Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I have a very special treat for your reading pleasure. Today, we return to the Main Story of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! That’s right, we had just left Ralph Simner on his way to the Carnival work site. With a big smile on his face, he drove to the Carnival work site. He had just connected with his son, Archer, in the most meaningful way in months. His wife, he had seen her smile and felt sure that she would soon see him in a different… a better light. For the very first time in many years, Ralph Simner, was moving in the right direction and so was his life. He just felt sure!
We are not done with Ralph Simner or with the ‘Missing Chapters’ of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. It is just that we have arrived at where the ‘Missing Chapter’ ended, and we have returned to the main story line. We will return to Ralph Simner, in due time. We are far from done with Ralph Simner… far from done… indeed!
My Dear Readers, when we last were with the ‘Main Story Line’ Timmy had received a brutal beating at the hands of Barry Gartuska. Timmy’s father had rescued Timmy, and now Timmy’s head lay in Archer’s lap in the back seat of Tom’s truck. Tom had pealed out of the Middle School parking lot, creating great clouds of smoke, as he left. Many had noticed that these clouds of smoke, coming from the back tires of his truck, had formed (what looked like) great wings of an angel! It looked like the truck had sprouted wings of an angel, and that angel was taking Timmy to the hospital.
Now, you might not have noticed but before Tom had scooped up his son’s broken body? Archer could have sworn that he saw Mr. Champion leaning over Timmy. Leaning over Timmy… and doing something. Doing something with his hands… and his hands seemed to glow GOLDEN. Tom Timmy and Archer are all in the truck and headed to the hospital to get Timmy the medical treatment he so obviously needs.
Now, My Dear Readers, we are about to start with Part (Chapter or Episode) Fourteen! However, there is a trick with this chapter. A trick that has caused the delay in the publication of the next twenty to thirty pages of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. Part (or Chapter or Episode) Fourteen comes in FIVE PARTS! That’s right, one chapter in five parts. They will be designated 14; A, B, C, D, and E. Today we will start with Part 14A. Now, My Dear Readers, all of the five… sections of Part 14 ALL happen at the same time! That is correct! The next five weekly episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ happen (in the story world) SIMULTANEOUSLY!
Starting with Part 14 A, which actually this scene starts just shortly before Timmy and Archer head to the bus stop at the back of the Middle School. So, by the end of this section we will be back at the moment that Tom, Timmy and Archer are all headed to the hospital. However, My Dear Readers, when I start Part 14 B? We will run the clock back to the point in time where 14 A started. So, you see My Dear Readers, all of the five (A,B,C,D,E) ALL begin at the same time… and end at roughly the same time. THAT is WHY I have made them all #14. Think of them as five different ‘Time-Lines’ or five different threads that all end at the same point in time.
Now, My Dear Readers, I think you can better understand the reason for the delay in publication. I have been struggling with these five different ‘timelines’ and how to get them all to meet at the same time. I really love this novel. It has been such a challenge to me as; a writer, a publisher, a creative person, and as the narrator of this story. When I started this story, now six months ago, I had no idea! No idea just how this work would challenge my abilities as a writer, as a publisher and as an editor. Honestly? When I first imagined this work? I saw it more as a novella. Just about 70-100 pages with a handful of settings and even fewer characters.
Now? Now, My Dear Readers, I can clearly see that there was no way I could have put everything that was bound to happen in this story. Into the very small format I had first envisioned. That does not mean that this work has, somehow, outgrown the writer. It does not mean that the story has run away with me. What it does mean? It means that the work that I am sharing has so much more to give and share than I first imagined or thought.
That the characters have so much more to give. That the plot has so much more to share, and that the story is LARGER than I had ever imagined. Now, sitting here and explaining this wonderfully imaginative ‘Part 14’ I can clearly see that ‘The Horror in Smithville’ has refused to be confined by my initial impressions. You have no idea just how happy that makes me. As a writer, as a person of creativity, and as a publisher. This is the ‘Gift That Keeps On Giving’! Now that I have the final half of this story past outline? I have been able to see even further!
I am going to try not to ‘spoil’ it for anyone? But… I would not be very much surprised… IF… Timmy and Archer didn’t find themselves in some kind of… ‘Christmas Adventure’!
