Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. With the publication of this article I exceed my greatest expectations for; writing, editing, and publication for a single week. In this week I have; written/edited/published eight articles for The Other Shoe, designed and published an ‘All NEW’ Newsletter for The Other Shoe, and designed and published All NEW business cards for The Other Shoe & Danny’s Cancer Treatment Find @ Indiegogo[1], Launched a funding campaign to raise the monies I need to battle my Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer and spent 10-14 hours everyday online promoting the campaign and The Other Shoe. Right now, Allen is at work (at Kohl’s in Huntington Beach) as a cashier and he is handing out copies of the ‘ALL NEW’ newsletter & Business Card to any/all concerned customers.
I was only able to afford a dozen color copies of the newsletter, so he has only a dozen of the newsletter/business card handouts available. Just yesterday I published a copy of the current week’s newsletter. The ‘The Other Shoe’ newsletter will be published weekly on Sunday. It will contain all of the articles that were publishing the current week. I am not ‘ahead of the game’ enough to be publishing the newsletter ahead of the blog. Once I am done with the first course of chemotherapy I hope to be able to publish the newsletter with highlights from the current week’s articles.
That way the newsletter will act as a teaser for the blog, instead of a newspaper of the blog. One step at a time. Since I have already published the current week’s newsletter, I thought it best that I (as well) publish the newly designed business cards! My Dear Readers I really am quite surprised at all the work I have managed to accomplish in this week. I am very proud of myself… and very ashamed of my progress with the cancer treatment funding campaign. You see I was really hoping that Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo[2] would have garnered more than just a single ten-dollar donation. Do not get me wrong, My Dear Readers, I blame myself for this complete and utter failure.
I do not understand exactly what I am doing wrong. However, I mean to discover the source of my failure and correct it. I know that everyone understands that if this campaign fails to raise enough funds… I will not be able to receive my chemotherapy treatments. That would result in greatly diminishing my ability to fight this cancer, and leave me with a greatly reduced lifespan. How many of you, My Dear Readers, have watched ‘Breaking Bad’? It is a wonderful television show, with particular relevance today for me. Because, you see, ‘Walter’ and I suffer similar fates. Walter was diagnosed with cancer, only to find out that his health insurance would not properly/completely cover his chemotherapy.
‘Walter’ reacted by deciding to manufacture crystal methamphetamines, to garner the financial support he required to properly fight his cancer. Even though I was thoroughly trained as a Pharmacy Technician… I have decided against the manufacture of crystal methamphetamines as a solution to my financial problem. I know I am failed to act in a way as to be completely self-supportive by making this choice not to break the law and manufacture & distribute methamphetamines. I accept my failure and if that is the reason, why, all of my friends and family have chosen to not support my fight against cancer? I accept my fate.
However, I just could not ‘see my way clear’ to engage in the manufacture and distribution of crystal methamphetamines to pay for my cancer treatment. I guess that some might see that as selfish and that I am weak for choosing to work in this fashion to raise the support I need. I cannot help what others think of me. Rather than break the law I have chosen to; write, edit, publish and promote my creative works and The Other Shoe. I just did not want to die of cancer in jail. I know that some might see this as selfish and refuse to show me support by donating to Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo.
That is a cross I am prepared to bear. However, My Dear Readers, I am not slouching! This week I have managed to; write, edit, publish the most articles (content) I have in the past year! Further, I have also developed the campaign web site, designed and published the newsletter, and (now) designed and published a business card for the blog, myself, and the funding campaign. Short of holding a bank (or airport) hostage, to get television exposure for my need and my campaign I am doing everything I can! I am at a complete and total loss as to why I have only garnered the support of one friend. I am reconsidering Walt’s choice.
