Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I want to thank everyone that has dropped by, this past week. As my treatment has gone forward, my writing has gone backward. I just do not feel up to writing, in between puking. I am writing this article, ‘Sunday Funnies’ and a brief ‘A Week in Review’ today. Then I am going to get some more much needed rest. I am writing this article, first, so that I can get something off my chest.
As I stated above, I have curtailed my chemotherapy… “until further notice”. Reason: Between the ‘staging’ appointments, tests/scans and doctor’s appointments? Allen ended up with two paychecks each less than $60.00! Problem: Allen and I cannot live on that little money. Taken forward, if we had continued we would not have enough money left over, after; food, phone bills, and internet to pay our rent.
That made thing pretty darn simple, from my standpoint. Either the treatments and appointments ended or Allen, Alex, and I would be homeless. Doesn’t take too much higher math skills to figure this one out. Now for those that are tempted to ‘nit pick’ my budget? Don’t! Our ‘budget’ is a bare-boned as one can have. I only eat once a day and the4 same goes for Allen. Though I try to make sure that he eats more than I do, because he is working two jobs.
There is no ‘play-room’ in our bills or expenses. Especially not enough ‘wiggle’ room for me to continue having Allen miss work to get me to and from appointments and treatments. You see, I explained all this; in the campaign ‘Mission Statement’, here on my blog, on Facebook and pretty much everywhere. “Either I raise the funds I need for; Transportation, Allen missing work to help me, and associated costs of treatment “or I stop treatment”! Here we are.
You might notice that I have, again, started putting the ‘The Other Shoe eBay Store’ links at the bottom of all my publications. “YES!” I am trying to sell anything I OWN to make ‘ends meet’. If ‘I am lucky’ I will garner enough money, ny the 5th of October, to pay my rent.
So, here we are, just as I had predicted and feared. I am not sure just why nobody has reached out and donated. I know ‘what people are telling me’… but, I dare not think it true. Regardless of why I have reached the ‘end of my rope’ and find myself wedged between a rock and a hard place. I have given up treatment in hopes that I can manage to get October’s rent paid.
This next week I hope to publish (most) of the regular articles that everyone enjoys. I will do my best to push past… and get some articles written. This week… well, it was just not gonna happen.
That’s it, that’s all. I have done everything that I can imagine, and I am quite bereft of any ideas how to move forward and continue my treatment. I had really hoped that the campaign would garber support that I could use to replace income, and battle this cancer head on. Not going to happen… obviously.
To the TWO people that did Help? “Thank YOU!” that’s that. Have a great Sunday.
Thank YOU!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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