Now, without further adieu? I give you ‘The Horror in Smithville’ Part 14A!
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Part 14-A
Principal Roger Marsch was a dour man. The son of a farmer, and a farmer before that, and a farmer before that; Roger Marsch had broken a multigenerational line of farmers to become the principal of the middle school in the town of farmers named Smithville. Principal Marsch had worked very hard, in high school, to get a football scholarship to go to college. After a terrible knee injury, and ACL Tear, in his sophomore year Roger Marsch devoted himself to a career in education.
Roger Marsch started his career in higher education as a physical education and health teacher at Smithville High. He became very active with the local PTA, Cub Scout troop (then Boy Scouts), and recently ran for, and won, a seat on the city Council of the city of Smithville. Some might say it that been a rise from mediocrity to mediocrity, however, for Roger Marsch it was a major step up from multigenerational farmer. It was for just the past two years that Principal Marsch had worn both the hat of Middle School Principal and City Council Member.
It was the latter of the two hats, sitting city council member, which drew him away from his office at the Middle School on this stormy Thursday. Shortly after his announcement to the entire school, not something he usually did or was very comfortable with, a call came in to his office. His secretary, Betty Sue, had originally taken the call. Betty Sue was also a student of Smithville schools, before can becoming secretary; as such Betty Sue often overreacted to minor problems. The oncoming snowstorm had put Betty Sue in a frantic frame of mind; the unknown voice on the other side of the phone had just pushed her frantic mind into frightened.
Principal Marsch was looking over the current month’s school budget, when a frantic frightened Betty Sue came knocking on his office door. Either out of fear, or because she totally forgot Principal Marsch’s repeatedly telling her you cannot just walk into his office, Betty Sue burst and a Principal Marsch’s office.
“ROGER… ROGER, there’s a problem at the Carnival site… there is a Mr. Dark on the phone for you. He says that you need to come out there, right away!”
Principal Marsch really disliked the habit Betty Sue had of bursting into his office, not waiting to be invited in. ‘Roger’ admittedly believed that order and discipline were a necessity without which he was convinced, the Middle School and the town could/would fall into disarray and then total anarchy. Roger Marsch did not want anarchy in his school. He slowly rose his eyes up from his paperwork, slowly tapping the fingers of his left hand as he engaged Betty Sue’s anxious glare.
“Betty Sue…” Principal Marsch said in a calm dulcet tone. “Just how many times have I asked you to wait for me to say “Enter” before bursting into my office? Ten times… twenty times… one hundred times?”
Betty Sue began to blush. If truth be told it would have been more like two hundred times… but this time was different. The voice on the phone it… sounded so ‘in charge’ and it demanded to speak to Principal Marsh “immediately”. There was a problem out at the site for this weekend’s Carnival. Did Principal Marsch really think that she should stand, waiting, outside his door for something like this? Betty Sue opened her mouth, to explain….
“A lot of times, Principal Marsch, but this time… the man on the phone… a Mr. Dark. He says that there is a real problem out at the site for the carnival! Do you really want me to just stand outside your door… when there is an obvious emergency?”
Roger’s mind wandered, when Betty Sue said “out at the site…” He flashed onto boyhood memories… “Lassie… there is a problem out at the mill!” He laughed, ever so lightly and under his breath, and then launched into a well-memorized speech he had created just for Betty Sue.
“Betty Sue… there is always going to be: a problem at the Carnival site, a problem with a teacher, a problem with a student, a problem with a parent. That is the nature of my job, handling the problems. Now, if we let ourselves get drawn into emotions? We will soon find ourselves in disarray. Once we are in disarray, confusion soon follows. Once in a state of confusion… what is next, Betty Sue?”
Without even thinking, Betty Sue responded
“In anarchy. We find ourselves in anarchy, Principal Marsch.”
Still speaking in a calm and dulcet tone, Principal Marsch continued with the lesson.
“That’s correct, Ms. Martins. Anarchy. Now, I will not allow anarchy to gain a foothold in this, my, office. Now, go back outside the door. Knock. Wait for me to answer. Then come into my office and explain, calmly; who is on the phone for me and why they are calling. Leave the evaluation of the situation to me. Understood, Ms. Martins?”
