Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. This has been a long and strange week, indeed. What with my surgery and all of the traveling in preparation for the surgery. I am genuinely amazed that, in this week, I still managed to write and publish five articles and surpassed my previous record for published videos. Not a shabby performance for a guy worried about undergoing surgery, and if he might have cancer, not shabby at all.
Now, with the week at its end, we come to write and publish this review of my writing and publishing. I am greatly encouraged by the up tick in traffic, over the past two weeks. The blog is averaging fifty unique visitors per week, and that is up nearly double for the lull we experienced just two weeks ago. I know that I have not managed to publish, this week, any new material for ‘The Horror in Smithville’. For that, I express my deep regret. However, I do have pages already written. It is just a matter for editing these pages, and getting them into a format for publication. Here’s the rub.
The next episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ will be number fourteen, yet episode fourteen is split into four or five different places/plot lines. So, you see, there will be a; 14A, 14B, 14C, 14D and 14E episodes. Each of them will be between seven and ten pages in length. Each individual chapter is happening at the same time as the rest. We will be jumping from; in the truck with Timmy and Archer, in the Principal’s office with Truman and Barry, and at the Carnival job site… that is all I am going to tell you. Yet, I am sure that you can see the problem I face.
How am I to publish all these different plot lines and keep the same clock? I am certain that I will come to a resolution that works for me as a writer, and for you, My Dear Readers, as witness/readers. Oh, did you not realize that? You, My Dear Readers, are bearing witness to the birth of a writing career, we that is the ‘game plan’. For the past four years I have diligently worked these two blogs honing my writing skills. All so that I can, soon, submit my work to publishers in the hopes for finding one ready to take a chance on a new talent.
Well, that brings us to the whole point of today’s writing and publication. For all of you, My Dear Readers, that just do not seem to have the time to read my work during the week. Each, and every, week I put together this review of the week’s publications. This weekly review is the place for my busiest readers to catch-up with everything that has transpired in their favorite article series. This week, due to my surgery, is heavy on updates and videos. Here’s what happened…
- Notes From Behind the Keyboard – July 28th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I have, just now, sat down to write this edition of ‘Notes From behind the Keyboard’ for today and it is nearly 7PM Pacific Time. That means that, for all my readers in Mid-West and Texas, it is already 9PM. This is not how I had things planned out, for today. I really wanted to have this puppy published by 9PM Central time. Regardless I am going to write this and publish, tonight. Most likely I will promote this article tomorrow, Tuesday July 29th 2014.” This was written on a very busy day, as I was preparing for the appointment with my surgeon. I had all sorts of laundry and chores to manage to finish. Once I sat down, at my computer to write, it was very late in the day. Yet, I did not want the day to pass without having touched base with you, My Dear Readers. Regardless of if I publish, or not, each and every day I think of you, My Dear readers, and this blog. I worry that I have not written enough… not published enough… or that I have spent too much time away, and on myself. I just wish that there were more hours in the day.
- It’s A ‘Family Thing’ : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. It is a common human phenomenon, when faces with one’s (believed) end of life to look backward with clarity. Now, My Dear Readers, I have not received any new news. I have not, yet, had the surgery or biopsy. Yet, I find myself engaging in that behavior. Just today, while talking with one of the few best friends I have… that still calls me… still talks with me… that my condition has not scared away. We were talking and, somehow, I digressed and told James about how my parents met.” This article was motivated by a call from a good and old friend. While we talked I mentioned that my mother and father had met outside Los Alamos, New Mexico. My mother worked as a waitress at the local diner, my father worked on the ‘Manhattan Project’ specifically on the ‘Fat Boy’ bomb project on the base. MY mother used to tell me about Robert Oppenheimer, how he came in on a regular basis to eat in the diner. What kind of man he was, how he always was nice and friendly and that he tipped well. Then she would steer the conversation to a man, that always at in her station, which sat quietly and ate. That man was my father. My father worked as an X-Ray technician on the ‘Fat Man’ bomb project. His job was to X-Ray casing pieces to make sure there were no defects or impurities in the cast metal pieces. In the shadow of the construction of two ‘Devices of Death’ how a love was nourished and blossomed. This article is just a prelude, to the story yet to be written. Stay tuned!
