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Dear Family, Friends, and Followers of The Other Shoe and here on Facebook,
This week I, finally, pulled the trigger on publishing a horror story. For many months now, perhaps even years, I have wanted to write and publish works of this genre. Thursday I published ‘The Horror in Smithville’, and made good on a promise I made to all My Dear Readers at The Other Shoe.
Unfortunately, my health has yet to return to me. I have fevers, nightly, and my stamina is far from what it once was or should be. I used my speech to text program to write this horror story. Having worked on this piece over three days, and over three hours on Thursday, once Part One was finished I faltered. Rather than proof read this story, I rushed to publish then too to rest. Since Thursday evening, shortly after publication of this story, my body was ravaged with aches and pains, my mind clouded with fevers.
I apologize for the state this story was published, and released to you, My Dear Readers. You all know that I take great pride in my work and to allow this, very first, horror story to be read in the condition I now find it is… inexcusable. There are no terrible errors… honestly what I find are mostly typos and the errors one comes to expect when using any speech-to-text program. However, I am ashamed that I published this story prior to proper editing. Today I am taking the time to correct both blogs publication of this horror story.
Over the next three, to four, weeks I will be publishing ‘Parts’ of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ until I am finished with this work. Already, I have Part Two mostly written and the outlines, plot points, character development and nemesis nearly complete. My Dear Readers this story is not something I just pushed out and published. I am taking great care with this story. Great care and great pride. Once finished I am confident that this story will mark my entrance into a genre I hope will become a mainstay for my blog and the future of my writing career.
Later today I will publish ‘A Week in Review’ for this week. After that I am planning on completing my work on this week’s ‘Sunday Funnies’. Already I have the video shot, uploaded and read for production. Once published ‘Sunday Funnies’ will mark a complete week for The Other Shoe. This is a major accomplishment in that it will be the first week, since my terrible respiratory infection, that I managed to publish most of my regular articles and at least five articles during the week.
It is my intent to publish ‘The Mars Report’ on a regular weekly basis, soon. My Dear Readers, I long for the time when I am publishing six and seven articles each and every week. Six to seven articles that include weekly installments of; ‘The Mars Report’, ‘A Week in Review’, ‘Sunday Funnies’, and ‘The Horror in Smithville’ (or like horror story). That is my desire and design for The Other Shoe. I have, on my personal monthly planner, schedules of publication. Each day of the week marked for the genre or regular publication. Long has it been my desire to have a publication of this type… since Middle School when (for the business class?) I published a weekly magazine/newsletter when everyone else sold baked goods or other items. In this class I was the only student that took the time and effort to write and publish a weekly magazine for sale in the class.
I, now, have the space (this blog) and I have the talent… the ideas… the structure… and (for the time being) I have the computer/speech-to-text software/word processing software needed to meet my goals. However, this is something more… something more that people seldom speak of… said best in an old and familiar adage “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. Aye, there’s the rub!
My Dear Readers, I have everything I need to make my dream a reality. Everything I need to give you, My Dear Readers, the content and the blog that you desire and deserve. I wish it were that simple. Between my progressive neurological disease, mounting pain and diminishing physical abilities (doubly diminished by my complete lack of a proper and adequate diet) and this new infectious disease (as diagnosed by Dr. Gorlick and the reason for his referral to an Infectious Disease Specialist… Dr. Gorlick fears an infection of either the hardware in my neck… or an infection of the bone graft material).
Regardless I do my level best to press forward. However, as you all could see this week… in the inexcusable state of publication of my very first horror story… all too often my body is my nemesis. I promise to do my best to (in the future) to stick to my publication schedule. To do my best to proof work prior to publication. To do my best to meet all content schedules, and to do so without complaint.
Thank you for your understanding and support. I just wanted to update all of you, my family, friends and followers of The Other Shoe. Now I will return to correcting this week’s edition of ‘The Horror in Smithville’, to be (hopefully) followed by the publication of ‘A Week in Review’ and ‘Sunday Funnies’.
In closing, I wanted to tell you all that I am quite happy to announce that my horror story has been well received. In just the first day I received about Three dozen ‘Likes’ for this story between the two blog locations. I am quite happy with this reception and it gives me the motivation to continue. “Thank you!’
Daniel L. Hanning
P.S. Over the next two weeks I have appointments with an Oncologist and an Infectious Disease physician. Once I have the status from these exams and tests... I WILL relay this information to you, My Dear Readers. Good or Bad... I will publish all that I find out about my health... and what is ahead for me. Thank you.
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