Beatty Sue Martins was not used to be talked to, this way. Principal Marsch told her that he used “calm and dulcet (she actually had to look-up dulcet in the dictionary) tones to speak to her. ‘Calm and dulcet to keep away the confusion and hold anarchy at bay…’ Yet, as far as Betty Sue was concerned? His ‘calm and dulcet tone(s)’ often boarded on insulting and condescending, like right now.
Betty Sue walked out of the office, closed the door behind her, and took a deep breath. As she did this, she heard the deep and worrisome voice, on the other end of the line, asking “What the heck is going on? Am I on hold? Who’s voices am I hearing? Is someone going to answer this call, there is a real situation out here! Dang it, what is the holdup?”
Betty Sue just thought to herself “Well, dark and commanding voice on the phone? You are just going to have to wait for Mr. Principal Marsch to; answer his door, be briefed on the phone call, pick up his extension in his office, and then (maybe) you will get some help!’ That was just how things happened in the office of Principal ‘Stick-Up-His-Butt’ Marsch’! Betty Sue, calmly and gently, knocked no the Principal’s office door. Three knocks, no more and no less. She waited to hear the voice of Principal Marsch to answer.
“Who is it?” Ok… that was just too frigging much! He gal-darn knew WHO is it…
“It’s Betty Sue, Principal Marsch. There is an urgent phone call for you, from the Carnival site. Would you like to take the call, Sir?”
Let little anal-retentive Principal Marsch find fault in that! Much to the surprise of Betty Sue, Principal Marsch came to the door, opened the door, and spoke to Betty Sue.
“That is much better, Betty Sue. Thank you. Now, please put the phone call on hold… as you should have before coming to my door and knocking, and I will take the call in my office. Thank you.”
With that, Principal Marsch closed the door behind him. He walked over to his desk, sat down behind his desk, took out a notepad of paper from his side desk drawer, opened the top center desk drawer, removed a pen from the drawer and readied himself to take notes on the phone call he was about to answer. There just is no way Principal Roger Marsch was going to allow; disorder, confusion and anarchy into his life or his office. Now readied with pen in hand and paper beneath the pen, Principal Roger Marsch calmly answered the phone call.
“This is Principal Roger Marsch. To whom am I speaking?”
“What the heck is going on in your office? We have an emergency out here! I got a worker down… and I need someone out here, right the heck NOW!”
Roger… was taken back, slightly. He took a deep breath… held it… then, let it out. Then, Principal Roger Marsch began making notes; with his pen in hand on the notepad he had taken out. ‘Problem at Carnival site. Worked “down”. Then, and only then, Principal Roger Marsch continued by asking another question.
“To whom am I speaking, and what do you mean by ‘worker down’?”
Principal Marsch heard several expletives, from the voice on the other side of the phone. Obviously there was confusion, at the Carnival work site. It sounded as though anarchy was not far behind. Regardless, Principal Roger Marsch was not going to allow this confusion and (potential) anarchy crawl through the telephone line and enter his office. The voice on the phone answered.
“I don’t know what the heck is wrong with you Principal Marsch… are you also City Council Member Roger Marsch? I am the foreman for Mr. Dark here at the Carnival work site. Mr. Dark, the owner of the carnival and man-in-charge out here, just told me to call Principal Marsch and/or City Councilman Marsch and tell him to get out here ASAP! There has been an accident here on the job site. A worker has been… injured… and we need someone from the City Council Committee that is in charge of this project. Are you that man? If so… you need to get your butt out here, like, right now!”
Principal Marsch took another, deep breath right into the phone receiver. Holding the phone in his right hand, and taking notes with his left, Principal Marsch wrote some more on his notepad. Took another deep breath, held it, then let it out. Then he spoke, again in calm and dulcet tones.
“Again, what is YOUR name? What has happened to the worker? Where is Mr. Dark? If there is an injured worker? Why are you calling me and not 911?”
No way was this construction worker going to unnerve Principal (and City Council Member) Roger Marsch! Roger was holding his pen, ready to take down more information, when something happened that (actually) shocked Principal Marsch.
