, and Voyager 2’s encounter with Neptune I give you… NEPTUNE!


[caption id="attachment_3487" align="aligncenter" width="630"]25 Years Ago –August- Voyager 2 Image of Neptune 25 Years Ago –August- Voyager 2 Image of Neptune[/caption]

(25 Years Ago –August- Voyager 2 Image of Neptune)


Well, it just wouldn’t be ‘The Mars Report’ without an image of/from the Martian surface! On August 5th 2012 the Martian rover Curiosity landed at Bradbury Landing on Mars. Shortly after the landing, Curiosity snapped the image we see below in all its original splendor. In the foreground we can see the shadow of Curiosity. In the background we can see, the main science target, Mount Sharp! I must admit that this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ is just chocked full of anniversaries! ENJOY!


[caption id="attachment_3494" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Curiosity’s View Two Years Ago at Bradbury Landing Curiosity’s View Two Years Ago at Bradbury Landing[/caption]

(Curiosity’s View Two Years Ago at Bradbury Landing)

Moving away from; Mars, Anniversaries, the Moon and our solar system we get out next image from the Hubble Space Telescope. It is not often that Hubble captures images this dramatic, and awe inspiring. This image was taken earlier this month, and shows that Hubble can still take incredible images. Taken by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys it shows a small young stellar object (YSO) known as SSTC2D J033038.2+303212[1] at the top of the image. Now, at the bottom of our image we see ‘Reflection Nebula’ known as B77-63. This cloud of interstellar dust and gas is, actually, reflecting and refracting light from the stars within the nebula! The contrast between the bright light at the top and bottom of the page, is stark in comparison to the deep darkness all around. This is the kind of thing that photographers and cameramen are always searching for.


[caption id="attachment_3488" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Hubble Takes a Look at Light and Dark in the Universe Hubble Takes a Look at Light and Dark in the Universe[/caption]

Hubble Takes a Look at Light and Dark in the Universe)


Coming to our final image of this edition, I take you to a very distant object traveling through our night sky. ‘Rosetta’ If you, My Dear Readers, are not familiar with that spacecraft’s name? Reading here, at The Other Shoe, you soon will be. The ‘Rosetta’ spacecraft was launched March 2004. It arrived, at its target, the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko August 2014! The craft is made up of two parts; an orbiter to take images of the comet, and dozens of other scientific measurements and readings. In addition, the second half of the spacecraft is a lander! Once all of viable surface is imaged and a prime location is picked? The spacecraft will separate and the lander will make it was to the surface of the comet. This is expected to happen in November of 2014. What a wonderful ‘Holiday’ treat for all the people at NASA/JPL and all of us space-enthusiasts! Until then, My Dear Readers, I will be following this spacecraft and keeping you upraised of its progress and accomplishments.


I might just make a whole new series for ‘Rosetta’! Depending on the status of my cancer, in the next month of so, I might/might not take up ‘Rosetta’ and 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as the main topics of an article series, like, ‘Comet Crazy!’ or ‘The Adventures of Rosetta!’. We shall see. Until then, and for the time being, enjoy this image of the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as taken by the orbiter half of the “Rosetta’ spacecraft.


[caption id="attachment_3490" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Rosetta’s Target, Up CLOSE Rosetta’s Target, Up CLOSE[/caption]

(Rosetta’s Target, Up CLOSE!)


That, My Dear readers, brings us to the end of this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ right here at The Other Shoe. I hope that you, My Dear Readers, enjoyed our trip all around our solar system and the universe. Our thanks to; Hubble, Curiosity, and Voyager 2! Thanks to the incredible American ingenuity that created these spacecraft, and their instruments we are privy to the wonders of our solar system and our universe. I will strive to keep bringing these wonders to you, My Dear Readers, each and every week.


Now, My Dear Readers, on to another subject and one that I hesitate to breech. However, if I do not stress this point. If I do not try and try and try to garner and gather support? I will be unable to start and continue to battle this cancer! In order for me to beat this cancer, I simply must raise more MONEY! In two weeks I have only received donations amounting to $50. Whereas I am very grateful! I simply must DO BEYYER! Without better resources? I will fail at my battle and LOOSE MY LIFE!


There, I said it! I finally put it out there, and told you the way it IS! Without your help I WILL DIE! I do not mean… in YEARS. I mean in MONTHS! Without your HELP My Dear readers, I COULD be DEAD BY CHRISTMAS! PLEASE HELP ME BEAT THIS CANCER!




Thank YOU!


Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo

[caption id="attachment_3338" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014 Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014[/caption]



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sunday Funnies - August 31st, 2014

Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. If it is Sunday then it is time for “Sunday Funnies’ at The Other Shoe! Continuing his return to performing for us here at The Other Shoe. Alexander R Hanning is back today with more of his nesting antics! Every week, I try, to change out Alex’s litter and bedding in all three of his ‘homes’ here in my apartment. What that means for little Alex is several days to taking shredded paper, paper towels, and old pajama bottoms and pulling them together to make himself a all new nest!


It looks like it a s lot of work, but Alex seems to get a kick out of playing. It have yet to get it captured, on video, but once he is all set in one of his habitats? He will come hopping out and skip around acting all happy and frisky! I think that he really enjoys remodeling his homes, every so often! That reminds me, his two story ‘Condo’ needs a complete cleaning. Allen and I have just been so busy with my appointments, trying to raise money to help with my battle with cancer… and Allen still working TWO JOBS!


Sometimes it is really difficult managing to get all three of his ‘homes’ cleaned at the same time. I am sure that we will get it done, this week.


Now, without further adieu! I give you ‘Alex Nesting – Sunday Funnies’ right here at The Other Shoe!



Alexander R Hanning Nesting at His Condo!



Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo

[caption id="attachment_3338" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014 Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014[/caption]



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

A Week in Review - August 30th 2014

[caption id="attachment_195" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danny @ The Tinder Box 1987 Danny @ The Tinder Box 1987[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. There is an old expression around the halls of the blog; “If it’s Saturday, it’s time for ‘A Week in Review’!” It’s Saturday, and this is ‘A week in Review’! Now I know that a lot of you, My Dear Readers, are just too darn busy to drop by and read, during the work week. That is the very reason I created, and continue, this article series here at The Other Shoe. I value all of you, My Dear Readers, and if me taking three to four hours every Saturday to; write, compile, edit and publish this article brings any of you, My Dear Readers, closer to my work? Then I have managed to accomplish something.


Truthfully, this week has been cocked full of me trying to accomplish something. From the nine (now TEN) articles I have published since my last ‘Sunday Funnies’ to my gargantuan efforts to help fund my battle against cancer with Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo. To meeting with my new oncologist (Dr. Mario Curti), I have been hip-deep in work and swimming against the tide. Seems like I do a lot of that, swimming against the tide. For, you see, in just the last seven days I have written and published over one hundred pages of content for your, My Dear Readers, reading pleasure. Honestly, I just wish that I had garnered a single dollar for each page I have written… in my cancer treatment campaign.


Well, I will touch on that at the end of this article. Now, without further adieu I give to YOU ‘A Week in Review’!


  • Sunday Funnies – August 24th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Well, it it is Sunday then it is time for ‘Sunday Funnies’! I am very happy to announce that Alexander R Hanning (clicking his name here will take you to HIS Facebook page!) is BACK! That’s right after a month-long hiatus, for personal reasons, Alex is back to making videos with his Daddy Daniel!” Alex is just SO CUTE when he is building and creating. He takes after his Daddy Daniel, in that regard. He is one industrious rat-boy and his home is his palace. Be sure to drop by, tomorrow, for ANOTHER edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ and watch as Alexander R Hanning just keeps working and just keeps building and nesting. We’ll see you then!

  • The Mars Report – August 25th 2014 : “Beneath this paragraph is the first image of this week’s edition of ‘The Mars Report’. Each week I will endeavor to share the current location of our intrepid sojourner, Curiosity. In the image, below, you will find that Curiosity is now in the depths of the ‘Hidden Valley’ of Mars. A side-note, I find it quite encouraging that NASA/JPL (with the help of EU’s Martian orbiter) have already mapped the entire Martian surface.” It has been some time since I was able to share an all new edition of ‘The Mars Report’. Curiosity had not been transmitting images that NASA/JPL saw fit to edit, improve and publish. That trend changed, this week. Curiosity has arrived at ‘Hidden Valley’ and this edition of this series is all about what happens with Curiosity in ‘Hidden Valley’! Read and enjoy!

  • Lost in Space – Solar System Tour – Uranus : “Last week I featured the planet Neptune in that edition of ‘Lost in Space’ the ‘Solar Systme Tour’. Today, we move one more planet forward (toward the Earth and Sun) and visit the planet Uranus! Now, for some of my more casual readers? It may appear (at first glance) that I am writing about the same planet. “Why?” You may ask. Because both Neptune and Uranus are both ‘large blue orbs’ at the outer rim of our solar system. At first glance they may appear to look the same, yet they are not.” Two weeks, in a row, we have featured a large blue orb, in out “Tour of the Solar System’. These two large blue orbs hang in the night sky, like two marbles that a giant has lost in the sky. Neptune and Uranus are the two huge blue marbles in our night sky, and I have hosted them here in this edition of ‘Lost in Space’. This article series is just under a year old, yet it is one of the favorite of many of you, My Dear Readers. Each and every week I work to write, share and publish images and science meant to trigger you imaginations and fuel your desire for more. More space exploration, more images from other worlds, more that help lift us from this earthy and put us among the starts. Where man truly belongs!

  • Just Published at Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo : “Dear Family, Friends, Followers of The Other Shoe and Contributors, I just spent nearly two hours with a wonderfully hopeful and positive Oncologist. Here are the bullet points[1]:” This article was an update from the day I spent with my oncologist. I was hoping to make it crystal clear that I have a genuine need for the monies I have asked… and am working the campaign Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo to garner. I am not running this campaign, spending ten or more hours each and every day… focused on this campaign. Putting aside my own comfort happiness, and my health just to try and ‘crook’ money from people without a genuine need! I have heard… that there are some… that are talking… spreading ill will, lies, deceit, and engaging in gravely disingenuous dialogue about me, my cancer, and this campaign. Let me be perfectly crystal clear; It takes ONE SICK PUPPY to spread LIES about a man WITH CANCER! I hope that everyone closes his or her ears to this disingenuous and sickly motivated poison. As well, I really DO hope that nobody has decide3d NOT to donate… merely because of the sick and disingenuous poison some have chosen to spread. Word!

  • Notes From Behind the Keyboard – August 27th 2014 : “I would very much like to write that “Help has arrived! I will be able to afford the care I need… I WILL BEAT THIS CANCER!” You have no idea just how much I would like to write those words here, and mean them. Maybe. Maybe it will happen. I just cannot see it, from this dark place. I hope that everyone is well and happy. Come back tomorrow for more… I will be venturing back to more familiar works and articles.” My Dear Readers, for all too long… more than once, this week, I have found myself… in a very dark place. I dislike having to admit this depression, in such a public way and forum, but it is true and I am not proud of exposing my fears and anxiety. I stand at the very edge… The edge of a life taken BY cancer… and at the OTHER edge of a life eradicated of cancer. Unfortunately? I cannot work… I have little to nothing of mine to sell… (yet I have many personal items up for sale today on eBay). If I had it to reach in and give, and receive the money I need in return? I would bare my soul and give it away, in exchange for the means to BEAT this cancer! Yes, it is a very dark place, where I find myself. A place without hope surrounded by fear and doubt.

  • Coming SOON to The Other Shoe! : “My decision is this; I am going to continue to write, publish and create all the wonderful regular articles that you, My Dear Readers have come to expect and enjoy. However, let me tell you, My Dear Readers, as shortly as just a few hours ago… I was quite willing to withhold; ‘The Horror in Smithville’, ‘My Two Cents’, ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’, ‘A Week in Review’ and ‘Sunday Funnies’ unless or until I started receiving contributions that left this ten dollar sum in the dust!” Deciding to not just focus on the lack of; support, donations, help, assistance, kindness, generosity… I closed my heart to the pain and deep feelings of abandonment, and threw myself headlong into my work. With determination in my heart, prayers on my lips, and the beauty of my words flowing from my soul I set about doing what I know how… WRITE!

