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Welcome back, My Dear Readers, toThe Other Shoe.If it is Thursday then it is time for another episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. This week I bring you Part Three of this horror series. How, as I was explaining, in another article here at The Other Shoe this story is, like, happening to me as I write the darn thing is amazing.
I had anticipated that, in this episode, we might reach a point of “blood and gore and scary stuff”. Well, you are just going to have to read to find out. I will tell you one thing. This story is unfolding like nothing I have written before in my life. There is this natural process that is happening. I sit down, to write the next episode, and it all just starts falling into place.
Yes, I do give a lot of thought to what I am going to write during the day. No, I do not set out dialogue or paragraphs. I see it as it happens, in my mind. Take tonight’s dinner, I saw this dinner several times over the past two weeks, in my mind. However, things happened when I wrote it that I did not see until I sat down today and put voice to program. This story is just growing out of me and I am very much enjoying this process.
As I hope that you, My Dear Readers, enjoy tonight’s episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. So, without further adieu…
Part Three
Just as Archer had anticipated, when dinner was served there was; deep fried chicken (at least one chicken if not two), mashed potatoes with a pad of butter still melting on the top of the potato mountain, what looked to be buttermilk biscuits, a gravy bowl filled to the brim with hot and fresh (made from scratch) chicken gravy, and both green peas and corn on the cob. Archer was drooling with anticipation, but before lifting a single eating utensil he gave Timmy’s Mom her much deserved praise.
“Everything looks just great, Mrs. Marref! I don’t know which is better, how good it all smells or how great it looks on the table!”
Archer honestly thought he saw Timmy’s Mom… blush. She tanked Archer for his “kind compliment” and reminded Archer that he was sitting at the table with two very hungry Marref men and that if he didn’t start filling his plate, he would end up going to bed hungry. Archer smiled and grabbed the mashed potatoes before anyone else.
Now, lots of people make their mashed potatoes with garlic, some even with cheese (yargh!). Not Mrs. Marref, nope she made hers with buttermilk. The buttermilk made the potatoes extra buttery and gave them a silky smooth consistency that made gravy nearly superfluous. For the next five minuets not a single word was said, by anyone, at the table. All that was heard were groans of culinary ecstasy.
Archer had just finished his second drumstick, and was breaking open a thigh, when Timmy kicked his leg under the table. Archer had all but forgotten his conversation with Timmy in the bathroom. As they were drying their hands Timmy told Archer, “tonight’s dinner comes with a price…” The price was Archer had to start the conversation about going to the Carnival, Friday night. More importantly Archer had promised he had a “sure fire” was to get parental approval for the Haunted House.
It was Thursday night, right now, but neither Timmy nor Archer wanted to put off the conversation (or decision) until the last minute. If they didn’t get the answer they wanted, right off the bat, starting early would give them more time to work their parents until they got the answer they wanted. Archer was not to mention the Haunted House, tonight.
.Just the Carnival was to be discussed that and the fact that “everyone from the Middle School was going on Friday night... teachers and students…” While eating his first drumstick, Archer had figured out his plan. He had already buttered-up Timmy’s Mom with compliments on the Chicken dinner. He was going to start with Timmy’s Mom and work around the table to Timmy’s Dad. That was the plan… but it is so seldom that things work out as planed… am I right, or what?
Leaving just enough food in his mouth to be convincing that his comment was spontaneous and not planned, Archer lunged head first into his narrative.
“Mrs. Marref, did you know that the Lutheran Church and the Smithville Chamber of Commerce are having a Harvest Festival/Carnival, this weekend?”
He could be wrong, but it looked to Archer liked Mrs. Marref chocked a little on her food, when Archer made his comment/question. She was obviously trying hard not to smile at the way Archer broached the subject. She put her napkin up to her mouth and signaled with her hand that she needed a moment before replying. This was going even better than Archer had planned. Step two, question for Mr. Marref.
