Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Longest Day

PLEASE SHAI just experienced the longest day I had in a 'Month of Sunday'. Starting at 6AM, to prepare for this day, and ending when I was dropped back here at 6PM. In those twelve hours I traveled not only in miles but back and forth in time as well.
After this fateful journey from O.C. to L.A. and back. I traveled down the very streets I started my adventure in pain and loss twenty-five years ago. Right in front of the 'Center for Head Injured Adults', I found myself in post accident. And into the city I arrived in California from my Texas roots. It was a twelve hour ride through twenty-five years of memories.
I apologize for the fact I did not post. However, a journey of this type leaves the traveler quite spent. My Dear Readers, I will be back to impart my observations and highlights of my adventure soon. Though tonight is just too soon. I hope you, My Dear Readers, do understand and accept my heartfelt apologies.
It is now 1:22AM... but I just could not fall asleep. Until I took at least a moment. To tell you all how it felt. You, My Dear Readers, mean the world to me. As soon as it is physically possible for me? I will return to regale of my tales and more.
Now that I have touched base with you. I know sleep will come willingly to me. On the morrow I hope to write at great length.  As always it is an honor to me, that you come here to read. That honor I will never forget, and I promise to produce. More works of social relevance, and stories and tales of pure whimsy.
So now I take my leave. Forever "Thank YOU!"


Daniel's Relocation and General Assistance Fiunding Canpaign

1 comment:

  1. […] The Longest Day : “I just experienced the longest day I had in a ‘Month of Sundays’. Starting at 6AM, to prepare for this arduous day, and ending when I was dropped back here at 6PM. In those twelve hours I traveled not only in miles but back and forth in time as well.” As I pointed out, earlier, I am working to tell this story. A story of enclaves and clicks that are harming our nation? It belongs in the series of articles I call ‘The Whittling of America’. Soon, I promise, I will continue to write. About this day and that fateful ride. […]
