JUST IN – Austin, Texas: Republican Governor Rick Perry has just surrendered to authorities at the Travis County criminal justice center. Indicted for ‘Abuse of Power’ as Governor of the State of Texas, (R) Rick Perry was lead away, just moments ago, to booking at the criminal justice center in Austin, Texas. While dividing, along party lines, many in the Great State of Texas the reality of this situation is far fro ‘politically motivated’.
The 'Special Prosecuter' that brought the indictment, that now has the Governor behind bars, was an appointee of a Republican Governor George Bush. That kind of puts the kibosh on any/all claims that his prosecution was (in any way) ‘politically motivated’. However, conversely the Governor’s actions do seem to be politically motivated. Here’s why:
“The idea that he was concerned about Lehmberg's drunk driving is also fatuous nonsense. Two other Texas DAs were arrested for DUI during Perry's tenure in office and he spoke not a discouraging word about their indiscretions. Kaufman County D.A. Rick Harrison drove the wrong way into traffic and was found guilty of drunk driving in 2009 and in 2003 Terry McEachern, DA of Swisher County, was convicted of a DUI. Perry said nothing. It's probably only coincidental that both of those individuals were Republicans and did not oversee an investigative unit responsible for keeping elected officials honest in the capitol.” [1]
For those that have only listened to hyperbolic and sanitized “News” sources, here is the rteal reason (R) Governor Rick Perry turned himself in, today.
“Perry is accused of using his veto authority to coerce a publicly elected official into leaving office. And when the veto threat, and later the actual exercise of the veto didn't work, he may have tried a bit of bribery, which is why he is facing criminal charges.
Not because he exercised his constitutional veto authority.”[2]
Regardless of the motivation of the indictment? Now the Travis County DA has the unenviable task of proving his case and, perhaps, sending the “longest sitting Governor of Texas”[3] to prison for up to 98 years. That is the maximum possible sentence if Parry is found guilty of the charges he now faces. The minimum is seven the maximum is 98 years. As I watched him, on the web cast of his arriving at the Travis County criminal justice center, he was on high spirits. Laughing with the staff that accompanied him and joking, too.
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His face did grow more somber as he was lead to the back room where his (soon to be world famous) ‘Mug Shot’ will be taken. It is expected that said Perry Mug shot’ should be available on CNN within the hour. If it is? I will add it to this article just as soon as I barrow it from the CNN web site.
More updates as they happen My Dear Readers. Thanks for dropping by!
P.S. The Governor has been charged and booked on TWO Felony Charges. More as it becomes available.
Thank YOU!
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[…] BREAKING NEWS – Gov. Perry BOOKED in Travis County – “JUST IN – Austin, Texas: Republican Governor Rick Perry has just surrendered to authorities at the Travis County criminal justice center. Indicted for ‘Abuse of Power’ as Governor of the State of Texas, (R) Rick Perry was lead away, just moments ago, to booking at the criminal justice center in Austin, Texas. While dividing, along party lines, many in the Great State of Texas the reality of this situation is far fro ‘politically motivated’.” I published this article for one reason and one reason only! I saw that I could BEAT the major networks and media outlets, getting this news out, and I DID! I was not exervcising any political design or desire. I just wanted to be first in publishing ‘Breaking News’ for once! […]