“Mr. Marref, you are a member of the Chamber of Commerce, aren’t you?”
Now, Mr. Marref knew that Archer knew he was not only a member of the Chamber of Commerce; he was on the executive council for the Chamber and had been since the boys were in diapers. Just as soon as the question had left Archer’s mouth, Timmy kicked Archer in the shin and rolled his eyes at Archer. Archer just smiled at Timmy and winked a self-confident wink. Archer could play Timmy’s parents like a fiddle. This was not nearly as true for his own parents… but Timmy’s, well Archer knew just how to play them.
“Yes, Archer, you know full well that I am on the Executive Council for the Chamber of Commerce. You and Timmy helped me staple and hang up flyers every year for my reelection. (Winking at Archer as he spoke) Both Margie and I are aware that the Carnival is here for the weekend, and Festival runs all week long. Did you know that there is a ‘New’ Haunted House, this year? They say that it is especially scary, this year. A new company was hired, by the Carnival. They’ve never used them before, but they come highly acclaimed by the folks in Rogerstone. That was where they were last year for the Harvest Festival. We were very lucky to get them… well, kind of steal them from Rogerstone.”
This was welcome news to both Archer and Timmy. Nobody had told them they scared Rogerstone last year, nor did they know that they had been referred “highly” by the last town they scared. Archer was pretty sure that Timmy’s Dad was already sold on the Haunted House, and all they had to do was ask permission to go. That was until Mrs. Marref spoke.
“Now Martin, weren’t there a lot of complaints, from some parents in Rogerstone, about that Haunted House? Something about younger children getting sick on the ride and even older children having terrible nightmares after riding?”
Archer could just swear he saw a little smile under... hidden on Mrs. Marref’s face. She was fighting against it hard, but Archer could just swear he saw. Archer was floundering, he needed help and he needed help fast. He kicked Timmy’s shin, under the table, and shifted his head pointing to Timmy’s Mom, as if to say ‘Guy, get your Mom back on program… we are loosing our advantage here!’ Timmy did get it, he sat there with a blank look on his face when Mr. Marref spoke.
“That was my shin, Archer. Are you trying to signal Timmy about something… or are you trying to play footsies with me?”
Now, it was Archer’s turn to blush! Just as Archer was shifting from rose to candy apple red, Timmy rolled his eyes and then blinked at Archer.
“Oh, come on Mom. I remember hearing about that, those kinds were all, like, in the second and third grades. Archer and I will be in the eighth grade, next year, and it takes a heck of a lot more to give us a scare!” Timmy said fighting back a smile to keep a determined look on his face.
“Unless there are spiders, right Timmy?” Mr. Marref said, looking directly at Timmy as he spoke.
‘Dad, that was not fair!’ Timmy thought to himself, Dad knew that Timmy had a thing about spiders… he wasn’t ‘afraid’ they just, like, made his skin crawl. This conversation was not even going the way that Archer and Timmy had planned. Timmy was far from throwing in the towel… but he felt that there was a lot more of a fight ahead.
Just then, as if by some cosmic nature, the whole kitchen got as bright as daylight. They all four looked up and around, but before anyone could say a word the whole house rocked with the sound of thunder. Timmy’s Mom came up out of her seat by about three inches. Timmy spewed mashed potatoes all over the center of the table, and into the gravy boat. Mr. Marref jumped, slightly and Archer came up out of his seat… nearly a foot… or so it seemed.
The timing of the lightning and then the crack of thunder, with discussing how scary the new Haunted House was, went to underscore the tension in the room… and lent an ominous taint to the conversation. Suddenly the kitchen, and the whole house, was plunged into darkness. As they all sat there, the only light in the room came from the gas range top. The small pilot lights continued to burn, and they threw off an eerie glow.
Timmy could hear Archer’s breathing to the left of him, just as he heard his Dad (to his right) get up out of his chair.
“Well, that last bolt of lighting must have blow a fuse. Let me go and check the fuse box. I just hope it is a fuse and not the power for the whole farm. Everyone stay seated, this shouldn’t take but a second.”
