Today, we see Alex working to improve his home in the sidearm of my computer table. This location serves as Alex’s second home, like is ‘holiday’ condominium. When he is not in his (two story) cage, and not sleeping in-between my pillows, Alex can be found in this side-arm of my computer table. We had just cleaned his ‘second-home’ and he is still getting it full of; paper, paper towels, torn pajama bottoms and typing paper.
Today, you can see him gather up the paper he needs. Next week, Alex will return with another video of him working on his second home. In next week’s edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ I will show you ‘what happens nest’ (play on words, it should be ‘next’… but he is building a nest. Get it?). Alex will finally have enough paper and we will witness him as he begins to nest with his papers.
Se sure to drop by, next, for another edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ with Alex!
Now, I would like to take a quick moment to apologize for how maudlin my end-of-the-week posts became. I am deeply depressed and I have no doubt that a lot of it has to do with me going through ‘Stages of Grief’ over my diagnosis. However, it does not excuse ‘Bad Behavior’. (Briefly) First, it is not “my fault… the failure of the campaign…”. I am working just as hard as my condition, my pain and my growing fatigue and soreness allows. It is not anyone’s “fault” that the campaign has only raised $10. I do not ‘blame’ anyone, nor should I.
I will continue to work; my blog, the campaign, and all the connections and avenues I have or are made available to me. I simply must gather the money for; chemotherapy, transportation, replacing lost income from Allen’s missing work to take me to chemo and appointments and treatments. I apologize for making you, My Dear Readers, uncomfortable and ask for your understanding and continued support. IF you are able, please help me out by donating. IF you cannot afford to donate? I am putting up a video, latter on Sunday, named ‘How to Help!’This video will outline other ways to help my campaign, and me, without money.
Watch the video and it might help you find other ways to help my campaign and help me gather the donations that I genuinely need.
Now, without further adieu, I give you ‘Sunday Funnies’ with Alexander R Hanning!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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[…] Sunday Funnies – August 24th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Well, it it is Sunday then it is time for ‘Sunday Funnies’! I am very happy to announce that Alexander R Hanning (clicking his name here will take you to HIS Facebook page!) is BACK! That’s right after a month-long hiatus, for personal reasons, Alex is back to making videos with his Daddy Daniel!” Alex is just SO CUTE when he is building and creating. He takes after his Daddy Daniel, in that regard. He is one industrious rat-boy and his home is his palace. Be sure to drop by, tomorrow, for ANOTHER edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ and watch as Alexander R Hanning just keeps working and just keeps building and nesting. We’ll see you then! […]