Dear Family, Friends, and Followers of @ The Other Shoe and Facebook,
I wanted to publish an update on the Indiegogo Campaign – Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund’. I have spent HOURS working on this… ‘Mission Statement’ and I am (currently) on my third draft. I keep getting to a ‘Good Point’ and then I look and the darn thing is TEN PAGES long. I have to tighten up the posting. I want people to be able to read it all in just a few minutes.
I need to put in Pros & Cons. I need to explain about the availability of the medication(s). I want to have space to share Why I need their help and what will happen without their help. I really need to justify the dollar amount that I have made for the campaign. Last, I am worried and I do not want to say that the preferred medication is not available and find out it is!
I have never made a false statement in an Indiegogo campaign, and I do not want to start now! This is very important to me. This campaign is the dividing line between a better life fighting cancer and winning. Or, a worse life of strife and difficulties. I really need to make that crystal clear.
Finally, My Dear Readers, I really want to make it something that people will enjoy reading! I know that I can do that, I have done it for over 500 articles! I am riding the edge of a razor blade! If I put this campaign up now… not really complete… facts not confirmed I risk everything! However, I fear that if I wait… I will loose contributors! I simply cannot afford that happening.
Therefore, I am going to wait (at least) until Monday when I can confirm the availability of the best chemotherapy drug for my cancer. That will give me time to hone my words and create a piece of work that is informative and enjoyable to read, too!
I would like to express my apologies for not ‘Launching’ this campaign… today. I know that had been the intention. However, I have decided that I would rather have my facts straight… then publish and launch and risk damaging my credibility.
Thank you for your time and understanding. As well, Thank YOU! for your patience for me to do ‘The Right Thing’. I will, just as soon as I have the needed facts, Launch this campaign… just as soon as I am able. Please hang in there and bear with me while I take the time and make the effort to get this… right.
Thank YOU!
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