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Face The Nation Facebook Page Showing MY Suggestion
Well, Mr. Sheiffer did not mention my name he used my words, my subject! It is time for intransigence to END! Time for gridlock to end! This hyper partisanship is an illness a DISEASE. I have the cure, “Vote the BUMS OUT!
Hey PEARLAND? Can YOU hear ME now?!?
I am happy that my topic, even some of my words were used by Face The Nation, again. Now I ask for your support. I know it is difficult, I know I am a pain. But Please!
Please SHARE!?
Daniel is so proud of how his work is used, twice, by 'Face the Nation'. He works through his pain. He works very hard everyday. Yet, I never hear anyone tell him he is doing well. Or OK. Or even "Go to hell." I don't know how he does it. Keeps writing in this vacuum. He has my support. How about you?
ReplyDelete[…] MY TOPIC Opens ‘Face The Nation’ TODAY : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to another edition of The Other Shoe. I am very excited to see that Face The Nation has followed my lead and used Congressional Intransigence as its lead subject matter. See below, where Face The Nation asked for questions to ask the Speaker. Low and behold!? They used my suggestion!” Simply one of the best moments in recent history, not since 2010 has this happened to me. This Sunday, on ‘Face the Nation’, Mr. Bob Scheiffer used my suggestion and asked the Speaker ‘What’s with the Congressional Congestion!?’ For the second time, in as many years, a suggestion I gave to ‘Face the Nation’ (via their Facebook feed) was used in a question. The question (this time) was for the Speaker… and he did not better, than his sidekick from the Senate. Read about it all… you know where… […]