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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. First a little personal update, this morning I woke up to a fever… again. It was 99.8 degrees when I woke up and 101.2 by noon. Last night I had the raspy... water-like sounds in my chest, again. I took all the antibiotics, just as prescribed, and this crud has returned anyway. I ache all over, fevers just drive me nuts, and the coughing is starting up.
I am going to do my best to write through this episode, My Dear Readers. I just cannot take the hit to my readership that comes with any absence. I have started a little horror story, it is called “The Horror in Smithville”. It is a tale of two middle school aged boys, and their adventures when a carnival comes to town. I started writing right before this crud decided to revisit my chest.
I will do my best to get the first part of ‘The Horror of Smithville’ published this week. Right now, I want to write about the changes happening with Russia and the Ukraine. It appears that Russian President Putin has taken leaves of his senses, and putting his nation of poor footing for the future.
This morning President Obama addressed the Russian President:
“"I spent the weekend talking to leaders across Europe, and I think the world is largely united in recognizing that the steps Russia has taken are a violation of Ukraine's sovereignty, their territorial integrity — that they're a violation of international law, they're a violation of previous agreements Russia has made with regard to how it treats and respects its neighbors," Obama said Monday at the White House.[1]
The world is “largely united” in condemnation of the incursion of Russian military troops into Crimea. President Obama has made it clear that by putting troops into Crimea Putin has “put Russia on the wrong side of history”[2]
President Obama went even further, in his remarks, outlining the course of action the international community will take if Russia continues in its ill-fated course of action.
“What we are also indicating to the Russians is, if, in fact, they continue on trajectory that they're on, that we are examining a whole series of steps — economic, diplomatic — that will isolate Russia. and will have a negative impact on Russia's economy and its status in the world," the president said.”[3]
Since these comments were made by President Obama, signals coming out of Russia, and Crimea, have become mixed… even confused.
“Russia's Black Sea Fleet chief Aleksander Vitko threatened a full assault if they did not surrender by dawn on Tuesday, the sources said.
However, Interfax news agency later quoted a Russian spokesman denying that any ultimatum had been issued.”[4]
This mixed message does little to help Russia’s image in the international community, and calls into question President Putin’s ability to control his commanders. Putin is well known for his statements of bravado, which all too often are later retracted. Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has (reportedly) asked Russian to use military force in the Ukraine.
The movement of two thousand troops on to the Russian base in Crimea was seen to be an answer to this plea for military assistance. However, with two days past since these troops arrived, and no further action or movement has been reported, calls into question Putin’s real motives.
With the entire international community prepared to welcome the Ukraine into the European Union, NATO, and eventually the United Nations. It would be a failed strategy for President Putin to involve Russian troops, anymore than they are already. The White House and the United Nations Security Counsel are already drafting economic sanctions and travel restrictions on Russian Officials.
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INHO President Putin would be best served by allowing his commanders to look foolish, and taking no further action. He need not remove the troops, now stationed in the Russian Port/Base in Crimea. Just do not use them to further engage the Ukrainian people. The Ukraine has made it abundantly clear that they wish to move away from being a Russian province and are asserting the sovereignty. Allowing the Ukraine to have another vote on their President. Not blocking movement to join the European Union, and not exercising their security counsel vote to block Ukrainian membership into the Untied Nations would be the smart course of action.
Well now, My Dear Readers, I am going to get back to resting and trying to get my fever back down. I hope to publish again, soon.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here to read my work.
Thank you!
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[…] Trouble in the Ukraine – Part Three : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. First a little personal update, this morning I […]