Now, for all of you, My Dear Readers, that are just too busy during the week to read? This is the place to be. Here at ‘A Week in Review’ I post links to all the articles of the week. AS well, I include a short excerpt from the article and a little insight into the origin of the article or some other personal notes. Really, that means that everyone that checks out this series, gets a little more information and insight than those that just read during the week. Making you, a very special My Dear Reader… indeed.
So, see as there is quite a bit of content to cover, in this issue, I will cut this introduction a little short and get right to the meat of things. Without further adieu, here is ‘A Week in Review’!
- Sunday Funnies March 23rd, 2014 : “That means that Alex is down to the dregs of his food supply. Long gone are the crunchy corn meal squares he so enjoys. He is out of hazelnuts and down to peanuts and the little tiny bits of food left at the bottom of the bag. Unfortunately, for Alexander, Allen and I are quite bereft of funds to purchase a new bag of ‘Macaw Parrot Food - Kaytee’.” Thanks to the generosity of a very good friend, Alexander got his new bag of ‘Macaw Parrot Food by Kaytee earlier this week. Alexander is very grateful to you, you know who you are… J So, there is no more scrounging around in the bottom of a mostly empty bag of food, and this week Alexander had all of the tidbits and treats he so much enjoys. This Sunday… well, I managed to capture it… You will have to look very close… but I got some footage of Alexander… cleaning his paws on my sheets! Never had a rat do this quite like Alexander, before… it is unique and it make him quite unique, too. ENJOY!
- Coming THIS Week at The Other Shoe – March 24th, 2014: “This series will be brief. In it I will preview what articles you can come to expect, in the following week. This way all of you, My Dear Readers, can make plans to drop by and read upcoming favorites like; ‘The Horror in Smithville’, ‘The Deep Web’, and ‘The Mars Report’. Knowing that a ‘new’ episode of your favorite article will peak interest, and (hopefully) improve traffic.” And that it seemed to do just fine, indeed. Traffic is up here at The Other Shoe, and that is always a welcome trend. Therefore, I will be continuing this series of previews of the articles to come, in the coming week. This is/was one of the all new articles that came this week. I really put on my ‘Thinking Cap’ and knocked one out of the park, I did. The articles just seem better, the writing… just a bit crisper… and the feeling, well much more jubilant, indeed. We are off to a great start, for the second four years… and the next 400 articles. On with the show!
- The Mars Report – March 24th, 2013: “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe and ‘The Mars Report’ for March 24th, 2014. With the lost airliner in Asia, the turmoil brewing in the Ukraine, it is difficult to pull our eyes away from all this disaster and look to the skies. However, that is exactly what I did today, and what I am asking you MY Dear Readers to do for the next few moments. Actually, it is comforting to think that not all of our human condition is pain and suffering of other humans. Though it occupies little real estate in; newspapers, Television reporting, cable news networks and even blogs.” This was a smashingly great episode of ‘The Mars Report’. With looks back at where we have been, from overhead in orbit and the ‘MastCam’, too. With spring coming to the Martian surface, we are seeing many sights that only come, one time a year. From sand dunes that look like communicator badges from ‘Star Trek’, to striking pictures of thawing tops to more snad dunes. With the addition of ‘Lost in Space’ this blog has taken a marked turn towards the heavens. I always have looked to the starts, for inspiration and more. Seems my basic impulses have served me well, indeed.
- The Deep Web – Part Two: “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Welcome back to my ongoing series about ‘The Deep Web’, Part Two. First, a little review of some of the material we have already covered.” That we did, review. Then moved on to the most important of all, the ‘Rules of the Raod’. The majorly improatant Do’s and Don’ts of surfing in unsafe territories. If you haven’t, then do you must, read! This issue is the most important to review and read. If I might suggest, this one would be good to print out and keep… by the computer, when ever you desire a venture into ‘The Deep Web’, you go. Serve you well, these rules will, if far from the trodden path your ventures take you.
- March 25th Personal Update and Video: “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Late last week I made a video in celebration of the publication of my 400th article and FOUR YEARS of writing and publishing here at The Other Shoe. I am really happy and very proud of these two accomplishments. Writing was a skill that I picked up late in life, and have run with since day one. This first four years, and first four hundred articles, is just a beginning for me.” Not even noticed, did I that I misspelled ‘Update’ in the title, till now. Oui! I have been quite busy… ‘nose to the grindstone’ even. Well, every once in awhile I like to make a video and show. I am still kicking and that a drug addict, I have not become. So, take a vidie, and enjoy!
- Lost in Space #1 – March 26th, 2014: “Welcome back MY Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today, and with this article, I am launching a brand-new series of articles for The Other Shoe. As you can see from the title of this article the name of this all-new series is ‘Lost in Space’. Yes, I lifted the name from a TV series I very much enjoyed as a boy. However, every month I find more and more articles, about space, that just do not fit into ‘The Mars Report’. Therefore, from this day forward every article about space exploration, space flight, experimentations and space flight, the potential commercial colonization of Mars, and/or any other article I find about space will be found here every week in ‘Lost in Space’.” Very well received, this article was, by you, My Dear Readers. I just had so much more material, from space, that I was dying to share. Create an all new article series, just for you (and the material I had laying about). It went over well, and was not that hard to complete. Therefore, there is a good chance it will be back, in weeks to come. I just love looking at images from space. Time, I seem to make, in every week to see something new. I look forward to sharing even more, in the weeks and months to come. I look forward to seeing you, My Dear Readers, here too!
- The Horror in Smithville – Part Three: “Yes, I do give a lot of thought to what I am going to write during the day. No, I do not set out dialogue or paragraphs. I see it as it happens, in my mind. Take tonight’s dinner, I saw this dinner several times over the past two weeks, in my mind. However, things happened when I wrote it that I did not see until I sat down today and put voice to program. This story is just growing out of me and I am very much enjoying this process.” I am most happy to say, that this story just keeps growing out of me. I sit down to write a story, and out it comes all fun and ready. This week I have yet to come to gore, nor blood. However, this week we did get quite a little scare! I must say, from what my dreams, and day-dreams, show… this coming week… will likely scare you half to death. Be ready!
- Words of WARNING!: “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today is Friday, as such this (according to my all ‘new’ writing schedule) is a ‘free’ day. Meaning I leave the day open so that I can write what strikes me, or more on a story that has dominated the week’s news. Quite honestly? The missing airliner… while my thoughts and prayers go out to all those lost… I fear it might be months before we have any kind of closure… maybe even next year with the building winter season and winter weather rapidly closing in on the search teams.” Fridays are an ‘Open Day’ here at my blog. That means that on Fridays I can write what ever takes my whim. Most of the time I write politics, of the continuation of a popular articles from the week. This week, I opened up and shared, with you. Grave concerns I have, about just how sfae any and all of our financial information, is. You see, visiting ‘The Deep Web’ I am hearing… things. Things that worry me so. Worry me with concerns of safety. Safety of our banking and credit and financial everything, I am concerned. You see… there are lots… and lots… and LOTS of people that would like nothing more… than to just burn it all down. Make everybody’s money… GO AWAY! This worries me greatly, indeed. Therefore, I have taken a day, and an article, to share these concerns, and more. Shared, I did, how to make sure you stay safe. How to protect, how to keep safe. Read, and be informed.
Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end. The end of another week’s articles, and this wonderful review. Oh, you know that I will be back, soon. I never can seem to stay away. FYI NINE articles, I did write and publish, this week! Weee!
Tomorrow, a couple of shorts… of Alexander cleaning his hands! He does it in such a cute way. I hope that you drop by and take a look… see.
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