Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe and a special article. As most of you, My Dear Readers, are familiar I am running an Indiegogo campaign (Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo) to help me with the mounting costs of; treatment, transportation, medications, and In-Home Care. To motivate potential contributors I have created several ‘Perks’ within the campaign. One, and the least expensive, is the $20 ‘Perk’ ‘The Other Shoe Newsletter’. This entitles anyone that donates $20 (or more up to $40, which is the benchmark for the next ‘Perk’ up the ladder) to One Month FREE copies of The Other Shoe hardcopy Newsletter. Mailed to them, at the address they provide, will be FOUR issues of the newly designed and founded ‘The Other Shoe’ Newsletter!
This is a One-Page (Two sided) Newsletter that provides and overview and excerpts from the given week’s publications at the (two) blogs ‘The Other Shoe’ (at www.theothershoe.blog.com AND @ www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com ). I generally wait and will mail out and FOUR newsletters at the same time. However, for the ONE person that has taken the ‘Perk’ I have mailed out two and have two left to send to him. EVEN BETTER?!?!?
Just NOW at Midnight Pacific Time Tuesday September 23, 2014 I received a $40 donation! Now, they have picked the next-level-up ‘Perk’ called the Multi-SOCIAL-Media Shout-Out!. This entails anyone with a contribution of $40 or more to;
“YOUR NAME (ONLY with YOUR permission) mentioned in a posting on; BOTH my Blogs, Facebook for-Danny Hanning, The Other Shoe, and Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund PLUS on BOTH my Twitter Feeds and On a WEB CAST on Youtube!”
I thought up this ‘Perk’ about two weeks ago, in hopes that people would like seeing their name; on my blogs, mentioned on my FOUR Facebook accounts, One my Twitter feed, and in a VIDEO on my Youtube Channel[1].
Just NOW @ 12:12AM Pacific Time 9/23/2014 I Tweeted
“DCTF JUST NOW Rcvd a $40 DONATION from Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’. So “THANK YOU Sherri Mikeska” ‘The-Solitary-One’ for your GENEROUS DONATION! THANKS!”
Thus completing ONE portion of my commitment of the ‘Perk’ the “Multi-SOCIAL-Media ‘Shout-Out’ ‘Perk’ at Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo. This article, once published at BOTH blog locations will complete ‘Stage TWO’ of my commitment for the ‘Perk’. Within the next hour I will record, edit, upload, and publish the ‘Thank YOU Video’ for ‘The-Solitary-One’. Thus completing ‘Stage Three’ of the ‘PERK’.
The final Stage Four is the announcement on the Indiegogo campaign Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo. As of 12:20AM PST I had noted in both the ‘Updates’ section of the campaign web site and the ‘Comment’s portion of the campaign web site my Thanks to Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’ for their $40 donation and picking my personally created ‘Perk’ the “Multi-SOCIAL-Media Shout-Out!”
Therefore, just as soon as I can remember my login for my second Twitter account I will log in and say “Thank you Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The Solitary-One’ for your $40 DONATION to DCTF @ Indiegogo!” That will be the fifth and FINAL ‘Stage Five’ of completing my commitment for the ‘Perk’. Now, let me make one thing perfectly clear!
Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’ I would like to say “Thank YOU Sherri Mikeska!” for; your donation, your time, your kindness, your generosity… AND for picking the “Multi-SOCIAL-Media ‘Shout-Out’!” as it was the ‘Perk’ that I created all by myself! I have been waiting for someone to pick this ‘Perk’ so I could do this… procedure. I really hope that you Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’ sees ALL of these ‘Shout-Outs’! Now, I did see the ‘RL’ name of the person that made the donation. Well, the first name. However, since I DID NOT receive; an email, an Indiegogo PM, or any correspondence giving me permission to use the contributors Real Life name? I DID NOT reveal even the first name that I have record.
Since this is the very first of this ‘Perk’? Sherri Mikeska aka‘The-Solitary-One’ IF you do want me to use your whole RL name, please submit your whole name via Indiegogo PM and I WILL add it to all the blogs, and Facebook. I WANT TO BE FAIR! As well, I want the people who DOANTE and request ‘Perks’ to feel SATISFIED with the provided ‘Perk’ they choose.
Again, In closing I would like top express my deep and heartfelt “Thanks!” to Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’ for contributing $40 to my Cancer Treatment Campaign, and “Thanks!’ for picking this ‘Perk’. I had a blast!
Thank YOU!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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