NASA/JPL has celebrated by adding lots of fun and informative content to their web site. My Dear Readers, I would really like to… do something special for this anniversary. You all know that last year, I did spend a lot of time and effort on a celebratory article. This mission is very important to me, and to you My Dear Readers. However, right now as I am writing this article… I am burning inside in about seven different places. Today, I was talking with Allen (my constant companion for the past Twenty-Seven years) and I was straining to come up with an analogy. An analogy for the pain that I am feeling, inside, with this Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, (FYI – If you just stepped off another planet, or haven’t come around for a week or so… Danny [the author/editor/publisher of this rag] was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) I was trying to think of an analogy… visual… metaphor for exactly how this feels.
It took me about thirty seconds, and I came up with…
“Allen, it feels like (baauud-dump-bump) someone is rubbing broken Christmas Tree Ornaments into my body!”
More specifically, my junk… under my arms… around my waist… and around my throat. Not the kind of thing that one wants to wake up, too, every single day. But, that is my life, now. Maybe it will get better, once I have some of that wonderful chemotherapy! I just can’t wait!
Back to Curiosity and Mars… My Dear Readers with my body feeling like that, I am just not in the mood or of the mind to spend hours upon hours writing, downloading, uploading, editing, and publishing. That, and I simply must get ready for tomorrow’s adventure! Tomorrow, I make the arduous journey from Orange County (Starting Point Disneyland Parking Lot) to Los Angeles; specifically – Rolling Hills Estates. I leave here in O.C. about 9AM, and return here about 8PM. I may be looking for a ‘new’ PCP… but honestly… most doctors SUCK! From my encounters? I would say that roughly 7 in 10 have the bedside manner or a poisonous asp. Seriously!
Back to Mars. So, NSA/JPL I a lot of groovy stuff on their sites (you should… once you are done HERE) got and check it out. [The link embedded in those words will take you directly to the NASA/JPL Mars Mission Web Site – FYI] I have decided to that I am going to keep today’s edition of ‘The Mars report’ short and relatively simple. Our first image of the day? Is the actual first image Curiosity sent back to Earth, once it had landed and caught its breath. (Bau Dump Bump)
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(Two Years Ago, Curiosity Rover Lands on Mars, Captures Image of Mount Sharp)
That was Curiosity’s view of Mount Sharp, just after it had landed at Bradbury Point on the Martian surface… two years ago. My Dear Readers, that means… that this article series, here at The Other Shoe, is Two Years Old! Amazing! I remember writing the first article, after watching Curiosity’s landing on the web broadcast. I just love Mars. Wanted to go there, since I was just a boy. Our next image, for today’s edition of ‘The Mars Report’ is the celebratory image NASA/JPL is promoting on the web site.
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(Curiosity Tracks in 'Hidden Valley' on Mars)
That is an image of Curiosity’s tracks, in the ‘Hidden Valley’, just one day before its two year anniversary. Two years, My Dear Readers, two years our little rover Curiosity has been on the Martian surface. And, two years, My Dear Readers WE have been following its every move and accomplishment. That is something to celebrate! I just wish that I felt better. Now, for our next image well it isn’t from Mars. However, it is the outline from NASA/JPL of America’s Mission Plan to Mars!
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(Mission to Mars Timescale Graphic)
Funny… well not really… but I just put that graphic into this article… and I flashed on it, thinking “I wonder IF I will be… here, when they finish this plan.” Sucks.
Our final image of this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ is (of course) the best!
“This full-circle panorama of the landscape surrounding NASA's Curiosity Mars rover on July 31, 2014, offers a view into sandy lower terrain called "Hidden Valley," which is on the planned route ahead. It combines several images from Curiosity's Navigation Camera. South is at the center.”[1]\
Couldn’t have said it better, myself… in my current condition. ENJOY!
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(NASA Mars Rover Curiosity Nears Mountain-Base Outcrop)
That brings us to the end of today’s edition of ‘The Mars report’. I thank you for dropping by and looking and reading my work, here today. As always, My Dearest Readers, it has been my pleasure to brings you the sights and news from the surface of Mars. Today… I did try to interject a little… “tumor Humor”… or so I have decided to ‘label’ it. This… thing is something that is going to be a part of my life… like, for the rest of my life. So, I am plucking around thinking of ways to incorporate… it. Maybe maybe not it will be a part of my articles. It will be a part of me.
I am going to be on my long journey, tomorrow August 12th 2014. I will be making videos and taking pictures throughout the day. I am hoping to incorporate all of that material into an article… that should appear, right here at The Other Shoe sometime Wednesday (8/13/14) or Thursday (8/14/14). Till then, My Dear Readers, take care… and… … …
Thank YOU!
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