And, On A Happier Note!
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and an afternoon posting. I just had to come back and write something less…. Beggy. Thing of it is? This adversity is bringing out the strong writer in me! Get this, since the first week in June I have written and published FIFTY articles. (50) I’m, sorry for that break there… I was just taking a moment to ‘Smell the flowers’.
That is fifty articles, of varying lengths and on many topics, in just over fifty days. Looking back, during that time, I have started and (nearly) finished the single most popular (to date) series of articles. Of course I speak of (the favorite of many of you) ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’
This week I will write (if all goes as planned) the Seventh in the series… of a game yet to be decided. Within this same time period I have began these series as well; ‘A Week In Review’, ‘Sunday Funnies’ and ‘The Whittling of America’ (part TWO is scheduled to appear late this week). That makes me very happy. It is as though, through this hardship (and what ever might still be coming) I have created my voice. Well, my written and on line voice. My spoken voice I started working on in Middle School with vocal lessons. My speaking voice, I am very proud (and thankful) to posses. I lost it, for awhile, right after the accident. (Someone, remind me to talk about 1987 and the typewriter that fell on my head!)
YOU, My Dear Readers, are instrumental (nice play on words) in helping me create my writing presence. Oh, I have written (one way or another) since I was but 8 (in 1965) when I bought an old Smith Corona typewriter from a yard sale in Pearland, Texas. However, it wasn’t until The Other Shoe that I developed my political writing style… and created ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’. (My ‘pet’ project… another play on words… I am simply On Fire!)
I have to get back to making phone calls and looking for another place to live. My Dear Readers, I just wanted to share some of the happiness you bring me. “Thank you!”
In closing, I simply must brag. My traffic (at both blogs) is fantastic! At and over One Thousand Views a MONTH! Know it of not? YOU, My Dear Readers, are a part of a movement. Each and every day I receive more; RSS requests (feeds for readers), Followers (from Word Press YEAH for Word Press!!!), and Facebook friends. It is an HONOR! If you would like to follow my blogs @ Facebook go here and ‘Like’ the page ( You will get ALL updates on articles and SPECIAL notices!
On the other hand… if you would like me as a Facebook friend? I would be Honored! I am ‘Danny Hanning’ I would be honored to make your acquaintanceship and even your friendship.
To recap. My writing is blossomed, my blog traffic is on the rise, I have 105 (!) ‘Like’s for my Indiegogo campaign, and I am happy that you like what I write. This is something good… I am honored. This is something, that for me, will last the remainder of my life. I may not be able to walk, without help… or eat or bathe. However, I can still write and I can still entertain. You keep coming to read. I will keep working to entertain you.
Thank you!
Please Share?!?

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