Welcome back My Dearest Readers to The Other Shoe! It is my great and incredible joy to share some wonderful news! This week… well, has been fraught with; fear, trepidation, anxiety, sadness, and terrible medical/health news. If you have not had the time to read my blog, or check in on Facebook? I have some rather ‘Bad’ and distressing news for you, My Dearest Readers. On Thursday of this week, I was given the heart-wrenching news that I have… Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Are relatively rare form of lymphoma, responsible for only 22% of all lymphatic cancers diagnosed.
This news, My Dearest Readers, sent your truly into a downward tail-pin of hither-to-before never seen depths of despair and depression. I was alone when I finally received the news, from Dr. Reddy. Dr. Reddy was; rude, disconnected, un-empithetic, and downright hostile when giving me the news. Here is an example of what I am trying to relay.
“the results are in an you have a lymphoma…”
NO lead-in, NO build-up, and N O compassion. Just a heartless, emotionless, harsh and hard dumping of facts at the feet of a dying man. In all of my 56 years of life, and more than two decades in/around medical professionals in the medical profession, I have never in my life EVER heard a more brutal and heartless communication of end-of-life medical information. I was completely ALONE, in my apartment, and Allen was not scheduled to be home for another three hours! My Dearest Readers, the next several hours, in my apartment, were some of the darkest and disturbing hours of my entire life.
Not only had I found out that, I Danny Hanning, had CANCER but I had been told in the single most ‘heavy-handed’ cold and emotionless fashion one could ever imagine. Not only that but, when I did not respond in the fashion Dr. Reddy had imagined? When I failed to want to schedule an appointment right then with ‘her Oncologist’ in her offices… RIGHT THEN? Dr. Reddy had the unmitigated GAUL to DEMAND the telephone number of my Primary care Physician. Telling me that “I (she) am going to call your Primary Care Physician RIGHT NOW and tell him about you lack of desire for treatment!”
- I never said I did not want treatment for my cancer.
- I did tell her that I “Never wanted to set foot in her offices again, EVER!”
- She had NO right to demand anything from me, seeing as SHE had been in possession of the biopsy pathology report for TWO DAYS! That she waited till the last possible minute before calling me! At 4:45PM on her last day in her offices before a THREE-WEEK VACATION!
- I have known Dr. Gorlick for EIGHT YEARS and he knows that I am always pro-active in treatment and getting timely; scans, tests and treatments.
- I have never had any specialist demand to (complain) to my primary care physician… EVER!
- Finally, it looks to me like Dr. Reddy was just trying to herd me (like some animal) into HER chemotherapy clinic and to see her Oncologist BEFORE I had a single chance to; consider my options, get a second opinion, or even gather my THOUGHTS!
NOW after enduring this ambush/lambaste of being informed that I have ‘Grade 3B Follicular Lymphoma’ in the biopsy. (She NEVER told me WHAT cancer I HAVE!) After finding out that I have Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – Stage 3 I went about finding out; what are my odds, what is the best course of treatment, how long a survival rate can I expect, and just how should I proceed. After I completed those chores, I went about writing and creating some content about; my condition, my desire to overcome, and the Indiegogo Campaign I was to start to pay for the chemotherapy drugs not covered by my poor ‘Part D Medicare Prescription Drug Plan’.
That is what I have been all about since Thursday. Until just moments ago, that is! Just moments ago, while I was preparing for the writing and publishing of this article, the most wonderful thing happened! I looked at the bottom of each article. I about went into shock! Low and behold I see that my Facebook ‘Like(s)’ are all Double-Digits! So, My Dearest Readers, for the last three articles over the last three days? I have received … … … (DRUM ROLL, PLEASE?) EIGHTY-FOUR ‘Like(s)’ between the two blog locations and over (just) three articles! THANK YOU! My Dearest Readers, this gives me courage to move forward with the Indiegogo Funding Campaign and faith that I just might be able to raise the money I so desperately need!
