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Welcome back My Dear Reader to The Other Shoe. Well now, I would usually write and publish this article on Monday. Yet, something just caught my eye, and I just had to share it with you, My Dear Readers. If you are reading this article on Sunday March 30th, 2014 (or have visited and read articles between Friday March 28th and Sunday March 30th), you are taking part in the single largest influx of visitors my blogs have ever seen. Yes, I have two locations for The Other Shoe. The primary blog located at blog.com and secondary located at wordpress.com. I saw secondary only because it was the second location of my blog launched. Remember, I do everything at both blog locations. Writing, editing, publishing, promotions… everything.
On Friday March 28th, the secondary location (at wordpress.com) reached an all time high at eighteen visitors in one day. The following day, March the 29th, my primary blog location (blog.com) had an all time high of twenty-two visitors in one day. Yes, I know… in the grand scheme of things… that is not a lot of visitors. Although, for a my blog… Well, I am proud to announce this news. See, I have Google Analytics monitoring my blog.com location and the sister location at Wordpress provides their own analytics, that I check regularly. For those of you, My Dear Readers, that have been with me for awhile, two or more years out of the past four.
You will know that I used to publish a series of articles where I shared the results of the analytics. I did this for three years, then I just stopped. I am not too sure as to why. Honestly, it always felt a bit too much like… bragging. Showing off and… well, that is just not me. I am proud when my efforts merit. However, and you can ask anyone that I went to Middle, High School or college with… I do not like to brag, about myself.
I am very proud of the traffic I experienced this week, at both blogs. Now, I have worked extremely hard these past three weeks at writing and publishing quality content on a regular basis. Just over the past three weeks I have introduced FOUR new article series. I hope that it is these new articles series that are driving this increase in traffic, and not some factor that I cannot replicate.
Now, I would like to share with you, My Dear Readers, what I have planned for the coming week, here at The Other Shoe. Monday, would have… should have seen the publication of this article. However, since I wanted everyone to know (they are part of a historic weekend of traffic), I am not really sure exactly what I will write… tomorrow. I would not be surprised if you saw a new edition of ‘The Mars Report’ or ‘Lost in Space’. Let me tell you all that those two series are the most difficult for me to publish. Writing them is not very difficult. In fact, I greatly enjoy creating the narrative for the images I choose. It is the; downloading of, uploading of, embedding of, and choosing of these images that is quite difficult. I am not complaining, just explaining.
This week you, My Dear Readers, will be privy to; an all new episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. The boys have… fallen… yeah, right… ‘fallen’ to sleep… and we all know what happens when young boys fall asleepon a rainy night full of thunder and lightening. Next, you will be treated with a new edition of (both); ‘The Mars Report’ and ‘Lost in Space’. Well, that is what I have written right here in my day planner for writing. Yes, I have a writing schedule written out in my day planner.
Coming up next will be an all new issue of ‘The Deep Web’. This edition will get a bit more technical, and once done… you will be better prepared to venture into the dark and deep web than ever before. Finally, you will enjoy another episode of your regulars; ‘A Week in Review’ and ‘Sunday Funnies’. Now, I think that I have mentioned it before, I am looking for a political cartoonist. I simply cannot pay, but anyone that would like the practice and exposure for their work, I am looking for someone to add to my ‘Sunday Funnies’ with political cartoons.
That brings us to the end of the week of articles, and to the end of this preview of the coming week. FYI – Wednesday afternoon I do have a doctor’s appointment to look at a… ‘growth’ on my jawbone. If that goes poorly… it may negatively impact my writing schedule. However, if it goes well.. then I just might be of the temperament to write additional works not mentioned in this preview.
Well, My Dear Readers that brings us to the end of this week’s ‘Coming This Week’. I hope that you have all enjoyed the previews of what is to come… and I hope that you all enjoy the fact that (if you are here on Sunday) you, My Dear Readers, have been part of the single largest influx of visitor traffic in the history of my blogs.
As always I am deeply honored that you came here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
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[…] Coming This Week – March 30/31st, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Reader to The Other Shoe. Well now, I would usually write and publish this article on Monday. Yet, something just caught my eye, and I just had to share it with you, My Dear Readers. If you are reading this article on Sunday March 30th, 2014 (or have visited and read articles between Friday March 28th and Sunday March 30th), you are taking part in the single largest influx of visitors my blogs have ever seen. Yes, I have two locations for The Other Shoe. The primary blog located at blog.com and secondary located at wordpress.com. I saw secondary only because it was the second location of my blog launched. Remember, I do everything at both blog locations. Writing, editing, publishing, promotions… everything.” Short, sweet and to the point, what more could one ask for. This single article, the one featured above, set in motion one of the single busiest weeks this blog has ever seen. It was with great pride, and great effort, each story was wrought. Each word and each image, into each went great thought. If you have not yet ventured, through this week’s stories and tales, an adventure you have lost. […]