Regardless, I am a man of my word. Now for a brief moment of candid honesty. My Dear Readers I am confused and dejected by the apparent lack of fiduciary support for my battle with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. For a time (a short time) I was genuinely depressed by the apparent lack of empathy and support for my engaging in battle with a deadly cancer. That has passed, for why would I allow myself to be effected in such a base negative fashion by what amounts to a callous disregard for one’s fellow man.
I, now, understand that this is not personal. I looked around the Indiegogo web site and, in just a matter of thirty minutes; I bore witness to untold levels of callous human indifference. Children, whose parents have started campaigns to help with the mounting costs of cancer, garnering only token support. CHILDREN WITH CANCER! This is not personal, this is endemic of our society. Of the overt avarice that is infected our zeitgeist, and permeated even our base relationships.
For if, in fact, we cannot depend on relationships forged in the cauldrons of youth and adolescence then what, pray tell, are we?
My campaign (Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo) will and does continue for another ten days. There is nothing I can do; to stop the humiliating continuation, halt the embarrassment that is the failure of faith, or negate the confusion and frustration which is every day. However, each and every day I just remember this:
“The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience.”[1] Pope Francis – 11/24/13
That quotation, alone, brings solace to my aching heart, mind and soul. The words of Pope Francis have helped me to understand the underlying avarice, that is to blame, for the shortcoming that is my campaign to garner support in my battle with Cancer.
And now, without further adieu, I give you ‘A Week in Review’!
- Sunday Funnies – September 14th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. My love for Alex knows no bounds. Alex’s love for me, knows no bounds. So long as I am alive Alexander R Hanning will live a blessed life. He will want for nothing and spend his days; eating, playing, and sleeping beside his Daddy. He is a wonderful young rat, and his time with me has been special.” Alex is such a beautiful and wondrous animal, a gift to my family and now… to the world! Alex and I just love sharing our antics, together, and… in time, will continue. Alexander is beside himself. He loves his Daddy Daniel, so very much and to see him suffer, gives him paws.
- The Mars Report – September 15th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Welcome to another edition of ‘The Mars Report’ and some pretty incredible images, and science, from the surface of Mars. Over the past couple of week Curiosity has given me more than enough images to power this edition of this storied franchise. I must admit, My Dear Readers, that it is ‘Good’ to be ‘Back in the Saddle, Again’! Back in the saddle writing the articles that I enjoy, and back in the saddle of publishing on a regular basis.” After a more than a month hiatus, this storied franchise has made a generous return. With eight images and photos, this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ is not one to be missed. My Dear Readers, I made a promise… and even unto death, I am a man of my word.
- Lost In Space – Solar System Tour – Jupiter : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As another week has passed I bring to you, My Dear Readers, another edition of ‘Lost In Space’. This week I bring to you, out of our ‘Solar System Tour’ series, the behemoth of Sol Jupiter! The single largest planet in our solar system, with a surface area of just under twenty-four BILLION square miles, a mass that is nearly 320 times Earth’s, a radius of 43,441 miles, and an orbital period of twelve years![1] Jupiter is the first of the Jovian ‘Gas Giants’ and lies just beyond the asteroid belt separating the terrestrial planets from these Jovian ‘Gas Giants’.” Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. What better subject to end this series ‘Tour of our Solar System’ of the mainstay of The Other Shoe, ‘Lost in Space’. Next week I will publish a review of the complete series, then we will return to the weekly series as it originated. Yes, I will return to sharing several incredible images of far-flung galaxies and nebula as seen by the ‘Hubble Space Telescope’.
- Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo Video #5 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today we reached Twelve Days LEFT to Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo. Over the past THRITY-TWO DAYS I have; written as much and as often as I am physically able, published on a regular basis, refrained from publishing or writing ANYTHING political in nature, PUSHED myself harder than I have in YEARS to gain your TRUST. I have kept everyone apprised of my medical appointments to the extent that I have openly published notes from; TWO appointments with my oncologist, P.E.T. scan, C.T. Scan AND blood tests!” Written, My Dear Readers, during the (self-described) “short period” of depression, prior to my reflection on the words of Pope Francis that brought clarity. It is a very short video, totaling just over two minuets. I hope that some people took the 2 mins out of their lives to watch, and listen.
- The Horror in Smithville – Part 14-B-2 : ““Yes, Truman… I remember you! You are the English and Drama teacher at the Middle School, correct? You say you are holding the boy that beat up Timmy Marref? OK... I understand. No, you are right you shouldn’t be holding be holding a murderer there at the Middle School! I am the only one here, right now. Sheriff Daniels is out on a call, all that is left is Linda, our dispatcher, and me! I really shouldn’t be leaving Linda here alone… but I don’t see as I have a choice, right now. You are right. You don’t have the ability to hold a violent criminal, and we need to get him… locked up BEFORE this snowstorm hits Smithville! Truman, just hold on to him for another 10 to 15 minuets. I am leaving NOW! I will get there as quickly as I can to pick up the offender… just keep him locked up, and I will be right there…”” TIMMY IS DEAD! Barry Gartuska is a MURDERER? What has transpired, on ‘The Horror in Smithville’, since you last read? Only way you will find out, for sure? READ and BE entertained!
With that, My Dear Readers, we come to the end of this week’s ‘A Week in Review’. I do genuinely hope that people have enjoyed my works, and my words. I do not write out of vanity nor do I publish in the pursuit of fame or awards. I write to entertain and inform. Period. I am glad for the readers I have, I enjoy sharing and writing and publishing for their entertainment, alone.
Throughout the majority of the year, there are no advertisements here at The Other Shoe. I pay a yearly fee so that they are removed. I do this as a courtesy to you, My Dear Readers. Until I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma I had no intention of running an Indiegogo campaign. This year, 2014, was to be ‘Campaign Free’… but life intervened and I was forced to either ask for your support… or face a life with cancer without much needed treatment. I made my choice, and I will stand by this choice.
I do not know if I will publish… as much… at all, next week. I hope that I feel up to writing and publishing. I still have over twenty pages, yet unpublished, of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. I would be happy to edit and publish them, next week. Right now… I just do not know. What happens… tomorrow… what transpires will have impact on my decision, and my actions.
In closing, I will take a moment to ask for your support. If you take a few moments, at the Indiegogo campaign web site, and read the doctor’s reports, test results, post operative reports, and BIOPSY reports… it will become abundantly clear that I (in fact) do have cancer. My Dear Readers, I would very much like to battle this bodily invader! However, as I have stated time and again, I need your support!
One moment… just a ‘look’… and consider, PLEASE?
Thank YOU!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!
Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo
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