That is the ‘Great News’ that I have to share with you, My Dearest Readers, that you have really showed your support… your kindness… your genuine ‘Like’ of my writing about the arduous journey of discovering my disease; Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Even though there are just three articles? I am still going to link the stories, leave a blurb from the article and add (in red) some of my opinions of the articles. I owe it to you, My Dearest Readers!
So, without further Adieu… I give YOU ‘A Week In Review’ the Cancer Edition!
- Notes From Behind the Keyboard August 7th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Let me start by saying “Thank You!” for the… people that have reached out and showed me support in this painful and difficult time. Status: I am still waiting for someone… anyone to call me and tell me the results of the biopsy that was taken on last Friday. I know that the results are in, they were available to my doctors as of yesterday afternoon. I called my surgeon, Dr. Nguyen, yesterday morning and asked that he call me back regarding; are there stitches in my face, can I shave, and what are the results of the biopsy?” I never got a call back from Dr. Nguyen… EVER! I finally had to call back his office and catch an unsuspecting office worker, cleverly convincing them to fax over the pathology report to my home fax number. WITHOUT; a Medical Release, Permission from Dr. Nguyen, Verification of MY identification or ANY PROOF at all of my legal RIGHT to the medical information she so freely released and faxed to me. Honestly? I strongly believe that GOD (in his infinite wisdom, and PITY for me and my situation) made sure that I got the pathology report. Knowing, full well, that I could understand the report completely. And I DID! [16 Likes at Blog.com + 8 Likes at Wordpress = 24 Likes]
- Danny and CANCER – Day One : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. It is not often, in life, that we are faced with… well, ‘Life Changing Events’. Examples of these ‘Life Changing Events’ would be; world news, happenings and events that impact and alter our course in life. A Death in the immediate family, a marriage, a divorce these are just a few examples of ‘Life Changing Events’. Today, I Danny Hanning, experienced one of the most important… and upsetting life events since my head injury of August 25th 1987 ( that day a typewriter dropped on my head and put me in the hospital for nearly a year).” This was a very difficult article for me to write. Not only was it my very first article to write as Danny Hanning WITH Cancer/Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I was also battling some severe pain in my upper right shoulder. I cannot remember; bumping my shoulder, running into a wall with my right shoulder, hurting myself (on/with my right shoulder) in the shower, or ANYONE using a baseball bat on my right shoulder. Never the less, my shoulder hurt like someone had wailed on it with a baseball BAT! I could not lift my right arm above my chest, I could not raise my right arm enough to comb my hair, and even movement lower than my chest left me in pain! It was terrible and I was gravely concerned that this pain had everything to do with the Cancer! [16 ‘Likes’ at Blog.com + 17 ‘Likes’ at Wordpress.com = THRITY-THREE!!!! Likes combined!!!!]
- The Proof is in the Pudding : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I am still reeling from the news of yesterday. How does on get Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma? Stage makeup? Exposure to bright lights? Exposure to thunderous applause at a young age? Pushing oneself to achieve that which has never been done before by a male member of your family? Extreme stress for decades? Or, My Dearest Readers, is this merely just another the other shoe dropping? Regardless of origin, regardless of etiology I am left with a cancer for which there is no cure.” This, My Dearest Readers, was not an article that I ever wanted to have to write. This was not how I wanted to feel about my cancer diagnosis. Regardless, even at this early stage of my condition and the discrimination of that information, I have encountered resistance to the facts and (subtext) attacks on the validity of my medical information. More to avoid someone/anyone actually saying “Danny, I do not think that you have cancer!” [And that it would be said just to avoid the socially correct course of action to lend a financial hand] Now, I can move forward with some confidence that nobody will actually stoop to that ‘low’ just to avoid the socially appropriate action of making some financial contribution to my cause. In the most hard and real terms, My Dearest Readers, if I were asked to write an algorithm to express my current condition? It would be a one line, three character, algorithm. Here it is $$$$$ = TIME/LIFE. End Of Line! [ 12 ‘Likes’ at Blog.com + 15 ‘LIKES” at Wordpress.com = 27 Likes| Further The THREE article’s ‘Likes’ combined = 24 + 33 + 27 = 84 LIKES! In Three days from just THREE articles!]