Luckily the fuse box was just off the kitchen, in the mud room/laundry area. Archer’s breathing sounded louder, and Timmy thought he might be a little afraid. He reached out, to his left, and grabbed for Archer’s shoulder. He ended up smacking Archer in the face, when gave him quite the fright!
“What was THAT”?!? Archer said with terror laced in his voice.
“Relax, Archer, it was just me I was trying to reach out and put a hand on your shoulder…. I wanted to stand up and get a flashlight…”
The last part was a quick cover; he didn’t want to make it sound like Archer was afraid n front of his parents. Just as Timmy was going to get up, the lights came back on in the kitchen and all over the house. Archer signed in relief and flashed Timmy a smile. Timmy’s Dad came back into the kitchen with the burnt fuse in his hand.
“Well, it was just this one fuse. We got lucky, there, it could have burned out more. Everyone let me know if you find anything electric that doesn’t work in your room or the bathroom… Before going to bed tonight. OK?” The boys nodded. .
Well, it just couldn’t have been planned better (worse for the boys) than if God himself had executed the plan. Mr. Marref got up to get some towels from the kitchen counter as Timmy got up to go to the bathroom. This left Archer and Mrs. Marref alone at the kitchen table. Archer waited; one beat… two beats… the moment wasn’t going to get any riper.
“Mrs. Marref, you are one of the smartest teachers at the Middle School. So, I know you have seen through the plan Timmy and I have hatched to get permission, right?”
This time he really did see Mrs. Marref blush, it was as plain as day. She smiled, gently, the way she did to cleaver students in her classes. She opened her mouth to speak, just as Timmy and Mr. Marref both reentered the room. She winked at Timmy, as if to say ‘watch this!’ and took a bite out of a biscuit. Mr. Marref went about cleaning up the potatoes that Timmy shot gunned all over his side of the table. Timmy sat down, with a sigh. Archer could see that Timmy had all but given up, for the night. Archer could hardly hold his tongue, but he did because he knew what was coming next would beat the band.
As if by que, just as Mr. Marref and Timmy were sat, Mrs. Marref spoke.
“Well, it’s about time we all stopped beating around the bush and cut to the chase, eh Archer? Timmy, it is obvious that you and Archer want to go to the Carnival, tomorrow… and you both would like permission to ride this new ‘Haunted House’ ride. Is that correct? That is what all the maneuvering, whispers, and kicking under the table are all about... Am I right?”
Good thing Timmy did not have potatoes in his mouth, again, or there would be even more of a mess to clean up after dinner. No potatoes, but Archer caught, out of the corner of his eye, Timmy chocking a little on a biscuit. Archer giggled while Timmy’s mouth hung wide open his lower jaw hanging limp as if someone had just popped him a good one in the chin.
“Yes, Mrs. Marref. That is what Timmy and I were working up to… sorry for being so shifty.”
“Well, for the sake of having the remaining part of dinner without so much tension. Your father and I have made a decision, Timmy. Archer, I have already talked to your mother, too. On the conditions that; you both clean up the kitchen after dinner,completely finish all homework before any television, and you don’t sit up all night giggling and laughing in bed… you both… …. …. May go to the carnival and ride the new Haunted House ride. Now, can we please finish dinner?”
Timmy was speechless, what had just happened? Had Archer talked with his mother while he was in the bathroom? How did his Mom and Archer’s Mom already discuss the carnival and ride? Timmy wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this bordered on miraculous. He looked over at Archer, but Archer had his head buried in dinner. He resigned himself to talk to Archer after dinner, while they were cleaning up the kitchen and doing the dishes.
The rest of dinner passed without event. The lightning and thunder continued as the rain came on the heals of dinner. As Archer and Timmy were finishing up the dishes, the rain began pounding down on the porch. Archer made a passing comment that he hoped the rain would let up before tomorrow. Timmy was certain that his Dad was making the same comment to his Mom, in the front room. The Chamber had a lot riding on this Festival, the Carnival and the Haunted House.