  • News From Around the World – August 28th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I am going to share an article series that has been strangely absent from this blog. ‘News From Around the World’ made its first appearance, earlier this year, then vanished recently. Fact of the matter is, between my battle with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, my (thwarted) attempt to raise the support I need to fight my cancer, and my ongoing battle with pain? I just paired down the number of articles I publish within a given week, and ‘News From Around the World’ found itself on the chopping block. It has been some time since I wrote and published an edition of this article series. However, I had yet to finish my edits on the upcoming episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ so, I put my head into the game and delivered an all new edition of ‘News From Around the World’! It felt good to be putting news stories back into print, here at The Other Shoe. Having not brought an article of this type, to the pages of this blog, for some time I was hesitant and even concerned that I might not be able to ‘hit my mark’. Without even trying, and without hesitation, I put my foot forward and, in deed, DID hit my mark! Here is the proff for you to read and enjoy!

  • Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund – HOW to HELP! : “Well, My Dear Readers, that is about it! I cannot think of any other ways one could help my campaign to fight this cancer that has invaded my body. There might be other suggestions in the VIDEO BELOW. I don’t really remember… the video… making the video… or WHAT is IN the video. So, WATCH and tell ME!” In this article I am working just as hard as I can to try and re-engage you, My Dear Readers, into my campaign. Repeatedly I have shared that my need is genuine. I have provided proof of my disease, my doctor visits and done everything that I can imagine to validate my disease. Further, I work to try and share the details of my situation, and my current living circumstances. I have nothing to hide! I do this in the spirit of honesty and integrity. Placing my faith in you, MY Dear Readers, that when you are able that you will donate and lift me out from this desolation, despair, depression, and pain. I just keep moving forward!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part 14 – B : “Mr. Dunahoo stood, silently, and watched as Tom Marref pealed out of the Middle School parking lot. Mr. Dunahoo knew that inside that truck, now leaving huge clouds of white/gray smoke in the parking lot; laid the unconscious and beaten body of a wonderfully talented student by the name of Timmy Marref. Truman, Mr. Dunahoo, wondered if any of the people gathered here at the back of the school (both students and teachers alike) even noticed how the billowing clouds of smoke coming from the rear tires of Mr. Marref’s truck? How those poofy white clouds resembled the wings of an angel. How, standing there watching a boy… a terribly beaten boy, being carried away by his father and his best friend, in their truck, actually looked like the truck was being lifted on the wings of an angel to take the poor boy to the hospital.” This is the second ‘story line’ in Part 14. Hence the ‘B’ designation. However, My Dear Readers, this is NOT all there is to ‘B’! This is merely ‘B’ -1! I have completed writing Part 14 - B -2, and tonight I will start, and finish Part -14 – B – 3! Three Parts, ONE chapter! It is that long and involved. Yet, IT IS WORTH IT! In this… third part (SPIOLER ALERT!!!) You will see the reappearance of… … … … ‘The TALL Man’! That’s right… not going to tell you; where, when, why of HOW! That is up to you to read! My Dear Readers, I simply must tell you! I LOVE WRITING THIS STORY! It is taking me so many places that are; familiar, fun, thrilling, joyous and entertaining. I just can’t stay away from writing this story! So, tonight… after I finish; writing TWO newsletters, publishing TWO newsletters and publishing THIS review? I will return to the World of Timmy and Archer! HOPE to see YOU there!


That’s it! That’s all! NINE articles in just SIX days! Well OVER One Hundered PAGES of content written for your enjoyment and entertainment! My Dear Readers, first and foremost I am here to entertain and enlighten! However, I simply must face the realities of my real world life! If I am unable to fight this cancer? It will take me away from you, My Dear Readers.


This Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma has the power to silence my voice and take me from your side. It can, and (without your help and donations) it will! I am not afraid of death. One cannot spend a lifetime; around death, writing about death, and working around death without growing a thick skin. I do not fear what this cancer can and will take from me. What I do fear is what it will take from; Allen and Alexander… and YOU, My Dear Readers.


You see, I have so much more to give. So much more to write. So many more tales to tell, and so many more people to share. I simply cannot do this ALONE! I am without the (financial) means to battle and BEAT this bodily invader. That is why I have solicited your HELP! For, without your help… I will surely perish.


Yet, with your help? I will surely flower! It is just as simple as that. Please. Take the time to look at the campaign. Read my ‘Mission Statement’ and learn WHERE this money will be spent. Drugs, Food, Housing, Transposition… SIMPLE LIFE NESSCEITIES!






Thank YOU!



Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo

[caption id="attachment_3338" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014 Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014[/caption]



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Horror in Smithville - Part 14 - B


[caption id="attachment_2489" align="aligncenter" width="500"]The Horror in Smithville The Horror in Smithville[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today is Friday August 28th, 2014. As I am writing these words, my body is wracked with pain all through my head, neck, and down my left arm into my hand. This is what ‘Bad Day’ with my pain is like. On top of that… my mouse is not working… anymore. It is a wireless mouse… so that I can sit in my bed, write, and get work done. I changed the batteries, and that didn’t help. I am trying to fill out forms for Medi-Cal, write, and not let my pain get the better of me.


I am pretty much loosing that last battle. Well, My Dear Readers, I just finished editing ‘The Horror in Smithville’ Part 14-B. Low and behold, what I have is seven pages long. That is about what I try to publish each week, but I get to the end… and I have not written as far as I had thought I… did. There is a whole nother scene! I have… the initial situation ‘under control’ and the end of the part tied up, nicely. However, there is the… well, best part that I thought I had put to paper… and, well, it only exists in my head! My Dear Readers… it IS the very BEST part, too! I apologize… I can ‘see’ it clearly in my head, as clear as day.


