Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. My love for Alex knows no bounds. Alex’s love for me, knows no bounds. So long as I am alive Alexander R Hanning will live a blessed life. He will want for nothing and spend his days; eating, playing, and sleeping beside his Daddy. He is a wonderful young rat, and his time with me has been special.
Here is, yet another, video of Alexander R Hanning building/repairing/ improving one of his many homes.
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Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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[…] Sunday Funnies – September 14th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. My love for Alex knows no bounds. Alex’s love for me, knows no bounds. So long as I am alive Alexander R Hanning will live a blessed life. He will want for nothing and spend his days; eating, playing, and sleeping beside his Daddy. He is a wonderful young rat, and his time with me has been special.” Alex is such a beautiful and wondrous animal, a gift to my family and now… to the world! Alex and I just love sharing our antics, together, and… in time, will continue. Alexander is beside himself. He loves his Daddy Daniel, so very much and to see him suffer, gives him paws. […]