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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Yes! You read the title of this article correct. This article, the one that you are reading right now, is my 399th article published here at The Other Shoe. For My Dear Readers at Word Press that total is 301! Further, as of this Saturday we mark the four-year anniversary of The Other Shoe here at Blog.com. Four years, and four hundred articles with both milestones met within days of each other. Some might think that I had it all planned out this way, I wish I possessed such abilities. This is merely a fortuitous event, happenstance not deliberate.
Since I realized that these two milestones would coincide this week. I have been thinking on just how to mark this happy achievement. One, I am looking to update the theme, the appearance; of my primary blog location at blog dot com. Hopefully, I will have picked my new design today Tuesday March 18th, 2014. I would like to present, at least, a five part series of articles reviewing some of the greatest moments of the past four years. Highlighting some of the most popular articles, and most popular series I have published.
On Facebook I will mark the milestone on both my personal page, and the Facebook page devoted to The Other Shoe. This is a very important milestone for me, and my career as a blogger and author. I have always done my best to present my blogs, my articles, and myself in the most professional manner possible. I work deliberately to produce the best possible product, while keeping my work approachable… easy to read… and honest.
I hope that this week, of celebration and reflection, entertains all of you My Dear Readers. I hope that this is, too, an opportunity for all my newest readers to get to know my blogs and my works better. All good relationships grow, and I hope that this anniversary works as an opportunity for our relationship to grow, too.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
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[…] Celebrating Four Years and Four Hundred Articles! : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Yes! You read the title of this article […]