Next week I have an appointment with my new Oncologist, on Tuesday, and I am trying to schedule the PET scan for Friday. I am working has hard as I can and as quickly as I am able. With all good fortune, and me keeping the pressure on the healthcare providers? I hope to be starting chemotherapy week after next. Oh, there is the surgery to implant a Port-A-Cath ®[3] prior to the start of chemotherapy. However, my surgeon is already aware of my need and tells me that he can “get you scheduled the same week you call, Mr. Hanning… just for you!” I have a very good relationship with my Hem-Onc (Hematology/Oncology) surgeon. Barring any unforeseen obstacles, I should be starting chemotherapy by the end of the second week in September.
That, My Dear Readers, is why I am more than just a little bit ANXIOUS! If I am going to be able to request the ‘better Chemotherapy’ drug (cocktail) then I will have to be able to produce a deposit for the Chemotherapy Center where I will receive my treatment. You see, My Dear Readers, these type of centers? Do not ‘work on credit’… their clientele have TERMINAL CANCER and they demand payment at the time of treatment. That puts me in a ‘pretty pickle’, My Dear Readers. Ten dollars is… and I apologize for being so… up-front and honest… will NOT buy much of the ‘Good Stuff’.
There is my predicament… Now, back to the fun stuff. Below is the Front of the All New business card that I designed for The Other Shoe and Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo. Check it out!
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(The Other Shoe Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund Card – Front)
And, so as to not waste any space I designed and printed a back for the cards, too.
[caption id="attachment_3424" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(The Other Shoe Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund Card – Back)
I have attached these, freshly printed, business cards to color copies of the (all new) newsletter. Allen is handing out a dozen, at work, and I am in the process of printing more for us to hand out… while we are at doctor’s appointments, PET scans and the like. Aside from selling my organs I am at a bit of a loss. A loss as to just how I am to raise the financial support I require. I require to help with the costs of; transportation (I am without my won car), the ‘Better’ chemotherapy drugs (That assure longer life than 6-18 months), time OFF from work for Allen so that he CAN help me GET to the treatments and appointments, better food than frozen burritos and frozen dinners, medications and treatments (that are NESSECARY but) NOT covered by my Medicare/Medi-Cal, and any/all other (foreseen and unforeseen) expenditures associated with the treatment of/for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer.
My Dear Readers, I would stay and try to convince… persuade… beg some more, but my pain has become (literally) blinding. I am going to publish this article, then just as soon as I can ‘see’ again. I will begin work on ‘A Week in Review’ for publication today. That will bring my total to 9 or TEN articles in one week! You see, My Dear Readers, I am pushing myself just as hard as I can! Oh, for everyone that is thinking of helping? I was asked, this week, “Why don’t you get a job… and pay YOURSELF for your treatment?”
I very good question. However, right now I am classified by the: Social Security Administration, Medicare, the State of California, Medi-Cal, and Orange County Social Services as ‘Permanently Disabled’ due to/arising out of “a head injury August 1987, Degenerative Disc Disease secondary to head injury, loss of feeling/control left foot lower leg & left hand lower arm”. If I were to return to work and earn a wage? I would, then, be responsible for; $1,775.00 a month in prescription medications (NOT including chemotherapy medications and medications secondary to chemotherapy), PCP appointments = $375.00 quarterly, Oncologist Appointment = $575.00 to $1,200.00 TWICE to THREE TIMES a MONTH, Chemotherapy Costs = $1,700.00 to $3,2000.00 a WEEK (for 3 time a week therapy) AND I would LOOSE the $943.00 a month in Social Security Income. As well, I am sure that ALL the listed agencies would WONDER just How/WHY I am suddenly ABLE to WORK!
There is that. So, I am/have been disabled since July 29, 2005. IF I start working for anyone I will loose all my benefits and be responsible FOR all the costs outlined above. I am hoping that that answers that question. Thank you for your time and consideration in asking that question.
My Dear Readers, I will try my hardest to be back tonight with ‘A Week in Review’. Until then? PLEASE CONSIDER: Clicking on the AD BELOW… and DONATING… ‘Sharing’ this article AND my Campaign on Facebook/Twitter/Pintrerst/MySpace/____ all other social media. I am in genuine need… and any/all help is greatly appreciated.
Thank YOU!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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