Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Welcome to another edition of ‘The Mars Report’ and some pretty incredible images, and science, from the surface of Mars. Over the past couple of week Curiosity has given me more than enough images to power this edition of this storied franchise. I must admit, My Dear Readers, that it is ‘Good’ to be ‘Back in the Saddle, Again’! Back in the saddle writing the articles that I enjoy, and back in the saddle of publishing on a regular basis.
Our very first image, for this edition of ‘The Mars Report’, is (again) a map showing the current location of Curiosity. The image, below, was taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter high above the Martian surface. As I have told you, My Dear Readers, I will do my very best to give you the current location of the Martian rover Curiosity in every edition of ‘The Mars Report’.
(Image, below, thanks to NASA/JPL[1])
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(Planned Route of Curiosity Rover)
My Goodness, My Dear Readers, how far we have come since our arrival at ‘Bradbury Landing’ a little over two years ago! With each passing week, Curiosity inches closer and closer to the ultimate goal, Mount Sharp! Over the next several weeks Curiosity will be transitioning through many different types of rocks, and formations. Our next image, below, My Dear Readers is a graphic showing all the different geologic transitions we can expect.
(Image below thanks to NASA/JPL[2])
[caption id="attachment_3587" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Map of Lower Mount Sharp – Geologic Transitions)
So, “Where are we headed, Daniel?” you, My Dear Readers, may well ask. That is easy for me to explain. Curiosity has plotted a direct course to the ‘Murray Formation’ just to the south of the ‘Murray Buttes’ near the foothills of Mount Sharp. However, before we get to more maps and geologic formations and the like? My Dear Readers, I would like to share some of the science, discovered by Curiosity, from an old friend… ‘Bonanza King’!
(Image thanks to NASA/JPL[3])
[caption id="attachment_3583" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(A Bonanza of Clues About Mars – ‘Bonanza King’)
During my last edition of ‘The Mars report’ I explained that NASA/JPL had judged the rock ‘Bonanza King’ “unsuitable for drilling’. This left uis, in that edition, with little else to discuss about ‘Bonanza King’. However, since last we met, NASA/JPL made the decision to use the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) instrument (onboard Curiosity) to scan ‘Bonanza King’ and another rock dubbed ‘Wildrose’. The image below is the output of the spectrometer, the readings, showing high concentrations of… … … silicone! Yes! That wondrous mineral that all electronics on Earth have in common, and for which there is a huge demand.
(Image Thanks to NASA/JPL[4])
[caption id="attachment_3588" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(‘Bonanza King’ and ‘Wildrose’ high in Silicone!)
I am just spitballing here, but this is one of the most important and historic scientific findings since we have started our robotic adventures to the Martian surface. If there are large amounts of, deposits and/or veins of, silicone on the Martian surface? Would that not give Earth bound businesses a ‘Good Reason’ to start long term projections of sending manned missions to, and evaluate the mining and processing of Silicone? I know… it is a fanciful idea, but what do you expect from a fiction writer? J
(Image thanks to NASA/JPL[5])
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(Geologic Transition)
It can clearly be seen, in the image above, and it is even more apparent in the upcoming image. Banding! In these two images, taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera onboard the Martian Orbiter, we can clearly see distinct bands. Bands of changing brightness, and darkness, light and dark, light and dark. What this means is not yet clear, to NASA/JPL or to any of us. Curiosity is headed in this general direction, and it is the hopes of the team that we will discover the origin of this ‘banding’ in the rock formations. Below is another image, again taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera onboard the Martian Orbiter, showing the reoccurring banding in the Martian surface.
(Image thanks to NASA/JPL[6])
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(Bands in the Murray Formation)
Our next, and final, image in this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ shows Curiosity’s path all the way from Kimberly Point to the foothills of Mount Sharp. Of all the map images, I think this one gives us the very best impression of the journey to come, the types of rocks and formations we will see along the way and a Bird’s Eye View of the Martian trek in store. This edition has been a little different. In that we have been looking down from space a lot more than previous editions. My Dear Readers, I take the images that NASA/JPL has available, fort he given week, and I spin a story around the images and the science. I hope that you, My Dear Readers, have enjoyed this week’s story… this week’s images… and this week’s edition of ‘The Mars Report’!
(Image Thanks to NASA/JPL[7])
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(Slopes of Mount Sharp)
That, My Dear Readers, brings us to the very end of this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ here at The Other Shoe. In closing, I would like to ask your indulgence for just a moment. For the past three weeks I have worked, diligently, to; provide enjoyable, informative and entertaining content, document the nature of my disease, provide good and sound reasoning for you, My Dear Readers, to bless me with your donations. I have worked… tried… begged… and conjoule to the very best of my ability. There is precious little time left for me to gather donations to help differ the costs of; my treatment, a caregiver helping me, increased transportation costs (I do NOT have a vehicle of my won), and any and all other associated costs of facing my cancer head on!
For whatever reason more people have chosen not to help… rather than TO help. Through the grapevine I had been told… that there may be person or persons… trying to influence people to not contribute. If that is the case, and I am not saying that it is, PLEASE My Dear Readers… do not be swayed by embittered voices of discord and division. I am NOT capable of shouldering the burden of these costs… alone. Already, this month, Allen and I have lost well over $300 of income! Due to necessity of Allen being my one and only caregiver and I must have him there to help me; get into and out of mass transit, get into and out of my power chair, get into and out of doctor’s offices, get into and out of scanners, get into and out of gurneys. This is my life. I do not apologize for my disability.
Nor will I apologize for not having the means to battle this unpredicted (HOW does one ‘Plan’ for cancer?) catastrophic disease. Now, in closing, I again ask for YOUR support. It is as easy as clicking the link below… following it to my Indiegogo campaign… and making a DONATION. IT is more difficult to order a pizza!
PLEASE DONATE TO @ Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo.
Thank YOU!
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PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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[…] The Mars Report – September 15th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Welcome to another edition of ‘The Mars Report’ and some pretty incredible images, and science, from the surface of Mars. Over the past couple of week Curiosity has given me more than enough images to power this edition of this storied franchise. I must admit, My Dear Readers, that it is ‘Good’ to be ‘Back in the Saddle, Again’! Back in the saddle writing the articles that I enjoy, and back in the saddle of publishing on a regular basis.” After a more than a month hiatus, this storied franchise has made a generous return. With eight images and photos, this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ is not one to be missed. My Dear Readers, I made a promise… and even unto death, I am a man of my word. […]