Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today, the day I am writing this article, is Monday August 25th, 2014. Just a couple of hours ago I finished publishing ‘The Mars Report’ for this week. Now, I am going to try to write and prep this week’s edition of ‘Lost in Space’, too. I am doing all this, on Monday, because tomorrow I have an appointment with my ‘new’ Oncologist.
My concern is that… once I am home, from the visit, that… well, news from this visit just might not leave me in a mood to write and/or publish. So, the smart thing to do would be to try to write Tuesday’s article… now. That way I do not have a lull in my publication(s) and not put a hole in my schedule. With my blog traffic at all new highs (139 per week at Blog Dot Com and 219 per week at Word Press) I do not want to be miss publishing any days. Even though traffic at my blogs has not = $$$$ at my campaign… I do believe that increased traffic could result in more donations. That, and I am really happy/proud that I have over three hundred visitors a week between both blog locations.
Never have so many people read my work, each and every week. Figures, I am diagnosed with cancer, and my traffic goes through the roof! Now, if I can just find a way to convince you, My Dear Readers, that; my need is genuine, my cancer is quite real, that I am about a poor as one can be, that your money will be well spent, and that without your help… my life will be greatly shortened. Well, then just maybe I will garner the support I require and donations will start.
Last week I featured the planet Neptune in that edition of ‘Lost in Space’ the ‘Solar Systme Tour’. Today, we move one more planet forward (toward the Earth and Sun) and visit the planet Uranus! Now, for some of my more casual readers? It may appear (at first glance) that I am writing about the same planet. “Why?” You may ask. Because both Neptune and Uranus are both ‘large blue orbs’ at the outer rim of our solar system. At first glance they may appear to look the same, yet they are not.
Uranus has the forth largest mass of all the planets in our solar system. Whereas, Neptune has the third largest mass. Uranus is the third largest planet and Neptune is the forth largest planet. Ok, they could be paternal twins. I admit that and can see just how a lot of people might mistake a photo of one for the other/ Except for one reason.
Uranus has TWENTY-SEVEN moons! That’s right twenty-seven moons orbit our current star of ‘Lost in Space’! Now, that does kind of pale in comparison to; Jupiter’s SIXTY-THREE moons, and Saturn’s SIXTY-ONE moons. But, when comparing Neptune’s thirteen moons to Uranus’ twenty-seven moons, one can see that it would be hard to mistake Uranus for Neptune if you could see their moons. Below is an image of some of the twenty-seven moons that orbit Uranus. The names of the five largest moons are; Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. There is, also, Puck, Corderllia, Belinda, Ophellia, Portia, Bianca, Desdemona, Cressida, Juliet, Rosalind, Cupis, Sycorax, Perdita, Caliban, Prospero, Trinculo, Setebos, Margaret (my Mon’s name), Mab, Ferdinand, Francisco and Stephano[1]
[caption id="attachment_3450" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Moons of Uranus)
Next an image of the moons of Uranus with them the ones picture, named! I do not know just why I included both of these images… nor do I understand why I chose to include both images. Most likely I just enjoyed the images of the moons of Uranus and wanted something to break up the many pictures of Uranus where it looks so much like Neptune. That’s my story, and I am sticking with it!
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(The moons of Uranus… NAMED!)
Yes, My Dear Readers, I am very tired. I am in a lot of pain, in my neck… and there is this new pain… on my right side… just above my belt that wraps around to my back. It was so bad, yesterday, that (at times) I couldn’t see straight due to the pain. I am willing to bet that, at some point, the oncologist will tell me what is the source of the pain. I am afraid that it is related to the cancer… and that it is, like, my spleen. Anywho, the pain is intractable (I can’t seem to get rid of it) and it is messing with my concentration and focus.
For our next image, My Dear Readers, I am sharing a cross-section of the planet Uranus. Since the examinations of Uranus by Voyager 2, back in January of 1986, were the closest and best examinations of this distant planet. I am quite amazed that we have all this information on the structure of the inner planet. Anyways, below is a cross-section of the planet Uranus.
[caption id="attachment_3448" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Cross-Section of the planet Uranus)
AS you can clearly see the outer atmosphere of Uranus is quite thick and makes up nearly) a full third of the visualized size of the planet. Underneath the outer and inner atmospheres is the mantle of Uranus. Uranus is made up of, primarily, water, ammonia, and methane ices and beneath that is the core of silicate rock.
