Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I am still reeling from the news of yesterday. How does on get Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma? Stage makeup? Exposure to bright lights? Exposure to thunderous applause at a young age? Pushing oneself to achieve that which has never been done before by a male member of your family? Extreme stress for decades? Or, My Dearest Readers, is this merely just another the other shoe dropping? Regardless of origin, regardless of etiology I am left with a cancer for which there is no cure.
Shortly, I am going to be asking everyone of you, My Dear Readers, to dig deep and please lend me a helping hand. This battle is not going to be cheap, and I am without means to combat this heinous disease. Now, I know my fellow Texans well and I know this. Many of you genuinely need proof prior to helping someone, even a loved one. Therefore, it is against the council of my family and doctors that I publish this, a scan of the original pathology report of the tissue biopsy of the “Growth” removed from my face August 1st 2014. It is two pages in length, the second contains the salient information and proof of my diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Once my Indiegogo Campaign is up and running I will remove these images from this page and place the scans on the Campaign Gallery.
I had hoped that I would be physically able to publish, today. ‘The Horror in Smithville’ needs to continue. Whereas I have the pages written, I am remiss of editing and uploading and publishing. Right now my upper right shoulder is experiencing extreme pain, that is not even effected by my Percodan. I am sure that this is a pain condition that is secondary to the enlarged lymph nodes under my right arm. I cannot lift my arm up to brush my hair without extreme and lasting pain.
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Therefore, it is with deep regret that I inform you, My Dear Readers, I might be unable to publish the intended pages… today. I sincerely apologize for this… deficiency. Just as soon as I get enough of a break in the screaming mad pain, I will work to get these pages published for you, My Dear Readers.
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Now, I have provided tangible proof of the legitimacy of my disease state, I hope that I can count on your support. I understand, in today’s culture… in this world… millions of people are trying to scam and steal from good hardworking individuals. That is not me. I have a genuine need and I just wanted to document that need.
Thank you for your time and understanding… I look forward to garnering your support. Daniel Hanning.
Thank YOU!
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