This season’s events and sales made up the money that the Chamber spent during the holidays. See, the Chamber was responsible for; putting up holiday lighting up and down Main Street, the Town Christmas Tree, and providing meals for the least advantaged families in town. His Dad gained a handful of gray hair, every year at this time. Timmy, with Archer’s help, spent from October to January working for free for Timmy’s Dad. They didn’t mind because they felt pride when all the decorations were up, all over town. Neighbors and strangers, both, complimented the boys on their work every year. As that thought passed through Timmy’s head, Archer placed the very last pan into the counter to dry. They were done. Now, Timmy grabbed Archer by the arm and guided him into his bedroom. Timmy really wanted to know what Archer knew.
As Timmy closed the door behind them, he looked at Archer and he was smiling ear to ear.
“OK, Archer, spill the beans. What happened in there at dinner? What gives?”
Archer just couldn’t help smiling; he liked knowing things that Timmy was blind. He was going to have some fun, tonight. He walked over to Timmy’s desk and picked up the math homework.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Timmy. We’re going to the Carnival and the Haunted House. You lookin’ a gift horse in the mouth? Here’s today math homework, did you want me to help you learn it, or just copy my work?”
Timmy had to hand it to Archer, he knew when he had an advantage and he knew how to work it… BIG. Two can play at that game, Timmy thought as he grabbed the math homework from Archer’s hand.
“I’m not copying your work, Archer. I will do the work myself, and use yours to check my work. Now stop playing your advantage. I know that something happened while my Dad and I were out of the room. What gives?”
Archer was not quite ready to spill the beans to Timmy. He enjoyed this feeling and he was going to enjoy it a bit longer. He decided to throw a curve, at Timmy, and see if we would catch.
“Man, I thought you had exploded when the thunder came on the heals of that lightning! You must’ve come out of your seat a whole two feet!”
‘Ok’ Timmy thought to himself, I will give you a little longer… but if Archer didn’t spill the bean, soon, we knew how to get it out of him.
“Yeah, almost as much as you came up out of your seat! Heck, the potatoes? I did that on purpose to give you some time alone to work my Mom. Didn’t you know that?” Timmy said turning the tables ever so slightly in his favor.
Archer broke, like the thunder in the sky earlier, he broke out of the character and started laughing. Between guffaws Archer managed to spit out:
“Yeah, right, you ‘planned’ to blow half-a-plate of mashed potatoes all over the kitchen table and your Mom… that was your ‘plan’, right?”
Timmy broke out in laughter, too. Soon both boys were laughing and rolling on the bed. Half out of the broken tension, and half out of the fact that they got their way! They were going to the Harvest Festival, the Carnival, and (most importantly) they were going to ride the scariest Haunted House ride Smithville had ever hosted. It was a grand end to a grand day.
Archer and Timmy sat down at the desk in Timmy’s room and for the next hour and a half they tore through their homework. Nobody copied anyone’s work, each did their own work… then checked it against the other’s work. By the time the clock showed 8PM, all their homework was done and folded neatly into the textbooks. Next, they took turns in the bathroom; brushing teeth and hair, changing into nightclothes, and generally getting ready for bed.
Once that was all complete, too, the boys headed into the front room to see what was on the television. They left the front room, shortly after 9PM, mostly unimpressed with the night faire on TV. Just seemed like they were phoning it in anymore, it was all the stations not any one. It was getting so that watching television, and enjoying it, took a lower IQ. It was no never mind, the boys were wanting to get to bed so they s=could spend an hour or so catching up with the day. Timmy gave his Mom a hung, and an air hug for his Dad and they were off to bed.