I know what I have to write, and I will get about doing that, just as soon as; I have this part published, I take a bath, change a pain medication patch I wear, check on Alexander… I may give him a bath… I am not certain… Damnit… this darn pain! Today, I just cannot seem to shake it! It just keeps growing and getting worse and worse! At this point I am having problems ‘seeing’ the keyboard and the monitor.


Bottom line, my apologies for only having the first seven pages of this ‘scene’. It is about what I publish on any given week. Yet, what comes next! It will just knock your socks off! Hint; there is an appearance of ‘The Tall Man’ in the very next part of this scene. J


And.. what he does? Will knock your socks off! I cannot wait to write it, later today. Now, here’s the deal.


DEAL OFFERED BY DANNY! If, in the next TEN HOURS I get a (or a combination of donation(s) equal to or greater than $100.00? “I, Daniel Hanning, PROMISE TO PUBLISH Episode TWO of PART 14-B… TOMORROW! That’s IT. BUMP my campaign to $100 OR MORE? I will PUBLISH ANOTHER episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ TOMORROW!


Otherwise, everyone will have to wait until next Friday to read the best part of ‘Part 14-B’. It is another seven to twelve pages… that I can write up in about two hours! I have it written in my head.. right now. I ‘see’ it so clearly… It is like I already wrote it… but I have looked and it is not already written. L


However, it is grand! The ‘bully’ gets his due… ‘The Tall Man’ makes a shocking appearance… and another mystery is added to the plot line… all in one tne page addition to ‘Part 14-B! I will probably write it, tonight, anyway. I was (initially) very upset when I came to the end, of the editing, and saw I had not gone as far as I had thought. You see, My Dear Readers, that is one of the problems of my current medical condition. I think I have completed a task. However, my pain will have interrupted my work… and I will have forgotten I stopped… due to the pain. It really sucks… and it makes me embarrassed, at times.


Enough, you know ‘The Deal’? Right? $100 (or more)… by Midnight = THE END OF ‘Part 14-B’ TOMORROW! Otherwise… everyone has to wait until NEXT Friday to read what happens to Barry Gartuska… ‘The Tall Man’… and Mr. Dunahoo and Betty Sue. DEAL? DEAL!


Now, without further adieu I give to you The Horror in Smithville – Part 14-B 1”!


[caption id="attachment_3239" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The Horror in Smithville The Horror in Smithville[/caption]


Part Fourteen - B -1


Mr. Dunahoo stood, silently, and watched as Tom Marref pealed out of the Middle School parking lot. Mr. Dunahoo knew that inside that truck, now leaving huge clouds of white/gray smoke in the parking lot; laid the unconscious and beaten body of a wonderfully talented student by the name of Timmy Marref. Truman, Mr. Dunahoo, wondered if any of the people gathered here at the back of the school (both students and teachers alike) even noticed how the billowing clouds of smoke coming from the rear tires of Mr. Marref’s truck? How those poofy white clouds resembled the wings of an angel. How, standing there watching a boy… a terribly beaten boy, being carried away by his father and his best friend, in their truck, actually looked like the truck was being lifted on the wings of an angel to take the poor boy to the hospital.


Mr. Dunahoo had been a teacher at Smithville schools (either the High School or the Middle School… and now for BOTH) for over twenty years. Smithville was a small community, and had even smaller student bodies. In all of those years as a teacher, and sometimes as a mentor to some students, Mr. Dunahoo had never seen a… beating quite like the one he had just witnessed. Never, in all his years of teaching, had Truman ever seen such a savage beating by one student against another. Savage. That was the only right word, and being one of the school’s eldest English teachers, the right word was very important. Mr. Dunahoo wondered if anyone had taken pictures… or video of the… beating. Not because he wanted to look at it, again, he had been right there when it happened. He had no need to see that sight, again. No, Mr. Dunahoo wondered… hoped, that someone had taken pictures of a video of this brutal and savage beating for one reason, and one reason only! The criminal prosecution of Barry Gartuska!


Mr. Dunahoo would be more than happy to be a sworn witness to the savage and brutal beating Timmy Marref took at the hands of Barry Gartuska. As well, Truman was quite good at descriptive testimony, as one might well imagine. However, words could/would only do so much. Whereas a video or even pictures would speak a thousand words and leave little room for a defense attorney to attribute personal feelings and/or exaggeration as cause for excluding sworn testimony. Yes, images would make sure that Barry was prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Yet, none of that would happen if he didn’t get Barry to the Principal’s office to be held until Walter or Darryl, from the Sheriff’s office, came to pick him up.


Truman, Mr. Dunahoo, smelled smoke! That’s all the school needed, now, a fire. Truman looked around, frantically, and then looked down at his feet. There at Truman’s feet was Barry. Sitting calmly and smoking a cigarette! Either this boy had no sense of the trouble he was in, or he did understand the deep poop he was in, and figured ‘how much worse will it be if I spark up a smoke, right here, while I wait to be taken away’? Either way, Mr. Dunahoo was not going to tolerate such blatant disrespect by a member of the student body! He reached down, yanked the smoke out from Barry’s mouth, and ground the life out of his cigarette, directly beside Barry.


“It’s no biggie, Mr. Dunahoo, I was done… anyway. Hey, you’re a smart teacher. Do you think that little gaywad, Timmy, will live? I’m not so sure, ya’know? I saw blood comin’ out his ears and outa’ his eyes when that gaywad’s Dad came an picked up his limp corpse. I thought his little boyfriend was gonna shit himself, there at the end! If’n gaywads Dad hadn’t of shown up? I was set to start a beat’n on ‘Gaywad #2’!”


Barry chuckled under his breath. He was pretty self impressed. Truman decided that he wanted to get this waste-of-skin into the Principal’s office STAT. The sooner he handed Barry off the Principal Marsch, the sooner he could head to the hospital and check on Timmy and Archer. He looked down at the moronic hulk that was Barry Gartuska, and wondered just how long? How long would a boy, like him, last in prison? Not long… he hoped!


