After many weeks of trying, I have finally managed to get some footage of Mr. Alexander’s unique personal habit. You see, Alexander is unique. Not just in this habit, but in a great many ways, every single day. He talks… constantly. He is kind and loving, true and forgiving. For today, we focus on one of his unique, and entertaining, personal habits.
Alexander does not like being… dirty. He gets a bath, every single week. He cleans, constantly, every day. Now, when he puts his front paws into something… sticky. Well now, that won’t stand at all. So, when his front little paws get sticky, or dirty, he cleans them. Not by just licking them, like most rats do. Nope, that is not nearly enough for Alexander.
So, Alexander takes his personal hygiene a step… further. He takes to rubbing his front little paws on my sheets, or bedspread, or comforter. That’s right, he literally ‘washes’ his front paws on something of mine. I have witnessed this many times, over the past year. This week, I managed to capture this habit on video.
Now, you will have to watch closely… very closely. If you do that, you will see him rub his little paws on my sheets, and comforter. It’s just too cute for words, and belongs right here in ‘Sunday Funnies’.
You can see 'it' happen at about mark :20, in this first video)
In THIS video, you can see him cleaning his hands in the first moments.
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[…] Sunday Funnies – March 30th, 2014 : “After many weeks of trying, I have finally managed to get some footage of Mr. Alexander’s unique personal habit. You see, Alexander is unique. Not just in this habit, but in a great many ways, every single day. He talks… constantly. He is kind and loving, true and forgiving. For today, we focus on one of his unique, and entertaining, personal habits.” This week’s videos were a major coupe. Many week’s, I have spent, in the single endeavor of capturing this, for you. Alexander is very dear to me, you see. He is very unique, in a great many ways. What you witnessed here this day, in the videos that I shared, was a very personal habit, he enjoys. Yes, it is cute and entertaining. But, please understand, too, that it is a quite personal thing… to Alexander, too. Enjoy! […]