Timmy climbed into his bed, got under the covers and pulled his feet up so Archer could sit at the end of the bed. Archer came into the room and climbed right into his sleeping bag. Timmy’s Mom had got some foam padding to put under the sleeping bag, to keep Archer off the floor and keep him from getting too chilled. Archer commented that it felt a heck of a lot better, than the last time he spent the night.
He and Archer talked, a bit, but before he knew it Timmy heard Archer snoring and knew he best friend had left him for Sleepsville. Man, Archer sure got wore out, today. Usually they would sit up for an hour or more and talk about the events of the day. More times than not, Timmy’s Mom would have to open the door to the room and tell them to be quite and get to sleep. Not today… it was kind of odd… Just as Timmy was thinking how odd it was… Archer falling asleep without talking first… Timmy drifted off… Well, it wasn’t so much like drifting off, that night. Timmy could swear it almost felt like something was pulling him to sleep. His eyes shut, and their adventure began.
That brings us to the end of Part Three of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. I hope that everyone enjoyed his or her trip. As you can see, this story just fell into place as I wrote it, today. I has, naturally, ended today as the boys are pulled into sleep.
What… is pulling them to sleep? I guess we will all just have to wait until next week when I weave the next part of this horror story. Once thing can be said… the boys are in bed, asleep. Their dreams are where we will catch up with them, next.
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[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Three: “Yes, I do give a lot of thought to what I am going to write during the day. No, I do not set out dialogue or paragraphs. I see it as it happens, in my mind. Take tonight’s dinner, I saw this dinner several times over the past two weeks, in my mind. However, things happened when I wrote it that I did not see until I sat down today and put voice to program. This story is just growing out of me and I am very much enjoying this process.” I am most happy to say, that this story just keeps growing out of me. I sit down to write a story, and out it comes all fun and ready. This week I have yet to come to gore, nor blood. However, this week we did get quite a little scare! I must say, from what my dreams, and day-dreams, show… this coming week… will likely scare you half to death. Be ready! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Three : “Just as Archer had anticipated, when dinner was served there was; deep fried chicken (at least one chicken if not two), mashed potatoes with a pad of butter still melting on the top of the potato mountain, what looked to be buttermilk biscuits, a gravy bowl filled to the brim with hot and fresh (made from scratch) chicken gravy, and both green peas and corn on the cob. Archer was drooling with anticipation, but before lifting a single eating utensil he gave Timmy’s Mom her much deserved praise.“Everything looks just great, Mrs. Marref! I don’t know which is better, how good it all smells or how great it looks on the table!” This was about the time that the ‘sleep-over’ idea was flowering in my head. The idea of having ‘his’ first appearance not happen during the fateful ride on the Haunted House. How to build the suspense for the ride, how to incorporate character development with a three day long sleep-over. It was in parts two and three that I truly developed the ‘Home Spun’ feel of the story. How I was to take two rual young men, and throw them out of their world of feeding chickens and milking cows and hurl them head long into a world with ‘zombie-wolves’ and the undead. It was, also, about this time that I feel in LOVE with this story and its potential. What was meant to be a really short story, lasting no more than a month, now had the potential to run for several months. Timmy and Archer had found a way into my heart. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Three : “Just as Archer had anticipated, when dinner was served there was; deep fried chicken (at least one chicken if not two), mashed potatoes with a pad of butter still melting on the top of the potato mountain, what looked to be buttermilk biscuits, a gravy bowl filled to the brim with hot and fresh (made from scratch) chicken gravy, and both green peas and corn on the cob. Archer was drooling with anticipation, but before lifting a single eating utensil he gave Timmy’s Mom her much deserved praise.