Welcome back My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. For many months now I have fought an internal battle, with myself. A battle that was not easily lost, nor won. A battle that, unfortunately, I (in some small way) will now hand over to you, My Dear Readers. The battle was/is one of conscience, in that I had to choose a course of action. The ‘high road’ would have left you, My Dear Readers, without knowledge and insight (from me at least) regarding a growing danger. Conversely, the ‘low road’ is the one where I explain to you, My Dear Readers, about this growing danger. In so doing, though, I expose you directly to this danger… and place in your hands the very crisis of conscience I have fought now for many months.
But, first, a disclaimer for myself (Daniel Hanning) and The Other Shoe. Any, and all, information I am about to relay to you, My Dear Readers, I do so for proposes of entertainment and edification only. I, Daniel Hanning, as well as any parties associated with the; writing, editing, publication, transmission and distribution of this article (and of The Other Shoe) accept no responsibility either directly or implied for any actions or results of any actions you, My Dear Readers, may take upon reading this article and the information contained therein. We are all adults and our actions are those of a person exercising free will. I have not, nor will I ever, use any means of enticement or suggestion (subliminal or otherwise) to induce or illicit any actions or behavior on the part of any person or persons that read my blog or any material continued therein. This disclaimer starts on this day (March 12, 2014) and continues in perpetuity.
Now, with all the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way I will continue on with the show. Today I begin this series of articles on this Wednesday, and it will continue on Wednesdays until complete. This series of articles is/does, for the time being, replace the regularly scheduled for this day slot ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia – The Healing Light’. I do not know if I will start sharing my progress of this novel… I really am riding the fence on that decision. I am getting advice from both sides of the decision. Many are telling me that I could greatly increase traffic with sharing this novel. Conversely, I am told that by releasing the progress, excerpts, and sharing plot developments and character changes and growth, I jeopardize the commercial viability of (what could… will likely be) my greatest written work to date. ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ truly is the greatest thing I have ever written. I have spent, literally, years of thought on its; plot line(s), characters, character development, technology, and story.
Having said, to release too much of my work surely jeopardize the eventual success of any and all of the novels I intend to write for Princess Nadia. Therefore, I am seriously considering making Wednesday(s) into something different. For the time being, this something different is/will be… … … The Deep Web!
The Deep Web is the other part of the internet (world wide web) that most of you, My Dear Readers, have never (and will likely never need to) access The Deep Web. Now, you may well ask “How do you know if I have, or haven’t, used The Deep Web?” Good question answered quite easily. Have you installed ‘Tor’ on you computer? If you answered “No” then I am correct that you have never accessed The Deep Web. Conversely, if you answered either “Yes” or “Not Tor, but another Deep Web Browser” then I was incorrect in my statement.
Translation; My Dear Readers you cannot access The Deep Web via; Google or any search engine NOR can you access The Deep Web using; Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Chrome or any normal browser. Tor is downloaded, roughly, 800,000 times DAILY! Once installed, Tor will give you access to 6,500 hidden web sites. The world wide, that you and I use daily… i.e. Facebook, Google, Skype, ect… is roughly 19 terabytes. Conversely, The Deep Web is 7,500 terabytes, or 7.5 petabytes. Nineteen compared to seven thousand five hundred! Everywhere you have ever been, on your computer or tablet or cell phone, has been limited to the mere nineteen terabytes of information and The Deep Web, where most of you have never ventured, is nearly 400 times larger.
Now, I imagine that the very first question most of you, My Dear Readers, are asking is;
“If it is so much larger? Why have I never heard of this ‘other’ The Deep Web, before?”
This is where I have made one of the biggest mistakes in my career as a writer, especially a blog writer. Many of you, My Dear Readers, have heard about The Deep Web in just the past few weeks or months. It has appeared, front page, in Time magazine. They have done a piece on The Deep Web of ’60 Minutes’, recently. As well, if I am not very much mistaken? Even ‘Fox News’ has made mention of The Deep Web in just the past three months. MY hesitation in providing this information to you, My Dear Readers, may well have jeopardized the potential impact of my writing this article. On the other hand, today there is substantially more information available on The Deep Web for all of you to access. That means that if you, My Dear Readers, do decided to venture into this larger world? You will have the opportunity to be far better prepared for that adventure, than you could have been even last October.
Back to the question above; “Why have I not heard of The Deep Web, before?”
Reason; The Deep Web is an underground community of sites that can provide; illegal drugs shipped to your door, guns and ammunition banned by U.S. laws, Identity thieves and identities for sale, illegal pornographic materials and even… assassins for hire. The Deep Web is the place for all internet criminal activity. Having said, the majority of you, My Dear Readers, have nor will have any use for The Deep Web.
