Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. This week I will be very much engrossed in; scans, tests, appointments, and a surgery. I do not think I will have the strength and the focus to write they I have and the way I enjoy. To all of you, My Dear Readers, I sincerely apologize for this… vacuum in my body of work here at The Other Shoe. Today marks the end of two weeks working at my campaign to raise the money I need to successfully fight my cancer. Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo[1] needs your support.
This is the beginning of ‘The Story of Daniel’. This is the beginning of my life. Read… and Enjoy!
Episode One - The Beginning
I was born, November 20, 1957, @ St. Joseph’s Hospital in Houston Texas. My first year of life I spent on 'Foster Street' in Houston Texas, while my parents had our family's new home built. In November 1958 my family moved to 5757 Thrush Street in an area refereed to as 'Beldart', right off of South Park Blvd. I grew up and attended Mading Elementary, where I made many good friends; Desiree Kahlee and Walt LaVern to name the ones I remember most. My family attended South Park Baptist Church, where I was Baptized and my father (Kenneth Urban Hanning) served as an Usher and sometimes Deacon.
Very early, even before we moved to Pearland, I was a Cub Scout. My Mother (Margaret Nora Hanning) served as 'Den Mother' for my Cub Scout pack and Dad served as the Troop's treasurer. I remember going to the 'Blue & Gold' banquets (held in the Cafeteria of Madding elementary) and it was in that same room that I 'graduated' from Cub Scouts to Webelows. I remember the night that I turned in my Cub Scout cap and scarf and received my Webelow cap and scarf.
The Cub Scouts taught me the importance of; self reliance, respect of elders and community, and that knowledge is power. At the same time that I was learning these lessons in Scouts, I was learning even more in my Father's garage. My father was an X-Ray technician for three orthopedic surgeons in the Herman Professional Building in Houston. They were the 'Herman Associates' group. Dr.(s); Hutcherson, Moore and Baker. When my father came home from work, he had dinner with the family only to then go to work in our garage. My father ran a small business out of our garage. We were the owners and operators of 'K. & M. Electronics' (Ken and Margie). My father repaired; radios, televisions, clocks and record players, HAM radios and transmitters, teletype machines and pretty much everything if he could get the schematics. When work was done he spent time on his Ham radio. This garage is where I learned electronics and satisfied my curiosity for 'HOW' things worked. It was also 'how' our family could afford a 'Summer Vacation' every year. It also forced me to see just how 'Large' our world was outside our little corner.
My father taught me that a hobby could help create financial security for a family, that a father's work was never done, and that 'self-reliance' was not a burden, it was an honor. I helped my father, every night, in that garage. Once my homework was done and all my chores, I would ask my mother "Can I go out and help Dad?". "Yes' she would respond "But try not to get in his way, and be careful!" (Even at this young age, I seemed to have a bit of a problem being in the wrong place, at the wrong time) I would go out and, if Dad was working on some electronics I would, hold a light for him, or hold the solder as he replaced parts in a broken radio or television.
I was an unusually curious boy. My father used to say (a lot) "Look with your eyes, not your fingers" and "There are no eyeballs in the tips of your fingers!" Reason being, seemingly on a regular basis, I got shocked and electrocuted. It was not a fault of my father; it was just the sharp end of my curiosity getting the better of me. But I learned. I learned basics of electronics, I learned how to use the tools, I learned about the larger world outside our garage, our city, our state and our nation. I learned, at six and seven, where China was and the U.S.S.R. and India and Japan. I heard the voices of people from these far away lands as they crackled over the speaker from my father's ham radio receiver.
I remember helping my father erect his first fifty foot aluminum tower in the back yard (on Thrush Street), and watched as he and friends lifted his first 'Di-Pole' antenna to the top of that tower. Late at night, I would sit by the window in my room and look up at the red blinking light on the top of the tower, and think about 'far-away' lands and the people that lived in these lands.
Coming Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 - Formative Years & The Hannings Move to Pearland.
Hope to see you here!
My Dear Readers this is the story of my life. I share it with great hesitancy and trepidation. However, I am at a point… in my life and in my campaign Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund[1] where my comfort cannot be an issue. I simply must PREVAIL! I must garner the support and DONATIONS to continue my life. This story will continue… for the weeks and months to come.
Thank YOU!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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[…] The Story of Daniel – Redux – Episode One – The Beginning : “The Cub Scouts taught me the importance of; self reliance, respect of elders and community, and that knowledge is power. At the same time that I was learning these lessons in Scouts, I was learning even more in my Father’s garage. My father was an X-Ray technician for three orthopedic surgeons in the Herman Professional Building in Houston. They were the ‘Herman Associates’ group. Dr.(s); Hutcherson, Moore and Baker. When my father came home from work, he had dinner with the family only to then go to work in our garage. My father ran a small business out of our garage. We were the owners and operators of ‘K. & M. Electronics’ (Ken and Margie). My father repaired; radios, televisions, clocks and record players, HAM radios and transmitters, teletype machines and pretty much everything if he could get the schematics.” This is the beginning of my story. The formative years of my life, and how my father’s work and profession had a lasting impact on my life and career choices. I have included this part of the story… for one reason. I wanted people to know, to understand, that I was/am a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout. That lots of people have trusted me all my life, and that they too could trust me. Turst! I was trying to instill trust for me in my readers. Trust that if they donated money. That I would USE that money as I explained and as it was intended! […]