Friday, July 26, 2013

A Week in Review July 27th, 2013

Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and another ‘A Week in Review’. If it’s time for ‘A Week In Review’ then it must be Saturday! A summer time Saturday, is there anything better? The smell of fresh cut grass, and someone cooking on a grill. A slice of Americana right in your backyard. I remember those smells, I remember the steaks. I remember the sunburns from mowing the grass.


While I cannot compete with that, though I did have a very productive week. In spite of the twelve hour tour of everything from Disneyland all the way to the Pacific Coast (highway). I still have that adventure to write about, I will get to that… rest assured. Today is for looking back to what was written here @ The Other Shoe.


So, without further adieu here is this week’s review!


  • Sunday Funnies – July 21st 2013 : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and to another edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’. This week has been hectic, to say the very least. I have worked every single day, for as long as my body allows (forget stopping for pain, that hasn’t happen in more than ten days). My heart has been heavy, this past two weeks, for more reasons than I can count… or even care to number. When deeper into depression, I fall, I reach out (in desperation) for something… someone, to make me smile.” I miss her soo deeply and so very much. Princess Nadia was my very best friend. She could talk, in her own way, and laugh she could cry and even pout. She never let me down, she never let me sit long with a frown. I will miss her always, though… in a way… she’s never left my side. At least I hope that… Hey, Princess Nadia!

  • MY TOPIC Opens ‘Face The Nation’ TODAY : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to another edition of The Other Shoe. I am very excited to see that Face The Nation has followed my lead and used Congressional Intransigence as its lead subject matter. See below, where Face The Nation asked for questions to ask the Speaker. Low and behold!? They used my suggestion!” Simply one of the best moments in recent history, not since 2010 has this happened to me. This Sunday, on ‘Face the Nation’, Mr. Bob Scheiffer used my suggestion and asked the Speaker ‘What’s with the Congressional Congestion!?’ For the second time, in as many years, a suggestion I gave to ‘Face the Nation’ (via their Facebook feed) was used in a question. The question (this time) was for the Speaker… and he did not better, than his sidekick from the Senate. Read about it all… you know where…

  • The Longest Day : “I just experienced the longest day I had in a ‘Month of Sundays’. Starting at 6AM, to prepare for this arduous day, and ending when I was dropped back here at 6PM. In those twelve hours I traveled not only in miles but back and forth in time as well.” As I pointed out, earlier, I am working to tell this story. A story of enclaves and clicks that are harming our nation? It belongs in the series of articles I call ‘The Whittling of America’. Soon, I promise, I will continue to write. About this day and that fateful ride.

  • Duo-Documentaries of… : “…brown water. Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and a “Duo of Documentaries of Cypress Lodge Brown Water”. Well… actually? They are more like documentation videos than documentaries. I did take a little liberty in the title, I will agree. However, how else was I going to get your attention, to this same old problem, again?” What more can I say… what more can I do? Nothing, that is what. I have; reported, recorded, conjouled, and pleaded. I have ask and demanded and begged and even pleaded (again). Nothing has changed. Nothing has improved. Soon I may have to move… and I get so little sleep. I keep working so very hard… hoping to ingratiate you all to indulge in generosity. Well, I can hope.

  • Reports of My Death…: “… have been greatly exaggerated. (Mark Twain) I know, that for some, my absence has been disturbing. I deeply apologize for any concern my silence has created. My journey, on Tuesday, took much more out of me that I had imagined. IT took more physically, for sure, but there was a strong emotional element. I am hoping to write and share that with you, My Dear Readers. However, my hands have been mostly uncooperative. I have the speech to text program, but he still needs correction (training it is called by Nuance).” Yes, I AM depressed… thanks so much for asking! I spend twelve hours, getting there and back, only to have my Dr. set me emotionally back. It was not his intention, nor even his desire. However, seeing it in handwriting it just comes in loud and clear. “Severe Spinal Stenosis” Need I say more? Forever in pain… now into my teeth and face. A nothing anyone can do… because I am not rich. Because of my lack of money. I cannot live in a place where I feel safe, have clean drinking water or a nice place to lay my head. I just keep on praying… and working just as hard as I can. “But by the grace of God, go I.”

  • MMORPGs And YOU! – Part Six – Star Wars The Old Republic : “Welcome back My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and to the Sixth edition of ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’. Our subject for today? ‘Star Wars – The Old Republic’ Based on the intellectual property, that we all love, ‘Star Wars’ serves as a fantastic backdrop for this genre of games, MMORPGs. A little gaming history with this edition of ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’.” Three days in the making, that felt more like three weeks. However, I just had to have it ready for this weekend! Each and every edition, just gets better than the last. I am so happy that I did this, make the series of articles. I hope My Dear Readers are still reblogging my work. It is such a great honor to have people share. I am at the end of the week, and the end of my energy. I hope that, once again, this week. I have met the expectations. Through the hoop I hope I have jumped, and won your support, I will do whatever it takes… just be sure you do your part.


That brings us to the end. The end of; the week, the article and the first two weeks of my campaign. I have just thirty days left, to convince and conjoule. I hope that I manage to earn my passage… away from this hell.


As always, it is a great honor to have you visit me here @ The Other Shoe. Have a great weekend and…


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