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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Welcome back to my ongoing series about ‘The Deep Web’, Part Two. First, a little review of some of the material we have already covered.
What is Tor? – Tor is an anonymizing browser meant to take advantage of an anonymizing network. This is meant to protect you, the end user, from piracy and hackers by routing your connection to the ‘Deep Web’ through bridges and concealing your IP address.
Tor cannot sove all anonymity problems. It focuses on protecting the transport of data. Using the ‘Tor Browser Bundle’ while browsing the ‘Deep Web’ will work to withhold some information about your computer’s configuration. Information about your computer’s configuration is golden to hackers, as they use this information to find and exploit weaknesses in said configuration.
Unlike in the regular web, and your normal web browser. Tor works to build a network of encrypted connections. Building connections one hop at a time. This means that on one connection has any more information than the hop before, and after. Regular browsers just connected you directly to the web site like; Amazon, eBay or Netflix.
That is it for the review of our previous edition of ‘The Deep Web’. Now, I would like to move forward with an itemization of Do’s & Don’ts. These are rules of surfing that should be ever present when one is surfing ‘The Deep Web’. To disregard these rules of use, is to place your computer and all computers in your home or on your network in jeopardy. Hackers are very sophisticated, today. They only need one opening, one moment of distraction or forgetfulness to take advantage and damage your computer(s), and your life.
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Rules to Follow on The Deep Web
- Always use a anonmyizing browser or browser bundle like Tor. Always make sure that you are using the most recent version of the browser and/or browser bundle.
- NEVER ‘torrent’ over the Tor browser/ These torrent applications ignore proxy settings and make a direct connections when they are told to use Tor. It will send your real IP address in the GET tracker request. Not only do you deanonmyzie your torrent traffic, you may also slow down the entire Tor network! BAD MOJO!
- NEVER enable or install browser plug-ins such as; Flash, Real Player, Quicktime and others. As they can be manipulated by hackers to reveal your Real IP Address. Tor does not recommend installing additional add-ons or plug-ins to the Tor browser.
- ALWAYS use HTTPS versions of web sites when surfing The Deep Web. In the normal web you susaly only use the HTTPS versions of; banking web sites, financial planning web sites, eBay, Amazon or other purchasing web sites. You must always check and make sure you are connecting via a S (HTTPS) or secure version. Tor pushes HTTPS everywhere you surf, though one must always check the type of web site and make double sure it is an HTTPS version.
- NEVER Open documents downloaded from The Deep Web while still connected to The Deep Web or regular internet. You shouldbe very vigilant to not download documents via Tor. ‘DOC’ and ‘PDF’ files can contain internt resources that will be accessed and/or used and downloaded OUTSIDE of Tor. This may reveal your Real IP addy and other computer confirguation specifics. If you must read a document downloaded from The Deep Web? It is strongly suggested that you do so using; a disconnected computer, using a Virtual Box[1], or using with a Virtual Machine[2]. Use a computer with the Wi-Fi turned off and the LAN cable removed. Asl well, do not reconnect LAN or turn on Wi-Fi without scanning with a Malware scanner, ROOTKIT scanner and rebooting your computer.
- USE bridges or find companies that provide bridges to The Deep Web . Tor tries to prevent attackers from learning what destination websites you connect to. To increase security and decrease risk you should configure your Tor browser to use a bridge-relay rather than connect directly to the Tor public network. You can find out more about bridge-relays[3] in the coming episode of ‘The Deep Web’ right here at The Other Shoe.
- Get a Gmail account to use for use for communication with Tor community and any communication out of furtherance with contacts with The Deep Web. Gmail uses HTTPS secure servers.
- USE Tor version 3.5.3 or greater only.
- ALWAYS use Bitcoin[4] ONLY for any and all transactions on The Deep Web. NEVER use your credit or debit card under any circumstances for transactions on The Deep Web.
That brings us to the end of the most fundamental Do’s & Don’ts for The Deep Web. I have one final, personal, suggestion. When working in/on The Deep Web? Pretend that you are dealing with pirates and thieves ALWAYS. Never let you guard slip, even for a single moment. You can survive engagements and transactions on The Deep Web millions of people do every dingle day. However, NEVER let your guard down, not even for one moment. It could make the difference between a profitable engagement, and costing you; your computer, your financial resources, your credit rating, and even your HOME.
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Next week, right here at ‘The Deep Web – Part Three’ I will share information on; bridges, virtual boxes, virtual machines and how to create these shields between you and The Deep Web.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
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[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirtualBox
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_machine
[3] https://bridges.torproject.org/
[4] https://bitcoin.org/en/
[…] The Deep Web – Part Two: “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Welcome back to my ongoing series about ‘The Deep Web’, Part Two. First, a little review of some of the material we have already covered.” That we did, review. Then moved on to the most important of all, the ‘Rules of the Raod’. The majorly improatant Do’s and Don’ts of surfing in unsafe territories. If you haven’t, then do you must, read! This issue is the most important to review and read. If I might suggest, this one would be good to print out and keep… by the computer, when ever you desire a venture into ‘The Deep Web’, you go. Serve you well, these rules will, if far from the trodden path your ventures take you. […]