Mr. Dunahoo nudged Barry with the bright silver tip of his boot, and spoke.


“Barry, you had best hope that Timmy Marref lives! (Truman nodded his head, as he spoke, and nudged Barry, again, with the silver tip of his boot) There is nobody, in this community, that will show you ‘mercy’ for you just did to Tom Marref’s boy. NOBODY! Now, get your butt up, and let’s get you to the Principal’s office!”


Mr. Dunahoo was using his lowest, deepest, command voice’ on Barry. He didn’t want any trouble. He, honestly, feared that if Barry gave him any problems? He just might… accidentally… hurt Barry. ‘Hurt’… yeah, hurt. In Truman’s heart he knew. Knew that after what he had just witnessed? Witnessed just how this Barry had beaten a defenseless and compassionate young man like Timmy? Beaten the poor boy to within an inch of his life? Beaten him to within a inch of his life, with his best friend in the world standing right beside him? Truman knew that if he had been offered any chance? Offered any opportunity to ‘be alone in a dark alley’ with Barry? Truman knew that he would take Barry’s life in a heartbeat, and would sleep just fine that night! The sooner Barry was in the custody of Principal Marsch, the sooner that could not happen. He nudged Barry, again, with the sliver tip of his boot. Barry responded.


“What if I don’t want to go to the Principal’s office? What if I just want to go over to my bus, and take my bust home? What would you do to stop me, old man?”


Now, Mr. Dunahoo was one of the ‘elder’ teachers on the Middle School campus. He made no effort to hide his age. He did not hide it from his fellow teachers, nor any of the students. A couple of years ago he had given up in using ‘Grecian Formula’ on his beard and mustache. As well, he had stopped coloring his hair, too. For Mr. Dunahoo his age was a sign of dignity and grace in the face of the marching years. He worked out, at one of the gyms one town over, three times a week. He did this not so much to look good as to fight the creep of too many pieces of pecan pie, and cheeseburgers. Mr. Dunahoo loved to eat good tasting but not always healthy foods.


For the majority of Truman’s life, that had not been a problem. For whatever reason, he had always managed to keep a slim physique, until about ten years ago. Then, he figured, his metabolism had slowed. Cheeseburgers and pecan pie just did not ‘burn-off’ the way that they used to, and he started putting on weight. Again, he was not really vain. Yet, he did not want to have to buy new clothes just to accommodate the extra pounds. Truman was used to buying new clothes right before the start of every new school year. To have to buy clothes, mid-year, just rubbed him the wrong way. That was when he has looked up the gym in the next town over, Friendswood. He didn’t want to work out next to other teachers, or students.


Mr. Dunahoo was old-school and there were just lines that teachers and students did not cross. There was an old saying, which he agreed with fully; ‘Familiarity breeds contempt’. Best to keep… distance between himself and students, and (to a certain extent) that went for fellow teachers, too. There were only two other teachers that were around his age. He rather doubted either would/had ever gone to a gym, but better safe than sorry. After the first several months Mr. Dunahoo began to enjoy the regular workouts. He found that he had more energy, at the end of the day, and that he slept better at night.


As well, Mr. Dunahoo was the director for the school plays, for the Middle School… and occasionally for the High School, too. His regular workouts had made these much longer days, during production for the plays, much easier. With, now, two years of being a ‘gym-rat’ his workouts had added more to his life than anything else he spent money. Yet, because nobody knew that he worked out… well, this was the reason that Barry was giving ‘the old-guy’ a hard time. Truman had just watched this punk beat a good and bright student to a bloody pulp. To heck with ‘being professional…’ he was going to make sure that Barry understood just how the cow ate the grass. He reached down, put his hand on Barry’s shoulder, leaned down beside Barry and whispered into his ear.


“Mr. Gartuska, you can either get up off you butt, and walk with me to the Principal’s office? OR I can pick your butt up and carry you by the nape of your neck, like a dog or cat carries its young. Now, there are a lot of you fellow students watching. It is up to you just how they see you end up in the Principal’s office. FACT: You ARE going to the Principal’s office. Your only choice is how. Now, CHOOSE!”


Barry was not a bright boy, and never had been. Barry had not been bright in his studies, nor in his ability to judge people. Barry’s poor judgment was the reason he was in trouble he found himself, right now. It was that, poor judgment, that led to him being remembered as ‘The Guy that Mr. Dunahoo CARRIED to the Principal’s office by the nape of his neck!’ What happened next, almost made Truman smile.!


“Naw, I don’t think you, Old Man, can make me do anything! (Then Barry laughed loudly) So, I think I am going to sit, right here, and light up another cigarette. What are you going to do about that, Old Man?”


Barry had said Old Man” just one too many times! It is because of the events, about to transpire? Forever would Barry Gartuska be remembered not for beating up Timmy Marref. No, Barry Gartuska would be, forever, remembered as the student (60 year old) Truman Dunahoo carried, by the nape of his neck, all the way to the Principal’s office. Barry’s feet, not once, touching the ground all the way to the Principal’s office!


Mr. Dunahoo did not say one word. He just reached down, grabbed Barry by the nape of his neck… there was some shirt was in there too, but a good deal of skin got clinched, as well! Mr., Dunahoo leaned down, grabbed Barry by the neck, lifted him up off his feet, and carried him, at arm’s length, all the way to the Principal’s office. There was an audible gasp, from the students and teachers gathered there, as Truman did go about carrying Barry (like a mother dog or cat carries its young) all the way to the Principal’s office.


There were about two dozen students, and several teachers, that followed Mr. Dunahoo as he carried Barry Gartuska all the way to the Principal’s office. Barry’s feet never once touched the ground, the whole way. Oh, Barry didn’t go quietly, nope not at all. The whole way Barry screamed and squirmed, yelled and jerked. However, Mr. Dunahoo was in much better condition than Barry had thought, or anyone else imagined. Yes, he was a little out-of-breath by the time he plopped Barry into a chair, in the waiting area of the Principal’s office. Maybe even a little blushed in the cheeks. Yet, not so much that he couldn’t talk to the secretary (Betty Sue) once he got Barry into the office.