- ‘The Horror in Smithville’ – The Story, So Far… : “Today, I am publishing this review of the first thirteen episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ so that you can all get caught-up on this wonderfully entertaining tale of horror and suspense. For the past two weeks I have taken you, My Dear Readers, on a bit of a side-trip. What I have labeled, as ‘The Missing Chapters’ is a cleaver way for me to interject some very important material, and add a whole other plot line and character development.” I did not/do not want you, My Dear Readers, to think that I had abandoned this project. It is very much alive and in the front of my mind as I navigate the trials and tribulations of the past and coming weeks. However, editing the pages I have finished and whipping them into a form for publication takes… well, more focus than I can seem to muster… right now. I have pages ‘ready’... already written. I know where the plot and characters are going… I have it all in my head and another twenty or so pages already written. Soon, I promise you, we will return to this wonderfully entertaining and suspenseful tale. There is so much more that I have planned… Wait and you will see.
- Headed to SURGERY! Or A Surgical Adventure! : “Welcome back My Dear Readers. It is Friday August 1st 2014. I am headed to Orange Coast Memorial for my surgery. Videos to post shortly. I will keep you posted.” And, I did! Over the next twelve hours I managed to chronicle the events of the day in four videos. Yes, I managed to publish five articles this week... moreover I manage to publish FIVE videos this week, too! My Dear Readers, I did my level bet to include you in the events, of my life, this week. I wanted to make sure that you had enjoyable and entertaining content to read, but I also wanted to make sure that you knew what I was going… through. I must say that I am very happy that ONE READER reached out and touched my life. Ian Cottier, a reader and follower of my blogs, actually sent me flowers from England! I am sitting looking at them, and smelling them, as I write this article. I am so deeply moved by his kindness and caring support! From across a great ocean, Ian reached out and touched my life, showing a level of caring and support… to which, I am not accustom. Few… have touched my life… this way. Thank YOU, Ian Cottier!
- Notes From Behind the Keyboard – Post Surgery : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I am happy to announce that my surgery “went well” and that “we got all of…” the “growth” that had made its home on my face. I am now sporting; stitches, a ‘butterfly’ bandage, and one of those really big waterproof bandages on my face. If you watch the video, below, then you will see the large waterproof bandage. I am still in quite a bit of pain, surgery on your face is particularly painful as we have so many nerves in our faces.” Even today, Sunday, I am still in a great deal of pain. I am barely able to, now, eat and chew food without entering into a daze of pain. I know, that in a few days, the pain will subside and I will be able to return to a normal life and schedule. I am happy for the weekend and the two days of rest. I sit here, hoping that the biopsy results... are kind. That, My Dear Readers, is what worries me most, now. Did I mention? As they prepared me for surgery, they took my temperature… the nurse used one of those things they rub across you forehead, and aksed “Are you burning up?” I said, “Not really... but I do have a bit of a fever, I think…” Seems I had a fever of 99.8 degrees. They went ahead with the surgery, but it just proved the point I have been trying (desperately) to make to my doctors for weeks. I am running low-grade fevers all the time! I have little appetite, I am easily fatigued, and I have persistent lethargies. That, My Dear Readers, is why I fear that I may have cancer. These symptoms, and the results from the blood test, both point to that possible condition. I sit… and wait… to know the truth. The flowers really help!
That, My Dear Readers, brings us to the end of this week and this weekly review. Now, I generally write a bit more… talk and stuff. However, I am so very tired and sick feeling. I just want to lay in bed… look at the flowers Ian sent… and watch TV going in and out of sleep all day. Oh, and Allen bought me roses!
This is the first time ever that I have had a medical problem... surgery or the like and actually anyone sent me flowers! My brother… well he just has never really been that way with me. It’s cool… I understand. I am, like, outside, the family. It’s my role… I’ll own it. Isn’t going to stop me from writing about it, though. J
I hope that everyone had a good and productive week, and an enjoyable weekend. I will write just as soon as I know anything… or feel better. Take Care!
Thank YOU! (Again, Ian Thank YOU for the flowers!)
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