As you can well imagine, the laymen going into The Deep Web is a target for all manner of; thieves, charlatans, crooks and ‘Bad People’. If you do not properly prepare yourself, and your computer, for this adventure you will be taken advantage of and likely will have you identity (and other personal information) stolen. Like ‘the other side of the tracks’ in real life, The Deep Web s is not a place to go to just look around or window shop.
The Deep Web was, until very recently, the home of ‘The Silk Road’. Like the namesake on the Asian continent, The Silk Road on The Deep Web was a marketplace for all manner of illegal and illicit materials and services. The Silk Road was busted in the later part of 2013. There are those, that once were a part of or worked The Silk Road, that have every intention of “Rebuilding the Silk Road”.
In order to surf The Deep Web you will need to prepare. First, you will need a Deep Web Browser. As I mentioned above Tor is the most widely used and easily found and installed Deep Web Browser. There are others and they can be found by searching the normal internet for “Deep Web Browser”. Second, in order to purchase anything on The Deep Web you will need to exchange your money into Bitcoins. Bitcoins are the only currency that is accepted for illegal or illicit goods and services on The Deep Web. .
There is a huge downside to even this simple exchange. More than one ‘Bitcoin Bank’ has been bankrupt in just the last year.
“After the collapse of Mt. Gox, now Canada-based virtual currency exchange Flexcoin has been forced to close down.
Flexcoin said flaws in its software code enabled hackers to make off with bitcoins worth around 440,000 euros.
“As Flexcoin does not have the resources, assets, or otherwise to come back from this loss, we are closing our doors immediately,” it said in a statement.
A message posted on its website explained that the attack had exploited a flaw in its code on transfers between users and involved inundating the system with simultaneous requests to move coins between accounts.” [1]
Ironically hackers, and others engaged in illegal and illicit activities, solely use ‘Bitcoin’ and it was hackers that caused the failure of these Bitcoin Banks. As I was told when I was a young boy, by my paternal father (a manufacturer of bootleg booze during prohibition) “There is NO honor among thieves”. That statement is as true in the twenty-first century, as it was in the twentieth. Therefore, one should exercise extreme caution when exchanging dollars (or Euros) into Bitcoin. One should only exchange exactly the amount you will need for the single transaction you intend. Nothing more, period.
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OK, My Dear Readers, I am experiencing a great deal of difficulty writing this article. When I started, over three hours ago, I was ‘ok’ and my hands were working satisfactory. Since then I have switched over to my program and am speaking, to write this article. However, now my pain and other neurological difficulties are making even that process… extremely difficult. Therefore, (hopefully) before these difficulties manifest in tone or structure I am going to bring this, Part One to an end. That is correct, this is only Part One of The Deep Web here at The Other Shoe.
For the next several weeks, every Wednesday I will continue to bring you more and more information on/about The Deep Web. I will do my level best to take you, My Dear Readers, through all the precautions that I would take prior to surfing The Deep Web. Further, I will do my best to give you an idea of; what to expect, how to act/speak and where to go. Again, I am in no way shape or form advising anyone to ever go to The Deep Web. However, I understand human nature and mankind’s insatiable curiosity for all things unknown and taboo. That is why I will do my best to prepare you for an adventure into The Deep Web.
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In closing, I wish to be perfectly clear to everyone: just because I know… things… about The Deep Web? That does not mean, it does not stand, that I have ever or will ever visit The Deep Web. I have never engaged in any illegal or illicit activities, now or in the future, on or in or about The Deep Web. I have no criminal record of any kind from any time. I haven’t even had as much as a speeding ticket in more than THRITY YEARS! I beseech you, My Dear Readers, to not allow my writing this article to effect/change your opinion of me in any way shape or form. That would just crush me… honest. As Allen (who has lived with me, and knows me best in this world) my partner of twenty-six years often says of me ‘Danny is the ‘Last Boy Scout’”. I follow the rules regardless. More times than I can count I have played by the rules even though doing so has cost me opportunity, money, and even my health. In everything I do I ask myself “What would my father think of me, if he found out?”
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
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[…] Introduction to The Deep Web – Part One : “The Deep Web is the other part of the internet (world wide web) that most of you, My Dear […]
ReplyDelete[…] sludge in my lungs) managed to publish seven articles in seven days. I started a new series about ‘The Deep Web’, continued my foray into the horror genre with the publication of Part Two of ‘The Horror in […]