“Betty Sue, I do not know if you have heard what just happened at the bus waiting area, behind the gymnasium. But, Mr. Gartuska, here, just beat Timmy Marref so badly? That his father, Tom Marref, is taking Timmy to the hospital as we speak. I saw most of the incident myself! As well, that poor Timmy, when he as carried away by Tom Marref and Archer, Timmy was bleeding out of his nose and ears! Timmy was unconscious, and had to be carried to his father’s truck. I am sure that you can call the Smithville Memorial Hospital and confirm that he is there, and maybe find out what condition Timmy is… in. Is Roger… Principal Marsch, here? I think that we should involve Walter Daniels over at the Sheriff’s office, too.”


Betty Sue sat in stunned silence as Mr. Dunahoo explained the situation. He mouth hung open as Mr. Dunahoo explained why Barry Gartuska was in the Principal’s office. Betty Sue had already received several calls about the ‘fight’ out by the school buses. Yet, looking at Barry? She really didn’t see how it could have been a “fight”. Barry didn’t have a single mark on his body; his hands, his face, anywhere. Seemed it wasn’t really a ‘fight’. It seemed, to Betty Sue, that is was more like a beating than a fight.


Betty Sue didn’t realize it, until Mr. Dunahoo cleared his throat, but she was just staring at Barry Gartuska. For good reason, she had never really had the opportunity to see someone in his position. Someone that was on the ‘express’ to incarceration… and maybe execution. Betty Sue had been a student, in Smithville, her whole life and before she was the Principal’s Secretary. In all her years as; student, adult, college student and now employee of the School District, Betty Sue had never heard of a worse beating. This wasn’t the first time Barry Gartuska had been to the Principal’s office. Not by a long shot, it was more like the tenth time this semester. Yet, it was nearly always for petty offences; smoking in the boys room, stuffing 6th graders into their lockers, pants’ing other students, talking back to a teacher, and (most often) for using foul language during class at a teacher.


To the best of her memory nobody had ever been brought into the Principal’s office for putting another student in the hospital! Betty Sue was in shock… motionless… That is, until Mr. Dunahoo snapped her out of it by speaking. Speaking in that deep, rumbling, bass voice that just commanded your attention.


“Betty Sue? Betty Sue, look up at me! It’s going to be ‘OK’, Betty Sue. Just keep breathing, ok? Now, Breath IN.” (Betty Sue breathes IN) “Now, Betty Sue, slowly let your breath, OUT!” (Slowly Betty Sue lets her breath out) “Again, Betty Sue… Breath in! Hold it for a second. Now, Betty Sue, let it out, slowly.”


Mr. Dunahoo and Betty Sue do this several times, before Barry butts in… stupidly.


“Geeeze Louiezzze! You gonna teacher he how to poo, next, Truman?” (Laughing at himself)


Without even looking over at Barry? Truman reaches out and backhands Barry right across the face. Truman smacks Barry so hard, it leaves a large red mark on his left cheek. Then, Mr. Dunahoo speaks, again in that really deep and commanding bass voice.


“Mr. Gartuska, that was a warning. Next time? Next time you say one WORD , without be asking something first? It won’t be a warning. Do we understand each other, Mr. Gartuska?”


Barry has his face cradled in his hands. Without, even, looking up Barry responds.


“Yeah… I get it, Truman… I get it, but I am going to report you for hitting me… do you understand that?”


Obviously, Mr. Dunahoo has grown weary of dealing with Mr. Gartuska. Without a moments hesitation, Mr. Dunahoo, in a flash, lifts up his hand, draws it back, and goes to slap the crap out of Barry Gartuska. Just inches from his face, Mr. Dunahoo pulls his punch, stopping his hand. Barry flinches, big! Both Betty Sue and Mr. Dunahoo, both, hear him whimper like a beat dog. Barry lowers his head and says a few words.


“Yes sir. I understand.” That was all.


Truman motions to Betty Sue to follow him into the Principal’s office, the inner office, leaving Barry alone in the waiting area. Mr. Dunahoo shuts the door behind them, well almost shuts it he leaves the door a jar so he can keep an eye on Barry as he talks with Betty Sue.


“Betty Sue? Where the HECK is Roger? We have a major incident here, and Roger is NOT here? Where is he? When will he be back? Does he have his cell phone on him?”


Again, Betty Sue is shaken. Shaken by seeing Mr. Dunahoo backhand a student, and shaken by the thought that the boy in the waiting room may have killed another student. She stands there, lips quivering, but no words coming out. Mr. Dunahoo places his large hands on each of her shoulders, lowers his voice, and his head, and speaks calmly and quietly nearly right into her right ear.


“Betty Sue, AGAIN, calm down. Now, where IS Principal Marsch?”


Betty Sue takes a few deep breaths, and does her best to answer Mr. Dunahoo’s+ questions.


“There was a call… from the site for the Carnival… a Mr. Dark. One of the workers… was hurt… I guess, badly. Principal Marsch left to go out to the job site. Mr. Dunahoo? Did he kill little Timmy Marref? That was what the callers were telling me, before you came in with Barry… that he… was… dead. Is that true? That’s can’t be true… Timmy Marref just can’t be dead!”


Mr. Dunahoo, finally, got Betty Sue to talk. Now, she was going to freeze up, again, if he didn’t get her off thinking about Timmy Marref being dead.


“Betty Sue? Betty SUE! When I saw Timmy Marref last, he was breathing. He was hurt, badly, but he was breathing. Now, get your mind off of Timmy and on to helping me find Principal Marsch! Did he take his cell phone with him? When did he leave? Did he say he would be coming back?”


Betty Sue was loosing her battle with panic, and then she thought about what Principal Marsch was always telling her. Telling her about confusion leading to anarchy. Now… NOW Betty Sue saw what Principal Marsch was talking about. She closed her eyes, screwed up her courage, opened her eyes, and TOOK CHARGE of her emotions and the situation.