“Everything looks just great, Mrs. Marref! I don’t know which is better, how good it all smells or how great it looks on the table!” This was about the time that the ‘sleep-over’ idea was flowering in my head. The idea of having ‘his’ first appearance not happen during the fateful ride on the Haunted House. How to build the suspense for the ride, how to incorporate character development with a three day long sleep-over. It was in parts two and three that I truly developed the ‘Home Spun’ feel of the story. How I was to take two rual young men, and throw them out of their world of feeding chickens and milking cows and hurl them head long into a world with ‘zombie-wolves’ and the undead. It was, also, about this time that I feel in LOVE with this story and its potential. What was meant to be a really short story, lasting no more than a month, now had the potential to run for several months. Timmy and Archer had found a way into my heart. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Three : “Just as Archer had anticipated, when dinner was served there was; deep fried chicken (at least one chicken if not two), mashed potatoes with a pad of butter still melting on the top of the potato mountain, what looked to be buttermilk biscuits, a gravy bowl filled to the brim with hot and fresh (made from scratch) chicken gravy, and both green peas and corn on the cob. Archer was drooling with anticipation, but before lifting a single eating utensil he gave Timmy’s Mom her much deserved praise.“Everything looks just great, Mrs. Marref! I don’t know which is better, how good it all smells or how great it looks on the table!” This was about the time that the ‘sleep-over’ idea was flowering in my head. The idea of having ‘his’ first appearance not happen during the fateful ride on the Haunted House. How to build the suspense for the ride, how to incorporate character development with a three day long sleep-over. It was in parts two and three that I truly developed the ‘Home Spun’ feel of the story. How I was to take two rual young men, and throw them out of their world of feeding chickens and milking cows and hurl them head long into a world with ‘zombie-wolves’ and the undead. It was, also, about this time that I feel in LOVE with this story and its potential. What was meant to be a really short story, lasting no more than a month, now had the potential to run for several months. Timmy and Archer had found a way into my heart. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Three : “Just as Archer had anticipated, when dinner was served there was; deep fried chicken (at least one chicken if not two), mashed potatoes with a pad of butter still melting on the top of the potato mountain, what looked to be buttermilk biscuits, a gravy bowl filled to the brim with hot and fresh (made from scratch) chicken gravy, and both green peas and corn on the cob. Archer was drooling with anticipation, but before lifting a single eating utensil he gave Timmy’s Mom her much deserved praise.“Everything looks just great, Mrs. Marref! I don’t know which is better, how good it all smells or how great it looks on the table!” This was about the time that the ‘sleep-over’ idea was flowering in my head. The idea of having ‘his’ first appearance not happen during the fateful ride on the Haunted House. How to build the suspense for the ride, how to incorporate character development with a three day long sleep-over. It was in parts two and three that I truly developed the ‘Home Spun’ feel of the story. How I was to take two rual young men, and throw them out of their world of feeding chickens and milking cows and hurl them head long into a world with ‘zombie-wolves’ and the undead. It was, also, about this time that I feel in LOVE with this story and its potential. What was meant to be a really short story, lasting no more than a month, now had the potential to run for several months. Timmy and Archer had found a way into my heart. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Three : “Just as Archer had anticipated, when dinner was served there was; deep fried chicken (at least one chicken if not two), mashed potatoes with a pad of butter still melting on the top of the potato mountain, what looked to be buttermilk biscuits, a gravy bowl filled to the brim with hot and fresh (made from scratch) chicken gravy, and both green peas and corn on the cob. Archer was drooling with anticipation, but before lifting a single eating utensil he gave Timmy’s Mom her much deserved praise.“Everything looks just great, Mrs. Marref! I don’t know which is better, how good it all smells or how great it looks on the table!” This was about the time that the ‘sleep-over’ idea was flowering in my head. The idea of having ‘his’ first appearance not happen during the fateful ride on the Haunted House. How to build the suspense for the ride, how to incorporate character development with a three day long sleep-over. It was in parts two and three that I truly developed the ‘Home Spun’ feel of the story. How I was to take two rual young men, and throw them out of their world of feeding chickens and milking cows and hurl them head long into a world with ‘zombie-wolves’ and the undead. It was, also, about this time that I feel in LOVE with this story and its potential. What was meant to be a really short story, lasting no more than a month, now had the potential to run for several months. Timmy and Archer had found a way into my heart. […]