Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Now, My Dear Readers, I have always wrote and published for the largest possible audience. Seems to me that the greatest accomplishment for a writer, of any kind, is to have their work read by the largest possible audience. Sure, Domestic audiences are great, it is gratifying to have the people you grew up with read and like your work. Although, the greatest test of a writer’s chops (it would seem to me… as logical) would be so demonstrate that one’s work has international appeal. If you, My Dear readers, have been a long-time reader of this blog, what I am about to publish will be rather familiar.
Every so often I go to Google Analytics(for traffic numbers on The Other Shoe at blog dot com) and the Traffic Analysis for Word Press and check to see… well, what IS my ‘International Appeal’? Quite good, as a matter of fact! As I look over this past month’s international numbers I quickly see that my reach abroad is the highest level ever! Not only is my blog read in more countries, than ever before, but more people are reading my blog in these countries. There are two sets of numbers, one for each blog location. As I present the images of the report(s) I will give a brief explanation of the image you are about to view.
Now, one salient fact that might come in handy. If you are having problems seeing the; numbers, country names, or any other old fact or number? Go over the the secondary blof location, over at Word Press (www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com). Once there, click on the image you hare having difficulty reading or seeing. Once clicked the blog will being up a larger image that is (generally) easier to read and see. This is true for all articles, and all images regardless of the article. That is a good factoid to keep in mind, My Dear readers, for future reference.
Our first image for today is from the traffic report from The Other Shoe at Word Press (www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com) for the month between August 29th and September 24th, 2014. In this image each day’s traffic is represented by a vertical line, with a dark bar inside a lighter bar. The light blue bar represents the numbers of views and the darker blue bar represents the number of individual visitors. When the bar, for a certain day, has a larger light blue area, that means that each visitor viewed and read several pages or posts. Conversely, when the darker blue bar takes up the majority of the lighter blue bar, that means that each visitor read only one or two pages or posts. By ‘Best’ day, shown in this graphic, was this past Thursday September 25th, 2014. On that day I had thirty-eight visitors and they viewed a total of Seventy-Seven pages or posts. Meaning that each and every visitor viewed/read at least two pages or posts. That was a ‘Good Day’ for my secondary blog location at Word Press.
[caption id="attachment_3679" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Traffic Report for The Other Shoe at Word Press)
Now, I only copied two report pages, for The Other Shoe at Word Press this month. Our next image, for my Word Press location, show the International Traffic! This is the most important information, for the purposes of this article. As I explained, above, I genuinely believe that the true measure of a writer is his broader appeal. A writer whose work is read in a great many nations, countries, has demonstrated greater ability via broader appeal. It is very easy to write for just one geographic area, one mindset, and one group of people. Far more difficult is to refine and enhance one’s writing abilities to reach/entertain larger and larger groups of people. I am hoping that publishers understand and appreciate this ability, too! J Below, a color graphic of the world with areas colored in where my blogs was read. The lower part of the graphic gives us a number break-down, by country, of just how many visitors per nation or country.
[caption id="attachment_3678" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Global Traffic by Color – Secondary Location)
Here is the number break-down of the International Traffic for ONE month – August 29th to September 26th – The Other Shoe @ Word Press (www.theothersshoe.wrdpress.com)
Nation: Visitors:
United States | 925 |
United Kingdom | 54 |
India | 30 |
Australia | 27 |
Canada | 16 |
Philippines | 15 |
South Africa | 12 |
Japan | 10 |
Republic of Korea | 9 |
France | 9 |
Mexico | 8 |
Thailand | 7 |
Saudi Arabia | 5 |
Spain | 5 |
Argentina | 5 |
New Zealand | 5 |
Germany | 4 |
United Arab Emirates | 4 |
Qatar | 4 |
Ireland | 4 |
Poland | 4 |
Brazil | 3 |
Kuwait | 3 |
Bulgaria | 3 |
Pakistan | 3 |
Hong Kong | 3 |
Portugal | 3 |
Egypt | 3 |
New Caledonia | 2 |
Russian Federation | 2 |
Costa Rica | 2 |
Netherlands | 2 |
Turkey | 2 |
Switzerland | 2 |
Romania | 2 |
Malaysia | 1 |
Czech Republic | 1 |
Sri Lanka | 1 |
Hungary | 1 |
Jordan | 1 |
Serbia | 1 |
Taiwan | 1 |
Finland | 1 |
Colombia | 1 |
Norway | 1 |
Macao | 1 |
Bahrain | 1 |
Papua New Guinea | 1 |
Jamaica | 1 |
Marshall Islands | 1 |
Lebanon | 1 |
Cyprus | 1 |
Israel | 1 |
Sweden | 1 |
Indonesia | 1 |
TOTAL: 1,207
That brings us to the end of the information and graphics I have to share for the secondary blog location for The Other Shoe (www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com). If you have any questions, or comments, place them in the ‘Comments’ section of this article. As I monitor all threads and articles I will get back to you ASAP and do my best to answer any questions and/or respond to any/all comments/suggestions.
Now, on with the primary location for my blog The Other Shoe (www.theothershoe.blog.com). Here, My Dear Readers, I am forced to admit. Admit that my secondary blog location is actually the busier location of the two. My primary blog location, at this time, just does not have as much/more visit or visitors as the secondary location. This is troubling, to me, for more reasons that one. The primary location has been active for more than four years. I have invested far more money in advertising and publicity for the primary location. More articles, longer web presence, and more $$$ spent on ads and promotions should equal the busier blog. It just is not the way. ‘The best laid plans of mouse and men’. Right?