“I’m sorry, Mr. Dunahoo, I am better now. First, YES Principal Marsch DID take his cell phone with him. Next, YES he DID say he was coming back after dealing with that problem. Now, I am going to call the Sheriff’s office, tell them to send someone out to arrest Barry. I think that you should lock him up in this part of the office. There is a way to lock someone into the office. Next, if you could call the hospital, give them the direct number to my desk. That way, when someone from the Sheriff’s office does show up, we can have the most recent information on Timmy’s condition. Next, I think that you, Mr. Dunahoo, should put Barry into this part of the office, then I will show you just how to lock him in here, there is no way out. Now, I will go and start making calls. Can you get him secured in here? Oh, I nearly forgot… follow me!”


Truman was amazed and thankful for the change in Betty Sue. She had got the situation correct, and now he had someone to that can help and not just some more dead weight. He follows her back into the waiting area. Betty Sue opens her bottom desk drawer… and pulls out.. … … handcuffs! Mr. Dunahoo had not idea that Roger kept handcuffs in his office, but he was glad that he did and that Betty Sue knew.


“Here, Mr. Dunahoo, take him into the office and cuff him to the chair directly across form where Principal Marsch sits. That chair is bolted to the foundation. I am going to get on the phone and call in the cavalry.” Betty Sue winks at Mr. Dunahoo, then speaks) “You got it, Mr. Dunahoo?” (he nods) “Good! Oh, and by the way. Mr. Dunahoo? Thank you! Form all the students and all the staff here at Smithville Middle School I would like to ‘Thank you!’ for everything you have done here today!”


Truman is not sure just where Betty Sue’s newfound courage and strength came from, but he was very glad she found it… just in time. Truman took the handcuffs, grabbed Barry by the shoulder, and dragged him into the Principal’s inner office.


He sat him in the chair directly across from Principal Marsch’s chair. He tries to lift the chair, tries to move the chair. Nope, it is not moving at all, Betty Sue was right, the chair is bolted to the foundation. He sits Barry in the chair, takes his right hand and puts one side of the cuffs around his right wrist. He makes sure it is very tight.


Next, he places the other cuff around the bottom part of the chair frame, where it supports the seat and connects with the bottom of the frame. He snaps the left cuff, as tightly as it will go, around Barry’s left wrist. He grabs the chain of the cuffs and pulls as hard as he can. Nothing moves, Barry is not going anywhere! Just as soon as Barry realizes his situation, he starts loudly complaining and stands up! Only to be pulled down, directly, by his own shoulders. Barry falls, making painful noises, back in the seat, where he had started.


“You can’t do this! I have RIGHTS! I am a MINOR… YOU cannot handcuff me to this chair! I HAVE rights!”


Mr. Dunahoo, tired of Barry’s; whining, lying, and throwing fits. Truman pushes him down into the chair. He pushes him hard. Then he gets down eye level with Barry and talks directly at him.


“Barry. You have just beat a fellow student, a young boy of ten or eleven years of age, nearly to death! Not just any student, either! Timmy Marref… the WHOLE Marref family are LOVED members of this community and you have put their son into the hospital. Now, you have only one choice. I can handcuff you to this chair, and lock you into this office, where you will be relatively SAFE. OR? Or, Mr. Gartuska, I can take you outside! Outside and turn you over to the, now forming, MOB! Yes, a MOB! A MOB looking for justice at the END OF A ROPE! So, you can SIT THERE… SHUT YOU F’ing MOUTH… and I will do my best to keep that MOB form stringing you up! Believe me when I tell you, Barry… I would rather turn you over to the BLOODTHIRSTY MOB! I KNEW Timmy… I LIKED Timmy Marref! Barry you just best PRAY that Timmy DOESN’T DIE! Doesn’t die BEFORE the sheriff gets here! Because IF they find out little Timmy Marref IS DEAD? Before the Sheriff can get you out of here??? Well, I just don’t think I can PROTECT you! Now SHUT UP!”

Mr. Dunahoo checks the handcuffs, again, then leaves the room shutting and locking the door behind. Once in the outer waiting area, for the first time since this terrible incident started, Mr. Dunahoo sits down and puts his face in his hands. Puts his face in his hands, because he doesn’t want anyone see him cry.



('The Horror in Smithville' Logo by Hanning Web Wurx)


Well, My Dear Readers, what about That?!? I have to tell you all, that I really enjoy writing this story. Each and every day, that I spend time writing in this world? I really enjoy myself! The characters… are quite real to me, they live in my head. The setting? Reminds me of.. a place I used to call ‘Home’. The story? It is all original! I have never read anything like this story in my whole life, and I have read a considerable amount!


Now… about OUR DEAL! Remember… $100 OR MORE into Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo[1] BEFORE midnight and all of YOU My Dear Readers GET (in return) the NEXT HALF of THIS ‘Part 14-B’ of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ in a special edition tomorrow!


Now, it is a good charity. I desperately need the money… to start with the ‘Staging’ of my cancer and to get the ball rolling with; chemotherapy and radiation therapy as is needed. I am willing to fight this cancer, My Dear Readers. However, I am a man... that lives ‘paycheck-to-paycheck’ and there is no wiggle room for cancer. That is harsh, but it is the truth. Now, I hope that everyone has enjoyed today’s episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’.


I look forward to seeing everyone here, tomorrow, for another great episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! I am so certain that somebody will make a donation that… just as soon as I get out of the bath. I am going to start writing the next section of ‘Part 14-B’!




Thank YOU!



Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo

[caption id="attachment_3338" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014 Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014[/caption]



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund - HOW to HELP!

[caption id="attachment_300" align="aligncenter" width="311"]Danny Danny[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today is the twelfth day of Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo[1]. Rather than just sit here and focus on the crushing depression brought about by the fact that only one person (in my entire life; Family, Friends, Followers here at @ The Other Shoe both blogs, and the 50 flyers I have handed out) has donated only ten dollars.


