All in all I have to say I am relatively happy… maybe even a little proud of my work, this week. Allen will have his second interview for another second) job and the first interview went quite well. If/when he lands this supervisor position, and begins bringing in the second income I will feel a great weight lift from my shoulders. I am doing my best to avoid ‘counting my chickens before they come to roost’. However, until I have his schedule for the second job, I am reticent to schedule further medical appointments. Not to worry, too much, the lump on my jaw bone is still there and the fevers persist along with raspy sounds in my lungs.
Enough about me, and on with Alexander and ‘Sunday Funnies’. For several months I have been working, behind the scenes, to find an animator. I would like to change ‘Sunday Funnies’ from videos of Alexander, to cartoons with a political bent. I, myself, have no talent with drawing… of any kind. Oh, I can take a ruler and draw out lighting plots for a stage, I have even dabbled with floor plans. Yet, to take pen or pencil to paper and freehand draw anything… ,like, real? Not a gift, or talent, the Almighty saw fit to bestow upon yours truly.
Next, Alexander and I kind of cycle together, if I am feeling poorly and/or depressed? Alexander tends to sit quite and/or act depressed or sullen. Yes, fancy rats do have a rather large emotional spectrum. They display; happiness, jubilation, excitement, sadness, anger, frustration and even depression. I know, for some that is difficult to believe. However, I have been the proud owner of many fancy rats over the past three decades I can attest that these animals do have complex emotions and they display and communicate these emotions. Alexander has been curious this week, so I was able to get a short video of him searching for his favorite type of food.
FYI Fancy rats prefer food designed for Macaw Parrots. You must remove the red peppers from the mix, as these peppers have an anti-coagulant effect in rats. Meaning that if they eat enough of these red peppers it will result in them… bleeding profusely. They can/will bleed from their eyes, nose and ears if they ingest too many of these peppers in one sitting. Therefore, one must remove all the red peppers from the Macaw Parrot food prior to serving it to your fancy rat. So, if you own a fancy rat or have plans in joining the people that love sharing life with fancy rats and our numbers are legion). Bear in mind that the ‘rat food’ they sell in pet stores will… suffice… but if you buy them parrot food (especially the mixture meant for Macaw parrots), they will just go hog wild at their feeding time.
Now, without further adieu I bring you Alexander R Hanning and this week’s ‘Sunday Funnies’!
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[…] Well, now that you all are updated on the events of my RL (real life)? Without further adieu I bring you ‘A Week in Review’ for this the week of my (our) Fourth Year and Four Hundredth article. ENJOY! […]