The very first image, for this blog location, is the overall traffic for the blog for the month ending September 25th, 2014. I would like to make on fact well known. During the past month (past TWO months, past three months, past year) my primary location has been DOWN more days/weeks than I care to count. This blog location has real difficulties staying up! Within any given month I would have to say, honestly, there are at least ten to twelve days that the nlog is inaccessible! This is very discouraging and upsetting. As well, each and every time I go to run a funding campaign? It seems like the blog location goes down more often and for longer! My Dear Readers, this is the reason I have (often) spoken of getting my OWN URL, Web Hosting, and Blog software and leaving blog dot com behind! However, right now I am having terrible difficulties just trying to raise funds to Battle My CANCER!
That battle… and the fund raiser for getting my own blog location, hosting and software will have to just come another day… maybe a long long time away… L Right now, the next graphic shows the overall traffic at blog dot com for the month ending September 25th, 2014.
[caption id="attachment_3677" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Overall Traffic Numbers TOS Blog Dot Com)
Now, for the International traffic numbers! As with my secondary blog location, one can clearly and easily see that my work is read in nearly a dozen nations! It is with a great deal of pride that I share this information! Below, International Traffic as represented in a color graphic of the world.
[caption id="attachment_3675" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Global Traffic TOS Blog Dot Com)
Our next graphic shows us the number of visitors, and corresponds to the color graphic above. My work, at this location, is read in; England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, India, Brazil, Argentina, and Denmark just to name a few. If you, My Dear Readers, look carefully below you can see just how many people came and read my work from these countries.
[caption id="attachment_3676" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(International Traffic By The Numbers Primary Location)
My Dear Readers, those are the graphics and numbers I came here tonight to share. However, I want to make sure that everyone understands WHY I am sharing this information. It is NOT to ‘brag’! I know that some will think that regardless of what I say or write. Let me tell you the truth of the WHY I share these graphics and numbers.
I want you, My Dear Readers, to understand that you are part of an international community! That each and every time you come and read my work, you make yourself a part of an international audience. You become a part of a larger whole, and take a step away from being a pawn of just American news and information. In essence you take s step towards being a citizen of the world!
You are exposing yourself to material that has an international audience. In doing you graduate from being a domestic consumer and begin the journey towards being an international citizen/consumer. It has taken me many years to develop a style of writing, a stable of regular articles, and a library of works that have the international appeal. This is a ‘Good Thing’. Being a part of a larger world, and an international community is an enviable trait and one that will serve you well for years and decades to come.
That is my reason for gathering and sharing this information to all of you, My Dear Readers. Conversely to sharing this information, I could just gather the information, save the graphics to my hard drive, and view time and time again, alone. That is not who I am. I am a “gregarious person” just as a very good old friend was quoted saying about me. I have, always, sought to be a player in a larger audience. I would much rather be ‘A little fish in a big pond’ than ‘A big fish in a little pond’. Not a lot o people… well, a majority of people seek out the opportunity to be the ‘big fish in a little pond’.
Further, people that are born in; smaller towns, smaller communities, in less populated states often cherish their status in the ‘smaller pond’ rather than moving to another state and/or a metropolitan setting. Challenging themselves, and their abilities, against large numbers of equally talented and educated people in these larger states, communities and metropolitan settings. I think this is why I left for Southern California just as soon as I was able, and why I kept returning. I am very proud that I was; the #1 Leasing Agent for a large Beverly Hills property Management company, the #1 Pharmacy Technician for a very large hospital (996 beds) in a metropolitan city.
Until; my severe accident, my nerve root damage, my spinal stenosis, my loss of use of left hand/arm and left leg, and now my battle with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I, continually, set my self in contest with larger and larger communities. While I was working as a Property Manager (of Three Properties) in Beverly Hills? During my off time I competed in National Ladder Tournaments in PC-FPS gaming. During the summer of 2002 I placed (for two weeks) as #1 in a National Ladder Tournament For F.E.A.R. on Gamespy. I missed a whole ten , of competition, due to leaving Westwood for Northern California to train Leasing Agents at another property. Even with missing ten days of competition? By the end of the Tournament I placed #7 (down from THREE WEEKS at #1) competing against hundreds of other (younger) FPS players! Accomplished while managing three properties ALONE and training ‘new’ Leasing Agents all over California from Walnut Creek to San Diego.
So, My Dear Readers, I think that you can (now) understand why I place incredible demands on myself… now in writing. However, no matter how well I write… IF I am unable to afford to fight, battle and BEAT my Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma? My international appeal as a blog writer… is of little consequence. That is WHY I continue to; ask, request, beseech, implore and (yes, even) BEG for YOUR Donations and SUPPORT! My funding campaign, Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo IS my way of securing the financial support that is required to battle and BEAT THIS CANCER!
Without your, My Dearest Readers, SUPPORT my writing will halt. My days will be numbered, and none of us will know what great works I might have brought into this world! That is WHY this WEEKEND I WILL be WORKING this Campaign just as HARD and INTENSLY as POSSIBLE! If you have already donated? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! If you have NOT? WHY? PLEASE take a moment and LOOK at the images, READ the ‘Mission Statement’, Doctor’s reports, PATHOLOGY Reports and CONSIDER CAREFULLY! PLEASE?
My life is in YOUR, My Dearest Readers, merciful HANDS! I beseech YOU! To PLEASE take a moment and PLEASE DONATE to my campaign to raise the funds I desperately NEED to fight… to BATTLE this Cancer… and WIN! With YOUR HELP I CAN BEAT THIS CANCER!
Thank YOU!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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