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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. It is with a particular sense of happiness, and peace, that I commemorate Pope Francis’ first year as Pontiff of the Catholic Church. Yesterday was the actual anniversary of his inauguration of Pope Francis. Bestowed, upon inauguration, with the titles of; The Vicar of Christ, Bishop of Rome, Successor Of St. Peter, Prince Of The Apostles, Supreme Pontiff Of The Universal Church, Patriarch Of The West,- Servant Of The Servants Of God, Primate Of Italy, Archbishop And Metropolitan Of The Roman Province, Sovereign Of Vatican City State, and the most often used and most common title His Holiness The Pope[1]. It would be quite difficult, or most men, to not be swept up in the pomp and circumstance of this office, not to mention the adoration by over one billion members[2] of the Catholic faith.
However, setting him apart from many that proceeded him, and especially the last Pope before him. Pope Francis (the 266th Pope since the first Pope, Saint Peter) remains very much a man of the people. Unlike his immediate predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis does not surround himself with the eccentricities of office. Pope Benedict XVI, during his short papacy, spent Vatican money freely on a lavish lifestyle. His shoes were the subject of many articles and much gossip. They were handmade of the finest leather, tanned red to reflect his office, allegedly costing several thousand dollars… each! Just one more example of the opulent lifestyle and lavish spending; his crucifix was (also) handmade and encrusted with rubies.
Conversely, Pope Francis wears off—the-shelf sandals, a hand-me-down crucifix, and does not indulge in any of the eccentricities of his predecessor or his lavish lifestyle.
“The first pope from Latin America, the first from the Jesuit religious order and the first to take the name of the most beloved saint of the poor,…”[3]
Pope Francis has made a name for himself, in just the first year of his Papacy, by; challenging wealth, pointing out America’s “feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures”[4], and making clear that putting a company’s “bottom line” ahead of “the needs of the least among us” should be completely unacceptable to all Christians. Pope Francis came on to the scene like gang busters, defending the poor, calling into question the motives of the wealthy, and reminding all humans that “greed is a sin”.
Yesterday, on the event of the anniversary of his first year as the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis tweeted “Please pray for me” to his millions of followers. I, personally, received his tweet… and immediately answered his request. My Dear Readers, for all of you that knew me; in Pearland, in college, as a young man, and even in Colorado Springs, you know that I am not a religious man. I have attended church, off and on, all my life. I have attended; Lutheran churches, Methodist churches, The Church of Christ, The Church of England, and even three different synagogues. However, there is something different about Pope Francis. Something that speaks to me on a very base level, he speaks to my soul.
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Yes, he and I do share beliefs about the overt greed… the avarice that has swept America. We share the idea that America’s greed is to blame for a great many of our ills, and the anemic state of our recovery. Pope Francis and I share the heartfelt belief that if you are capable of helping someone you know, and know they are going without food… that they struggle every day, yet you do nothing to help? That your inaction defines you and sets you on a path that is not one with God. That one cannot act, in the fashion described above, and still call yourself… Christian. That America’s have chosen a path of avarice. Instead of righting this moral wrong these Americans seek to (wrongfully) paint these fellow Americans in need as; lazy, slothful, worthless, dependent and even thieves. All in a vain effort to shut out what they know, in their hearts and souls, to be immoral greed and avarice instead blaming the poor.
Pope Francis has made no qualms in writing and speaking about this terrible trend in our great nation. He has been made the victim of terrible insults and cruel characterizations by the talking heads of the far right. Instead of understanding his Christianity, these elements of the greedy media seek to wrongfully paint the Pope as a ‘Socialist” and worse. Doubling down on the rhetoric of avarice, they ignore the fact that greed is a sin! Further, that greed and avarice our one of the ‘Seven Deadly Sins” as outlined in Catholicism.
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“The seven deadly sins are pride, covetousness (also known as avarice or greed), lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth.” [5]
That so much did God want mankind to never forget how horrible a sin the act of greed and avarice; he placed another reminder in the ‘Ten Commandments’[6]
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”
Reminding mankind to never put any thing between ourselves and our love of God. To make sure that we understood our relationship with God can be, will be, damaged by putting money (and/or the pursuit of money) between ourselves and our God is a sin.
“Thou shalt not steal.”