There it is, My Dearest Readers, the low point of my week was finding out I have (incurable) cancer from a verbally abusive doctor. The high point is/was that I have garnered your support, My Dearest Readers! Now, if I can transfer that support from my creative works… into financial support for my Indiegogo Campaigns? I will have the health and opportunity to write and FINISH my current novels. That I will have the time and health to continue writing and publishing right here! That I will have the time to Pay You ALL BACK!
You see, My Dearest Readers? That your $$$ donated today = REAL and ENTERTIANING works in the near and not-so-near future. You have my word… You have my word of HONOR! It is my intent to take the time, that I garner from the better chemotherapy drugs, and I use it to create works of verbal art for you, and yours, to enjoy for years, decades, generations to come! I am not about more time for; playing, mid-life crisis, squandering the genuine opportunity given by fighting & BEATING this cancer. THIS experience has/is teaching (taught) me a very important lesson.
The time I have left is best spent creating things of beauty for all to enjoy! It would be my honor and pleasure to spend every day I gain by beating this cancer in the pursuit of creating and sharing works of written beauty and enjoyment. I would work on the blog(s) and I would take the time to work on/&finish the novels I have already laid out around me. Like getting my father’s camping gear (the Baker Tent, the Lanterns, the Coleman stove and all of the electric lights) in working order PRIOR to even starting the Summer season. Every May he would lay out the Baker Tent, first. We would all go around and find any holes, split seams, rips and tears and we would mark them with waterproof marker.
Then Dad would come around and; either fix the marked area himself or he would go over just how to fix it with ME and I would fix the marked area. After the Baker Tent, then would come the gas lanterns, checking the fluid levels, checking the Mantels to make sure they were not torn and in good condition, and make sure that the glass Globes were free of cracks, chips or defects. After the Kerosene lanterns , would come the Coleman propane cooking stove. Well, you get the point… all that preparation allowed all of the family to enjoy our camping trip summer.
You, My Dearest Readers, are/will make donations to my Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund so that, later this year and every year after, you will be able to sit back and enjoy all of the stories and tales that I will write and share with all of you! You, My Dearest Readers, help provide the resources that I do not have and I will (in turn) provide for you, My Dearest Readers, tales and stories and trips into horror that take you beyond your wildest dreams. I PROMISE!
Tomorrow… well… it is now, like, today I plan on launching the Cancer Treatment Funding Campaign. Once launched, it will be your, My Dearest Readers, turn to show me the love and support that I know you are capable. With each and every passing contribution my shoulders will relax, the weight will be lifted, and my step will be lighter. With every passing day, I will know and see your love and admiration, and I will know that my life is safe in your hands. I will take the funds that you share and with them I will buy TIME!
Time to write. Time to publish. Time to create, build, explore and populate worlds of incredible wonder and joy! I do all this for you, My Dearest Readers! Now, it is nearly 2AM PDT and I simply must get rest. Rest to recharge… Rest to FIGHT!
I thank you for all your (obvious) support [obvious from ALL of your EWIGHTY-FOUR likes in 72 hours!]. This coming week will be very taxing. I have a journey of 12-14 hours from Orange County to L.A. County and Rolling Hills Estates! I will have a visit with (what will BE) my newest’ oncologist and the one that will guide me through my upcoming battle. Then, as early as this coming Friday… I will ENGAGE THE ENEMY! With chemotherapy drugs in my veins, your love in my heart, and the strength of my convictions in my body and muscles… We WILL engage and DEFEAT the enemy… CANCER!
I am so going to kick cancer’s butt all up and down the street! I will beat it so hard it will cry for its “Mommy” and I will laugh at it’s cries and kick dirt in it’s face! I WILL BE merciless! And I will PREVAIL! PERIOD!
Here’s to the passing of one SACRY and UPSETING week… and here’s to our NEXT week of enlightenment and W A R!
Thank YOU!
© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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