[caption id="attachment_3342" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today is Friday so a big ‘TGiF’ to everyone out there reading this blog! Just yesterday I was rummaging around my blog, looking at this and that, trying to glean some information about What you, My Dear Readers, are reading and what I can add or replicate to improve my traffic. Well, the best place to start for that kind of information is… Traffic Reports!
With the internet as sophisticated as it is, today, it is relatively easy to get all the information about your readerships traffic one could ever want to know. After only a few short moments, I was dropping my jaw in amazement at the numbers I was seeing! It seems, that while my nose was buried in; my word processor, my animation program, and my newsletter/Publisher program? My traffic has increased greatly! Not to be one to keep ‘Good News’ to myself, I have decided to share this ‘Good News’ with you, My Dear Readers!
So, to send you all off to a great and wonderful weekend I am going to publish some of the statistics I have gathered from these traffic reports. It has taken me some time, but I have managed to put together some pretty comprehensive statistics from both blog locations. Reminder; there are two locations for The Other Shoe – www.theothershoe.blog.com and www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com . Today I am going to do my level best to give you, My Dear Readers, an idea of just what population you belong and where in the world you all hail… from.
FYI… I just got really confused with all the reports and from the two blogs… I have these really bad headaches… then the pain kicks in, and I loose all trains of thought. My Dear Readers, I had to start all over! Now, I have the reports straightened out, which report goes to which blog, and they are uploaded! So, now I can continue with the article and I can give you the information without me getting confused! I really dislike this… I am already feeling a lack of concentration that I had just months ago. However, the blog ‘Must go On’ and so must my funding campaign.
First we are going to look at traffic for The Other Shoe @ Blog Dot Com:
[caption id="attachment_3416" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(The Other Shoe @ Blog Dot Com Jan-August 2014)
We can see that, in the past year, there have been 3,747 Page Views by 754 visitors over 1,950 sessions. Not bad for just the fisrt eight months of the year! Now, if you are one of My Dear Readers that regularly uses the Blog Dot Com location, you are in this statistic. Nice, huh? Next? LOCATIONS!
[caption id="attachment_3412" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Readers by Global Location August 2014)
For the month of August (well.. July 22-August 22 2014) you can see that My Dear Readers (That’s you) come from all over the globe! The most are from America with 252, next is the United Kingdom (England) with 14, then Germany weighs in with 8, India with 7, Australia with 4 and Canada with 4. Seems I am being read by My Dear Readers from all over the globe! Next, is just a little graphic of the globe and colors representing traffic.
[caption id="attachment_3413" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Global Readers by Map)
Our nest image is actually three reports represented in one graphic. Below is a representation of the ‘Active Users’ for; the past day, the past seven days, and the past thirty days. This is helpful for me to isolate patterns of visits and to see if I am growing traffic or loosing.
[caption id="attachment_3411" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Blog Dot Com Active Users for 1,7 & 30 Days)
Our ifnal iamge, for the Blog Dot Com location, is the traffic over just the past month. This is helpful for me to see if my current mix of articles is increasing or decreasing traffic. Looks like we are on a bit of an Upswing!
[caption id="attachment_3410" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Blog Dot Com location, Past Month’s Traffic)
Now, we are done with the My Dear Readers of/at Blog Dot Com and we will move over to Word Press. This started as my secondary blog location.. more of less a backup for when the Blog Dot Com location was not working. However… WOOF! This location at Word Press has really grown! I am quite proud to announce that my traffic at Word Pres is beating my traffic at Blog Dot Com!
Again, we are going to start by breaking down traffic by global location. There will be two graphics here, one of the past month and the second of the past year.
[caption id="attachment_3407" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Global Traffic Over Past Week @ Word Press)
Now, for the global traffic over the past year!
[caption id="attachment_3408" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Global Traffic Word Press for the Past YEAR)
To say that I am proud of this achievement is a gross understatement! That I have My Dear Readers all OVER the WORLD makes me very happy! I am proud that you come to read my blog, and happy that my words are traveling the globe! Thank YOU!
Finally my last two graphics are of overall traffic for; the past month and the past year. The high point comes at August 20th with OVER 41 visitors! Hands down the Word Pres location has far more traffic than my (original) BLog Dot Com location. This is a very pleasant turn of the tide. My Dear Readers at Word Press? You are now my primary… My Dear Readers! WELCOME!
[caption id="attachment_3409" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Word Press Location Traffic for Past Month)
Now for the past year!
[caption id="attachment_3406" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Word Press Location Traffic for the Past Year!)
And, with that, My Dear Readers, we come to the end of this journey of exploration. I always find these articles to be enlightening and helpful for me knowing what you want to read and where my readers are. I hope that you have enjoyed this adventure in traffic, and hope that it helps you to understand My Dear Readers!
Now, I have the difficult and unfortunate task as asking for your help. My Dear Readers I am on an adventure of my own. I am just starting my battle with Cancer! I have been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma! I apologize for my… bluntness… However, I am great with words but a man of limited financial means. What this means is that I simply must ask for your Help. In order to pay for my medication, transportation, treatments and better food for better health… (and I am sorry) I most implore… Please Donate to
Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo.[1]
EVERY PENNY will be spent FIGHTING my Cancer. With your HELP I stand a CHANCE of WINNING this BATTLE. Without you help… I will fail in my battle… PLEASE take just a moment and GIVE?
Thank you!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
Addendum: Some stray traffic numbers for Blog Dot Com -
Visitors BY location: 1,771 = America, 50 = England (UK), 30 = Brazil, 23 = Canada, 14 = Australia, 14 = cyprus, 13 = Germany, 13 = India and 12 = FRANCE! I am getting ALL OVER the GLOBE!!!
This is traffic from January 1, 2014 to August 21, 2014 for The Other Shoe at Blog Dot Com.
[…] The Other Shoe – BOTH Blogs – Traffic 2014 – “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today is Friday so a big ‘TGiF’ to everyone out there reading this blog! Just yesterday I was rummaging around my blog, looking at this and that, trying to glean some information about What you, My Dear Readers, are reading and what I can add or replicate to improve my traffic. Well, the best place to start for that kind of information is… Traffic Reports!” I have not published one of these ‘Traffic Report’ articles in many many months. However, I was just looking over the traffic reports for the Word Press location and I was struck by my international penetration! My Dear Readers, I had not realized just how many of you were from nations all over this globe! That you ARE; French, English, German, Indian, and Australian, just to name a few! I was so surprised and PROUD that my work is read around the world, I just HAD to share it with all my readers here in America… and Texas! I NEVER thought that my WORDS would reach round the world. Now I KNOW that they HAVE! […]