Another reminder of the sin of overt greed and avarice, and that only God shall decide if our pursuit of wealth (in life) was theft of wealth or the opportunity of financial stability of a fellow man.
“Thou shalt not covet! thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
Three times and in three different ways did God seek to make mankind aware of how serious he saw our potential love affair with money.
Enough… In my articles:
- · Avarice in America : ““The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience.”[7]
- · Pope Francis Strikes AGAIN : ““Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world,” Pope Francis November 24th, 2013[8] Here Pope Francis points directly at America. He points directly a one political party, in America. He singles out this ‘party of the wealthy’ as guilty of injustice and the falsehood that is “trickle-down” economics.
- Unbridled Capitalism vs. Human Strife: ““A society that “does not pay a just wage”, that “does not give work” to people; a society that “that only looks to its balance books, that only seeks profit” is unjust and goes against God.” Pope Francis on Vatican Radio May 1st, 2013[9] RIGHT THERE! On Vatican Radio on May 1sy, 2013 ‘The Vicar of Christ’ Clearly states that anyone, any corporation, any company, and society, and political party that “seeks only profit” or that puts profit ahead of feeding the poor… housing the poor… caring for “The least among you.”? Well, Pope Francis puts it as succinctly and clearly as is humanly possible that these actions “goes against God.”
In just one year Pope Francis has put mankind (and America) on notice. I have a great deal of admiration for Pope Francis. My Dear Readers, it is not coincidence that the College of Cardinals made this man Pope right now in history. They see, as do many millions of Americans, that avarice is a disease to the human condition. That right now, more than anytime in modern history, does America and mankind stand on the very precipice of falling away from our better nature. Aye, there’s the rub!
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You see, even if you do not believe in; God, Christ, Christianity, Religion, Organized Religion you can (if you so desire) see that mankind is on an unsustainable path. That we were warned via religion, the word of God, and Pope Francis of an eventuality that is upon us. The eventuality of a failure of our society, of our monetary system, of mankind out of the shortsighted and sick mindless pursuit of avarice.
Finally, My Dear Readers, just this week Pope Francis has made history, again. Speaker Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have invited Pope Francis to speak before a Joint Session of Congress! Never before, in the history of our great nation, has a Pope been invited to speak before a Joint Session of Congress. This is an unprecedented invitation, and if accepted, it will be an unprecedented event in our nation’s history. For me, further proof that Pope Francis is using the office as a bully pulpit for the voice of our humanity. I hope that he accepts. When/if Pope Francis accepts and speaks, I will bring you every word right here at The Other Shoe.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
P.S. My Dear Readers, I regret that I am compelled to add this postscript. In October, of last year, several events (not the least of which was a man stealing $300 of money I raised to help me move) transpired to set me back, financially. Since that time I have worked, tirelessly, to regain my financial footing. Through help from Ian Cottier, and James Coate I have regained some of my footing. I am forever in their debt, and they know that they can call on me for anything. However, I am still carrying a ‘Payday Advance’ at my bank of hundreds of dollars… and I still eat… sometimes only once a day. Below you see a link to eBay to items I am trying to sell. I am unable to work, at a job. My condition prohibits me from most activities. Even this blog… I write sitting in bed, a hard neck brace in place and I can only work 15-20 minutes at a time.
I regret my situation, yet I am not embarrassed as I have done everything I am able and I am not the first person to get ripped off on Craigslist trying to get a roommate… or other transaction. I apologize, in advance, yet ask for your support and even understanding. Any kind of support is appreciated. From sending me food, to buying items at my eBay store… to sending financial support via PayPal or the mail will be greatly appreciated. I am living a subsistent lifestyle. Within the next two months… my Payday advance will expire… leaving me… short on rent to the point I will be evicted. I pinch every penny. I eat as little as is possible. I do not purchase clothing, or luxury items (games, videos, music or the like). I have not gone to a movie at a theater in more than five years. The prescription eye glasses I wear are ten years old.
I apologize, but any an all help will be greatly appreciated. You can contact me, or use this email to send money via PayPal – Enzomatrix@earthlink.net
As well, if you would like to talk with me… send me suggestions… rekindle a friendship… or just constructive criticism about the blog, please feel free. In closing, I am working hard to make this kind of post script on articles a thing of the past! Help me, help myself. Thank you!
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