Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and another edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ for July 14th, 2013. This week I shared with you a video of Alexander learning that the Au Jus from Arby’s is quite hot! Notice how he laps at the au jus, then shakes his head, then goes back? It is the shaking of his head that shows me, he found it that it is hot!
Next week I will take you back in time and share one of my videos of Princess Nadia! She is my muse, even after death. Yes, I miss her so very much. But it is not all bad, in fact there is some good. Princess Nadia still lives on, and runs and plays, in the hills and fields of my imagination.
So, My Dear Readers, this brings us to the end of yet another week, here @ The Other Shoe. And a busy and productive week it has been, for me and (most likely) you. This pace I have, for the most part, kept. Now for nearly a month. I say this as a bit warning and a bit “Woof”! The warning is this, I am not so sure, this pace, I can keep up much longer.
So, My Dear Readers, if I fade and not see am I. Just understand that I will likely reemerge. I am trying to stay on top of this, and stay focused on my goals. Those goals are; garnering your support, getting on Section 8, and… moving from this retched place and to a better and safer home.
So, on this beautiful Sunday I would like to ask your indulgence. Please, My Dear Readers, take a moment and ‘Share’ my work. And if that is as painless as I have said, and if you have a moment more. Could you please take one moment more… and give?
Thank you!
Please Share?
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[…] Sunday Funnies July 14th 2013 :“Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and ed by se edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ for July 14th, 2013. This week I shared with you a video of Alexander learning that the Au Jus from Arby’s is quite hot! Notigarticle was reblogce how he laps at the au jus, then shakes his head, then goes back? It is the shaking of his head that shows me, he found it that it is hot! I wanted to make sure everyone knew that no animals were harmed in the making of this video. Alexander is just fine, he didn’t hurt himself. He soon learned that Au Jus is HOT and that is a lesson well learned. This week’s edition will showcase a special talent and a great love of mine, Priuncess Nadia! Be sure to drop by, tomorrow, and see Nadia in action. I miss her dearly, my heart still breaks when I think of her… her smile, the way she hugged me… everything about her. […]