Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Duo Documentaries of...

     …brown water. Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and a “Duo of Documentaries of Cypress Lodge Brown Water”. Well… actually? They are more like documentation videos than documentaries. I did take a little liberty in the title, I will agree. However, how else was I going to get your attention, to this same old problem, again?


This past Tuesday (July 23rd, 2013) I had an appointment with my favorite and best/ most trusted physician I see. Dr. Gorlick. I think I would, after yesterday, walk through fire to see Dr. Gorlick (I took an L.A. Access buss through Long Beach and Compton to get to him in Rolling Hills Estates… that is pretty close to South L..A.… close enough?) However, before my journey began @ 0600 hrs/6:00AM (through time as well as space/miles) I was greeted first thing by the brown/brackish water seen in video number one.



Now, once I had returned to Cypress (where I live) it was 1800 hrs (6:00PM) I spent


Two hours fighting on the phone with my Part ‘D’ Coverage prescription plan. That brings us to 2000hrs (or 8:00PM). Then off to Walgreens to pick up the scrip, and back home (again) to take a bath… in brown water again. Hence, the two videos and the one below is the second in the series showing brown water that night, below:




I will not spend anymore time writing about what are videos of a thousand words… each. Fourteen hours… and I just wanted a bath in clean fresh water. I ask; “is that too much to ASK?”


As always, and forever, I am honored by you coming to read… my words. I hope you had a fine hump-day and that the weekend finds you soon. “Thank you!” Again, for all that you do.


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Daniel's Relocation and General Assistance Fiunding Canpaign

1 comment:

  1. […] Duo-Documentaries of… : “…brown water. Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and a “Duo of Documentaries of Cypress Lodge Brown Water”. Well… actually? They are more like documentation videos than documentaries. I did take a little liberty in the title, I will agree. However, how else was I going to get your attention, to this same old problem, again?” What more can I say… what more can I do? Nothing, that is what. I have; reported, recorded, conjouled, and pleaded. I have ask and demanded and begged and even pleaded (again). Nothing has changed. Nothing has improved. Soon I may have to move… and I get so little sleep. I keep working so very hard… hoping to ingratiate you all to indulge in generosity. Well, I can hope. […]
