Friday, July 12, 2013

MMORPGs And YOU! - Part Four - Guild Wars 2

Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and another edition of ‘MMORPGs and YOU!’. Let me first take a moment to say “Thank You!” to all of you who have been reblogging this series all over the net. It is really quite flattering, and humbling to, to see this sign of appreciation of my work. I have been writing, here at The Other Shoe, for nearly 3 years and this is the first time I had one of My Dear Readers share my work with others. Again, thank you.


[caption id="attachment_965" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danny/Enzomatrix Closeup Guild Wars 2 This is a close-up of Danny/Enzomatrix in Guild Wars 2, While in the City.[/caption]

(Close-Up of Enzomatrix/Danny in Guild Wars 2)


Now, onto the show. Today’s selection is one of my favorite games. I began playing this series, many years ago, with Guild Wars. The original Guild wars MMORPG used a tremendous amount of user feedback and used their (user created) content to make an enthralling and inviting MMORPG. The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 is not the user based game than its predecessor was. However, they took everything they learned from all of us and all of you and put it right into Guild Wars 2.



This MMORPG has everything that you would expect to see from a game of the genera and more. There are auction houses, professions and trades, all the classes of characters you’ve come to know and enjoy and beautiful vistas and landscapes that are unique to Guild Wars 2. There is one factor completely unique to this game. All the other games that I shared with you so far started out, and continue to have an premium service, a subscription payment based planned. That is not so with Guild Wars 2.


Guild Wars 2, from its very beginning, has been a free to play game. Now you might say as a game player 'What does that mean to me?' What it means, My Dear Readers, is that unlike the other games I’ve talked about this game doesn’t take things away from you if you don’t subscribe. Guild Wars 2 has no subscription-based products or services you get what everyone else gets and it is all free for you to play. There is no game playing with bag sizes. There is no limitation as to where you could go or what you can see. Guild Wars 2 gives you everything it’s got from the moment you pick it up off the shelf and install it on your computer.


[caption id="attachment_968" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Daniel/Enzomatrix Full Screen With UI and Backpack Guild Wars 2 This is a Screenshot with User Interface and Backpack Open in Guild Wars 2.[/caption]

(Guild Wars 2 Interface With Backpack Open)


Therefore, My Dear Readers, if you’re in the market to buy an MMORPG game, and from the screenshots and videos this looks like the game for you, I would like to make a suggestion. My suggestion is this when you go to buy Guild Wars 2 buy the ‘Collectors Edition’ package. I say this because it comes with a molded figurine, it comes with a soundtrack, it comes with an in game pet but most of all the money you save in potential subscription fees and that makes up for the additional cost of the ‘Collectors Edition’.


I have taken the liberty of taking a picture myself uploading picture myself uploading a picture of the 14 inch standing figure that comes with  Guild Wars 2. The ‘Collectors Edition’ also comes with; a picture frame, lithographs prints to go in the picture frame, a metal collectors box to hold it all in, and a book with in game art that just can’t be beat. All in all the ‘Collectors’ Edition’ of Guild Wars 2 was the single best investment I have ever made into a MMORPG game, to date.


[caption id="attachment_975" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition Standing Figure This is the standing (14 inch) figure that comes with the Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition pavkage.[/caption]

(Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition Standing Figure)


Well, that is enough ranting and raving about this great game, let us get to the rest of today’s article… so I can go play. In previous editions of ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’ I have discussed; Classes and Races (Human, Orc, Elf, etc…), and trades and professions. Today I will tell you about the socialization that is included in all of these games. Aye, there’s the rub! With all of these MMORPGs you can play the whole game (well, level to the highest level) without ever once interacting with anyone else. However, that would take away what most think is the best aspect of these games. Socialization is your interaction with other humans that play. If you choose to never interact with other players you will miss a few things. One thing you will miss are instances and Raids! Some of the hardest game play, and best graphics will be found in these places.


[caption id="attachment_969" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danie/Enzomatirxl With Spirit Dog Guild Wars 2 A Screenshot of Danny/Enzomatrix with Spirit Dog Pet in Guild Wars 2.[/caption]

(Danny/Enzomatrix With Spirit Dog With Ships In Background)


Instances and Raids are dungeons that cannot be completed solo, by yourself. They can range from a simple (beginning) instance with only four other people that last under an hour. All the way to endgame instances. Endgame instances can use up to twenty-five players, all in one party, all in one place at one time. Again, Aye there’s the rub. Getting twenty-five people’s schedules to match is hard enough. Getting twenty-five people that can devote six to eight hours, in this day and age, is a major accomplishment.


