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Dear Family, Friends, Followers of The Other Shoe and
I just spent nearly two hours with a wonderfully hopeful and positive Oncologist. Here are the bullet points:
- I need TWO surgeries ASAP:
- A surgery to implant a ‘Porta-Cath’ device into my chest with which they will administer all the chemotherapy drugs and other medications for my treatment
- A surgery to remove bone marrow to see if the cancer has made it to my bone marrow. This is a part of ‘Staging’ my cancer
- I need to start Chemotherapy ASAP – Just as soon as they have staged the cancer and know if I need Chemotherapy AND Radiation therapy or just chemotherapy.
- That, upon examination and review of symptoms, my cancer is (most likely) “Late stage 3 or early stage 4” JUST AS I had already predicted.
- I need an MRI of my brain
- I need a PET scan of my body. This is part of staging but will also give the doctors an idea just where ALL my cancer has taken up shop.
- See the Oncologist again next Tuesday, and from now on, on a regular and frequent basis until cancer is in remission.
- My cancer “can be cured… to the point he merely have to commit to a cycle of ‘maintenance chemotherapy’ as needed.
- My particular ‘type’ of cancer is a “very aggressive” type and fits somewhere between the two major types ‘Fast Growing’ and ‘Slow growing’. This represents a particular set of difficulties.
Now I am just spit balling, but I see (already) about FIVE days out of the next week to ten days that Allen will need to help me get to appointments… and will not be able to work both jobs. This represents the ‘lost income’ that I have previously stated as one of my major reasons for this campaign.
Next, I clearly see anywhere for $50 - $70 just in transit fees over the next two weeks. Again, something that I have already stated as one of the prohibitive costs of my cancer. Over the next several months, this could easily amount to several hundred dollars just in transportation costs, that I cannot afford.
Lost days of Allen at work + increased transportation costs x costs not covered by; my Prescription Drug Plan and/or my Medicare/Medi-Cal = The very crux of my starting this campaign and my beginning algorithm.
$$$$ = LIFE.
On April 24th 2014 I posted on Facebook that “I have Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma”. TRUE!
Here on this campaign, on Facebook and on my blog ‘The Other Shoe’ I stated that my cancer “is late stage 3 to early stage 4”… TRUE!
I have, and again, state that without the kindness and assistance of others… this cancer will take my life in a matter of months. I have raised $10 in just under TWO WEEKS. Truth? YOU can CHANGE this REALITY!
I wish to be cremated. Thank you.
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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[…] Just Published at Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo : “Dear Family, Friends, Followers of The Other Shoe and Contributors, I just spent nearly two hours with a wonderfully hopeful and positive Oncologist. Here are the bullet points[1]:” This article was an update from the day I spent with my oncologist. I was hoping to make it crystal clear that I have a genuine need for the monies I have asked… and am working the campaign Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo to garner. I am not running this campaign, spending ten or more hours each and every day… focused on this campaign. Putting aside my own comfort happiness, and my health just to try and ‘crook’ money from people without a genuine need! I have heard… that there are some… that are talking… spreading ill will, lies, deceit, and engaging in gravely disingenuous dialogue about me, my cancer, and this campaign. Let me be perfectly crystal clear; It takes ONE SICK PUPPY to spread LIES about a man WITH CANCER! I hope that everyone closes his or her ears to this disingenuous and sickly motivated poison. As well, I really DO hope that nobody has decide3d NOT to donate… merely because of the sick and disingenuous poison some have chosen to spread. Word! […]