Now, until I started ‘The Mars Report’ and ‘Lost in Space’ I was not (completely) aware that Uranus has a ring! It is clear that these outer planets; Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus all have lots of moons and… rings. As I have explained in my articles the rings are where the many moons originated and that the remaining dust and debris that make up these rings could (in time) add to their collection of moons. Now, that is not about to happen in our lifetimes, but it is quite viable. Below is one of the best images I could find of the ring of Uranus. ENJOY!
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(Uranus with its ring)
It is now about 10PM PDT, here on Monday night, and I am very tired and my pain is just shooting all around my waist and in my neck. If there were anyone around to hear it, I just might be screaming in pain. I guess it is a ‘Good Thing’ (for my neighbors) that I am alone most of the time… day and night. Now, My Dear Readers, we come to our final image of the day. In this final image of Uranus we have a ‘False-color’ image of Uranus and its ring. This image was (one of few) taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. It was taken as part of an experiment to map heat-index of the surface of Uranus and its ring. The darker the color in this image displays the cooler temperatures. The darkest red shows us the coldest parts of the planet, and that the ring is quite cold, too.
I have included this image because it is one of the few that shows… well, some differences on the planet. So many of the images of Uranus just look like all blue! I know that there is more to this wonderful and exciting planet, and I choose this image to try to portray those differences.
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(‘False-color' Image of Uranus and its Ring)
That brings us, My Dear Readers, to the end of this edition of ‘Lost in Space – Solar System Tour’ here at The Other Shoe. As always, I hope that you have enjoyed your time here, today. As well, I hope that you have learned a little something, too. It is always my intent to not only entertain and dazzle with ‘eye-candy’ but to, also, leave you, My Dear readers, with more information that when you arrived. I do enjoy giving people something to think about. Come back, next week, for the next edition of ‘Lost in Space’ we will visit Saturn!
I am looking forward, to this edition, because I just love the rings of Saturn. So, be sure to drop by this time next week, for our adventure to Saturn!
Now, My Dear Readers, I would like to ask for just a moment of your time. My Dear Readers, I would like to be here and sharing my work… my horror stories, my sharing of Mars and our solar system… and the wonderful images from Hubble… for many years to come. However, last week I got some news that, well, runs the risk of putting the kabosh on those plans. As many of you, My Dear Readers, know I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I am willing and ready to battle this cancer.
I just lack the means to put up the fight! I am not a ‘wealthy’ man… far from it. Eleven years ago I found myself unable to walk... and work. Since then I have been making it ‘hand-to-mouth’ and month to month with little wiggle room. Now, this battle with cancer requires of me a means that I am without. Therefore, I have started a campaign, at Indiegogo, to help me garner support to fight this cancer.
Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund is my way up garnering the support I need to fight this cancer. Without your help… I will not survive… for long. As little as six to twelve months. However, with your help? I could push that clock back to ten to TWELVE YEARS! I want to live for years more not months more. Would you PLEASE help me fight and WIN this battle against Cancer?
To help? Just click on the ad, below, and make a contribution. As well, I am offering a FREE MONTH of the ‘All New’ The Other Shoe NEWSLETTER! For any/all contributions $20 or more! Please Help ME battle my Cancer!
Thank YOU!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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[…] Lost in Space – Solar System Tour – Uranus : “Last week I featured the planet Neptune in that edition of ‘Lost in Space’ the ‘Solar Systme Tour’. Today, we move one more planet forward (toward the Earth and Sun) and visit the planet Uranus! Now, for some of my more casual readers? It may appear (at first glance) that I am writing about the same planet. “Why?” You may ask. Because both Neptune and Uranus are both ‘large blue orbs’ at the outer rim of our solar system. At first glance they may appear to look the same, yet they are not.” Two weeks, in a row, we have featured a large blue orb, in out “Tour of the Solar System’. These two large blue orbs hang in the night sky, like two marbles that a giant has lost in the sky. Neptune and Uranus are the two huge blue marbles in our night sky, and I have hosted them here in this edition of ‘Lost in Space’. This article series is just under a year old, yet it is one of the favorite of many of you, My Dear Readers. Each and every week I work to write, share and publish images and science meant to trigger you imaginations and fuel your desire for more. More space exploration, more images from other worlds, more that help lift us from this earthy and put us among the starts. Where man truly belongs! […]