[caption id="attachment_970" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danny/Enzomatrix Running in Guild Wars 2 This is a Screenshot of Danny/Enzomatrix running, showing the full User Interface in Guild Wars 2.[/caption]

(Guild Wars 2 Danny/EnzoMatrix Running Showing Full UI)


That segways nicely into the next subject, Guilds. Guilds are a grouping of players into a virtual family. Yes, just like Real Life, Guilds have dynamics and ‘Good Days’ and ‘Bad Days’. They have infighting and envy, and even romance, too. They are just like big families with all the good and the bad. However, Guilds really are the only way that you will be able to organize the larger and endgame instances and raids. AS I mentioned before, getting twenty-five people together in one place in the game is a bit of an accomplishment. Getting the same twenty-five to stay together for hours upon hours… well it is just insane.


The way that you work it is with a Que. You start with the original twenty-five and then, as people leave for work or for dinner, you ask the next player in que to enter the raid and join you where you are in the instance. I know, how do you do THAT? In all of these games there are portals. In World of Warcraft you have Warlocks and Warlocks can summon players (from where ever they are) to be right at your side inside the instance.




Let me tell you, some of these endgame instances can take twelve to fourteen hours to complete. Myself, four years ago, I used to be able to go (start to finish) to a four to six hour instance in WoW called Karazhan. The instance is in Dead Wind Pass, and was just a gas to play, from beginning to end. As well, in the instances is the only way to get the very best PvE (player vs. Environment) gear. These types of gear are called EPIC, and are bound to you when you pick them up. That means that you cannot trade them to other players, or put them up for sale in the auction house. That makes these types of gear, the most coveted of all.


[caption id="attachment_966" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Close-Up of Danny/Enzomatrix in Guild Wars 2 This is a screenshot close-up of Danny/Enzomatrix in Guild Wars 2.[/caption]

(Danny/Enzomatrix Without User Interface Guild Wars 2)


Walking back, just a bit, I did miss the introductory level of groups, the Party! Parties are groups of three to five players. They are great for completing starting/begining instances and difficult quests. Most everyone that plays will/or have played in a party. They are easy to get together and you don’t need a Guild. They are very dynamic and have far less of personalities and clashes. You will, likely, be involved in a party in you first day or so of game play. If you play well, in parties, you will likely be invited into a Guild.


If you get an invite, I say Join! Guilds can be great fun and lead to better friendships in game. You don’t have to stay with just one Guild, the entirety of your game life. You can move from Guild to Guild, just don’t do that too much. Now for the final parts of today’s article, sharing via new social game tools and… marriages. First, if you are a member of Facebook or Google Plus & You Tube you can upload; images and videos directly to the net. Many of the games, that I have shared here, have the features built-in so all you need to do is push two buttons (keys) and Bam! You content and images are up on the web for all to see!


[caption id="attachment_973" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danny/Enzomatrix with Per 'Spirit Dog' Pet in Guild Wars 2 This is a screenshot of Danny/Enzomatrix with a 'Spirit Dog' pet in Guild Wars 2.[/caption]

(Danny/Enzomatrix With 'Spriti Dog' Pet Guild Wars 2)


Lastly, Marriages. This is a newer phenomenon in the world of MMORPGs, newer at being integrated into the game. Way back in 2004 in WoW, there were couples even back then. However, some of these games have now incorporated the institution of marriage right into the game. I think that this is just grand! Honestly, if people can be happy… build meaningful relationships and improve their day-to-day life (in the real world) by bounding with another person in a virtual reality, I saw Go for it! Now, these marriages have no legal weight in reality. They just serve the people within the game.


I am very happy for anyone that has been married in-game. I am happy for them finding someone to care for, someone to share with and some one that cares for them ,too. KUDOS! I say, for all those that find happiness this way.




This brings us to the end of the this, the fourth edition of this series. At this time I would like to say “Thank You!” for coming and reading. Being here and seeing the videos and images. I am honored that you enjoy my work. Just one last thing, before you go, I would like to share.


[caption id="attachment_971" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Full Guild Wars 2 Interface With World PVP Interface This is a screenshot of the entier User Interface in Guild Wars 2 with PvP balance shown.[/caption]

(Guild Wars 2 Full User Interface with PvP World Balance Map)


My name is Daniel, and I am a person with severe disabilities. I live in an extended-stay motel, due to financial constraints. The building I live in, and have lived here for ten years, has been sold. The new owners are moving everyone out, soon. Therefore I am asking for help. I am with limited means, I do not charge for my work, I write for free (a rarity, I know). If you are able, financially capable, I would like to ask you to help me. I am raising money via Indiegogo and ask for your support. Just click on that last link… or, if it made it with the reblogg, there will be an applet below. It will show my campaign and how much I have raised. Just click that and give what you want/can. In advance I say “Thank YOU!”


Have a great weekend, and I hope to see you again soon @ The Other Shoe!


Daniel's Relocation and General Assistance Fiunding Canpaign

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