“You know… Principal Marsch… I do not know what your problem is? But, as far as the worker goes? It is too late for 911. Now, I was told to call and tell you that there is a situation, here at the job site for the Carnival, and that you need to get out here, like, NOW! Other than that? I am done! I have too much on my flipp’n plate to deal with some guy more hung up over procedure than getting something done. So, THERE! You have been informed. I am done wit you!”
With that, the caller hung up the phone and Principal Roger Marsch was left holding the phone. Roger looked down at the notepad he had been making notes on; worker ‘dead?’… Mr. Dark? ... No ‘need’ to call 911… need you out here right now! Today was not turning out the way he had planned. First, it was the oncoming snowstorm. Next, HE had to make the announcement to the students. TWO of his staff were ‘missing’. Now, this! His heart began to race. Sweat began to form on his forehead and upper lip. As he reached over to take a drink from his coffee, he noticed that his left hand was shaking.
How had this happened? Confusion had found its way into his office. Was anarchy close behind? Quickly, Principal Marsch made two decisions. First, he was going out to the work site and see for himself just exactly WHAT was going on. 2) He was not going to show Betty Sue he was shaken by this, and he was not going to answer any of her dumb questions. Roger Marsch stood up, put on his suit jacket, walked over to the coat rack, took down his heavy jacket and umbrella. He put his overcoat on over his suit jacket.
Walked over to the full-length mirror, in the corner of his office, straightened his; tie, suit jacket and overcoat. Clipped his cell phone to his belt. Not noticing that in his… upset frame of mind that the cellular phone clip had missed his belt and fallen silently to the carpeted floor beside his left foot. Roger Marsch did not notice this slip up, and because of that later today when he needed his cell phone (needed it more than at any point previously in his life) it would not be there. (Later, he would think that anarchy was to blame why he did not have his cell phone).
Now, with all his clothes in proper order, Principal (City Council Member) Roger Marsch as ready to proceed to the Carnival job site, coincidently the carnival job site was also the farm he was raised on. Home, and farm, to four generations of ‘Marsch Farmers’ the site was now property of the City of Smithville and frequently used for; Carnivals, Fairs, Scout Camp-Outs, and any other odd thing the City held that could not be accommodated by the City Hall Auditorium. Roger Marsch was headed out to his old homestead to find out if a worker had just been injured, or was dead. The whole drive out there, Principal Marsch would think and think on just how this day had managed to get under his skin and out of his control.
Roger opened the door to his office. No sooner than he had opened the door, and before he even set foot into the waiting room. From the secretary’s desk Betty Sue started questioning Principal Marsch.
“So, what happened Roger? Is somebody hurt? Should I call for an ambulance to be sent to the job site? Should I call the Sheriff, have him meet you out there? Are you ‘ok’ Principal Marsch?”
Roger just hated the way Betty Sue could string a dozen questions into just one sentence. (It must have some as some great relief, Roger Marsch thought to himself, the day that Betty Sue moved out of her family home. A great relief to all her family!) As if to make them all ‘one question’. A great many things bothered Principal Marsch about Betty Sue. He wished that either she would stop ‘being Betty Sue’. Or, barring that, he wished that all those ‘ticks’ would never bother him, again. Little did Roger know, leaving his office and the Middle School campus that morning, by the end of the day? Principal/City council Member Roger Marsch would have his wish… granted. Without missing a beat, Principal Roger Marsch turned to Betty Sue and said one sentence.
“Secretary Betty Sue I will be on my cellular phone if there is an emergency, I am leaving for the Carnival job site. Good Bye.”
With that, Roger Marsch left his office and headed to his car. Once outside, Roger noticed that the snowstorm was ahead of schedule. It was only 11:30AM and, already, large snowflakes were falling, and sticking to the cold ground. 11:30, that meant that the children were gathering at the back of the school, behind the gymnasium, boarding buses to head home for a long (three-day) weekend. It was very smart, sending the children home as early as he did. Most of them would be home, in the warm safe houses, before the heavy snow started. Regardless of whatever happened, the rest of the day, Principal Roger Marsch had acted quickly and responsibly to get his students home safe.
Just as Principal Roger Marsch guided his car out of the Middle School teacher’s_ parking lot, Barry Gartuska was bouncing Timmy Marref’s head on the cold hard concrete. Bouncie, bounce, bounce, bounce.