Anywho, rather than just sit here and dwell on; rejection, confusion, disappointment, and depression I have (instead) decided to ‘do something else’! That is I am going to write this article on ‘How to Help’ my campaign without actually making a contribution. Which, FYI is the best way to actually help me engage in, and win, my battle with Cancer. Just thought I might mention that again, just in case anyone wasn’t, like, clear about that fact before. J


Below is a video. In the video is/are explanations of how one could help my campaign and/or help me engage in a battle against my cancer. That is the whole reason for; all these videos, most of the articles, why I have been publishing every single day (in spite of the tremendous pain I am suffering under, and the fatigue, loss of appetite, and headaches). You see, My Dear Readers, there are means with which to battle and defeat my Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. However, like most things in life? It is not free! I have to pay for things, like, transportation, time for a caregiver to get me to and from; appointments, scans, tests, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgeries and all the rest, medications NOT covered by my ‘Part D Prescription Drug Plan’, ‘Co-Payments’, and replacing LOST income from Allen taking me when he can. This stuff adds up quickly!


I haven’t even started the tests for Staging and, already, I am out over $100. Spent on; ads for the campaign, medications not covered, and missed work by Allen to get me to my Oncologist, the first surgery, and two more appointments in just the next five days! It adds up QUICKLY! Therefore, I started the Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo[2] to (Hopefully) replace lost income and help with future costs. Yes, I am severely hurt and depressed by the poor showing, so far, at the campaign. However, here are some ways to Help without donating money!


  1. 1. Provide items I can offer as ‘PERKs’ to those that WILL contribute. These can be anything from; bumper stickers with a neat Logo for the campaign, T-Shirts with a neat logo for the campaign, Note Pads with a neat logo for the campaign, and/or any other stationary or gift-type items that I can offer those that will contribute as a reward for their contributions! Simple and EASY!

  2. 2. Be sure to ‘SHARE’ and ‘LIKE’; the Campaign – with Family, Friends, Co-workers, Church goers, associates and acquaintances. EVERY time I put up an article as published at @ The Other Shoe? ‘SHARE’ and ‘LIKE” that article. You see when your; family, friends, co-workers, church goers, and associates ‘see’ that you ‘LIKE’ my campaign and that you ‘SHARE’ it on your Timeline and Status THAT = REOCGNITION. It TELLS all those people that = DANNY is NOT Al Queda! Danny is NOT a ‘terrorist’ and he will NOT being using the money to declare war on the United States! THAT HELPS!

  3. 3. TALK to people ABOUT the campaign! IF you know someone that is, say, a PRINTER or LITHOGRPAHER they would be GREAT people to TALK TO about the; bumper stickers, T-Shirts, Note Pads, and other stuff and MAYBE get some DONATED items that you can send to ME and I will GIVE OUT as ‘PERKS’! SIMPLE! Talk to; your Pastor/Reverend or other religious leader. EXPLAIN that you would LIKE to HELP Danny FIGHT HIS CANCER, but that you do NOT want to DOANTE. Maybe HE can SHARE ways to HELP!

  4. 4. I have published a copy of the The Other Shoe NEWSLETTER on BOTH blogs. Click on the NEWSLETTER, DOWNLOAD the IMAGE and PRINT copies that YOU can SHARE! This is a GREAT way to ‘Get the Word out’ that COSTS LITTLE TO NOTHING! (Nothing if you do it at work)

  5. 5. USE your FACEBOOK ‘Friends’ as a MAILING LIST to SHARE my CAMPAIGN! Drop them a LINE… MAYBE they KNEW me in HIGH SCHOOL. (example) “Hey, did you KNOW that Dan Hanning has CANCER? YES HE DOES! Now, he is VERY POOR and the COSTS of him FIGHTING his CANCER are PROHIBITIVE! Would YOU like to HELP DANNY BATTLE (and BEAT) HIS CANCER? HERE IS THE Indiegogo Campaign URL! Here it is ( )

  6. 6. Find OTHER Items, TRINKETS that YOU might KNOW about that I/WE Could OFFER to those that WILL contribute. Again, PERKS! These PERKS are a GREAT incentive to help people make the RIGHT decision and DONATE! I have OFFERED; a FREE MONTH of the NEWSLETTER for my Blogs. Also, I have OFFERED a 1% STAKE and TWO of my INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES! You DONATE (right NOW) $5,000.00 OR MORE (if you LIKE) and I will SIGN OVER 1% of ALL (post tax) PROFITS from these TWO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES! Now, if they get tuned INTO MOVIES? If they get turned into “MADE FOR TV Mini-Series”? YOU will GET 1% of ALL of the POST TAX profits from BOTH IP(S)!!!

  7. 7. And, LAST but not LEAST? YOU could just DONATE! I KNOW… it would be SO MUCH EASIER to just let Dan BATTLE his CANCER ‘Tooth & Nail’ and WATCH to SEE just WHO wins. LOT more ENTERTAING! However, I PROMISED Allen and Alexander that I WOULD TRY TO BEAT THIS CANCER! Bummer, huh?


Well, My Dear Readers, that is about it! I cannot think of any other ways one could help my campaign to fight this cancer that has invaded my body. There might be other suggestions in the VIDEO BELOW. I don’t really remember… the video… making the video… or WHAT is IN the video. So, WATCH and tell ME!


I am so very tired. I am in so much pain. MY head is spinning and I JUST KEEP WRITING. I feel like… if I stop. Then I die! That, kind of, sucks! My Dear Readers, I really need your help. Your assistance. Your kindness. Your DONATIONS! Until this cancer came along, Allen and I were ‘making it’. It was tough… but we were making it hand-to-mouth paycheck-to-paycheck. NOW with this cancer… well, I am just boned. I do not have the financial resources to PAY FOR; Transportation, EXTRA time OFF for Allen to HELP ME TO-Treatments, Scans, Surgeries, Appointments, and NOT being HOME ALONE while I am PUKING MY GUTS OUT! I know… “I am being greedy, right?” I AM SORRRY!




I do not mean to be greedy. I just want to live! And I NEED your HELP! CAN you PLEASE? WILL you PLEASE? PLEASE?




Thank YOU!



Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo

[caption id="attachment_3338" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014 Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014[/caption]



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe