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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. If it is Saturday then it is time for ‘A Week in Review’ here at The Other Shoe! Even with my health giving me fits, I managed to publish six articles, including this article. We saw another episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and the very first edition of my introduction to the darker side of the web, The Deep Web. So, before my fever gets any higher, and without further adieu I bring you this week’s edition of ‘A Week in Review’!
- · Sunday Funnies – March 9th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. It is 9PM on Saturday March 8th, 2014. I have been sitting here and working on my blog… ‘A Week in Review’… an update article… adding a video to an already posted article… and corrections to ‘The Horror in Smithville” for the past FIVE HOURS! I am extremely tired and the pain in my neck is horrific. The only reason that I am writing this right now… not waiting until Sunday… If I can finish it today and get it posted and scheduled for publication? I can REST until Sunday afternoon!” With gunk building in my chest, and flirting with a regular fever. I do not think there will be a ‘’Sunday Funnies’ for you to enjoy this Sunday. Apologies all around, and things could change… Let’s see if Alexander engages in any antics, tonight!
- · March 10th Personal/Medical Update and Blog Status : “My Dear Readers just prior to the first onset of my respiratory infection? The traffic at just the primary location of my blog was peaking at about 150 visitors per week. That is an average of twenty visitors per day, but some days (of course) saw more traffic. I understand… I accept the reality of blogging. I understand the fickle nature of traffic and the genuine need of people for new content. Whereas I do not mean to judge, really I am the same way. I am a ‘news junkie’ and I read three to four different sources for news every single day. Not six months ago I would watch MSNBC non-stop from 7AM until 7PM six days a week.” Since I published this update, earlier this week, my condition has not improved. I am looking for a doctor, with an open appointment soon. Once I see an infectious disease specialist, and get their results. I will publish what has crawled inside me, and turned into death.
- · Introduction to The Deep Web – Part One : “The Deep Web is the other part of the internet (world wide web) that most of you, My Dear Readers, have never (and will likely never need to) access The Deep Web. Now, you may well ask “How do you know if I have, or haven’t, used The Deep Web?” Good question answered quite easily. Have you installed ‘Tor’ on you computer? If you answered “No” then I am correct that you have never accessed The Deep Web. Conversely, if you answered either “Yes” or “Not Tor, but another Deep Web Browser” then I was incorrect in my statement.” The Deep Web is not for the average user, and one can really get taken advantage of in short order if care is not exercised. Next week I will go over some precautions that you can take to protect you while venturing into this darker corner of the World Wide Web.
- · The Horror in Smithville – Part Two : “We are getting to know Timmy and Archer, and the Marref family, in these first few pages. Currently, we are building to the much-anticipated ‘Marref Family Chicken Dinner’. To be followed, shortly thereafter, with an evening of a little homework, a little television, then off to bed… and an extended night of talking and planning under the cover of darkness… and their respective beds.” Welcome to the second episode of my venture into the horror genre. AS it clearly states here, we are getting to know all about our main characters, twain. In next week’s episode… perhaps some horror we shall read? Only one way to know for sure, be there and read!
- · Pope Francis – First year as Pontiff : “Yesterday, on the event of the anniversary of his first year as the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis tweeted “Please pray for me” to his millions of followers. I, personally, received his tweet… and immediately answered his request. My Dear Readers, for all of you that knew me; in Pearland, in college, as a young man, and even in Colorado Springs, you know that I am not a religious man. I have attended church, off and on, all my life. I have attended; Lutheran churches, Methodist churches, The Church of Christ, The Church of England, and even three different synagogues. However, there is something different about Pope Francis. Something that speaks to me on a very base level, he speaks to my soul.” Pope Francis is the single most timely Pope in modern times. His messages about; financial inequality, the fallacy of ‘Trickle Down Economics’ and America’s love affair with greed are much needed. While a vocal few will take pot shots at this Pope, and still other’s prattle how “He’s not my Pope”, all in vain efforts to avoid the truth. Time will tell that this man… this Pope dared to lecture mankind, and one nation in particular, about the disgusting level of greed and corresponding poverty.
With that, My Dear Readers, I leave. Leave to get some much-needed rest, and even to sleep. My health just keeps failing me, yet I will push and work to bring as much as I can in any given week. This blog means the world to me, as all of you do, too. Hopefully, soon, I will know the source of my malady.
I will be here, next week… and the week after, too. Here’s to another great week right here at The Other Shoe!
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my works.
Thank YOU!
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