Little did he know, that his whole world was about to spiral out-of-control and that anarchy would take charge. Principal Roger Marsch turned off the side street the Middle School was located, and out onto FM 518, headed to his old home… and the site for ‘Smithville’s City Council Sponsored Harvest Festival and Haunted House’. Roger Marsch turned on his favorite radio station, the Classical station broadcast by the University, that he donated $500 to every year at Christmas. Regardless of what lay ahead of him? Roger Marsch was going to enjoy some dulcet tones of Classical music, first. The snow was now building up on the windshield of this car. He reached down and turned the turn-indicator/wiper-control on. He pushed the button, on the end of the stick.
Water came flowing out of the wiper assembly, melting the snow on contact, and wiped his front windshield completely clean,. Whatever was ahead of him, at the old Marsch Farm, he was going to enjoy some Classical Music and his window would be clean and free from snow. Life was simple, really, and it was meant to be simple… to be enjoyed. He leaned back into the driver’s seat, relaxed and turned on the Cruise Control for the ten-mile drive out to the old Marsch Farm. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony started, in the background. It was one of Roger’s favorite. He took a deep breath. Let it out, slowly, and relaxed.
Now, we have arrived at the same point in time as when we left the ‘Main Story Line’ for the ‘Missing Chapters’. See just how this is all fitting together? Like cogs in two wheels, meshing and connecting. Creating one stronger, than the two divided. Once I have shared all of the FIVE (A.B,C,D,E) you will see just how they all ‘happened at the same time’! Simultaneous scenes all part of one point in time. Our first of the five of the threads is Roger Marsch.
We leave Roger Marsch, for the moment, listening to classical music as he drives out to the carnival work site (coincidently his old home). Next week? I will share ‘Part 14 B’! I am not going to give any; spoiler, hints, or clues as to what is coming next. However, I will tell you, My Dear Readers, that the pages are already written! That’s right! I have already finished writing; 14B, 14C and 14D. All that is left is for me to proof the pages, edit out any mistakes and make sure that all the edges fit together… with one another.
My Dear Readers, by the time we are done with 14E? We will return to; Tom, Timmy and Archer in the truck and headed to the hospital. ‘Part 15’ will take us to the moment we left off at the end of ‘Part 13’! You will find out what is to happen with Timmy and his injuries. What lies ahead for Timmy and Archer, and just how all the five threads started in the ‘Parts 14’ all fit together like cogs in a wheel. They will mesh and fit just so exactly, My Dear Readers, that you will understand the ‘Method in my Madness’. When I started this story I wanted a challenge. I wanted to try and test my abilities as a creative writer. As well, as this was my first real venture into the genre of horror?
I wanted to see if I could use/work this genre in a way that I was able to stretch my abilities as a writer, and my creativity. I hope that all of you, My Dear Readers, enjoy this work. I hope that you are just as excited by what is to come… as I am! It is encouraging… that, as I am engaged in this wonderful story and stretching my creative abilities with this work. I am also beginning my fight against CANCER! It is fitting that as our heroes; Timmy and Archer fight the forces of evil in Mr. Dark. I, too, am fighting the forces of evil… in cancer!
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave!”
Thank YOU!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part 14-A – “Now, My Dear Readers, we are about to start with Part (Chapter or Episode) Fourteen! However, there is a trick with this chapter. A trick that has caused the delay in the publication of the next twenty to thirty pages of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. Part (or Chapter or Episode) Fourteen comes in FIVE PARTS! That’s right, one chapter in five parts. They will be designated 14; A, B, C, D, and E. Today we will start with Part 14A. Now, My Dear Readers, all of the five… sections of Part 14 ALL happen at the same time! That is correct! The next five weekly episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ happen (in the story world) SIMULTANEOUSLY!” This was/is the MUCH anticipated return to the Main story line of this wonderful horror story. As well, this particular chapter/episode has been a particular challenge to me, as a writer and as a publisher. If you read the excerpt above then you understand that I am (with the publication of this chapter) launching FIVE different timelines all at once! In time all FIVE will collide with each other… and what a wonderful episode that will be. ‘Oh, what tangled webs we weave!” […]